/* Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat, Inc. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, see . */ #include "common.h" #include "controller.h" #include #include "cmd_line_parser.h" #include "menu.h" #include "utils.h" #include "debug.h" #include "platform.h" #define PIPE_NAME_MAX_LEN 50 #ifdef WIN32 #define PIPE_NAME "SpiceController-%lu" #endif Controller::Controller(ControllerInterface *handler) : _handler (handler) , _exclusive (false) , _refs (1) { char pipe_name[PIPE_NAME_MAX_LEN]; ASSERT(_handler); #ifdef WIN32 snprintf(pipe_name, PIPE_NAME_MAX_LEN, PIPE_NAME, Platform::get_process_id()); #else char *p_socket = getenv("SPICE_XPI_SOCKET"); if (!p_socket) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to get a controller connection (SPICE_XPI_SOCKET)"); throw Exception("Failed to get a controller connection (SPICE_XPI_SOCKET)"); } strncpy(pipe_name, p_socket, sizeof(pipe_name)); #endif LOG_INFO("Creating a controller connection %s", pipe_name); _pipe = NamedPipe::create(pipe_name, *this); if (!_pipe) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to create a controller connection"); } } Controller::~Controller() { std::map::const_iterator conn; for (conn = _connections.begin(); conn != _connections.end(); ++conn) { conn->second->reset_handler(); delete conn->second; } if (_pipe) { NamedPipe::destroy(_pipe); } } NamedPipe::ConnectionInterface& Controller::create() { ControllerConnection *conn = new ControllerConnection(_handler, *this); if (conn == NULL) { throw Exception("Error allocating a new controller connection"); } return *conn; } bool Controller::set_exclusive(bool exclusive) { if (_exclusive) { LOG_ERROR("Cannot init controller, an exclusive controller already connected"); return false; } if (exclusive && _connections.size() > 1) { LOG_ERROR("Cannot init exclusive controller, other controllers already connected"); return false; } _exclusive = exclusive; return true; } void Controller::add_connection(NamedPipe::ConnectionRef conn_ref, ControllerConnection *conn) { _connections[conn_ref] = conn; conn->on_data(); } void Controller::remove_connection(NamedPipe::ConnectionRef conn_ref) { ControllerConnection *conn = _connections[conn_ref]; _connections.erase(conn_ref); _exclusive = false; delete conn; } void Controller::on_command(NamedPipe::ConnectionRef conn_ref, int32_t id) { ControllerConnection *conn = _connections[conn_ref]; ControllerValue msg; ASSERT(conn); msg.base.id = CONTROLLER_MENU_ITEM_CLICK; msg.base.size = sizeof(msg); msg.value = id; conn->write_msg(&msg.base, msg.base.size); } ControllerConnection::ControllerConnection(ControllerInterface *handler, Controller& parent) : _handler (handler) , _parent (parent) , _initialized (false) , _write_pending (0) , _write_pos (_write_buf) , _read_pos (_read_buf) , _port (-1) , _sport (-1) , _full_screen (false) , _auto_display_res (false) { } ControllerConnection::~ControllerConnection() { if (_opaque != NamedPipe::INVALID_CONNECTION) { NamedPipe::destroy_connection(_opaque); } if (_handler) { _handler->clear_menu_items(_opaque); _handler->delete_menu(); } } void ControllerConnection::bind(NamedPipe::ConnectionRef conn_ref) { _opaque = conn_ref; _parent.add_connection(conn_ref, this); } void ControllerConnection::on_data() { if (_write_pending) { LOG_INFO("Resume pending write %d", _write_pending); if (!write_msg(_write_pos, _write_pending)) { return; } } while (read_msgs()); } bool ControllerConnection::read_msgs() { uint8_t *pos = _read_buf; size_t nread = _read_pos - _read_buf; int32_t size; ASSERT(_handler); ASSERT(_opaque != NamedPipe::INVALID_CONNECTION); size = NamedPipe::read(_opaque, (uint8_t*)_read_pos, sizeof(_read_buf) - nread); if (size == 0) { return false; } else if (size < 0) { LOG_ERROR("Error reading from named pipe %d", size); _parent.remove_connection(_opaque); return false; } nread += size; while (nread > 0) { if (!_initialized && nread >= sizeof(ControllerInitHeader)) { ControllerInitHeader *init = (ControllerInitHeader *)pos; if (init->magic != CONTROLLER_MAGIC || init->version != CONTROLLER_VERSION) { LOG_ERROR("Bad controller init, magic=0x%x version=%u", init->magic, init->version); _parent.remove_connection(_opaque); return false; } if (nread < init->size) { break; } if (!handle_init((ControllerInit*)init)) { _parent.remove_connection(_opaque); return false; } nread -= init->size; pos += init->size; _initialized = true; } if (!_initialized || nread < sizeof(ControllerMsg)) { break; } ControllerMsg *hdr = (ControllerMsg *)pos; if (hdr->size < sizeof(ControllerMsg)) { LOG_ERROR("Bad controller message, size=%u", hdr->size); _parent.remove_connection(_opaque); return false; } if (nread < hdr->size) { break; } handle_message(hdr); nread -= hdr->size; pos += hdr->size; } if (nread > 0 && pos != _read_buf) { memcpy(_read_buf, pos, nread); } _read_pos = _read_buf + nread; return true; } bool ControllerConnection::write_msg(const void *buf, int len) { RecurciveLock lock(_write_lock); uint8_t *pos; int32_t written = 0; ASSERT(_opaque != NamedPipe::INVALID_CONNECTION); if (_write_pending && buf != _write_pos) { if ((_write_pos + _write_pending + len > _write_buf + sizeof(_write_buf)) && !write_msg(_write_pos, _write_pending)) { return false; } if (_write_pending) { if (_write_pos + _write_pending + len > _write_buf + sizeof(_write_buf)) { DBG(0, "Dropping message, due to insufficient space in write buffer"); return true; } memcpy(_write_pos + _write_pending, buf, len); _write_pending += len; } } pos = (uint8_t*)buf; while (len && (written = NamedPipe::write(_opaque, pos, len)) > 0) { pos += written; len -= written; } if (len && written == 0) { if (_write_pending) { _write_pos = pos; } else { _write_pos = _write_buf; memcpy(_write_buf, pos, len); } _write_pending = len; } else if (written < 0) { LOG_ERROR("Error writing to named pipe %d", written); _parent.remove_connection(_opaque); return false; } else { _write_pending = 0; } return true; } bool ControllerConnection::handle_init(ControllerInit *init) { ASSERT(_handler); if (init->credentials != 0) { LOG_ERROR("Controller menu has wrong credentials 0x%x", init->credentials); return false; } if (!_parent.set_exclusive(init->flags & CONTROLLER_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE)) { return false; } return true; } bool ControllerConnection::handle_message(ControllerMsg *hdr) { uint32_t value = ((ControllerValue*)hdr)->value; char *data = (char*)((ControllerData*)hdr)->data; ASSERT(_handler); switch (hdr->id) { case CONTROLLER_HOST: _host.assign(data); break; case CONTROLLER_PORT: _port = value; break; case CONTROLLER_SPORT: _sport = value; break; case CONTROLLER_PASSWORD: _password.assign(data); break; case CONTROLLER_SECURE_CHANNELS: case CONTROLLER_DISABLE_CHANNELS: return set_multi_val(hdr->id, data); case CONTROLLER_TLS_CIPHERS: return _handler->set_connection_ciphers(data, "Controller"); case CONTROLLER_CA_FILE: return _handler->set_ca_file(data, "Controller"); case CONTROLLER_HOST_SUBJECT: return _handler->set_host_cert_subject(data, "Controller"); case CONTROLLER_FULL_SCREEN: _full_screen = !!(value & CONTROLLER_SET_FULL_SCREEN); _handler->set_auto_display_res(!!(value & CONTROLLER_AUTO_DISPLAY_RES)); break; case CONTROLLER_SET_TITLE: { std::string str; string_printf(str, "%s", data); _handler->set_title(str); break; } case CONTROLLER_HOTKEYS: _handler->set_hotkeys(data); break; case CONTROLLER_CONNECT: _handler->connect(_host, _port, _sport, _password); break; case CONTROLLER_SHOW: _handler->show_me(_full_screen); break; case CONTROLLER_HIDE: _handler->hide_me(); break; case CONTROLLER_CREATE_MENU: return create_menu((char*)data); case CONTROLLER_DELETE_MENU: _handler->delete_menu(); break; case CONTROLLER_SEND_CAD: default: LOG_ERROR("Ignoring an unknown controller message %u", hdr->id); return false; } return true; } #ifdef WIN32 #define next_tok(str, delim, state) strtok(str, delim) #else #define next_tok(str, delim, state) strtok_r(str, delim, state) #endif bool ControllerConnection::create_menu(char* resource) { bool ret = true; char* item_state = 0; char* next_item; const char* param; const char* text; int parent_id; int flags; int state; int id; ASSERT(_handler); AutoRef app_menu(_handler->get_app_menu()); AutoRef menu(new Menu((*app_menu)->get_target(), "")); char* item = next_tok(resource, CONTROLLER_MENU_ITEM_DELIMITER, &item_state); while (item != NULL) { next_item = item + strlen(item) + 1; ret = ret && (param = next_tok(item, CONTROLLER_MENU_PARAM_DELIMITER, &item_state)) && sscanf(param, "%d", &parent_id); ret = ret && (param = next_tok(NULL, CONTROLLER_MENU_PARAM_DELIMITER, &item_state)) && sscanf(param, "%d", &id); ret = ret && (text = next_tok(NULL, CONTROLLER_MENU_PARAM_DELIMITER, &item_state)); ret = ret && (param = next_tok(NULL, CONTROLLER_MENU_PARAM_DELIMITER, &item_state)) && sscanf(param, "%d", &flags); if (!ret) { DBG(0, "item parsing failed %s", item); break; } DBG(0, "parent_id=%d, id=%d, text=%s, flags=%d", parent_id, id, text, flags); AutoRef sub_menu((*menu)->find_sub(parent_id)); if (!(ret = !!*sub_menu)) { DBG(0, "submenu not found %s", item); break; } if (flags & CONTROLLER_MENU_FLAGS_SEPARATOR) { (*sub_menu)->add_separator(); } else if (flags & CONTROLLER_MENU_FLAGS_POPUP) { AutoRef sub(new Menu((*app_menu)->get_target(), text, id)); (*sub_menu)->add_sub(sub.release()); } else { state = 0; if (flags & (CONTROLLER_MENU_FLAGS_DISABLED | CONTROLLER_MENU_FLAGS_GRAYED)) { state |= Menu::MENU_ITEM_STATE_DIM; } if (flags & CONTROLLER_MENU_FLAGS_CHECKED) { state |= Menu::MENU_ITEM_STATE_CHECKED; } if (id >= SPICE_MENU_INTERNAL_ID_BASE) { id = ((id - SPICE_MENU_INTERNAL_ID_BASE) >> SPICE_MENU_INTERNAL_ID_SHIFT) + 1; } else { id = _handler->get_controller_menu_item_id(_opaque, id); } (*sub_menu)->add_command(text, id, state); } item = next_tok(next_item, CONTROLLER_MENU_ITEM_DELIMITER, &item_state); } if (ret) { _handler->set_menu(*menu); } return ret; } bool ControllerConnection::set_multi_val(uint32_t op, char* multi_val) { CmdLineParser parser("", false); int id = CmdLineParser::OPTION_FIRST_AVILABLE; char* argv[] = {NULL, (char*)"--set", multi_val}; char* val; ASSERT(_handler); parser.add(id, "set", "none", "none", true); parser.set_multi(id, ','); parser.begin(3, argv); if (parser.get_option(&val) != id) { return false; } switch (op) { case CONTROLLER_SECURE_CHANNELS: _handler->set_channels_security(parser, true, val, "Controller"); break; case CONTROLLER_DISABLE_CHANNELS: _handler->set_enable_channels(parser, false, val, "Controller"); break; default: DBG(0, "unsupported op %u", op); return false; } return true; }