SUFFIXES = .xml .html .txt .1 # apparently, xmlto does not support validation of docbook5 docs # that's why it's disabled with --skip-validation .xml.html: $(AM_V_GEN)$(XMLTO) --skip-validation -o html xhtml $< .xml.1: $(AM_V_GEN)$(XMLTO) --skip-validation -o man man $< .xml.txt: $(AM_V_GEN)$(XMLTO) --skip-validation -o txt txt $< all: allhtml manpages XMLMAN = XMLDOC = \ SpiceUserManual-Basics.xml \ SpiceUserManual-Guest.xml \ SpiceUserManual-Installation.xml \ SpiceUserManual-Introduction.xml \ SpiceUserManual-References.xml \ SpiceUserManual.xml XMLALL = $(XMLMAN) $(XMLDOC) SOURCES = $(XMLALL) $(TXTDOC) allhtml: $(XMLALL:.xml=.html) manpages: $(XMLMAN:.xml=.1) # Control what goes in the distribution tarball. # We include all of the XML, and also generated HTML pages # so people working from the distribution tarball won't need xmlto. EXTRA_DIST = $(SOURCES) html clean-local: rm -fr html $(XMLMAN:.xml=.1)