/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Red Hat, Inc. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, see . */ #ifndef DCC_H_ # define DCC_H_ #include "red_worker.h" #include "pixmap-cache.h" #include "cache-item.h" #include "dcc-encoders.h" #include "stream.h" #include "display-limits.h" #define PALETTE_CACHE_HASH_SHIFT 8 #define PALETTE_CACHE_HASH_SIZE (1 << PALETTE_CACHE_HASH_SHIFT) #define PALETTE_CACHE_HASH_MASK (PALETTE_CACHE_HASH_SIZE - 1) #define PALETTE_CACHE_HASH_KEY(id) ((id) & PALETTE_CACHE_HASH_MASK) #define CLIENT_PALETTE_CACHE_SIZE 128 #define DISPLAY_CLIENT_TIMEOUT 30000000000ULL //nano #define DISPLAY_CLIENT_MIGRATE_DATA_TIMEOUT 10000000000ULL //nano, 10 sec #define DISPLAY_CLIENT_RETRY_INTERVAL 10000 //micro /* Each drawable can refer to at most 3 images: src, brush and mask */ #define MAX_DRAWABLE_PIXMAP_CACHE_ITEMS 3 typedef struct WaitForChannels { SpiceMsgWaitForChannels header; SpiceWaitForChannel buf[MAX_CACHE_CLIENTS]; } WaitForChannels; typedef struct FreeList { int res_size; SpiceResourceList *res; uint64_t sync[MAX_CACHE_CLIENTS]; WaitForChannels wait; } FreeList; struct DisplayChannelClient { CommonChannelClient common; SpiceImageCompression image_compression; spice_wan_compression_t jpeg_state; spice_wan_compression_t zlib_glz_state; int jpeg_quality; int zlib_level; QuicData quic_data; QuicContext *quic; LzData lz_data; LzContext *lz; JpegData jpeg_data; JpegEncoderContext *jpeg; #ifdef USE_LZ4 Lz4Data lz4_data; Lz4EncoderContext *lz4; #endif ZlibData zlib_data; ZlibEncoder *zlib; int expect_init; PixmapCache *pixmap_cache; uint32_t pixmap_cache_generation; int pending_pixmaps_sync; CacheItem *palette_cache[PALETTE_CACHE_HASH_SIZE]; Ring palette_cache_lru; long palette_cache_available; uint32_t palette_cache_items; struct { uint32_t stream_outbuf_size; uint8_t *stream_outbuf; // caution stream buffer is also used as compress bufs!!! FreeList free_list; uint64_t pixmap_cache_items[MAX_DRAWABLE_PIXMAP_CACHE_ITEMS]; int num_pixmap_cache_items; } send_data; /* global lz encoding entities */ GlzSharedDictionary *glz_dict; GlzEncoderContext *glz; GlzData glz_data; Ring glz_drawables; // all the living lz drawable, ordered by encoding time Ring glz_drawables_inst_to_free; // list of instances to be freed pthread_mutex_t glz_drawables_inst_to_free_lock; uint8_t surface_client_created[NUM_SURFACES]; QRegion surface_client_lossy_region[NUM_SURFACES]; StreamAgent stream_agents[NUM_STREAMS]; int use_mjpeg_encoder_rate_control; uint32_t streams_max_latency; uint64_t streams_max_bit_rate; }; #define DCC_TO_WORKER(dcc) \ (SPICE_CONTAINEROF((dcc)->common.base.channel, CommonChannel, base)->worker) #define DCC_TO_DC(dcc) \ SPICE_CONTAINEROF((dcc)->common.base.channel, DisplayChannel, common.base) #define RCC_TO_DCC(rcc) SPICE_CONTAINEROF((rcc), DisplayChannelClient, common.base) typedef struct SurfaceCreateItem { SpiceMsgSurfaceCreate surface_create; PipeItem pipe_item; } SurfaceCreateItem; typedef struct ImageItem { PipeItem link; int refs; SpicePoint pos; int width; int height; int stride; int top_down; int surface_id; int image_format; uint32_t image_flags; int can_lossy; uint8_t data[0]; } ImageItem; DisplayChannelClient* dcc_new (DisplayChannel *display, RedClient *client, RedsStream *stream, int mig_target, uint32_t *common_caps, int num_common_caps, uint32_t *caps, int num_caps, SpiceImageCompression image_compression, spice_wan_compression_t jpeg_state, spice_wan_compression_t zlib_glz_state); void dcc_start (DisplayChannelClient *dcc); void dcc_push_monitors_config (DisplayChannelClient *dcc); void dcc_destroy_surface (DisplayChannelClient *dcc, uint32_t surface_id); void dcc_stream_agent_clip (DisplayChannelClient* dcc, StreamAgent *agent); void dcc_create_stream (DisplayChannelClient *dcc, Stream *stream); void dcc_create_surface (DisplayChannelClient *dcc, int surface_id); void dcc_push_surface_image (DisplayChannelClient *dcc, int surface_id); ImageItem * dcc_add_surface_area_image (DisplayChannelClient *dcc, int surface_id, SpiceRect *area, PipeItem *pos, int can_lossy); void dcc_palette_cache_reset (DisplayChannelClient *dcc); void dcc_palette_cache_palette (DisplayChannelClient *dcc, SpicePalette *palette, uint8_t *flags); int dcc_pixmap_cache_unlocked_add (DisplayChannelClient *dcc, uint64_t id, uint32_t size, int lossy); typedef struct compress_send_data_t { void* comp_buf; uint32_t comp_buf_size; SpicePalette *lzplt_palette; int is_lossy; } compress_send_data_t; int dcc_compress_image (DisplayChannelClient *dcc, SpiceImage *dest, SpiceBitmap *src, Drawable *drawable, int can_lossy, compress_send_data_t* o_comp_data); int dcc_compress_image_glz (DisplayChannelClient *dcc, SpiceImage *dest, SpiceBitmap *src, Drawable *drawable, compress_send_data_t* o_comp_data); int dcc_compress_image_lz (DisplayChannelClient *dcc, SpiceImage *dest, SpiceBitmap *src, compress_send_data_t* o_comp_data, uint32_t group_id); int dcc_compress_image_jpeg (DisplayChannelClient *dcc, SpiceImage *dest, SpiceBitmap *src, compress_send_data_t* o_comp_data, uint32_t group_id); int dcc_compress_image_quic (DisplayChannelClient *dcc, SpiceImage *dest, SpiceBitmap *src, compress_send_data_t* o_comp_data, uint32_t group_id); int dcc_compress_image_lz4 (DisplayChannelClient *dcc, SpiceImage *dest, SpiceBitmap *src, compress_send_data_t* o_comp_data, uint32_t group_id); #endif /* DCC_H_ */