.. _kvno(1): kvno ==== SYNOPSIS -------- **kvno** [**-c** *ccache*] [**-e** *etype*] [**-q**] [**-h**] [**-P**] [**-S** *sname*] [**-U** *for_user*] *service1 service2* ... DESCRIPTION ----------- kvno acquires a service ticket for the specified Kerberos principals and prints out the key version numbers of each. OPTIONS ------- **-c** *ccache* Specifies the name of a credentials cache to use (if not the default) **-e** *etype* Specifies the enctype which will be requested for the session key of all the services named on the command line. This is useful in certain backward compatibility situations. **-q** Suppress printing output when successful. If a service ticket cannot be obtained, an error message will still be printed and kvno will exit with nonzero status. **-h** Prints a usage statement and exits. **-P** Specifies that the *service1 service2* ... arguments are to be treated as services for which credentials should be acquired using constrained delegation. This option is only valid when used in conjunction with protocol transition. **-S** *sname* Specifies that the *service1 service2* ... arguments are interpreted as hostnames, and the service principals are to be constructed from those hostnames and the service name *sname*. The service hostnames will be canonicalized according to the usual rules for constructing service principals. **-U** *for_user* Specifies that protocol transition (S4U2Self) is to be used to acquire a ticket on behalf of *for_user*. If constrained delegation is not requested, the service name must match the credentials cache client principal. ENVIRONMENT ----------- kvno uses the following environment variable: **KRB5CCNAME** Location of the credentials (ticket) cache. FILES ----- |ccache| Default location of the credentials cache SEE ALSO -------- :ref:`kinit(1)`, :ref:`kdestroy(1)`