/* * This file is the collected implementation of libdyn.a, the C * Dynamic Object library. It contains everything. * * There are no restrictions on this code; however, if you make any * changes, I request that you document them so that I do not get * credit or blame for your modifications. * * Written by Barr3y Jaspan, Student Information Processing Board (SIPB) * and MIT-Project Athena, 1989. * * 2002-07-17 Collected full implementation into one source file for * easy inclusion into the one library still dependent on * libdyn. Assume memmove. Old ChangeLog appended. */ #include #include #include #include "dynP.h" #define HAVE_MEMMOVE 1 /* old dyn_append.c */ /* * This file is part of libdyn.a, the C Dynamic Object library. It * contains the source code for the function DynAppend(). */ /* * Made obsolete by DynInsert, now just a convenience function. */ int DynAppend(obj, els, num) DynObjectP obj; DynPtr els; int num; { return DynInsert(obj, DynSize(obj), els, num); } /* old dyn_create.c */ /* * This file is part of libdyn.a, the C Dynamic Object library. It * contains the source code for the functions DynCreate() and * DynDestroy(). */ #ifndef DEFAULT_INC #define DEFAULT_INC 100 #endif static int default_increment = DEFAULT_INC; DynObjectP DynCreate(el_size, inc) int el_size, inc; { DynObjectP obj; obj = (DynObjectP) malloc(sizeof(DynObjectRecP)); if (obj == NULL) return NULL; obj->array = (DynPtr) malloc(1); if (obj->array == NULL) { free(obj); return NULL; } obj->array[0] = '\0'; obj->el_size = el_size; obj->num_el = obj->size = 0; obj->debug = obj->paranoid = 0; obj->inc = (inc) ? inc : default_increment; obj->initzero = 0; return obj; } DynObjectP DynCopy(obj) DynObjectP obj; { DynObjectP obj1; obj1 = (DynObjectP) malloc(sizeof(DynObjectRecP)); if (obj1 == NULL) return NULL; obj1->el_size = obj->el_size; obj1->num_el = obj->num_el; obj1->size = obj->size; obj1->inc = obj->inc; obj1->debug = obj->debug; obj1->paranoid = obj->paranoid; obj1->initzero = obj->initzero; obj1->array = (char *) malloc((size_t) (obj1->el_size * obj1->size)); if (obj1->array == NULL) { free(obj1); return NULL; } memcpy(obj1->array, obj->array, (size_t) (obj1->el_size * obj1->size)); return obj1; } int DynDestroy(obj) /*@only@*/DynObjectP obj; { if (obj->paranoid) { if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: destroy: zeroing %d bytes from %p.\n", obj->el_size * obj->size, obj->array); memset(obj->array, 0, (size_t) (obj->el_size * obj->size)); } free(obj->array); free(obj); return DYN_OK; } int DynRelease(obj) DynObjectP obj; { if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: release: freeing object structure.\n"); free(obj); return DYN_OK; } /* old dyn_debug.c */ /* * This file is part of libdyn.a, the C Dynamic Object library. It * contains the source code for the function DynDebug(). */ int DynDebug(obj, state) DynObjectP obj; int state; { obj->debug = state; fprintf(stderr, "dyn: debug: Debug state set to %d.\n", state); return DYN_OK; } /* old dyn_delete.c */ /* * This file is part of libdyn.a, the C Dynamic Object library. It * contains the source code for the function DynDelete(). */ /* * Checkers! Get away from that "hard disk erase" button! * (Stupid dog. He almost did it to me again ...) */ int DynDelete(obj, idx) DynObjectP obj; int idx; { if (idx < 0) { if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: delete: bad index %d\n", idx); return DYN_BADINDEX; } if (idx >= obj->num_el) { if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: delete: Highest index is %d.\n", obj->num_el); return DYN_BADINDEX; } if (idx == obj->num_el-1) { if (obj->paranoid) { if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: delete: last element, zeroing.\n"); memset(obj->array + idx*obj->el_size, 0, (size_t) obj->el_size); } else { if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: delete: last element, punting.\n"); } } else { if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: delete: copying %d bytes from %p + %d to + %d.\n", obj->el_size*(obj->num_el - idx), obj->array, (idx+1)*obj->el_size, idx*obj->el_size); #ifdef HAVE_MEMMOVE memmove(obj->array + idx*obj->el_size, obj->array + (idx+1)*obj->el_size, (size_t) obj->el_size*(obj->num_el - idx)); #else bcopy(obj->array + (idx+1)*obj->el_size, obj->array + idx*obj->el_size, obj->el_size*(obj->num_el - idx)); #endif if (obj->paranoid) { if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: delete: zeroing %d bytes from %p + %d\n", obj->el_size, obj->array, obj->el_size*(obj->num_el - 1)); memset(obj->array + obj->el_size*(obj->num_el - 1), 0, (size_t) obj->el_size); } } --obj->num_el; if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: delete: done.\n"); return DYN_OK; } /* old dyn_initzero.c */ /* * This file is part of libdyn.a, the C Dynamic Object library. It * contains the source code for the function DynInitZero(). */ int DynInitzero(obj, state) DynObjectP obj; int state; { obj->initzero = state; if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: initzero: initzero set to %d.\n", state); return DYN_OK; } /* old dyn_insert.c */ /* * This file is part of libdyn.a, the C Dynamic Object library. It * contains the source code for the function DynInsert(). */ int DynInsert(obj, idx, els_in, num) DynObjectP obj; void *els_in; int idx, num; { DynPtr els = (DynPtr) els_in; int ret; if (idx < 0 || idx > obj->num_el) { if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: insert: index %d is not in [0,%d]\n", idx, obj->num_el); return DYN_BADINDEX; } if (num < 1) { if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: insert: cannot insert %d elements\n", num); return DYN_BADVALUE; } if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr,"dyn: insert: Moving %d bytes from %p + %d to + %d\n", (obj->num_el-idx)*obj->el_size, obj->array, obj->el_size*idx, obj->el_size*(idx+num)); if ((ret = _DynResize(obj, obj->num_el + num)) != DYN_OK) return ret; #ifdef HAVE_MEMMOVE memmove(obj->array + obj->el_size*(idx + num), obj->array + obj->el_size*idx, (size_t) ((obj->num_el-idx)*obj->el_size)); #else bcopy(obj->array + obj->el_size*idx, obj->array + obj->el_size*(idx + num), (obj->num_el-idx)*obj->el_size); #endif if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: insert: Copying %d bytes from %p to %p + %d\n", obj->el_size*num, els, obj->array, obj->el_size*idx); #ifdef HAVE_MEMMOVE memmove(obj->array + obj->el_size*idx, els, (size_t) (obj->el_size*num)); #else bcopy(els, obj->array + obj->el_size*idx, obj->el_size*num); #endif obj->num_el += num; if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: insert: done.\n"); return DYN_OK; } /* old dyn_paranoid.c */ /* * This file is part of libdyn.a, the C Dynamic Object library. It * contains the source code for the function DynDebug(). */ int DynParanoid(obj, state) DynObjectP obj; int state; { obj->paranoid = state; if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: paranoid: Paranoia set to %d.\n", state); return DYN_OK; } /* old dyn_put.c */ /* * This file is part of libdyn.a, the C Dynamic Object library. It * contains the source code for the functions DynGet() and DynAdd(). */ DynPtr DynArray(obj) DynObjectP obj; { if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: array: returning array pointer %p.\n", obj->array); return obj->array; } DynPtr DynGet(obj, num) DynObjectP obj; int num; { if (num < 0) { if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: get: bad index %d\n", num); return NULL; } if (num >= obj->num_el) { if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: get: highest element is %d.\n", obj->num_el); return NULL; } if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: get: Returning address %p + %d.\n", obj->array, obj->el_size*num); return (DynPtr) obj->array + obj->el_size*num; } int DynAdd(obj, el) DynObjectP obj; void *el; { int ret; ret = DynPut(obj, el, obj->num_el); if (ret != DYN_OK) return ret; ++obj->num_el; return ret; } /* * WARNING! There is a reason this function is not documented in the * man page. If DynPut used to mutate already existing elements, * everything will go fine. If it is used to add new elements * directly, however, the state within the object (such as * obj->num_el) will not be updated properly and many other functions * in the library will lose. Have a nice day. */ int DynPut(obj, el_in, idx) DynObjectP obj; void *el_in; int idx; { DynPtr el = (DynPtr) el_in; int ret; if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: put: Writing %d bytes from %p to %p + %d\n", obj->el_size, el, obj->array, idx*obj->el_size); if ((ret = _DynResize(obj, idx)) != DYN_OK) return ret; #ifdef HAVE_MEMMOVE memmove(obj->array + idx*obj->el_size, el, (size_t) obj->el_size); #else bcopy(el, obj->array + idx*obj->el_size, obj->el_size); #endif if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: put: done.\n"); return DYN_OK; } /* old dyn_realloc.c */ /* * This file is part of libdyn.a, the C Dynamic Object library. It * contains the source code for the internal function _DynRealloc(). */ /* * Resize the array so that element req exists. */ int _DynResize(obj, req) DynObjectP obj; int req; { int size; if (obj->size > req) return DYN_OK; else if (obj->inc > 0) return _DynRealloc(obj, (req - obj->size) / obj->inc + 1); else { if (obj->size == 0) size = -obj->inc; else size = obj->size; /*@-shiftsigned@*/ while (size <= req) size <<= 1; /*@=shiftsigned@*/ return _DynRealloc(obj, size); } } /* * Resize the array by num_incs units. If obj->inc is positive, this * means make it obj->inc*num_incs elements larger. If obj->inc is * negative, this means make the array num_incs elements long. * * Ideally, this function should not be called from outside the * library. However, nothing will break if it is. */ int _DynRealloc(obj, num_incs) DynObjectP obj; int num_incs; { DynPtr temp; int new_size_in_bytes; if (obj->inc > 0) new_size_in_bytes = obj->el_size*(obj->size + obj->inc*num_incs); else new_size_in_bytes = obj->el_size*num_incs; if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: alloc: Increasing object by %d bytes (%d incs).\n", new_size_in_bytes - obj->el_size*obj->size, num_incs); temp = (DynPtr) realloc(obj->array, (size_t) new_size_in_bytes); if (temp == NULL) { if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: alloc: Out of memory.\n"); return DYN_NOMEM; } else { obj->array = temp; if (obj->inc > 0) obj->size += obj->inc*num_incs; else obj->size = num_incs; } if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: alloc: done.\n"); return DYN_OK; } /* old dyn_size.c */ /* * This file is part of libdyn.a, the C Dynamic Object library. It * contains the source code for the function DynSize(). */ int DynSize(obj) DynObjectP obj; { if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: size: returning size %d.\n", obj->num_el); return obj->num_el; } int DynCapacity(obj) DynObjectP obj; { if (obj->debug) fprintf(stderr, "dyn: capacity: returning cap of %d.\n", obj->size); return obj->size; } /* Old change log, as it relates to source code; build system stuff discarded. 2001-10-09 Ken Raeburn * dyn.h, dynP.h: Make prototypes unconditional. Don't define P(). 2001-04-25 Ezra Peisach * dyn.h: Lclint annotate functions. * dyn_create.c (DynCreate): Do not assume that malloc(0) is valid and returns a valid pointer. Fix memory leak if malloc fails. * dyn_realloc.c (_DynResize): Turn off warning of shifting a signed variable. Thu Nov 9 15:31:31 2000 Ezra Peisach * dyn_create.c (DynCopy): Arguments to memcpy were reversed. Found while playing with lclint. 2000-11-09 Ezra Peisach * dyn_create.c, dyn_delete.c, dyn_insert.c, dyn_put.c, dyn_realloc.c: Cast arguments to malloc(), realloc(), memmove() to size_t. * dynP.h: Provide full prototypes for _DynRealloc() and _DynResize(). * dyn.h: Add prototype for DynAppend. 2000-06-29 Ezra Peisach * dyn_insert.c, dyn_put.c: Include string.h for memmove prototype. 2000-06-28 Ezra Peisach * dyn_create.c, dyn_delete.c, dyn_insert.c, dyn_put.c: Use %p format for displaying pointers. 2000-06-26 Ezra Peisach * dyn_realloc.c: Remove unused variable. Sat Dec 6 22:50:03 1997 Ezra Peisach * dyn_delete.c: Include Mon Jul 22 21:37:52 1996 Ezra Peisach * dyn.h: If __STDC__ is not defined, generate prototypes implying functions and not variables. Mon Jul 22 04:20:48 1996 Marc Horowitz * dyn_insert.c (DynInsert): what used to be #ifdef POSIX, should be #ifdef HAVE_MEMMOVE */