/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat, Inc. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, see . */ #ifndef _H_CANVAS #define _H_CANVAS #include "common.h" #include "debug.h" #include "region.h" #include #include "cache.hpp" #include "shared_cache.hpp" #include "canvas_base.h" #include "canvas_utils.h" #include "glz_decoded_image.h" #include "glz_decoder.h" enum CanvasType { CANVAS_TYPE_INVALID, CANVAS_TYPE_CAIRO, CANVAS_TYPE_GL, CANVAS_TYPE_GDI, }; template class CHash : public Base { public: CHash() { memset(_hash, 0, sizeof(_hash)); } ~CHash() { } void add(uint32_t id, T* data) { Item** item = &_hash[key(id)]; while (*item) { PANIC_ON((*item)->id == id); item = &(*item)->next; } *item = new Item(id, data); } bool is_present(uint32_t id) { Item* item = _hash[key(id)]; for (;;) { if (!item) { return false; } if (item->id != id) { item = item->next; continue; } return true; } } T* get(uint32_t id) { Item* item = _hash[key(id)]; for (;;) { PANIC_ON(!item); if (item->id != id) { item = item->next; continue; } return item->data; } } void remove(uint32_t id) { Item** item = &_hash[key(id)]; while (*item) { if ((*item)->id == id) { Item *rm_item = *item; *item = rm_item->next; delete rm_item; return; } item = &(*item)->next; } THROW("id %lu, not found", id); } private: inline uint32_t key(uint32_t id) {return id % HASH_SIZE;} private: class Item { public: Item(uint32_t in_id, T* data) : id (in_id) , next (NULL) , data (data) {} ~Item() { } uint64_t id; Item* next; T* data; }; Item* _hash[HASH_SIZE]; }; class PixmapCacheTreat { public: static inline pixman_image_t *get(pixman_image_t *surf) { return pixman_image_ref(surf); } static inline void release(pixman_image_t *surf) { pixman_image_unref(surf); } static const char* name() { return "pixmap";} }; class SpiceImageCacheBase; typedef SharedCache PixmapCache; class SpiceImageCacheBase { public: SpiceImageCache base; static void op_put(SpiceImageCache *c, uint64_t id, pixman_image_t *surface) { PixmapCache* cache = reinterpret_cast(c); cache->add(id, surface); } static pixman_image_t* op_get(SpiceImageCache *c, uint64_t id) { PixmapCache* cache = reinterpret_cast(c); return cache->get(id); } SpiceImageCacheBase() { static SpiceImageCacheOps cache_ops = { op_put, op_get }; base.ops = &cache_ops; } }; class SpiceImageSurfacesBase; typedef CHash CSurfaces; class SpiceImageSurfacesBase { public: SpiceImageSurfaces base; static void op_put(SpiceImageSurfaces *c, uint32_t surface_id, SpiceCanvas *surface) { CSurfaces* cache = reinterpret_cast(c); cache->add(surface_id, surface); } static SpiceCanvas* op_get(SpiceImageSurfaces *s, uint32_t surface_id) { CSurfaces* cache = reinterpret_cast(s); return cache->get(surface_id); } static void op_del(SpiceImageSurfaces *c, uint32_t surface_id) { CSurfaces* cache = reinterpret_cast(c); cache->remove(surface_id); } SpiceImageSurfacesBase() { static SpiceImageSurfacesOps cache_ops = { op_get }; base.ops = &cache_ops; } }; class Canvas; typedef CHash CCanvases; class CachedPalette { public: CachedPalette(SpicePalette* palette) : _refs(1) { int size = sizeof(SpicePalette) + palette->num_ents * sizeof(uint32_t); CachedPalette **ptr = (CachedPalette **)new uint8_t[size + sizeof(CachedPalette *)]; *ptr = this; _palette = (SpicePalette*)(ptr + 1); memcpy(_palette, palette, size); } CachedPalette* ref() { _refs++; return this; } void unref() { if (--_refs == 0) { delete this; } } static void unref(SpicePalette *pal) { CachedPalette **ptr = (CachedPalette **)pal; (*(ptr - 1))->unref(); } SpicePalette* palette() { return _palette;} private: ~CachedPalette() { delete[] (uint8_t *)((CachedPalette **)_palette - 1); } private: int _refs; SpicePalette* _palette; }; class PaletteCacheTreat { public: static inline CachedPalette* get(CachedPalette* palette) { return palette->ref(); } static inline void release(CachedPalette* palette) { palette->unref(); } static const char* name() { return "palette";} }; class SpicePaletteCacheBase; typedef Cache PaletteCache; class SpicePaletteCacheBase { public: SpicePaletteCache base; static void op_put(SpicePaletteCache *c, SpicePalette *palette) { PaletteCache* cache = reinterpret_cast(c); AutoRef cached_palette(new CachedPalette(palette)); cache->add(palette->unique, *cached_palette); } static SpicePalette* op_get(SpicePaletteCache *c, uint64_t id) { PaletteCache* cache = reinterpret_cast(c); return cache->get(id)->palette(); } static void op_release (SpicePaletteCache *c, SpicePalette *palette) { CachedPalette::unref(palette); } SpicePaletteCacheBase() { static SpicePaletteCacheOps cache_ops = { op_put, op_get, op_release }; base.ops = &cache_ops; } }; /* Lz decoder related classes */ class GlzDecodedSurface: public GlzDecodedImage { public: GlzDecodedSurface(uint64_t id, uint64_t win_head_id, uint8_t *data, int size, int bytes_per_pixel, pixman_image_t *surface) : GlzDecodedImage(id, win_head_id, data, size, bytes_per_pixel) , _surface (surface) { pixman_image_ref(_surface); } virtual ~GlzDecodedSurface() { pixman_image_unref(_surface); } private: pixman_image_t *_surface; }; class GlzDecodeSurfaceHandler: public GlzDecodeHandler { public: virtual GlzDecodedImage *alloc_image(void *opaque_usr_info, uint64_t image_id, uint64_t image_win_head_id, LzImageType type, int width, int height, int gross_pixels, int n_bytes_per_pixel, bool top_down) { pixman_image_t *surface = alloc_lz_image_surface((LzDecodeUsrData *)opaque_usr_info, type, width, height, gross_pixels, top_down); uint8_t *data = (uint8_t *)pixman_image_get_data(surface); if (!top_down) { data = data - (gross_pixels / height) * n_bytes_per_pixel * (height - 1); } return (new GlzDecodedSurface(image_id, image_win_head_id, data, gross_pixels, n_bytes_per_pixel, surface)); } }; /* TODO: unite with the window debug callbacks? */ class GlzDecoderCanvasDebug: public GlzDecoderDebug { public: virtual void error(const std::string& str) { throw Exception(str); } virtual void warn(const std::string& str) { LOG_WARN("%s", str.c_str()); } virtual void info(const std::string& str) { LOG_INFO("%s", str.c_str()); } }; class Canvas { public: Canvas(PixmapCache& bits_cache, PaletteCache& palette_cache, GlzDecoderWindow &glz_decoder_window, CSurfaces& csurfaces); virtual ~Canvas(); virtual void copy_pixels(const QRegion& region, RedDrawable* dc, const PixmapHeader* pixmap) = 0; virtual void copy_pixels(const QRegion& region, RedDrawable& dc) = 0; virtual void thread_touch() = 0; void clear(); void draw_fill(SpiceMsgDisplayDrawFill& fill, int size); void draw_text(SpiceMsgDisplayDrawText& text, int size); void draw_opaque(SpiceMsgDisplayDrawOpaque& opaque, int size); void draw_copy(SpiceMsgDisplayDrawCopy& copy, int size); void draw_transparent(SpiceMsgDisplayDrawTransparent& transparent, int size); void draw_alpha_blend(SpiceMsgDisplayDrawAlphaBlend& alpha_blend, int size); void copy_bits(SpiceMsgDisplayCopyBits& copy_bits, int size); void draw_blend(SpiceMsgDisplayDrawBlend& blend, int size); void draw_blackness(SpiceMsgDisplayDrawBlackness& blackness, int size); void draw_whiteness(SpiceMsgDisplayDrawWhiteness& whiteness, int size); void draw_invers(SpiceMsgDisplayDrawInvers& invers, int size); void draw_rop3(SpiceMsgDisplayDrawRop3& rop3, int size); void draw_stroke(SpiceMsgDisplayDrawStroke& stroke, int size); void put_image( #ifdef WIN32 HDC dc, #endif const PixmapHeader& image, const SpiceRect& dest, const QRegion* clip); virtual CanvasType get_pixmap_type() { return CANVAS_TYPE_INVALID; } virtual SpiceCanvas *get_internal_canvas() { return _canvas; } protected: virtual void touched_bbox(const SpiceRect *bbox) {}; PixmapCache& pixmap_cache() { return _pixmap_cache;} PaletteCache& palette_cache() { return _palette_cache;} CSurfaces& csurfaces() { return _csurfaces; } GlzDecoder& glz_decoder() {return _glz_decoder;} private: void access_test(void* ptr, size_t size); void localalize_ptr(SPICE_ADDRESS* data); void localalize_image(SPICE_ADDRESS* in_bitmap); void localalize_brush(SpiceBrush& brush); void localalize_attr(SpiceLineAttr& attr); void localalize_mask(SpiceQMask& mask); void begin_draw(SpiceMsgDisplayBase& base, int size, size_t min_size); protected: SpiceCanvas* _canvas; CSurfaces _surfaces; private: PixmapCache& _pixmap_cache; PaletteCache& _palette_cache; GlzDecodeSurfaceHandler _glz_handler; GlzDecoderCanvasDebug _glz_debug; GlzDecoder _glz_decoder; CSurfaces& _csurfaces; unsigned long _base; unsigned long _max; }; #endif