/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat, Inc. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, see . */ #include #include #include #include "gl_canvas.h" #include "quic.h" #include "rop3.h" #include "region.h" #define GL_CANVAS #include "canvas_base.c" typedef struct GLCanvas GLCanvas; struct GLCanvas { CanvasBase base; GLCCtx glc; void *private_data; int private_data_size; int textures_lost; }; static inline uint8_t *copy_opposite_image(GLCanvas *canvas, void *data, int stride, int height) { uint8_t *ret_data = (uint8_t *)data; uint8_t *dest; uint8_t *src; int i; if (!canvas->private_data) { canvas->private_data = spice_malloc_n(height, stride); if (!canvas->private_data) { return ret_data; } canvas->private_data_size = stride * height; } if (canvas->private_data_size < (stride * height)) { free(canvas->private_data); canvas->private_data = spice_malloc_n(height, stride); if (!canvas->private_data) { return ret_data; } canvas->private_data_size = stride * height; } dest = (uint8_t *)canvas->private_data; src = (uint8_t *)data + (height - 1) * stride; for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) { memcpy(dest, src, stride); dest += stride; src -= stride; } return (uint8_t *)canvas->private_data; } static pixman_image_t *canvas_surf_to_trans_surf(GLCImage *image, uint32_t trans_color) { int width = image->width; int height = image->height; uint8_t *src_line; uint8_t *end_src_line; int src_stride; uint8_t *dest_line; int dest_stride; pixman_image_t *ret; int i; ret = pixman_image_create_bits(PIXMAN_a8r8g8b8, width, height, NULL, 0); if (ret == NULL) { CANVAS_ERROR("create surface failed"); } src_line = image->pixels; src_stride = image->stride; end_src_line = src_line + src_stride * height; dest_line = (uint8_t *)pixman_image_get_data(ret); dest_stride = pixman_image_get_stride(ret); for (; src_line < end_src_line; src_line += src_stride, dest_line += dest_stride) { for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { if ((((uint32_t*)src_line)[i] & 0x00ffffff) == trans_color) { ((uint32_t*)dest_line)[i] = 0; } else { ((uint32_t*)dest_line)[i] = (((uint32_t*)src_line)[i]) | 0xff000000; } } } return ret; } static GLCPath get_path(GLCanvas *canvas, void *addr) { GLCPath path = glc_path_create(canvas->glc); uint32_t* data_size = (uint32_t*)addr; uint32_t more = *data_size; SpicePathSeg* seg = (SpicePathSeg*)(data_size + 1); do { uint32_t flags = seg->flags; SpicePointFix* point = (SpicePointFix*)seg->data; SpicePointFix* end_point = point + seg->count; ASSERT(point < end_point); more -= ((unsigned long)end_point - (unsigned long)seg); seg = (SpicePathSeg*)end_point; if (flags & SPICE_PATH_BEGIN) { glc_path_move_to(path, fix_to_double(point->x), fix_to_double(point->y)); point++; } if (flags & SPICE_PATH_BEZIER) { ASSERT((point - end_point) % 3 == 0); for (; point + 2 < end_point; point += 3) { glc_path_curve_to(path, fix_to_double(point[0].x), fix_to_double(point[0].y), fix_to_double(point[1].x), fix_to_double(point[1].y), fix_to_double(point[2].x), fix_to_double(point[2].y)); } } else { for (; point < end_point; point++) { glc_path_line_to(path, fix_to_double(point->x), fix_to_double(point->y)); } } if (flags & SPICE_PATH_END) { if (flags & SPICE_PATH_CLOSE) { glc_path_close(path); } } } while (more); return path; } #define SET_GLC_RECT(dest, src) { \ (dest)->x = (src)->left; \ (dest)->y = (src)->top; \ (dest)->width = (src)->right - (src)->left; \ (dest)->height = (src)->bottom - (src)->top; \ } #define SET_GLC_BOX(dest, src) { \ (dest)->x = (src)->x1; \ (dest)->y = (src)->y1; \ (dest)->width = (src)->x2 - (src)->x1; \ (dest)->height = (src)->y2 - (src)->y1; \ } static void set_clip(GLCanvas *canvas, SpiceRect *bbox, SpiceClip *clip) { GLCRect rect; glc_clip_reset(canvas->glc); switch (clip->type) { case SPICE_CLIP_TYPE_NONE: break; case SPICE_CLIP_TYPE_RECTS: { uint32_t *n = (uint32_t *)SPICE_GET_ADDRESS(clip->data); SpiceRect *now = (SpiceRect *)(n + 1); SpiceRect *end = now + *n; if (*n == 0) { rect.x = rect.y = 0; rect.width = rect.height = 0; glc_clip_rect(canvas->glc, &rect, GLC_CLIP_OP_SET); break; } else { SET_GLC_RECT(&rect, now); glc_clip_rect(canvas->glc, &rect, GLC_CLIP_OP_SET); } for (now++; now < end; now++) { SET_GLC_RECT(&rect, now); glc_clip_rect(canvas->glc, &rect, GLC_CLIP_OP_OR); } break; } case SPICE_CLIP_TYPE_PATH: { GLCPath path = get_path(canvas, SPICE_GET_ADDRESS(clip->data)); glc_clip_path(canvas->glc, path, GLC_CLIP_OP_SET); glc_path_destroy(path); break; } default: CANVAS_ERROR("invalid clip type"); } } static void set_mask(GLCanvas *canvas, SpiceQMask *mask, int x, int y) { pixman_image_t *image; if (!(image = canvas_get_mask(&canvas->base, mask, NULL))) { glc_clear_mask(canvas->glc, GLC_MASK_A); return; } glc_set_mask(canvas->glc, x - mask->pos.x, y - mask->pos.y, pixman_image_get_width(image), pixman_image_get_height(image), pixman_image_get_stride(image), (uint8_t *)pixman_image_get_data(image), GLC_MASK_A); } static inline void surface_to_image(GLCanvas *canvas, pixman_image_t *surface, GLCImage *image, int ignore_stride) { int depth = pixman_image_get_depth(surface); ASSERT(depth == 32 || depth == 24); image->format = (depth == 24) ? GLC_IMAGE_RGB32 : GLC_IMAGE_ARGB32; image->width = pixman_image_get_width(surface); image->height = pixman_image_get_height(surface); image->stride = pixman_image_get_stride(surface); image->pixels = (uint8_t *)pixman_image_get_data(surface); image->pallet = NULL; if (ignore_stride) { return; } if (image->stride < 0) { image->stride = -image->stride; image->pixels = image->pixels - (image->height - 1) * image->stride; } else { image->pixels = copy_opposite_image(canvas, image->pixels, image->stride, image->height); } } static void set_brush(GLCanvas *canvas, SpiceBrush *brush) { switch (brush->type) { case SPICE_BRUSH_TYPE_SOLID: { uint32_t color = brush->u.color; double r, g, b; b = (double)(color & canvas->base.color_mask) / canvas->base.color_mask; color >>= canvas->base.color_shift; g = (double)(color & canvas->base.color_mask) / canvas->base.color_mask; color >>= canvas->base.color_shift; r = (double)(color & canvas->base.color_mask) / canvas->base.color_mask; glc_set_rgb(canvas->glc, r, g, b); break; } case SPICE_BRUSH_TYPE_PATTERN: { GLCImage image; GLCPattern pattern; pixman_image_t *surface; surface = canvas_get_image(&canvas->base, brush->u.pattern.pat, FALSE); surface_to_image(canvas, surface, &image, 0); pattern = glc_pattern_create(canvas->glc, -brush->u.pattern.pos.x, -brush->u.pattern.pos.y, &image); glc_set_pattern(canvas->glc, pattern); glc_pattern_destroy(pattern); pixman_image_unref (surface); } case SPICE_BRUSH_TYPE_NONE: return; default: CANVAS_ERROR("invalid brush type"); } } static void set_op(GLCanvas *canvas, uint16_t rop_decriptor) { GLCOp op; switch (rop_decriptor) { case SPICE_ROPD_OP_PUT: op = GLC_OP_COPY; break; case SPICE_ROPD_OP_XOR: op = GLC_OP_XOR; break; case SPICE_ROPD_OP_BLACKNESS: op = GLC_OP_CLEAR; break; case SPICE_ROPD_OP_WHITENESS: op = GLC_OP_SET; break; case SPICE_ROPD_OP_PUT | SPICE_ROPD_INVERS_BRUSH: case SPICE_ROPD_OP_PUT | SPICE_ROPD_INVERS_SRC: op = GLC_OP_COPY_INVERTED; break; case SPICE_ROPD_OP_INVERS: op = GLC_OP_INVERT; break; case SPICE_ROPD_OP_AND: op = GLC_OP_AND; break; case SPICE_ROPD_OP_AND | SPICE_ROPD_INVERS_RES: op = GLC_OP_NAND; break; case SPICE_ROPD_OP_OR: op = GLC_OP_OR; break; case SPICE_ROPD_OP_OR | SPICE_ROPD_INVERS_RES: op = GLC_OP_NOR; break; case SPICE_ROPD_OP_XOR | SPICE_ROPD_INVERS_RES: op = GLC_OP_EQUIV; break; case SPICE_ROPD_OP_AND | SPICE_ROPD_INVERS_DEST: op = GLC_OP_AND_REVERSE; break; case SPICE_ROPD_OP_AND | SPICE_ROPD_INVERS_BRUSH: case SPICE_ROPD_OP_AND | SPICE_ROPD_INVERS_SRC: op = GLC_OP_AND_INVERTED; break; case SPICE_ROPD_OP_OR | SPICE_ROPD_INVERS_DEST: op = GLC_OP_OR_REVERSE; break; case SPICE_ROPD_OP_OR | SPICE_ROPD_INVERS_BRUSH: case SPICE_ROPD_OP_OR | SPICE_ROPD_INVERS_SRC: op = GLC_OP_OR_INVERTED; break; default: WARN("GLC_OP_NOOP"); op = GLC_OP_NOOP; } glc_set_op(canvas->glc, op); } static void gl_canvas_draw_fill(SpiceCanvas *spice_canvas, SpiceRect *bbox, SpiceClip *clip, SpiceFill *fill) { GLCanvas *canvas = (GLCanvas *)spice_canvas; GLCRect rect; set_clip(canvas, bbox, clip); set_mask(canvas, &fill->mask, bbox->left, bbox->top); set_brush(canvas, &fill->brush); set_op(canvas, fill->rop_decriptor); SET_GLC_RECT(&rect, bbox); glc_fill_rect(canvas->glc, &rect); glc_flush(canvas->glc); } static void gl_canvas_draw_copy(SpiceCanvas *spice_canvas, SpiceRect *bbox, SpiceClip *clip, SpiceCopy *copy) { GLCanvas *canvas = (GLCanvas *)spice_canvas; pixman_image_t *surface; GLCRecti src; GLCRecti dest; GLCImage image; set_clip(canvas, bbox, clip); set_mask(canvas, ©->mask, bbox->left, bbox->top); set_op(canvas, copy->rop_decriptor); //todo: optimize get_image (use ogl conversion + remove unnecessary copy of 32bpp) surface = canvas_get_image(&canvas->base, copy->src_bitmap, FALSE); surface_to_image(canvas, surface, &image, 0); SET_GLC_RECT(&dest, bbox); SET_GLC_RECT(&src, ©->src_area); glc_draw_image(canvas->glc, &dest, &src, &image, 0, 1); pixman_image_unref(surface); glc_flush(canvas->glc); } static void gl_canvas_draw_opaque(SpiceCanvas *spice_canvas, SpiceRect *bbox, SpiceClip *clip, SpiceOpaque *opaque) { GLCanvas *canvas = (GLCanvas *)spice_canvas; pixman_image_t *surface; GLCRecti src; GLCRecti dest; GLCRect fill_rect; GLCImage image; set_clip(canvas, bbox, clip); set_mask(canvas, &opaque->mask, bbox->left, bbox->top); glc_set_op(canvas->glc, (opaque->rop_decriptor & SPICE_ROPD_INVERS_SRC) ? GLC_OP_COPY_INVERTED : GLC_OP_COPY); surface = canvas_get_image(&canvas->base, opaque->src_bitmap, FALSE); surface_to_image(canvas, surface, &image, 0); SET_GLC_RECT(&dest, bbox); SET_GLC_RECT(&src, &opaque->src_area); glc_draw_image(canvas->glc, &dest, &src, &image, 0, 1); pixman_image_unref(surface); set_brush(canvas, &opaque->brush); set_op(canvas, opaque->rop_decriptor & ~SPICE_ROPD_INVERS_SRC); SET_GLC_RECT(&fill_rect, bbox); glc_fill_rect(canvas->glc, &fill_rect); glc_flush(canvas->glc); } static void gl_canvas_draw_alpha_blend(SpiceCanvas *spice_canvas, SpiceRect *bbox, SpiceClip *clip, SpiceAlphaBlnd *alpha_blend) { GLCanvas *canvas = (GLCanvas *)spice_canvas; pixman_image_t *surface; GLCRecti src; GLCRecti dest; GLCImage image; set_clip(canvas, bbox, clip); glc_clear_mask(canvas->glc, GLC_MASK_A); glc_set_op(canvas->glc, GLC_OP_COPY); surface = canvas_get_image(&canvas->base, alpha_blend->src_bitmap, FALSE); surface_to_image(canvas, surface, &image, 0); SET_GLC_RECT(&dest, bbox); SET_GLC_RECT(&src, &alpha_blend->src_area); glc_draw_image(canvas->glc, &dest, &src, &image, 0, (double)alpha_blend->alpha / 0xff); pixman_image_unref(surface); glc_flush(canvas->glc); } static void gl_canvas_draw_blend(SpiceCanvas *spice_canvas, SpiceRect *bbox, SpiceClip *clip, SpiceBlend *blend) { GLCanvas *canvas = (GLCanvas *)spice_canvas; pixman_image_t *surface; GLCRecti src; GLCRecti dest; GLCImage image; set_clip(canvas, bbox, clip); set_mask(canvas, &blend->mask, bbox->left, bbox->top); set_op(canvas, blend->rop_decriptor); surface = canvas_get_image(&canvas->base, blend->src_bitmap, FALSE); SET_GLC_RECT(&dest, bbox); SET_GLC_RECT(&src, &blend->src_area); surface_to_image(canvas, surface, &image, 0); glc_draw_image(canvas->glc, &dest, &src, &image, 0, 1); pixman_image_unref(surface); glc_flush(canvas->glc); } static void gl_canvas_draw_transparent(SpiceCanvas *spice_canvas, SpiceRect *bbox, SpiceClip *clip, SpiceTransparent *transparent) { GLCanvas *canvas = (GLCanvas *)spice_canvas; pixman_image_t *surface; pixman_image_t *trans_surf; GLCImage image; GLCRecti src; GLCRecti dest; set_clip(canvas, bbox, clip); glc_clear_mask(canvas->glc, GLC_MASK_A); glc_set_op(canvas->glc, GLC_OP_COPY); surface = canvas_get_image(&canvas->base, transparent->src_bitmap, FALSE); surface_to_image(canvas, surface, &image, 0); trans_surf = canvas_surf_to_trans_surf(&image, transparent->true_color); pixman_image_unref(surface); surface_to_image(canvas, trans_surf, &image, 1); SET_GLC_RECT(&dest, bbox); SET_GLC_RECT(&src, &transparent->src_area); glc_draw_image(canvas->glc, &dest, &src, &image, 0, 1); pixman_image_unref(trans_surf); glc_flush(canvas->glc); } static inline void fill_common(GLCanvas *canvas, SpiceRect *bbox, SpiceClip *clip, SpiceQMask * mask, GLCOp op) { GLCRect rect; set_clip(canvas, bbox, clip); set_mask(canvas, mask, bbox->left, bbox->top); glc_set_op(canvas->glc, op); SET_GLC_RECT(&rect, bbox); glc_fill_rect(canvas->glc, &rect); } static void gl_canvas_draw_whiteness(SpiceCanvas *spice_canvas, SpiceRect *bbox, SpiceClip *clip, SpiceWhiteness *whiteness) { GLCanvas *canvas = (GLCanvas *)spice_canvas; fill_common(canvas, bbox, clip, &whiteness->mask, GLC_OP_SET); } static void gl_canvas_draw_blackness(SpiceCanvas *spice_canvas, SpiceRect *bbox, SpiceClip *clip, SpiceBlackness *blackness) { GLCanvas *canvas = (GLCanvas *)spice_canvas; fill_common(canvas, bbox, clip, &blackness->mask, GLC_OP_CLEAR); } static void gl_canvas_draw_invers(SpiceCanvas *spice_canvas, SpiceRect *bbox, SpiceClip *clip, SpiceInvers *invers) { GLCanvas *canvas = (GLCanvas *)spice_canvas; fill_common(canvas, bbox, clip, &invers->mask, GLC_OP_INVERT); } static void gl_canvas_draw_rop3(SpiceCanvas *spice_canvas, SpiceRect *bbox, SpiceClip *clip, SpiceRop3 *rop3) { GLCanvas *canvas = (GLCanvas *)spice_canvas; pixman_image_t *d; pixman_image_t *s; GLCImage image; SpicePoint src_pos; uint8_t *data_opp; int src_stride; set_clip(canvas, bbox, clip); set_mask(canvas, &rop3->mask, bbox->left, bbox->top); glc_set_op(canvas->glc, GLC_OP_COPY); image.format = GLC_IMAGE_RGB32; image.width = bbox->right - bbox->left; image.height = bbox->bottom - bbox->top; image.pallet = NULL; d = pixman_image_create_bits(PIXMAN_x8r8g8b8, image.width, image.height, NULL, 0); if (d == NULL) { CANVAS_ERROR("create surface failed"); } image.pixels = (uint8_t *)pixman_image_get_data(d); image.stride = pixman_image_get_stride(d); glc_read_pixels(canvas->glc, bbox->left, bbox->top, &image); data_opp = copy_opposite_image(canvas, image.pixels, image.stride, pixman_image_get_height(d)); memcpy(image.pixels, data_opp, image.stride * pixman_image_get_height(d)); s = canvas_get_image(&canvas->base, rop3->src_bitmap, FALSE); src_stride = pixman_image_get_stride(s); if (src_stride > 0) { data_opp = copy_opposite_image(canvas, (uint8_t *)pixman_image_get_data(s), src_stride, pixman_image_get_height(s)); memcpy((uint8_t *)pixman_image_get_data(s), data_opp, src_stride * pixman_image_get_height(s)); } if (!rect_is_same_size(bbox, &rop3->src_area)) { pixman_image_t *scaled_s = canvas_scale_surface(s, &rop3->src_area, image.width, image.height, rop3->scale_mode); pixman_image_unref(s); s = scaled_s; src_pos.x = 0; src_pos.y = 0; } else { src_pos.x = rop3->src_area.left; src_pos.y = rop3->src_area.top; } if (pixman_image_get_width(s) - src_pos.x < image.width || pixman_image_get_height(s) - src_pos.y < image.height) { CANVAS_ERROR("bad src bitmap size"); } if (rop3->brush.type == SPICE_BRUSH_TYPE_PATTERN) { pixman_image_t *p = canvas_get_image(&canvas->base, rop3->brush.u.pattern.pat, FALSE); SpicePoint pat_pos; pat_pos.x = (bbox->left - rop3->brush.u.pattern.pos.x) % pixman_image_get_width(p); pat_pos.y = (bbox->top - rop3->brush.u.pattern.pos.y) % pixman_image_get_height(p); //for now (bottom-top) if (pat_pos.y < 0) { pat_pos.y = pixman_image_get_height(p) + pat_pos.y; } pat_pos.y = (image.height + pat_pos.y) % pixman_image_get_height(p); pat_pos.y = pixman_image_get_height(p) - pat_pos.y; do_rop3_with_pattern(rop3->rop3, d, s, &src_pos, p, &pat_pos); pixman_image_unref(p); } else { uint32_t color = (canvas->base.color_shift) == 8 ? rop3->brush.u.color : canvas_16bpp_to_32bpp(rop3->brush.u.color); do_rop3_with_color(rop3->rop3, d, s, &src_pos, color); } pixman_image_unref(s); GLCRecti dest; GLCRecti src; dest.x = bbox->left; dest.y = bbox->top; image.pixels = copy_opposite_image(canvas, image.pixels, pixman_image_get_stride(d), pixman_image_get_height(d)); src.x = src.y = 0; dest.width = src.width = image.width; dest.height = src.height = image.height; glc_draw_image(canvas->glc, &dest, &src, &image, 0, 1); pixman_image_unref(d); } static void gl_canvas_draw_stroke(SpiceCanvas *spice_canvas, SpiceRect *bbox, SpiceClip *clip, SpiceStroke *stroke) { GLCanvas *canvas = (GLCanvas *)spice_canvas; GLCPath path; set_clip(canvas, bbox, clip); glc_clear_mask(canvas->glc, GLC_MASK_A); set_op(canvas, stroke->fore_mode); set_brush(canvas, &stroke->brush); if (stroke->attr.flags & SPICE_LINE_FLAGS_STYLED) { WARN("SPICE_LINE_FLAGS_STYLED"); } glc_set_line_width(canvas->glc, fix_to_double(stroke->attr.width)); path = get_path(canvas, SPICE_GET_ADDRESS(stroke->path)); glc_stroke_path(canvas->glc, path); glc_path_destroy(path); } static void gl_canvas_draw_text(SpiceCanvas *spice_canvas, SpiceRect *bbox, SpiceClip *clip, SpiceText *text) { GLCanvas *canvas = (GLCanvas *)spice_canvas; GLCRect rect; SpiceString *str; set_clip(canvas, bbox, clip); glc_clear_mask(canvas->glc, GLC_MASK_A); if (!rect_is_empty(&text->back_area)) { set_brush(canvas, &text->back_brush); set_op(canvas, text->back_mode); SET_GLC_RECT(&rect, bbox); glc_fill_rect(canvas->glc, &rect); } str = (SpiceString *)SPICE_GET_ADDRESS(text->str); set_brush(canvas, &text->fore_brush); set_op(canvas, text->fore_mode); if (str->flags & SPICE_STRING_FLAGS_RASTER_A1) { SpicePoint pos; pixman_image_t *mask = canvas_get_str_mask(&canvas->base, str, 1, &pos); _glc_fill_mask(canvas->glc, pos.x, pos.y, pixman_image_get_width(mask), pixman_image_get_height(mask), pixman_image_get_stride(mask), (uint8_t *)pixman_image_get_data(mask)); pixman_image_unref(mask); } else if (str->flags & SPICE_STRING_FLAGS_RASTER_A4) { SpicePoint pos; pixman_image_t *mask = canvas_get_str_mask(&canvas->base, str, 4, &pos); glc_fill_alpha(canvas->glc, pos.x, pos.y, pixman_image_get_width(mask), pixman_image_get_height(mask), pixman_image_get_stride(mask), (uint8_t *)pixman_image_get_data(mask)); pixman_image_unref(mask); } else if (str->flags & SPICE_STRING_FLAGS_RASTER_A8) { WARN("untested path A8 glyphs, doing nothing"); if (0) { SpicePoint pos; pixman_image_t *mask = canvas_get_str_mask(&canvas->base, str, 8, &pos); glc_fill_alpha(canvas->glc, pos.x, pos.y, pixman_image_get_width(mask), pixman_image_get_height(mask), pixman_image_get_stride(mask), (uint8_t *)pixman_image_get_data(mask)); pixman_image_unref(mask); } } else { WARN("untested path vector glyphs, doing nothing"); if (0) { //draw_vector_str(canvas, str, &text->fore_brush, text->fore_mode); } } glc_flush(canvas->glc); } static void gl_canvas_clear(SpiceCanvas *spice_canvas) { GLCanvas *canvas = (GLCanvas *)spice_canvas; glc_clear(canvas->glc); glc_flush(canvas->glc); } static void gl_canvas_copy_bits(SpiceCanvas *spice_canvas, SpiceRect *bbox, SpiceClip *clip, SpicePoint *src_pos) { GLCanvas *canvas = (GLCanvas *)spice_canvas; set_clip(canvas, bbox, clip); glc_clear_mask(canvas->glc, GLC_MASK_A); glc_set_op(canvas->glc, GLC_OP_COPY); glc_copy_pixels(canvas->glc, bbox->left, bbox->top, src_pos->x, src_pos->y, bbox->right - bbox->left, bbox->bottom - bbox->top); } static void gl_canvas_read_bits(SpiceCanvas *spice_canvas, uint8_t *dest, int dest_stride, const SpiceRect *area) { GLCanvas *canvas = (GLCanvas *)spice_canvas; GLCImage image; ASSERT(dest_stride > 0); image.format = GLC_IMAGE_RGB32; image.height = area->bottom - area->top; image.width = area->right - area->left; image.pixels = dest; image.stride = dest_stride; glc_read_pixels(canvas->glc, area->left, area->top, &image); } static void gl_canvas_group_start(SpiceCanvas *spice_canvas, QRegion *region) { GLCanvas *canvas = (GLCanvas *)spice_canvas; GLCRect *glc_rects; GLCRect *now, *end; int num_rect; pixman_box32_t *rects; canvas_base_group_start(spice_canvas, region); rects = pixman_region32_rectangles(region, &num_rect); glc_rects = spice_new(GLCRect, num_rect); now = glc_rects; end = glc_rects + num_rect; for (; now < end; now++, rects++) { SET_GLC_BOX(now, rects); } glc_mask_rects(canvas->glc, num_rect, glc_rects, GLC_MASK_B); free(glc_rects); } static void gl_canvas_put_image(SpiceCanvas *spice_canvas, const SpiceRect *dest, const uint8_t *src_data, uint32_t src_width, uint32_t src_height, int src_stride, const QRegion *clip) { GLCanvas *canvas = (GLCanvas *)spice_canvas; GLCRecti src; GLCRecti gldest; GLCImage image; uint32_t i; ASSERT(src_stride <= 0) glc_clip_reset(canvas->glc); if (clip) { int num_rects; pixman_box32_t *rects = pixman_region32_rectangles((pixman_region32_t *)clip, &num_rects); GLCRect rect; if (num_rects == 0) { rect.x = rect.y = rect.width = rect.height = 0; glc_clip_rect(canvas->glc, &rect, GLC_CLIP_OP_SET); } else { SET_GLC_BOX(&rect, rects); glc_clip_rect(canvas->glc, &rect, GLC_CLIP_OP_SET); for (i = 1; i < num_rects; i++) { SET_GLC_BOX(&rect, rects + i); glc_clip_rect(canvas->glc, &rect, GLC_CLIP_OP_OR); } } } SET_GLC_RECT(&gldest, dest); src.x = src.y = 0; src.width = src_width; src.height = src_height; image.format = GLC_IMAGE_RGB32; image.width = src_width; image.height = src_height; src_stride = -src_stride; image.stride = src_stride; image.pixels = (uint8_t *)src_data - (src_height - 1) * src_stride; image.pallet = NULL; glc_draw_image(canvas->glc, &gldest, &src, &image, 0, 1); glc_flush(canvas->glc); } static void gl_canvas_group_end(SpiceCanvas *spice_canvas) { GLCanvas *canvas = (GLCanvas *)spice_canvas; canvas_base_group_end(spice_canvas); glc_clear_mask(canvas->glc, GLC_MASK_B); } static int need_init = 1; static SpiceCanvasOps gl_canvas_ops; SpiceCanvas *gl_canvas_create(int width, int height, uint32_t format #ifdef SW_CANVAS_CACHE , SpiceImageCache *bits_cache , SpicePaletteCache *palette_cache #elif defined(SW_CANVAS_IMAGE_CACHE) , SpiceImageCache *bits_cache #endif , SpiceImageSurfaces *surfaces , SpiceGlzDecoder *glz_decoder , SpiceJpegDecoder *jpeg_decoder #ifndef SW_CANVAS_NO_CHUNKS , SpiceVirtMapping *virt_mapping #endif ) { GLCanvas *canvas; int init_ok; if (need_init) { return NULL; } canvas = spice_new0(GLCanvas, 1); if (!(canvas->glc = glc_create(width, height))) { goto error_1; } canvas->private_data = NULL; init_ok = canvas_base_init(&canvas->base, &gl_canvas_ops, width, height, format #ifdef SW_CANVAS_CACHE , bits_cache , palette_cache #elif defined(SW_CANVAS_IMAGE_CACHE) , bits_cache #endif , surfaces , glz_decoder , jpeg_decoder #ifndef SW_CANVAS_NO_CHUNKS , virt_mapping #endif ); if (!init_ok) { goto error_2; } return (SpiceCanvas *)canvas; error_2: glc_destroy(canvas->glc, 0); error_1: free(canvas); return NULL; } void gl_canvas_set_textures_lost(SpiceCanvas *spice_canvas, int textures_lost) { GLCanvas *canvas = (GLCanvas *)spice_canvas; canvas->textures_lost = textures_lost; } static void gl_canvas_destroy(SpiceCanvas *spice_canvas) { GLCanvas *canvas = (GLCanvas *)spice_canvas; if (!canvas) { return; } canvas_base_destroy(&canvas->base); glc_destroy(canvas->glc, canvas->textures_lost); if (canvas->private_data) { free(canvas->private_data); } free(canvas); } void gl_canvas_init() //unsafe global function { if (!need_init) { return; } need_init = 0; canvas_base_init_ops(&gl_canvas_ops); gl_canvas_ops.draw_fill = gl_canvas_draw_fill; gl_canvas_ops.draw_copy = gl_canvas_draw_copy; gl_canvas_ops.draw_opaque = gl_canvas_draw_opaque; gl_canvas_ops.copy_bits = gl_canvas_copy_bits; gl_canvas_ops.draw_text = gl_canvas_draw_text; gl_canvas_ops.draw_stroke = gl_canvas_draw_stroke; gl_canvas_ops.draw_rop3 = gl_canvas_draw_rop3; gl_canvas_ops.draw_blend = gl_canvas_draw_blend; gl_canvas_ops.draw_blackness = gl_canvas_draw_blackness; gl_canvas_ops.draw_whiteness = gl_canvas_draw_whiteness; gl_canvas_ops.draw_invers = gl_canvas_draw_invers; gl_canvas_ops.draw_transparent = gl_canvas_draw_transparent; gl_canvas_ops.draw_alpha_blend = gl_canvas_draw_alpha_blend; gl_canvas_ops.put_image = gl_canvas_put_image; gl_canvas_ops.clear = gl_canvas_clear; gl_canvas_ops.read_bits = gl_canvas_read_bits; gl_canvas_ops.group_start = gl_canvas_group_start; gl_canvas_ops.group_end = gl_canvas_group_end; gl_canvas_ops.destroy = gl_canvas_destroy; rop3_init(); }