/* Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "common.h" #include "glz_decoder_config.h" #include "glz_decoder.h" GlzDecoder::GlzDecoder(GlzDecoderWindow &images_window, GlzDecodeHandler &usr_handler, GlzDecoderDebug &debug_calls) : _images_window (images_window) , _usr_handler (usr_handler) , _debug_calls (debug_calls) { } GlzDecoder::~GlzDecoder() { } void GlzDecoder::decode_header() { int magic; int version; uint8_t tmp; int stride; magic = decode_32(); if (magic != LZ_MAGIC) { _debug_calls.warn(std::string("bad magic\n")); } version = decode_32(); if (version != LZ_VERSION) { _debug_calls.warn(std::string("bad version\n")); } tmp = *(_in_now++); _image.type = (LzImageType)(tmp & LZ_IMAGE_TYPE_MASK); _image.top_down = (tmp >> LZ_IMAGE_TYPE_LOG) ? true : false; _image.width = decode_32(); _image.height = decode_32(); stride = decode_32(); if (IS_IMAGE_TYPE_PLT[_image.type]) { _image.gross_pixels = stride * PLT_PIXELS_PER_BYTE[_image.type] * _image.height; } else { _image.gross_pixels = _image.width * _image.height; } _image.id = decode_64(); _image.win_head_dist = decode_32(); } inline uint32_t GlzDecoder::decode_32() { uint32_t word = 0; word |= *(_in_now++); word <<= 8; word |= *(_in_now++); word <<= 8; word |= *(_in_now++); word <<= 8; word |= *(_in_now++); return word; } inline uint64_t GlzDecoder::decode_64() { uint64_t long_word = decode_32(); long_word <<= 32; long_word |= decode_32(); return long_word; } // TODO: the code is historically c based. Consider transforming to c++ and use templates // - but be sure it won't make it slower! /* * Give hints to the compiler for branch prediction optimization. */ #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 2) #define LZ_EXPECT_CONDITIONAL(c) (__builtin_expect((c), 1)) #define LZ_UNEXPECT_CONDITIONAL(c) (__builtin_expect((c), 0)) #else #define LZ_EXPECT_CONDITIONAL(c) (c) #define LZ_UNEXPECT_CONDITIONAL(c) (c) #endif #ifdef __GNUC__ #define ATTR_PACKED __attribute__ ((__packed__)) #else #define ATTR_PACKED #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) #endif /* the palette images will be treated as one byte pixels. Their width should be transformed accordingly. */ typedef struct ATTR_PACKED one_byte_pixel_t { uint8_t a; } one_byte_pixel_t; typedef struct ATTR_PACKED rgb32_pixel_t { uint8_t b; uint8_t g; uint8_t r; uint8_t pad; } rgb32_pixel_t; typedef struct ATTR_PACKED rgb24_pixel_t { uint8_t b; uint8_t g; uint8_t r; } rgb24_pixel_t; typedef uint16_t rgb16_pixel_t; #ifndef __GNUC__ #pragma pack(pop) #endif #undef ATTR_PACKED #define LZ_PLT #include "glz_decode_tmpl.c" #define LZ_PLT #define PLT8 #define TO_RGB32 #include "glz_decode_tmpl.c" #define LZ_PLT #define PLT4_BE #define TO_RGB32 #include "glz_decode_tmpl.c" #define LZ_PLT #define PLT4_LE #define TO_RGB32 #include "glz_decode_tmpl.c" #define LZ_PLT #define PLT1_BE #define TO_RGB32 #include "glz_decode_tmpl.c" #define LZ_PLT #define PLT1_LE #define TO_RGB32 #include "glz_decode_tmpl.c" #define LZ_RGB16 #include "glz_decode_tmpl.c" #define LZ_RGB16 #define TO_RGB32 #include "glz_decode_tmpl.c" #define LZ_RGB24 #include "glz_decode_tmpl.c" #define LZ_RGB32 #include "glz_decode_tmpl.c" #define LZ_RGB_ALPHA #include "glz_decode_tmpl.c" #undef LZ_UNEXPECT_CONDITIONAL #undef LZ_EXPECT_CONDITIONAL typedef size_t (*decode_function)(GlzDecoderWindow &window, uint8_t* in_buf, uint8_t *out_buf, int size, DecodedImageWinId image_win_id, SpicePalette *plt, GlzDecoderDebug &debug_calls); // ordered according to LZ_IMAGE_TYPE const decode_function DECODE_TO_RGB32[] = { NULL, glz_plt1_le_to_rgb32_decode, glz_plt1_be_to_rgb32_decode, glz_plt4_le_to_rgb32_decode, glz_plt4_be_to_rgb32_decode, glz_plt8_to_rgb32_decode, glz_rgb16_to_rgb32_decode, glz_rgb32_decode, glz_rgb32_decode, glz_rgb32_decode }; const decode_function DECODE_TO_SAME[] = { NULL, glz_plt_decode, glz_plt_decode, glz_plt_decode, glz_plt_decode, glz_plt_decode, glz_rgb16_decode, glz_rgb24_decode, glz_rgb32_decode, glz_rgb32_decode }; void GlzDecoder::decode(uint8_t *data, SpicePalette *palette, void *opaque_usr_info) { int out_size; DecodedImageWinId image_window_id; GlzDecodedImage *decoded_image; size_t n_in_bytes_decoded; int bytes_per_pixel; LzImageType decoded_type; _in_start = data; _in_now = data; decode_header(); #ifdef GLZ_DECODE_TO_RGB32 out_size = _image.gross_pixels << 2; bytes_per_pixel = 4; if (_image.type == LZ_IMAGE_TYPE_RGBA) { decoded_type = LZ_IMAGE_TYPE_RGBA; } else { decoded_type = LZ_IMAGE_TYPE_RGB32; } #else if (IS_IMAGE_TYPE_PLT[_image.type]) { GLZ_ASSERT(_debug_calls, !(_image.gross_pixels % PLT_PIXELS_PER_BYTE[_image.type])); out_size = _image.gross_pixels / PLT_PIXELS_PER_BYTE[_image.type]; } else { out_size = _image.gross_pixels * RGB_BYTES_PER_PIXEL[_image.type]; } bytes_per_pixel = RGB_BYTES_PER_PIXEL[_image.type]; decoded_type = _image.type; #endif image_window_id = _images_window.pre_decode(_image.id, _image.id - _image.win_head_dist); decoded_image = _usr_handler.alloc_image(opaque_usr_info, _image.id, _image.id - _image.win_head_dist, decoded_type, _image.width, _image.height, _image.gross_pixels, bytes_per_pixel, _image.top_down); _image.data = decoded_image->get_data(); // decode_by_type #ifdef GLZ_DECODE_TO_RGB32 n_in_bytes_decoded = DECODE_TO_RGB32[_image.type](_images_window, _in_now, _image.data, _image.gross_pixels, image_window_id, palette, _debug_calls); #else n_in_bytes_decoded = DECODE_TO_SAME[_image.type](_images_window, _in_now, _image.data, IS_IMAGE_TYPE_PLT[_image.type] ? _image.gross_pixels / PLT_PIXELS_PER_BYTE[_image.type] : _image.gross_pixels, image_window_id, palette, _debug_calls); #endif _in_now += n_in_bytes_decoded; if (_image.type == LZ_IMAGE_TYPE_RGBA) { glz_rgb_alpha_decode(_images_window, _in_now, _image.data, _image.gross_pixels, image_window_id, palette, _debug_calls); } _images_window.post_decode(decoded_image); }