.\" .\" clients/kvnol/kcpytkt.M .\" " .TH KCPYTKT 1 .SH NAME kcpytkt \- copies one or more service tickets between credentials caches .SH SYNOPSIS \fBkcpytkt\fP [\fB\-h\fP] [\fB\-c source_ccache\fP] [\fB\-e etype\fP] [\fB\-f flags\fP] \fBdest_ccache\fP \fBservice1\fP \fBservice2\fP \fB...\fP .br .SH DESCRIPTION .I kcpytkt copies the specified service tickets to the destination credentials cache .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-c specifies the source credentials cache from which service tickets will be. copied. if no ccache is specified, the default ccache is used. .TP .B \-e specifies the session key enctype of the service tickets you wish to delete. .TP .B \-h prints a usage statement and exits .SH ENVIRONMENT .B kcpytkt uses the following environment variable: .TP "\w'.SM KRB5CCNAME\ \ 'u" .SM KRB5CCNAME Location of the credentials (ticket) cache. .SH FILES .TP "\w'/tmp/krb5cc_[uid]\ \ 'u" /tmp/krb5cc_[uid] default location of the credentials cache ([uid] is the decimal UID of the user). .SH SEE ALSO kinit(1), kdestroy(1), krb5(3)