/* Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat, Inc. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, see . */ #ifndef _H_APPLICATION #define _H_APPLICATION #include "common.h" #include "threads.h" #include "red_client.h" #include "red_key.h" #include "platform.h" #include "menu.h" #include "hot_keys.h" #include "process_loop.h" #include "foreign_menu.h" class RedScreen; class Application; class ScreenLayer; class InfoLayer; class InputsHandler; class Monitor; class CmdLineParser; class Menu; #ifdef USE_GUI class GUI; class GUITimer; class GUIBarrier; #ifdef GUI_DEMO class TestTimer; #endif #endif // USE_GUI class ConnectedEvent: public Event { public: virtual void response(AbstractProcessLoop& events_loop); }; class DisconnectedEvent: public Event { public: DisconnectedEvent() : _error_code (SPICEC_ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS) {} DisconnectedEvent(int error_code) : _error_code (error_code) {} virtual void response(AbstractProcessLoop& events_loop); private: int _error_code; }; class VisibilityEvent: public Event { public: VisibilityEvent(int screen_id) : _screen_id (screen_id) {} virtual void response(AbstractProcessLoop& events_loop); private: int _screen_id; }; struct MonitorInfo { int depth; SpicePoint size; SpicePoint position; }; class MonitorsQuery: public SyncEvent { public: MonitorsQuery() {} virtual void do_response(AbstractProcessLoop& events_loop); std::vector& get_monitors() {return _monitors;} private: std::vector _monitors; }; class SwitchHostEvent: public Event { public: SwitchHostEvent(const char* host, int port, int sport, const char* cert_subject); virtual void response(AbstractProcessLoop& events_loop); private: std::string _host; int _port; int _sport; std::string _cert_subject; }; enum CanvasOption { CANVAS_OPTION_INVALID, CANVAS_OPTION_SW, #ifdef WIN32 CANVAS_OPTION_GDI, #endif #ifdef USE_OGL CANVAS_OPTION_OGL_FBO, CANVAS_OPTION_OGL_PBUFF, #endif }; class StickyKeyTimer: public Timer { public: virtual void response(AbstractProcessLoop& events_loop); }; typedef struct StickyInfo { bool trace_is_on; bool sticky_mode; bool key_first_down; // True when (1) a potential sticky key is pressed, // and none of the other keys are pressed and (2) in the moment // of pressing, _sticky_mode is false. When the key is up // for the first time, it is set to false. bool key_down; // The physical state of the sticky key. Valid only till // stickiness is removed. RedKey key; // the key that is currently being traced, or, // if _sticky mode is on, the sticky key AutoRef timer; } StickyInfo; typedef std::list KeyHandlersStack; #ifdef USE_GUI typedef std::list GUIBarriers; #endif // USE_GUI enum AppMenuItemType { APP_MENU_ITEM_TYPE_INVALID, APP_MENU_ITEM_TYPE_FOREIGN, }; typedef struct AppMenuItem { AppMenuItemType type; int32_t conn_ref; uint32_t ext_id; } AppMenuItem; typedef std::map AppMenuItemMap; class Application : public ProcessLoop, public Platform::EventListener, public Platform::DisplayModeListener, public ForeignMenuInterface { public: enum State { DISCONNECTED, CONNECTING, CONNECTED, VISIBILITY, DISCONECTING, }; #ifdef USE_GUI enum GuiMode { GUI_MODE_FULL, GUI_MODE_ACTIVE_SESSION, GUI_MODE_MINIMAL, }; #endif // USE_GUI Application(); virtual ~Application(); int run(); void set_key_handler(KeyHandler& handler); void remove_key_handler(KeyHandler& handler); void set_mouse_handler(MouseHandler& handler); void remove_mouse_handler(MouseHandler& handler); void capture_mouse(); void release_mouse_capture(); RedScreen* find_screen(int id); RedScreen* get_screen(int id); void on_screen_unlocked(RedScreen& screen); void on_screen_destroyed(int id, bool was_captured); void on_mouse_motion(int dx, int dy, int buttons_state); void on_mouse_down(int button, int buttons_state); void on_mouse_up(int button, int buttons_state); void on_key_down(RedKey key); void on_key_up(RedKey key); void on_char(uint32_t ch); void on_deactivate_screen(RedScreen* screen); void on_activate_screen(RedScreen* screen); void on_start_screen_key_interception(RedScreen* screen); void on_stop_screen_key_interception(RedScreen* screen); virtual void on_start_running(); virtual void on_app_activated(); virtual void on_app_deactivated(); virtual void on_monitors_change(); virtual void on_display_mode_change(); void on_connected(); void on_disconnected(int spice_error_code); void on_disconnecting(); void on_visibility_start(int screen_id); bool rearrange_monitors(RedScreen& screen); void enter_full_screen(); void exit_full_screen(); bool toggle_full_screen(); void minimize(); void set_title(const std::wstring& title); void hide(); void show(); void external_show(); void connect(); void switch_host(const std::string& host, int port, int sport, const std::string& cert_subject); const PeerConnectionOptMap& get_con_opt_map() {return _peer_con_opt;} const RedPeer::HostAuthOptions& get_host_auth_opt() { return _host_auth_opt;} const std::string& get_connection_ciphers() { return _con_ciphers;} uint32_t get_mouse_mode(); const std::vector& get_canvas_types() { return _canvas_types;} Menu* get_app_menu(); virtual void do_command(int command); int get_foreign_menu_item_id(int32_t opaque_conn_ref, uint32_t msg_id); void clear_menu_items(int32_t opaque_conn_ref); void remove_menu_item(int item_id); void update_menu(); //controller interface begin bool connect(const std::string& host, int port, int sport, const std::string& password); void disconnect(); void quit(); void hide_me(); void beep(); #ifdef USE_GUI bool is_disconnect_allowed(); #endif const std::string& get_host(); int get_port(); int get_sport(); const std::string& get_password(); //controller interface end #ifdef GUI_DEMO void message_box_test(); #endif static int main(int argc, char** argv, const char* version_str); private: bool set_channels_security(CmdLineParser& parser, bool on, char *val, const char* arg0); bool set_connection_ciphers(const char* ciphers, const char* arg0); bool set_ca_file(const char* ca_file, const char* arg0); bool set_host_cert_subject(const char* subject, const char* arg0); bool set_enable_channels(CmdLineParser& parser, bool enable, char *val, const char* arg0); bool set_canvas_option(CmdLineParser& parser, char *val, const char* arg0); bool set_disabled_display_effects(CmdLineParser& parser, char *val, const char* arg0, DisplaySetting& disp_setting); void on_cmd_line_invalid_arg(const char* arg0, const char* what, const char* val); bool process_cmd_line(int argc, char** argv); void register_channels(); void abort(); void init_menu(); void unpress_all(); bool release_capture(); bool do_connect(); bool do_disconnect(); void set_state(State); void restore_screens_size(); Monitor* find_monitor(int id); Monitor* get_monitor(int id); void init_monitors(); void destroy_monitors(); void assign_monitors(); void restore_monitors(); void prepare_monitors(); void position_screens(); void show_full_screen(); void send_key_down(RedKey key); void send_key_up(RedKey key); void send_alt_ctl_del(); void send_ctrl_alt_end(); void send_command_hotkey(int command); void send_hotkey_key_set(const HotkeySet& key_set); void menu_item_callback(unsigned int item_id); int get_menu_item_id(AppMenuItemType type, int32_t conn_ref, uint32_t ext_id); int get_hotkeys_commnad(); bool is_key_set_pressed(const HotkeySet& key_set); void do_on_key_up(RedKey key); void __remove_key_handler(KeyHandler& handler); void show_info_layer(); void hide_info_layer(); #ifdef USE_GUI void attach_gui_barriers(); void detach_gui_barriers(); void show_gui(); void hide_gui(); void create_gui_barrier(RedScreen& screen, int id); void destroyed_gui_barrier(int id); void destroyed_gui_barriers(); #else // USE_GUI void show_gui() {} void hide_gui() {} #endif // USE_GUI // returns the press value before operation (i.e., if it was already pressed) bool press_key(RedKey key); bool unpress_key(RedKey key); void reset_sticky(); static bool is_sticky_trace_key(RedKey key); void sync_keyboard_modifiers(); static void init_logger(); static void init_globals(); static void cleanup_globals(); friend class DisconnectedEvent; friend class ConnectionErrorEvent; friend class MonitorsQuery; friend class AutoAbort; friend class StickyKeyTimer; private: RedClient _client; PeerConnectionOptMap _peer_con_opt; RedPeer::HostAuthOptions _host_auth_opt; std::string _con_ciphers; std::vector _enabled_channels; std::vector _screens; RedScreen* _main_screen; bool _active; bool _full_screen; bool _changing_screens; int _exit_code; RedScreen* _active_screen; bool _keyboard_state[REDKEY_NUM_KEYS]; int _num_keys_pressed; HotKeys _hot_keys; CommandsMap _commands_map; std::auto_ptr _info_layer; KeyHandler* _key_handler; KeyHandlersStack _key_handlers; MouseHandler* _mouse_handler; const MonitorsList* _monitors; std::wstring _title; bool _sys_key_intercept_mode; StickyInfo _sticky_info; std::vector _canvas_types; AutoRef _app_menu; AutoRef _foreign_menu; AppMenuItemMap _app_menu_items; #ifdef USE_GUI std::auto_ptr _gui; AutoRef _gui_timer; GUIBarriers _gui_barriers; GuiMode _gui_mode; #ifdef GUI_DEMO AutoRef _gui_test_timer; #endif #endif // USE_GUI bool _during_host_switch; State _state; }; #endif