/* * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ /* %#pragma ident "@(#)iprop.x 1.2 04/02/20 SMI" */ /* * Main source: * lib/kdb/iprop.x * * Generated files: * lib/kdb/iprop_xdr.c * include/iprop.h * slave/kpropd_rpc.c (clnt) * * Derived files: * kadmin/server/ipropd_svc.c */ #ifdef RPC_XDR %#include "iprop.h" #endif /* RPC_XDR */ /* * Initial declarations */ #ifndef RPC_HDR typedef short int16_t; typedef unsigned short uint16_t; typedef int int32_t; typedef unsigned int uint32_t; /*typedef hyper int64_t;*/ /*typedef unsigned hyper uint64_t;*/ #endif /* !RPC_HDR */ typedef opaque utf8str_t<>; /* * Transaction log serial no. */ typedef uint32_t kdb_sno_t; /* Timestamp */ struct kdbe_time_t { uint32_t seconds; uint32_t useconds; }; /* Key Data */ struct kdbe_key_t { int32_t k_ver; /* Version */ int32_t k_kvno; /* Key version no. */ int32_t k_enctype<>; utf8str_t k_contents<>; }; /* Content data */ struct kdbe_data_t { int32_t k_magic; utf8str_t k_data; }; /* Principal Data */ struct kdbe_princ_t { utf8str_t k_realm; kdbe_data_t k_components<>; int32_t k_nametype; }; /* TL data (pre-auth specific data) */ struct kdbe_tl_t { int16_t tl_type; opaque tl_data<>; }; /* Structure to store pwd history */ typedef kdbe_key_t kdbe_pw_hist_t<>; /* Basic KDB entry attributes */ enum kdbe_attr_type_t { AT_ATTRFLAGS = 0, AT_MAX_LIFE = 1, AT_MAX_RENEW_LIFE = 2, AT_EXP = 3, AT_PW_EXP = 4, AT_LAST_SUCCESS = 5, AT_LAST_FAILED = 6, AT_FAIL_AUTH_COUNT = 7, AT_PRINC = 8, AT_KEYDATA = 9, AT_TL_DATA = 10, AT_LEN = 11, AT_MOD_PRINC = 12, AT_MOD_TIME = 13, AT_MOD_WHERE = 14, AT_PW_LAST_CHANGE = 15, AT_PW_POLICY = 16, AT_PW_POLICY_SWITCH = 17, AT_PW_HIST_KVNO = 18, AT_PW_HIST = 19 }; /* KDB entry, Attribute=value */ union kdbe_val_t switch (kdbe_attr_type_t av_type) { case AT_ATTRFLAGS: uint32_t av_attrflags; case AT_MAX_LIFE: uint32_t av_max_life; case AT_MAX_RENEW_LIFE: uint32_t av_max_renew_life; case AT_EXP: uint32_t av_exp; case AT_PW_EXP: uint32_t av_pw_exp; case AT_LAST_SUCCESS: uint32_t av_last_success; case AT_LAST_FAILED: uint32_t av_last_failed; case AT_FAIL_AUTH_COUNT: uint32_t av_fail_auth_count; case AT_PRINC: kdbe_princ_t av_princ; case AT_KEYDATA: kdbe_key_t av_keydata<>; /* array of keys */ case AT_TL_DATA: kdbe_tl_t av_tldata<>; /* array of TL data */ case AT_LEN: int16_t av_len; case AT_PW_LAST_CHANGE: uint32_t av_pw_last_change; case AT_MOD_PRINC: kdbe_princ_t av_mod_princ; case AT_MOD_TIME: uint32_t av_mod_time; case AT_MOD_WHERE: utf8str_t av_mod_where; case AT_PW_POLICY: utf8str_t av_pw_policy; case AT_PW_POLICY_SWITCH: bool av_pw_policy_switch; case AT_PW_HIST_KVNO: uint32_t av_pw_hist_kvno; case AT_PW_HIST: kdbe_pw_hist_t av_pw_hist<>; /* array of pw history */ default: opaque av_extension<>; /* futures */ }; typedef kdbe_val_t kdbe_t<>; /* Array of attr/val makes a KDB entry */ /* * Incremental update */ struct kdb_incr_update_t { utf8str_t kdb_princ_name; /* Principal name */ kdb_sno_t kdb_entry_sno; /* Serial # of entry */ kdbe_time_t kdb_time; /* Timestamp of update */ kdbe_t kdb_update; /* Attributes modified */ bool kdb_deleted; /* Is this update a DELETION ? */ bool kdb_commit; /* Is the entry committed or not ? */ utf8str_t kdb_kdcs_seen_by<>; /* Names of slaves that have */ /* seen this update - for */ /* future use */ opaque kdb_futures<>; /* futures */ }; /* * Update log body */ typedef kdb_incr_update_t kdb_ulog_t<>; enum update_status_t { UPDATE_OK = 0, UPDATE_ERROR = 1, UPDATE_FULL_RESYNC_NEEDED = 2, UPDATE_BUSY = 3, UPDATE_NIL = 4, UPDATE_PERM_DENIED = 5 }; struct kdb_last_t { kdb_sno_t last_sno; kdbe_time_t last_time; }; struct kdb_incr_result_t { kdb_last_t lastentry; kdb_ulog_t updates; update_status_t ret; }; struct kdb_fullresync_result_t { kdb_last_t lastentry; update_status_t ret; }; program KRB5_IPROP_PROG { version KRB5_IPROP_VERS { /* * NULL procedure */ void IPROP_NULL(void) = 0; /* * Keep waiting for and get next incremental update(s) * * Will return latest kdb_vers on the master (if different), * alongwith return value and affected db entries. */ kdb_incr_result_t IPROP_GET_UPDATES(kdb_last_t) = 1; /* * We need to do the full-resync of the db, since the * serial nos./timestamps are way out-of-whack */ kdb_fullresync_result_t IPROP_FULL_RESYNC(void) = 2; /* * Full resync with version marker */ kdb_fullresync_result_t IPROP_FULL_RESYNC_EXT(uint32_t) = 3; } = 1; } = 100423;