''' Copyright 2011 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All Rights Reserved. Export of this software from the United States of America may require a specific license from the United States Government. It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating export to obtain such a license before exporting. WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. Furthermore if you modify this software you must label your software as modified software and not distribute it in such a fashion that it might be confused with the original M.I.T. software. M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. ''' import sys import os import re from lxml import etree from docmodel import * exclude_types = [ 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'KRB5_ATTR_DEPRECATED', 'KRB5_CALLCONV', 'KRB5_CALLCONV_C', 'KRB5_CALLCONV_WRONG', 'KRB5_GENERAL__', 'KRB5_KEYUSAGE_PA_REFERRAL', 'KRB5_OLD_CRYPTO', 'KRB5INT_BEGIN_DECLS', 'KRB5INT_END_DECLS', 'krb5_cc_ops', 'krb5_octet_data' ] class DoxyTypes(object): def __init__(self, xmlpath): self.xmlpath = xmlpath def run_compound(self, filename, include=None): path = '%s/%s' % (self.xmlpath,filename) tree = etree.parse(path) root = tree.getroot() brief_node = root.xpath('./compounddef/briefdescription')[0] brief_description = self._get_brief_description(brief_node) details_node = root.xpath('./compounddef/detaileddescription')[0] detailed_description = self._get_detailed_description(details_node) fields = list() for node in root.iterfind(".//memberdef[@kind]"): data = {} kind = node.attrib['kind'] if include is None or kind in include: if kind == 'variable': data = self._process_variable_node(node) else: pass fields.append(data) result = {'brief_description': brief_description, 'detailed_description': detailed_description, 'attributes': fields} return result def run(self, filename, include=None): """ Parses xml file generated by doxygen. @param filename: doxygen xml file name @param include: members sections to include, in None -- include all """ path = '%s/%s' % (self.xmlpath,filename) tree = etree.parse(path) root = tree.getroot() result = list() for node in root.iterfind(".//memberdef[@kind]"): data = {} kind = node.attrib['kind'] if include is None or kind in include: if kind == 'typedef': data = self._process_typedef_node(node) elif kind == 'variable': data = self._process_variable_node(node) elif kind == 'define': data = self._process_define_node(node) if 'name' in data and data['name'] in exclude_types: continue result.append(data) return result def _process_typedef_node(self, node): t_name = node.xpath('./name/text()')[0] t_Id = node.attrib['id'] t_definition = node.xpath('./definition/text()')[0] t_type = self._process_type_node(node.xpath("./type")[0]) brief_node = node.xpath('./briefdescription')[0] t_brief = self._get_brief_description(brief_node) details_node = node.xpath('./detaileddescription')[0] t_detailed = self._get_detailed_description(details_node) # remove macros t_definition = re.sub('KRB5_CALLCONV_C', '', t_definition) t_definition = re.sub('KRB5_CALLCONV', '', t_definition) t_definition = re.sub('\*', '\\*', t_definition) # handle fp if t_type[1].find('(') >= 0: t_type = (t_type[0],None) typedef_descr = {'category': 'composite', 'definition': t_definition, 'name': t_name, 'Id': t_Id, 'initializer': '', 'type': t_type[1], 'short_description': t_brief, 'long_description': t_detailed, 'attributes': list() } if t_type[0] is not None : filename = '%s.xml' % t_type[0] path = '%s/%s' % (self.xmlpath,filename) if not os.path.exists(path): # nothing can be done return typedef_descr compound_info = self.run_compound(filename) if compound_info is not None: brief_description = compound_info.get('brief_description') if brief_description is not None and len(brief_description): # override brief description typedef_descr['short_description'] = brief_description detailed_description = compound_info.get('detailed_description') if detailed_description is not None and len(detailed_description): # check if this is not a duplicate if detailed_description.find(t_detailed) < 0: typedef_descr['long_description'] = '%s\n%s' % \ (detailed_description, typedef_descr['long_description']) typedef_descr['attributes'] = compound_info['attributes'] return typedef_descr def _process_variable_node(self, node): v_name = node.xpath('./name/text()')[0] v_Id = node.attrib['id'] v_definition = node.xpath('./definition/text()')[0] v_type = self._process_type_node(node.xpath("./type")[0]) brief_node = node.xpath('./briefdescription')[0] v_brief = self._get_brief_description(brief_node) details_node = node.xpath('./detaileddescription')[0] detailed_description = self._get_detailed_description(details_node) # remove macros v_definition = re.sub('KRB5_CALLCONV_C', '', v_definition) v_definition = re.sub('KRB5_CALLCONV', '', v_definition) v_definition = re.sub('\*', '\\*', v_definition) variable_descr = {'category': 'variable', 'definition': v_definition, 'name': v_name, 'Id': v_Id, 'initializer': '', 'type': v_type[1], 'short_description': v_brief, 'long_description': detailed_description, 'attributes': list() } return variable_descr def _process_define_node(self, node): d_name = node.xpath('./name/text()')[0] d_initializer = '' d_type = '' d_signature = '' # Process param/defname node if len(node.xpath('./param/defname')) > 0: prm_str = '' prm_list = list() for p in node.xpath("./param"): x = self._process_paragraph_content(p) if x is not None and len(x): prm_list.append(x) if prm_list is not None: prm_str = prm_str.join(prm_list) d_signature = " %s (%s) " % (d_name , prm_str) d_signature = re.sub(', \)', ')', d_signature).strip() if len(node.xpath('./initializer')) > 0: len_ref = len(node.xpath('./initializer/ref')) if len(node.xpath('./initializer/ref')) > 0: d_type = self._process_type_node(node.xpath("./initializer/ref")[0]) if len(d_type) > 0: len_text = len(node.xpath('./initializer/text()')) if len_text == 0 and d_type[1]: d_initializer = d_type[1] if len_text > 0 and len(node.xpath('./initializer/text()')[0]) > 0: d_initializer = node.xpath('./initializer/text()')[0] + d_type[1] if len_text > 1: if node.xpath('./initializer/text()')[1] is not None: d_initializer = d_initializer + node.xpath('./initializer/text()')[1] else: d_initializer = node.xpath('./initializer/text()')[0] d_Id = node.attrib['id'] brief_node = node.xpath('./briefdescription')[0] d_brief = self._get_brief_description(brief_node) details_node = node.xpath('./detaileddescription')[0] detailed_description = self._get_detailed_description(details_node) # Condense multiline macros, stripping leading whitespace. d_initializer = re.sub(" *\\\\\n *", " ", d_initializer) define_descr = {'category': 'composite', 'definition': '', 'name': d_name, 'name_signature': d_signature, 'Id': d_Id, 'initializer': d_initializer, 'type': '', 'short_description': d_brief, 'long_description': detailed_description, 'attributes': list() } return define_descr def _get_brief_description(self, node): result = list() for p in node.xpath("./para"): x = self._process_paragraph_content(p) if x is not None and len(x): result.append(x) result = '\n'.join(result) return result def _get_detailed_description(self, node): """ Description node is comprised of ... sections. There are few types of these sections: a) Content section b) Return value section -- skip c) Parameter list section -- skip @param node: detailed description node """ result = list() for p in node.xpath("./para"): if len(p.xpath("./simplesect[@kind='return']")): continue elif len(p.xpath("./parameterlist[@kind='param']")): continue else: x = self._process_paragraph_content(p) result.append(x) result = '\n'.join(result) return result def _process_paragraph_content(self, node): result = list() content = node.xpath(".//text()") for e in content: if node is e.getparent(): result.append(e.strip()) elif e.getparent().tag == 'ref': if e.is_tail: result.append(e.strip()) elif e.strip().find('(') > 0: result.append(':c:func:`%s`' % e.strip()) elif e.isupper(): result.append(':c:data:`%s`' % e.strip()) else: result.append(':c:type:`%s`' % e.strip()) elif e.getparent().tag == 'emphasis': if e.is_tail: result.append(e.strip()) else: result.append('*%s*' % e.strip()) elif e.getparent().tag == 'computeroutput': if e.is_tail: result.append(e.strip()) else: result.append('*%s*' % e.strip()) elif e.getparent().tag == 'defname': result.append('%s, ' % e.strip()) elif e.getparent().tag == 'linebreak': result.append('\n*%s*\n' % e.strip()) result = ' '.join(result) return result def _process_type_node(self, node): """ Type node has form type_string for build in types and 'type_name' postfix (ex. *, **m, etc.) for user defined types. """ p_id = node.xpath("./ref/@refid") if len(p_id) == 1: p_id = p_id[0] elif len(p_id) == 0: p_id = None p_type = ' '.join(node.xpath(".//text()")) # remove macros p_type = re.sub('KRB5_CALLCONV_C', ' ', p_type) p_type = re.sub('KRB5_CALLCONV', ' ', p_type) return (p_id,p_type) def save(self, obj, templates, target_dir): template_path = templates[obj.category] outpath = '%s/%s.rst' % (target_dir,obj.name) obj.save(outpath, template_path) class DoxyBuilderTypes(DoxyTypes): def __init__(self, xmlpath, rstpath): self.templates = { 'composite': 'type_document.tmpl'} self.target_dir = rstpath super(DoxyBuilderTypes,self).__init__(xmlpath) def run_all(self): self.process_typedef_nodes() self.process_define_nodes() def test_run(self): filename = 'krb5_8hin.xml' self.run(filename) def process_variable_nodes(self): filename = 'struct__krb5__octet__data.xml' result = self.run(filename, include=['variable']) def process_typedef_nodes(self): # run parser for typedefs filename = 'krb5_8hin.xml' result = self.run(filename, include=['typedef']) target_dir = '%s/types' % (self.target_dir) if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.makedirs(target_dir, 0755) for t in result: obj = DocModel(**t) self.save(obj, self.templates, target_dir) def process_define_nodes(self): # run parser for define's filename = 'krb5_8hin.xml' result = self.run(filename, include=['define']) target_dir = '%s/macros' % (self.target_dir) if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.makedirs(target_dir, 0755) for t in result: obj = DocModel(**t) tmpl = {'composite': 'define_document.tmpl'} self.save(obj, tmpl, target_dir) if __name__ == '__main__': builder = DoxyBuilderTypes( xml_inpath, rst_outpath) builder.run_all()