/* * g_tkt_svc.c * * Gets a ticket for a service. Adopted from KClient. */ #include #include "krb.h" #include "port-sockets.h" /* FIXME -- this should probably be calling mk_auth nowadays. */ #define KRB_SENDAUTH_VERS "AUTHV0.1" /* MUST be KRB_SENDAUTH_VLEN chars */ static int ParseFullName(name, instance, realm, fname) char *name; char *instance; char *realm; char *fname; { int err; if (!*fname) return KNAME_FMT; /* null names are not OK */ *instance = '\0'; err = kname_parse(name,instance,realm,fname); if (err) return err; if (!*name) return KNAME_FMT; /* null names are not OK */ if (!*realm) { if ((err = krb_get_lrealm (realm, 1))) return err; if (!*realm) return KNAME_FMT; /* FIXME -- should give better error */ } return KSUCCESS; } static void CopyTicket(dest, src, numBytes, version, includeVersion) char *dest; KTEXT src; unsigned long *numBytes; char *version; int includeVersion; { unsigned long tkt_len; unsigned long nbytes = 0; /* first put version info into the buffer */ if (includeVersion) { (void) strncpy(dest, KRB_SENDAUTH_VERS, KRB_SENDAUTH_VLEN); (void) strncpy(dest+KRB_SENDAUTH_VLEN, version, KRB_SENDAUTH_VLEN); nbytes = 2*KRB_SENDAUTH_VLEN; } /* put ticket length into buffer */ tkt_len = htonl((unsigned long) src->length); (void) memcpy((char *)(dest+nbytes), (char *) &tkt_len, sizeof(tkt_len)); nbytes += sizeof(tkt_len); /* put ticket into buffer */ (void) memcpy ((char *)(dest+nbytes), (char *) src->dat, src->length); nbytes += src->length; *numBytes = nbytes; } static int CredIsExpired( cr ) CREDENTIALS *cr; { KRB4_32 now; /* This routine is for use with clients only in order to determine if a credential is still good. Note: twice CLOCK_SKEW was added to age of ticket so that we could be more sure that the ticket was good. FIXME: I think this is a bug -- should use the same algorithm everywhere to determine ticket expiration. */ now = TIME_GMT_UNIXSEC; return now + 2 * CLOCK_SKEW > krb_life_to_time(cr->issue_date, cr->lifetime); } /* * Gets a ticket and returns it to application in buf -> service Formal Kerberos name of service -> buf Buffer to receive ticket -> checksum checksum for this service <-> buflen length of ticket buffer (must be at least 1258 bytes) <- sessionKey for internal use <- schedule for internal use * Result is: * GC_NOTKT if there is no matching TGT in the cache * MK_AP_TGTEXP if the matching TGT is expired * Other errors possible. These could cause a dialogue with the user * to get a new TGT. */ int KRB5_CALLCONV krb_get_ticket_for_service (serviceName, buf, buflen, checksum, sessionKey, schedule, version, includeVersion) char *serviceName; char *buf; unsigned KRB4_32 *buflen; int checksum; des_cblock sessionKey; Key_schedule schedule; char *version; int includeVersion; { char service[SNAME_SZ]; char instance[INST_SZ]; char realm[REALM_SZ]; int err; char lrealm[REALM_SZ]; CREDENTIALS cr; service[0] = '\0'; instance[0] = '\0'; realm[0] = '\0'; /* parse out service name */ err = ParseFullName(service, instance, realm, serviceName); if (err) return err; if ((err = krb_get_tf_realm(TKT_FILE, lrealm)) != KSUCCESS) return(err); /* Make sure we have an intial ticket for the user in this realm Check local realm, not realm for service since krb_mk_req will get additional krbtgt if necessary. This is so that inter-realm works without asking for a password twice. FIXME gnu - I think this is a bug. We should allow direct authentication to the desired realm, regardless of what the "local" realm is. I fixed it. FIXME -- not quite right. */ err = krb_get_cred (KRB_TICKET_GRANTING_TICKET, realm, lrealm, &cr); if (err) return err; err = CredIsExpired(&cr); if (err) return RD_AP_EXP; /* Expired ticket */ /* Get a ticket for the service */ err = krb_mk_req(&(cr.ticket_st),service,instance,realm,checksum); if (err) return err; CopyTicket(buf, &(cr.ticket_st), buflen, version, includeVersion); /* get the session key for later use in deciphering the server response */ err = krb_get_cred(service,instance,realm,&cr); if (err) return err; memcpy((char *)sessionKey, (char *)cr.session, sizeof(C_Block)); err = key_sched(sessionKey, schedule); if (err) return KFAILURE; /* Bad DES key for some reason (FIXME better error) */ else return KSUCCESS; }