.\" $Source$ .\" $Author$ .\" $Id$ .\" Copyright 1990 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. .\" .\" For copying and distribution information, please see the file .\" . .\" .TH KINIT 1 "Kerberos Version 5.0" "MIT Project Athena" .SH NAME kinit \- obtain and cache Kerberos ticket-granting ticket .SH SYNOPSIS .B kinit [ .B \-l .I lifetime ] [ .B \-p ] [ .B \-r ] [ .B \-c .I cachename ] .I principal .br .SH DESCRIPTION .I kinit obtains and caches an initial ticket-granting ticket for .IR principal . The .B \-l option specifies the lifetime to be requested for the ticket; if this option is not specified, the default ticket lifetime (configured by each site) is used instead. .PP The .B \-p option specifies that the PROXIABLE option should be requested for the ticket. .PP The .B \-r option specifies that the RENEWABLE option should be requested for the ticket. .PP The .B \-c option can be used to specify an alternate credentials cache; if this option is not used, the default cache is used. Any contents of the cache are destroyed by .IR kinit . .PP The default credentials cache may vary between systems; however, if the .B KRB5CCNAME environment variable is set, its value is used to name the default ticket cache. .SH FILES .TP 2i /tmp/krb5cc_[uid] as the normal default credentials cache ([uid] is the decimal UID of the user). .SH SEE ALSO klist(1), kdestroy(1), krb5(3) .SH BUGS