/* Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat, Inc. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, see . */ #include "common.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #include "application.h" #include "screen.h" #include "utils.h" #include "debug.h" #include "screen_layer.h" #include "monitor.h" #include "resource.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include "red_gdi_canvas.h" #endif #include "platform.h" #include "sw_canvas.h" #include "gl_canvas.h" #include "quic.h" #include "mutex.h" #include "cmd_line_parser.h" #ifdef USE_TUNNEL #include "tunnel_channel.h" #endif #include "rect.h" #ifdef USE_GUI #include "gui/gui.h" #endif #include #include #include #define STICKY_KEY_PIXMAP ALT_IMAGE_RES_ID #define STICKY_KEY_TIMEOUT 750 #define CA_FILE_NAME "spice_truststore.pem" static const char* app_name = "spicec"; void ConnectedEvent::response(AbstractProcessLoop& events_loop) { static_cast(events_loop.get_owner())->on_connected(); } void DisconnectedEvent::response(AbstractProcessLoop& events_loop) { Application* app = static_cast(events_loop.get_owner()); app->on_disconnected(_error_code); } void VisibilityEvent::response(AbstractProcessLoop& events_loop) { Application* app = static_cast(events_loop.get_owner()); app->on_visibility_start(_screen_id); } void MonitorsQuery::do_response(AbstractProcessLoop& events_loop) { Monitor* mon; int i = 0; while ((mon = (static_cast(events_loop.get_owner()))->find_monitor(i++))) { MonitorInfo info; info.size = mon->get_size(); info.depth = 32; info.position = mon->get_position(); _monitors.push_back(info); } } SwitchHostEvent::SwitchHostEvent(const char* host, int port, int sport, const char* cert_subject) { _host = host; _port = port; _sport = sport; if (cert_subject) { _cert_subject = cert_subject; } } void SwitchHostEvent::response(AbstractProcessLoop& events_loop) { Application* app = static_cast(events_loop.get_owner()); app->switch_host(_host, _port, _sport, _cert_subject); } #ifdef USE_GUI //todo: add inactive visual appearance class GUIBarrier: public ScreenLayer { public: GUIBarrier(int id) : ScreenLayer(SCREEN_LAYER_GUI_BARIER, true) , _id (id) , _cursor (Platform::create_inactive_cursor()) { } ~GUIBarrier() { detach(); } int get_id() { return _id;} void attach(RedScreen& in_screen) { if (screen()) { ASSERT(&in_screen == screen()) return; } in_screen.attach_layer(*this); } void detach() { if (!screen()) { return; } screen()->detach_layer(*this); } virtual bool pointer_test(int x, int y) { return true;} virtual void on_pointer_enter(int x, int y, unsigned int buttons_state) { AutoRef cursor(Platform::create_inactive_cursor()); screen()->set_cursor(*cursor); return; } private: int _id; AutoRef _cursor; }; class GUITimer: public Timer { public: GUITimer(GUI& gui) : _gui (gui) { } virtual void response(AbstractProcessLoop& events_loop) { _gui.idle(); } private: GUI& _gui; }; #ifdef GUI_DEMO class TestTimer: public Timer { public: TestTimer(Application& app) : _app (app) { } virtual void response(AbstractProcessLoop& events_loop) { _app.message_box_test(); } private: Application& _app; }; #endif #endif // USE_GUI class InfoLayer: public ScreenLayer { public: InfoLayer(); virtual void copy_pixels(const QRegion& dest_region, RedDrawable& dest_dc); void set_info_mode(); void set_sticky(bool is_on); virtual void on_size_changed(); private: void draw_info(const QRegion& dest_region, RedDrawable& dest); void update_sticky_rect(); private: AlphaImageFromRes _info_pixmap; AlphaImageFromRes _sticky_pixmap; SpicePoint _info_pos; SpicePoint _sticky_pos; SpiceRect _sticky_rect; bool _sticky_on; RecurciveMutex _update_lock; }; InfoLayer::InfoLayer() : ScreenLayer(SCREEN_LAYER_INFO, false) , _info_pixmap (INFO_IMAGE_RES_ID) , _sticky_pixmap (STICKY_KEY_PIXMAP) , _sticky_on (false) { } void InfoLayer::draw_info(const QRegion& dest_region, RedDrawable& dest) { pixman_box32_t *rects; int num_rects; rects = pixman_region32_rectangles((pixman_region32_t *)&dest_region, &num_rects); for (int i = 0; i < num_rects; i++) { SpiceRect r; r.left = rects[i].x1; r.top = rects[i].y1; r.right = rects[i].x2; r.bottom = rects[i].y2; /* is rect inside sticky region or info region? */ if (_sticky_on && rect_intersects(r, _sticky_rect)) { dest.blend_pixels(_sticky_pixmap, r.left - _sticky_pos.x, r.top - _sticky_pos.y, r); } else { dest.blend_pixels(_info_pixmap, r.left - _info_pos.x, r.top - _info_pos.y, r); } } } void InfoLayer::copy_pixels(const QRegion& dest_region, RedDrawable& dest_dc) { RecurciveLock lock(_update_lock); draw_info(dest_region, dest_dc); } void InfoLayer::set_info_mode() { RecurciveLock lock(_update_lock); ASSERT(screen()); SpicePoint size = _info_pixmap.get_size(); SpicePoint screen_size = screen()->get_size(); SpiceRect r; r.left = (screen_size.x - size.x) / 2; r.right = r.left + size.x; _info_pos.x = r.right - size.x; _info_pos.y = r.top = 0; r.bottom = r.top + size.y; lock.unlock(); set_rect_area(r); update_sticky_rect(); set_sticky(_sticky_on); } void InfoLayer::update_sticky_rect() { SpicePoint size = _sticky_pixmap.get_size(); SpicePoint screen_size = screen()->get_size(); _sticky_pos.x = (screen_size.x - size.x) / 2; _sticky_pos.y = screen_size.y * 2 / 3; _sticky_rect.left = _sticky_pos.x; _sticky_rect.top = _sticky_pos.y; _sticky_rect.right = _sticky_rect.left + size.x; _sticky_rect.bottom = _sticky_rect.top + size.y; } void InfoLayer::set_sticky(bool is_on) { RecurciveLock lock(_update_lock); if (!_sticky_on && !is_on) { return; } _sticky_on = is_on; if (_sticky_on) { add_rect_area(_sticky_rect); invalidate(_sticky_rect); } else { remove_rect_area(_sticky_rect); } } void InfoLayer::on_size_changed() { set_info_mode(); } void StickyKeyTimer::response(AbstractProcessLoop& events_loop) { Application* app = (Application*)events_loop.get_owner(); StickyInfo* sticky_info = &app->_sticky_info; ASSERT(app->is_sticky_trace_key(sticky_info->key)); ASSERT(app->_keyboard_state[sticky_info->key]); ASSERT(sticky_info->key_first_down); ASSERT(sticky_info->key_down); sticky_info->sticky_mode = true; DBG(0, "ON sticky"); app->_info_layer->set_sticky(true); app->deactivate_interval_timer(this); } static MouseHandler default_mouse_handler; static KeyHandler default_key_handler; enum AppCommands { APP_CMD_INVALID, APP_CMD_SEND_CTL_ALT_DEL, APP_CMD_TOGGLE_FULL_SCREEN, APP_CMD_RELEASE_CAPTURE, APP_CMD_SEND_TOGGLE_KEYS, APP_CMD_SEND_RELEASE_KEYS, APP_CMD_SEND_CTL_ALT_END, #ifdef RED_DEBUG APP_CMD_CONNECT, APP_CMD_DISCONNECT, #endif #ifdef USE_GUI APP_CMD_SHOW_GUI, #endif // USE_GUI APP_CMD_EXTERNAL_BEGIN = 0x400, APP_CMD_EXTERNAL_END = 0x800, }; Application::Application() : ProcessLoop (this) , _client (*this) , _con_ciphers ("DEFAULT") , _enabled_channels (SPICE_END_CHANNEL, true) , _main_screen (NULL) , _active (false) , _full_screen (false) , _changing_screens (false) , _exit_code (0) , _active_screen (NULL) , _num_keys_pressed (0) , _info_layer (new InfoLayer()) , _key_handler (&default_key_handler) , _mouse_handler (&default_mouse_handler) , _monitors (NULL) , _title ("SPICEc:%d") , _sys_key_intercept_mode (false) , _enable_controller (false) #ifdef USE_GUI , _gui_mode (GUI_MODE_FULL) #endif // USE_GUI , _during_host_switch(false) , _state (DISCONNECTED) { DBG(0, ""); Platform::set_process_loop(*this); init_monitors(); memset(_keyboard_state, 0, sizeof(_keyboard_state)); init_menu(); _main_screen = get_screen(0); Platform::set_event_listener(this); Platform::set_display_mode_listner(this); _commands_map["toggle-fullscreen"] = APP_CMD_TOGGLE_FULL_SCREEN; _commands_map["release-cursor"] = APP_CMD_RELEASE_CAPTURE; #ifdef RED_DEBUG _commands_map["connect"] = APP_CMD_CONNECT; _commands_map["disconnect"] = APP_CMD_DISCONNECT; #endif #ifdef USE_GUI _commands_map["show-gui"] = APP_CMD_SHOW_GUI; #endif // USE_GUI _canvas_types.resize(1); #ifdef WIN32 _canvas_types[0] = CANVAS_OPTION_GDI; #else _canvas_types[0] = CANVAS_OPTION_SW; #endif _host_auth_opt.type_flags = RedPeer::HostAuthOptions::HOST_AUTH_OP_NAME; Platform::get_app_data_dir(_host_auth_opt.CA_file, app_name); Platform::path_append(_host_auth_opt.CA_file, CA_FILE_NAME); std::auto_ptr parser(new HotKeysParser("toggle-fullscreen=shift+f11" ",release-cursor=shift+f12" #ifdef RED_DEBUG ",connect=shift+f5" ",disconnect=shift+f6" #endif #ifdef USE_GUI ",show-gui=shift+f7" #endif // USE_GUI , _commands_map)); _hot_keys = parser->get(); _sticky_info.trace_is_on = false; _sticky_info.sticky_mode = false; _sticky_info.key_first_down = false; _sticky_info.key_down = false; _sticky_info.key = REDKEY_INVALID; _sticky_info.timer.reset(new StickyKeyTimer()); #ifdef USE_GUI _gui.reset(new GUI(*this, DISCONNECTED)); _gui_timer.reset(new GUITimer(*_gui.get())); activate_interval_timer(*_gui_timer, 1000 / 30); #ifdef GUI_DEMO _gui_test_timer.reset(new TestTimer(*this)); activate_interval_timer(*_gui_test_timer, 1000 * 30); #endif #endif // USE_GUI for (int i = SPICE_CHANNEL_MAIN; i < SPICE_END_CHANNEL; i++) { _peer_con_opt[i] = RedPeer::ConnectionOptions::CON_OP_BOTH; } } Application::~Application() { #ifdef USE_GUI deactivate_interval_timer(*_gui_timer); #ifdef GUI_DEMO deactivate_interval_timer(*_gui_test_timer); #endif destroyed_gui_barriers(); _gui->set_screen(NULL); #endif // USE_GUI if (_info_layer->screen()) { _main_screen->detach_layer(*_info_layer); } _main_screen->unref(); destroy_monitors(); } void Application::init_menu() { //fixme: menu items name need to be dynamically updated by hot keys configuration. AutoRef root_menu(new Menu(*this, "")); (*root_menu)->add_command("Send Ctrl+Alt+Del\tCtrl+Alt+End", APP_CMD_SEND_CTL_ALT_DEL); (*root_menu)->add_command("Toggle full screen\tShift+F11", APP_CMD_TOGGLE_FULL_SCREEN); AutoRef key_menu(new Menu(*this, "Special keys")); (*key_menu)->add_command("Send Shift+F11", APP_CMD_SEND_TOGGLE_KEYS); (*key_menu)->add_command("Send Shift+F12", APP_CMD_SEND_RELEASE_KEYS); (*key_menu)->add_command("Send Ctrl+Alt+End", APP_CMD_SEND_CTL_ALT_END); (*root_menu)->add_sub(key_menu.release()); _app_menu.reset(root_menu.release()); } void Application::__remove_key_handler(KeyHandler& handler) { KeyHandlersStack::iterator iter = _key_handlers.begin(); for (; iter != _key_handlers.end(); iter++) { if (*iter == &handler) { _key_handlers.erase(iter); return; } } } void Application::set_key_handler(KeyHandler& handler) { if (&handler == _key_handler) { return; } __remove_key_handler(handler); if (!_key_handler->permit_focus_loss()) { _key_handlers.push_front(&handler); return; } unpress_all(); if (_active) { _key_handler->on_focus_out(); } _key_handlers.push_front(_key_handler); _key_handler = &handler; if (_active) { _key_handler->on_focus_in(); } } void Application::remove_key_handler(KeyHandler& handler) { bool is_current = (&handler == _key_handler); if (!is_current) { __remove_key_handler(handler); return; } KeyHandler damy_handler; _key_handler = &damy_handler; set_key_handler(**_key_handlers.begin()); __remove_key_handler(damy_handler); } void Application::set_mouse_handler(MouseHandler& handler) { _mouse_handler = &handler; } void Application::remove_mouse_handler(MouseHandler& handler) { if (_mouse_handler != &handler) { return; } _mouse_handler = &default_mouse_handler; } void Application::capture_mouse() { if (!_active_screen #ifdef USE_GUI || _gui->screen() #endif // USE_GUI ) { return; } _active_screen->capture_mouse(); } void Application::release_mouse_capture() { if (!_active_screen || !_active_screen->is_mouse_captured()) { return; } _active_screen->relase_mouse(); } void Application::abort() { Platform::set_event_listener(NULL); Platform::set_display_mode_listner(NULL); unpress_all(); while (!_client.abort()) { ProcessLoop::process_events_queue(); Platform::msleep(100); } } class AutoAbort { public: AutoAbort(Application& app) : _app(app) {} ~AutoAbort() { _app.abort();} private: Application& _app; }; void Application::connect() { ASSERT(_state == DISCONNECTED); set_state(CONNECTING); _client.connect(); } void Application::switch_host(const std::string& host, int port, int sport, const std::string& cert_subject) { LOG_INFO("host=%s port=%d sport=%d", host.c_str(), port, sport); _during_host_switch = true; // we will try to connect to the new host when DiconnectedEvent occurs do_disconnect(); _client.set_target(host.c_str(), port, sport); if (!cert_subject.empty()) { set_host_cert_subject(cert_subject.c_str(), "spicec"); } } int Application::run() { _exit_code = ProcessLoop::run(); return _exit_code; } void Application::on_start_running() { _foreign_menu.reset(new ForeignMenu(this)); if (_enable_controller) { _controller.reset(new Controller(this)); return; } //FIXME: _client.connect() or use the following instead? #ifdef USE_GUI if (_gui_mode != GUI_MODE_FULL) { connect(); } show_gui(); #else connect(); #endif // HAVE_GUI } RedScreen* Application::find_screen(int id) { if ((int)_screens.size() < id + 1) { return NULL; } return _screens[id]; } bool Application::release_capture() { unpress_all(); if (!_active_screen || !_active_screen->is_mouse_captured()) { return false; } _active_screen->relase_mouse(); return true; } bool Application::do_connect() { _client.connect(); return true; } bool Application::do_disconnect() { on_disconnecting(); _client.disconnect(); return true; } #define SCREEN_INIT_WIDTH 800 #define SCREEN_INIT_HEIGHT 600 RedScreen* Application::get_screen(int id) { RedScreen *screen; if ((int)_screens.size() < id + 1) { _screens.resize(id + 1); } if (!(screen = _screens[id])) { Monitor* mon = find_monitor(id); SpicePoint size = {SCREEN_INIT_WIDTH, SCREEN_INIT_HEIGHT}; if (_full_screen && mon) { size = mon->get_size(); } screen = _screens[id] = new RedScreen(*this, id, _title, size.x, size.y); #ifdef USE_GUI create_gui_barrier(*screen, id); #endif // USE_GUI if (id != 0) { if (_full_screen) { bool capture; mon = get_monitor(id); capture = release_capture(); screen->set_monitor(mon); prepare_monitors(); position_screens(); screen->show_full_screen(); if (capture) { _main_screen->activate(); _main_screen->capture_mouse(); } } else { screen->show(false, _main_screen); } } } else { screen = screen->ref(); } return screen; } #ifdef USE_GUI void Application::attach_gui_barriers() { GUIBarriers::iterator iter = _gui_barriers.begin(); for (; iter != _gui_barriers.end(); iter++) { GUIBarrier* barrier = *iter; ASSERT((int)_screens.size() > barrier->get_id() && _screens[barrier->get_id()]); barrier->attach(*_screens[barrier->get_id()]); } } void Application::detach_gui_barriers() { GUIBarriers::iterator iter = _gui_barriers.begin(); for (; iter != _gui_barriers.end(); iter++) { GUIBarrier* barrier = *iter; barrier->detach(); } } void Application::create_gui_barrier(RedScreen& screen, int id) { GUIBarrier* barrier = new GUIBarrier(id); _gui_barriers.push_front(barrier); if (_gui.get() && _gui->screen()) { barrier->attach(screen); } } void Application::destroyed_gui_barriers() { while (_gui_barriers.begin() != _gui_barriers.end()) { GUIBarrier* barrier = *_gui_barriers.begin(); _gui_barriers.erase(_gui_barriers.begin()); delete barrier; } } void Application::destroyed_gui_barrier(int id) { GUIBarriers::iterator iter = _gui_barriers.begin(); for (; iter != _gui_barriers.end(); iter++) { GUIBarrier* barrier = *iter; if (barrier->get_id() == id) { _gui_barriers.erase(iter); delete barrier; return; } } } #endif // USE_GUI void Application::on_screen_destroyed(int id, bool was_captured) { bool reposition = false; #ifdef USE_GUI destroyed_gui_barrier(id); #endif // USE_GUI if ((int)_screens.size() < id + 1 || !_screens[id]) { THROW("no screen"); } if (_active_screen == _screens[id]) { _active_screen = NULL; } if (_full_screen && _screens[id]->has_monitor()) { _screens[id]->get_monitor()->restore(); reposition = true; } _screens[id] = NULL; if (reposition) { bool capture = was_captured || release_capture(); prepare_monitors(); position_screens(); if (capture) { _main_screen->activate(); _main_screen->capture_mouse(); } } } void Application::on_mouse_motion(int dx, int dy, int buttons_state) { _mouse_handler->on_mouse_motion(dx, dy, buttons_state); } void Application::on_mouse_down(int button, int buttons_state) { _mouse_handler->on_mouse_down(button, buttons_state); } void Application::on_mouse_up(int button, int buttons_state) { _mouse_handler->on_mouse_up(button, buttons_state); } void Application::unpress_all() { reset_sticky(); for (int i = 0; i < REDKEY_NUM_KEYS; i++) { if (_keyboard_state[i]) { _key_handler->on_key_up((RedKey)i); unpress_key((RedKey)i); } } } void Application::set_state(State state) { if (state == _state) { return; } _state = state; #ifdef USE_GUI _gui->set_state(_state); if (_gui->screen() && !_gui->is_visible()) { hide_gui(); } #endif // USE_GUI reset_sticky(); } void Application::on_connected() { _during_host_switch = false; set_state(CONNECTED); } void Application::on_disconnected(int error_code) { bool host_switch = _during_host_switch && (error_code == SPICEC_ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS); if ( #ifdef USE_GUI _gui_mode != GUI_MODE_FULL && #endif // USE_GUI !host_switch) { _during_host_switch = false; ProcessLoop::quit(error_code); return; } // todo: display special notification for host switch (during migration) set_state(DISCONNECTED); show_gui(); if (host_switch) { _client.connect(true); } } void Application::on_visibility_start(int screen_id) { if (screen_id) { return; } set_state(VISIBILITY); hide_gui(); show_info_layer(); } void Application::on_disconnecting() { release_capture(); } Menu* Application::get_app_menu() { if (!*_app_menu) { return NULL; } return (*_app_menu)->ref(); } void Application::show_info_layer() { if (_info_layer->screen() || _state != VISIBILITY) { return; } _main_screen->attach_layer(*_info_layer); _info_layer->set_info_mode(); reset_sticky(); } void Application::hide_info_layer() { if (!_info_layer->screen()) { return; } _main_screen->detach_layer(*_info_layer); reset_sticky(); } #ifdef GUI_DEMO class TestResponce: public GUI::BoxResponse { public: virtual void response(int response) { DBG(0, "%d", response); } virtual void aborted() { DBG(0, ""); } }; TestResponce response_test; void Application::message_box_test() { GUI::ButtonsList list(3); list[0].id = 101; list[0].text = "Yes"; list[1].id = 102; list[1].text = "No"; list[2].id = 103; list[2].text = "Don't Know"; if (!_gui->message_box(GUI::QUESTION, "My question", list, &response_test)) { DBG(0, "busy"); } else { show_gui(); } } #endif #ifdef USE_GUI void Application::show_gui() { if (_gui->screen() || !_gui->prepare_dialog()) { return; } hide_info_layer(); release_capture(); _gui->set_screen(_main_screen); attach_gui_barriers(); } void Application::hide_gui() { if (!_gui->screen()) { return; } _gui->set_screen(NULL); detach_gui_barriers(); show_info_layer(); } #endif // USE_GUI void Application::do_command(int command) { switch (command) { case APP_CMD_SEND_CTL_ALT_DEL: send_alt_ctl_del(); break; case APP_CMD_TOGGLE_FULL_SCREEN: toggle_full_screen(); break; case APP_CMD_SEND_TOGGLE_KEYS: send_command_hotkey(APP_CMD_SEND_TOGGLE_KEYS); break; case APP_CMD_SEND_RELEASE_KEYS: send_command_hotkey(APP_CMD_SEND_RELEASE_KEYS); break; case APP_CMD_SEND_CTL_ALT_END: send_ctrl_alt_end(); break; case APP_CMD_RELEASE_CAPTURE: release_capture(); break; #ifdef RED_DEBUG case APP_CMD_CONNECT: do_connect(); break; case APP_CMD_DISCONNECT: do_disconnect(); break; #endif #ifdef USE_GUI case APP_CMD_SHOW_GUI: show_gui(); break; #endif // USE_GUI default: AppMenuItemMap::iterator iter = _app_menu_items.find(command); ASSERT(iter != _app_menu_items.end()); AppMenuItem* item = &(*iter).second; if (item->type == APP_MENU_ITEM_TYPE_FOREIGN) { ASSERT(*_foreign_menu); (*_foreign_menu)->on_command(item->conn_ref, item->ext_id); } else if (item->type == APP_MENU_ITEM_TYPE_CONTROLLER) { ASSERT(*_controller); (*_controller)->on_command(item->conn_ref, item->ext_id); } } } #ifdef REDKEY_DEBUG static void show_red_key(RedKey key) { #define KEYCASE(red_key) \ case red_key: \ DBG(0, #red_key); \ return; switch (key) { KEYCASE(REDKEY_INVALID); KEYCASE(REDKEY_ESCAPE); KEYCASE(REDKEY_1); KEYCASE(REDKEY_2); KEYCASE(REDKEY_3); KEYCASE(REDKEY_4); KEYCASE(REDKEY_5); KEYCASE(REDKEY_6); KEYCASE(REDKEY_7); KEYCASE(REDKEY_8); KEYCASE(REDKEY_9); KEYCASE(REDKEY_0); KEYCASE(REDKEY_MINUS); KEYCASE(REDKEY_EQUALS); KEYCASE(REDKEY_BACKSPACE); KEYCASE(REDKEY_TAB); KEYCASE(REDKEY_Q); KEYCASE(REDKEY_W); KEYCASE(REDKEY_E); KEYCASE(REDKEY_R); KEYCASE(REDKEY_T); KEYCASE(REDKEY_Y); KEYCASE(REDKEY_U); KEYCASE(REDKEY_I); KEYCASE(REDKEY_O); KEYCASE(REDKEY_P); KEYCASE(REDKEY_ENTER); KEYCASE(REDKEY_L_BRACKET); KEYCASE(REDKEY_R_BRACKET); KEYCASE(REDKEY_L_CTRL); KEYCASE(REDKEY_A); KEYCASE(REDKEY_S); KEYCASE(REDKEY_D); KEYCASE(REDKEY_F); KEYCASE(REDKEY_G); KEYCASE(REDKEY_H); KEYCASE(REDKEY_J); KEYCASE(REDKEY_K); KEYCASE(REDKEY_L); KEYCASE(REDKEY_SEMICOLON); KEYCASE(REDKEY_QUOTE); KEYCASE(REDKEY_BACK_QUOTE); KEYCASE(REDKEY_L_SHIFT); KEYCASE(REDKEY_BACK_SLASH); KEYCASE(REDKEY_Z); KEYCASE(REDKEY_X); KEYCASE(REDKEY_C); KEYCASE(REDKEY_V); KEYCASE(REDKEY_B); KEYCASE(REDKEY_N); KEYCASE(REDKEY_M); KEYCASE(REDKEY_COMMA); KEYCASE(REDKEY_PERIOD); KEYCASE(REDKEY_SLASH); KEYCASE(REDKEY_R_SHIFT); KEYCASE(REDKEY_PAD_MULTIPLY); KEYCASE(REDKEY_L_ALT); KEYCASE(REDKEY_SPACE); KEYCASE(REDKEY_CAPS_LOCK); KEYCASE(REDKEY_F1); KEYCASE(REDKEY_F2); KEYCASE(REDKEY_F3); KEYCASE(REDKEY_F4); KEYCASE(REDKEY_F5); KEYCASE(REDKEY_F6); KEYCASE(REDKEY_F7); KEYCASE(REDKEY_F8); KEYCASE(REDKEY_F9); KEYCASE(REDKEY_F10); KEYCASE(REDKEY_NUM_LOCK); KEYCASE(REDKEY_SCROLL_LOCK); KEYCASE(REDKEY_PAD_7); KEYCASE(REDKEY_PAD_8); KEYCASE(REDKEY_PAD_9); KEYCASE(REDKEY_PAD_MINUS); KEYCASE(REDKEY_PAD_4); KEYCASE(REDKEY_PAD_5); KEYCASE(REDKEY_PAD_6); KEYCASE(REDKEY_PAD_PLUS); KEYCASE(REDKEY_PAD_1); KEYCASE(REDKEY_PAD_2); KEYCASE(REDKEY_PAD_3); KEYCASE(REDKEY_PAD_0); KEYCASE(REDKEY_PAD_POINT); KEYCASE(REDKEY_F11); KEYCASE(REDKEY_F12); KEYCASE(REDKEY_PAD_ENTER); KEYCASE(REDKEY_R_CTRL); KEYCASE(REDKEY_FAKE_L_SHIFT); KEYCASE(REDKEY_PAD_DIVIDE); KEYCASE(REDKEY_FAKE_R_SHIFT); KEYCASE(REDKEY_CTRL_PRINT_SCREEN); KEYCASE(REDKEY_R_ALT); KEYCASE(REDKEY_CTRL_BREAK); KEYCASE(REDKEY_HOME); KEYCASE(REDKEY_UP); KEYCASE(REDKEY_PAGEUP); KEYCASE(REDKEY_LEFT); KEYCASE(REDKEY_RIGHT); KEYCASE(REDKEY_END); KEYCASE(REDKEY_DOWN); KEYCASE(REDKEY_PAGEDOWN); KEYCASE(REDKEY_INSERT); KEYCASE(REDKEY_DELETE); KEYCASE(REDKEY_LEFT_CMD); KEYCASE(REDKEY_RIGHT_CMD); KEYCASE(REDKEY_MENU); default: DBG(0, "???"); } } #endif bool Application::press_key(RedKey key) { if (_keyboard_state[key]) { return true; } else { _keyboard_state[key] = true; _num_keys_pressed++; return false; } } bool Application::unpress_key(RedKey key) { ASSERT(!_sticky_info.key_down || !is_sticky_trace_key(key)); if (_keyboard_state[key]) { _keyboard_state[key] = false; _num_keys_pressed--; ASSERT(_num_keys_pressed >= 0); return true; } else { return false; } } inline bool Application::is_sticky_trace_key(RedKey key) { return ((key == REDKEY_L_ALT) || (key == REDKEY_R_ALT)); } void Application::reset_sticky() { _sticky_info.trace_is_on = (_state == VISIBILITY) && _sys_key_intercept_mode; _sticky_info.key_first_down = false; deactivate_interval_timer(*_sticky_info.timer); if (_sticky_info.sticky_mode) { ASSERT(_keyboard_state[_sticky_info.key]); // if it is physically down, we shouldn't unpress it if (!_sticky_info.key_down) { do_on_key_up(_sticky_info.key); } _sticky_info.sticky_mode = false; DBG(0, "OFF sticky"); _info_layer->set_sticky(false); } _sticky_info.key_down = false; _sticky_info.key = REDKEY_INVALID; } struct ModifierKey { int modifier; RedKey key; }; ModifierKey modifier_keys[] = { {Platform::L_SHIFT_MODIFIER, REDKEY_L_SHIFT}, {Platform::R_SHIFT_MODIFIER, REDKEY_R_SHIFT}, {Platform::L_CTRL_MODIFIER, REDKEY_L_CTRL}, {Platform::R_CTRL_MODIFIER, REDKEY_R_CTRL}, {Platform::L_ALT_MODIFIER, REDKEY_L_ALT}, {Platform::R_ALT_MODIFIER, REDKEY_R_ALT}, }; void Application::sync_keyboard_modifiers() { uint32_t modifiers = Platform::get_keyboard_modifiers(); for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(modifier_keys) / sizeof(modifier_keys[0]); i++) { if (modifiers & modifier_keys[i].modifier) { on_key_down(modifier_keys[i].key); } else { on_key_up(modifier_keys[i].key); } } } void Application::on_key_down(RedKey key) { if (key <= 0 || key >= REDKEY_NUM_KEYS) { return; } bool was_pressed = press_key(key); if (_sticky_info.trace_is_on) { if (key == _sticky_info.key) { _sticky_info.key_down = true; } if (!_sticky_info.sticky_mode) { // during tracing (traced key was pressed and no keyboard event has occurred till now) if (_sticky_info.key_first_down) { ASSERT(_sticky_info.key != REDKEY_INVALID); if (key != _sticky_info.key) { reset_sticky(); } } else if (is_sticky_trace_key(key) && (_num_keys_pressed == 1) && !was_pressed) { ASSERT(_sticky_info.key == REDKEY_INVALID); // start tracing _sticky_info.key = key; _sticky_info.key_first_down = true; _sticky_info.key_down = true; activate_interval_timer(*_sticky_info.timer, STICKY_KEY_TIMEOUT); } } } int command = get_hotkeys_commnad(); if (command != APP_CMD_INVALID) { do_command(command); return; } #ifdef WIN32 if (!_active_screen->intercepts_sys_key() && (key == REDKEY_LEFT_CMD || key == REDKEY_RIGHT_CMD || key == REDKEY_MENU || _keyboard_state[REDKEY_L_ALT])) { unpress_key(key); return; } if (!_sticky_info.sticky_mode && ((_keyboard_state[REDKEY_L_CTRL] || _keyboard_state[REDKEY_R_CTRL]) && (_keyboard_state[REDKEY_L_ALT] || _keyboard_state[REDKEY_R_ALT]))) { if (key == REDKEY_END || key == REDKEY_PAD_1) { unpress_key(key); _key_handler->on_key_down(REDKEY_DELETE); _key_handler->on_key_up(REDKEY_DELETE); } else if (key == REDKEY_DELETE || key == REDKEY_PAD_POINT) { unpress_key(key); return; } } #endif _key_handler->on_key_down(key); } void Application::do_on_key_up(RedKey key) { unpress_key(key); _key_handler->on_key_up(key); } void Application::on_key_up(RedKey key) { if(key < 0 || key >= REDKEY_NUM_KEYS || !_keyboard_state[key]) { return; } if (_sticky_info.trace_is_on) { ASSERT(_sticky_info.sticky_mode || (key == _sticky_info.key) || (_sticky_info.key == REDKEY_INVALID)); if (key == _sticky_info.key) { _sticky_info.key_down = false; if (_sticky_info.key_first_down) { _sticky_info.key_first_down = false; if (!_sticky_info.sticky_mode) { reset_sticky(); } else { return; // ignore the sticky-key first release } } } if (_sticky_info.sticky_mode) { RedKey old_sticky_key = _sticky_info.key; reset_sticky(); if (key == old_sticky_key) { return; // no need to send key_up twice } } } do_on_key_up(key); } void Application::on_char(uint32_t ch) { _key_handler->on_char(ch); } void Application::on_deactivate_screen(RedScreen* screen) { if (_active_screen == screen) { _sys_key_intercept_mode = false; release_capture(); _active_screen = NULL; } } void Application::on_activate_screen(RedScreen* screen) { ASSERT(!_active_screen || (_active_screen == screen)); _active_screen = screen; sync_keyboard_modifiers(); } void Application::on_start_screen_key_interception(RedScreen* screen) { ASSERT(screen == _active_screen); _sys_key_intercept_mode = true; reset_sticky(); } void Application::on_stop_screen_key_interception(RedScreen* screen) { ASSERT(screen == _active_screen); _sys_key_intercept_mode = false; reset_sticky(); } void Application::on_app_activated() { _active = true; _key_handler->on_focus_in(); if (*_foreign_menu) { (*_foreign_menu)->on_activate(); } } void Application::on_app_deactivated() { _active = false; _key_handler->on_focus_out(); if (*_foreign_menu) { (*_foreign_menu)->on_deactivate(); } #ifdef WIN32 if (!_changing_screens) { exit_full_screen(); } #endif } void Application::on_screen_unlocked(RedScreen& screen) { if (_full_screen) { return; } screen.resize(SCREEN_INIT_WIDTH, SCREEN_INIT_HEIGHT); } bool Application::rearrange_monitors(RedScreen& screen) { if (!_full_screen) { return false; } bool capture = release_capture(); prepare_monitors(); position_screens(); if (capture && _main_screen != &screen) { capture = false; _main_screen->activate(); _main_screen->capture_mouse(); } return capture; } Monitor* Application::find_monitor(int id) { ASSERT(_monitors); std::list::const_iterator iter = _monitors->begin(); for (; iter != _monitors->end(); iter++) { Monitor *mon = *iter; if (mon->get_id() == id) { return mon; } } return NULL; } Monitor* Application::get_monitor(int id) { Monitor *mon = find_monitor(id); if ((mon = find_monitor(id))) { mon->set_used(); } return mon; } void Application::assign_monitors() { for (int i = 0; i < (int)_screens.size(); i++) { if (_screens[i]) { ASSERT(!_screens[i]->has_monitor()); _screens[i]->set_monitor(get_monitor(i)); } } } void Application::prepare_monitors() { //todo: test match of monitors size/position against real world size/position for (int i = 0; i < (int)_screens.size(); i++) { Monitor* mon; if (_screens[i] && (mon = _screens[i]->get_monitor())) { if (_screens[i]->is_size_locked()) { SpicePoint size = _screens[i]->get_size(); mon->set_mode(size.x, size.y); } else { SpicePoint size = mon->get_size(); _screens[i]->resize(size.x, size.y); } } } } void Application::restore_monitors() { //todo: renew monitors (destroy + init) std::list::const_iterator iter = _monitors->begin(); for (; iter != _monitors->end(); iter++) { (*iter)->restore(); } } void Application::position_screens() { for (int i = 0; i < (int)_screens.size(); i++) { Monitor* mon; if (_screens[i] && (mon = _screens[i]->get_monitor())) { _screens[i]->position_full_screen(mon->get_position()); } } } void Application::hide() { for (int i = 0; i < (int)_screens.size(); i++) { if (_screens[i]) { _screens[i]->hide(); } } } void Application::show() { for (int i = 0; i < (int)_screens.size(); i++) { if (_screens[i]) { _screens[i]->show(); } } } void Application::external_show() { DBG(0, "Entry, _screens.size()=%lu", _screens.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < _screens.size(); ++i) { DBG(0, "%lu", i); if (_screens[i]) { _screens[i]->external_show(); } } } void Application::show_full_screen() { for (int i = 0; i < (int)_screens.size(); i++) { if (_screens[i]) { _screens[i]->show_full_screen(); } } } void Application::enter_full_screen() { LOG_INFO(""); _changing_screens = true; bool capture = release_capture(); assign_monitors(); hide(); prepare_monitors(); position_screens(); show_full_screen(); _main_screen->activate(); if (capture) { _main_screen->capture_mouse(); } _changing_screens = false; _full_screen = true; } void Application::restore_screens_size() { for (int i = 0; i < (int)_screens.size(); i++) { if (!_screens[i] || _screens[i]->is_size_locked()) { continue; } _screens[i]->resize(SCREEN_INIT_WIDTH, SCREEN_INIT_HEIGHT); } } void Application::exit_full_screen() { if (!_full_screen) { return; } LOG_INFO(""); _changing_screens = true; release_capture(); restore_monitors(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)_screens.size(); i++) { if (_screens[i]) { Monitor* mon; _screens[i]->exit_full_screen(); if ((mon = _screens[i]->get_monitor())) { _screens[i]->set_monitor(NULL); mon->set_free(); } } } _full_screen = false; restore_screens_size(); show(); _main_screen->activate(); _changing_screens = false; } bool Application::toggle_full_screen() { if (_full_screen) { exit_full_screen(); } else { enter_full_screen(); } return _full_screen; } void Application::minimize() { for (int i = 0; i < (int)_screens.size(); i++) { if (_screens[i]) { _screens[i]->minimize(); } } } void Application::destroy_monitors() { for (int i = 0; i < (int)_screens.size(); i++) { if (_screens[i]) { _screens[i]->set_monitor(NULL); } } Platform::destroy_monitors(); _monitors = NULL; } void Application::init_monitors() { exit_full_screen(); destroy_monitors(); _monitors = &Platform::init_monitors(); } void Application::on_monitors_change() { if (Monitor::is_self_change()) { return; } exit_full_screen(); init_monitors(); } void Application::on_display_mode_change() { _client.on_display_mode_change(); } uint32_t Application::get_mouse_mode() { return _client.get_mouse_mode(); } void Application::set_title(const std::string& title) { _title = title; for (size_t i = 0; i < _screens.size(); ++i) { if (_screens[i]) { _screens[i]->set_name(_title); } } } bool Application::is_key_set_pressed(const HotkeySet& key_set) { HotkeySet::const_iterator iter = key_set.begin(); while (iter != key_set.end()) { if (!(_keyboard_state[iter->main] || _keyboard_state[iter->alter])) { break; } ++iter; } return iter == key_set.end(); } int Application::get_hotkeys_commnad() { HotKeys::const_iterator iter = _hot_keys.begin(); while (iter != _hot_keys.end()) { if (is_key_set_pressed(iter->second)) { break; } ++iter; } return (iter != _hot_keys.end()) ? iter->first : APP_CMD_INVALID; } void Application::send_key_down(RedKey key) { _key_handler->on_key_down(key); } void Application::send_key_up(RedKey key) { _key_handler->on_key_up(key); } void Application::send_alt_ctl_del() { send_key_down(REDKEY_L_CTRL); send_key_down(REDKEY_L_ALT); send_key_down(REDKEY_DELETE); send_key_up(REDKEY_DELETE); send_key_up(REDKEY_L_ALT); send_key_up(REDKEY_L_CTRL); } void Application::send_ctrl_alt_end() { send_key_down(REDKEY_L_CTRL); send_key_down(REDKEY_L_ALT); send_key_down(REDKEY_END); send_key_up(REDKEY_L_CTRL); send_key_up(REDKEY_L_ALT); send_key_up(REDKEY_END); } void Application::send_command_hotkey(int action) { HotKeys::const_iterator iter = _hot_keys.find(action); if (iter != _hot_keys.end()) { send_hotkey_key_set(iter->second); } } void Application::send_hotkey_key_set(const HotkeySet& key_set) { HotkeySet::const_iterator iter; for (iter = key_set.begin(); iter != key_set.end(); ++iter) { send_key_down(iter->main); } for (iter = key_set.begin(); iter != key_set.end(); ++iter) { send_key_up(iter->main); } } int Application::get_menu_item_id(AppMenuItemType type, int32_t conn_ref, uint32_t ext_id) { int free_id = APP_CMD_EXTERNAL_BEGIN; AppMenuItem item = {type, conn_ref, ext_id}; AppMenuItemMap::iterator iter = _app_menu_items.begin(); for (; iter != _app_menu_items.end(); iter++) { if (!memcmp(&(*iter).second, &item, sizeof(item))) { return (*iter).first; } else if (free_id == (*iter).first && ++free_id > APP_CMD_EXTERNAL_END) { return APP_CMD_INVALID; } } _app_menu_items[free_id] = item; return free_id; } void Application::clear_menu_items(int32_t opaque_conn_ref) { AppMenuItemMap::iterator iter = _app_menu_items.begin(); AppMenuItemMap::iterator curr; while (iter != _app_menu_items.end()) { curr = iter++; if (((*curr).second).conn_ref == opaque_conn_ref) { _app_menu_items.erase(curr); } } } void Application::remove_menu_item(int item_id) { _app_menu_items.erase(item_id); } int Application::get_foreign_menu_item_id(int32_t opaque_conn_ref, uint32_t msg_id) { return get_menu_item_id(APP_MENU_ITEM_TYPE_FOREIGN, opaque_conn_ref, msg_id); } void Application::update_menu() { for (size_t i = 0; i < _screens.size(); ++i) { if (_screens[i]) { _screens[i]->update_menu(); } } } //controller interface begin void Application::set_auto_display_res(bool auto_display_res) { _client.set_auto_display_res(auto_display_res); } bool Application::connect(const std::string& host, int port, int sport, const std::string& password) { if (_state != DISCONNECTED) { return false; } _client.set_target(host, port, sport); _client.set_password(password); if (!set_channels_security(port, sport)) { return false; } register_channels(); connect(); return true; } void Application::disconnect() { do_disconnect(); } void Application::quit() { ProcessLoop::quit(SPICEC_ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS); } void Application::show_me(bool full_screen) { if (full_screen) { enter_full_screen(); } else { _main_screen->show(true, NULL); } } void Application::hide_me() { if (_full_screen) { exit_full_screen(); } hide(); } void Application::set_hotkeys(const std::string& hotkeys) { std::auto_ptr parser(new HotKeysParser(hotkeys, _commands_map)); _hot_keys = parser->get(); } int Application::get_controller_menu_item_id(int32_t opaque_conn_ref, uint32_t msg_id) { return get_menu_item_id(APP_MENU_ITEM_TYPE_CONTROLLER, opaque_conn_ref, msg_id); } void Application::set_menu(Menu* menu) { if (menu) { _app_menu.reset(menu->ref()); } else { init_menu(); } if (*_foreign_menu) { (*_foreign_menu)->add_sub_menus(); } update_menu(); } void Application::delete_menu() { set_menu(NULL); } #ifdef USE_GUI bool Application::is_disconnect_allowed() { return _gui_mode == GUI_MODE_FULL; } #endif // USE_GUI const std::string& Application::get_host() { return _client.get_host(); } int Application::get_port() { return _client.get_port(); } int Application::get_sport() { return _client.get_sport(); } const std::string& Application::get_password() { return _client.get_password(); } //controller interface end bool Application::set_channels_security(CmdLineParser& parser, bool on, char *val, const char* arg0) { RedPeer::ConnectionOptions::Type option; option = (on) ? RedPeer::ConnectionOptions::CON_OP_SECURE : RedPeer::ConnectionOptions::CON_OP_UNSECURE; typedef std::map< std::string, int> ChannelsNamesMap; ChannelsNamesMap channels_names; channels_names["main"] = SPICE_CHANNEL_MAIN; channels_names["display"] = SPICE_CHANNEL_DISPLAY; channels_names["inputs"] = SPICE_CHANNEL_INPUTS; channels_names["cursor"] = SPICE_CHANNEL_CURSOR; channels_names["playback"] = SPICE_CHANNEL_PLAYBACK; channels_names["record"] = SPICE_CHANNEL_RECORD; channels_names["tunnel"] = SPICE_CHANNEL_TUNNEL; if (!strcmp(val, "all")) { if ((val = parser.next_argument())) { Platform::term_printf("%s: \"all\" is exclusive in secure-channels\n", arg0); _exit_code = SPICEC_ERROR_CODE_INVALID_ARG; return false; } PeerConnectionOptMap::iterator iter = _peer_con_opt.begin(); for (; iter != _peer_con_opt.end(); iter++) { (*iter).second = option; } return true; } do { ChannelsNamesMap::iterator iter = channels_names.find(val); if (iter == channels_names.end()) { Platform::term_printf("%s: bad channel name \"%s\" in secure-channels\n", arg0, val); _exit_code = SPICEC_ERROR_CODE_INVALID_ARG; return false; } _peer_con_opt[(*iter).second] = option; } while ((val = parser.next_argument())); return true; } bool Application::set_channels_security(int port, int sport) { PeerConnectionOptMap::iterator iter = _peer_con_opt.begin(); for (; iter != _peer_con_opt.end(); iter++) { if ((*iter).second == RedPeer::ConnectionOptions::CON_OP_SECURE) { continue; } if ((*iter).second == RedPeer::ConnectionOptions::CON_OP_UNSECURE) { continue; } if (port != -1 && sport != -1) { (*iter).second = RedPeer::ConnectionOptions::CON_OP_BOTH; continue; } if (port != -1) { (*iter).second = RedPeer::ConnectionOptions::CON_OP_UNSECURE; continue; } if (sport != -1) { (*iter).second = RedPeer::ConnectionOptions::CON_OP_SECURE; continue; } _exit_code = SPICEC_ERROR_CODE_CMD_LINE_ERROR; return false; } return true; } bool Application::set_connection_ciphers(const char* ciphers, const char* arg0) { _con_ciphers = ciphers; return true; } bool Application::set_ca_file(const char* ca_file, const char* arg0) { _host_auth_opt.CA_file = ca_file; return true; } bool Application::set_host_cert_subject(const char* subject, const char* arg0) { std::string subject_str(subject); std::string::const_iterator iter = subject_str.begin(); std::string entry; _host_auth_opt.type_flags = RedPeer::HostAuthOptions::HOST_AUTH_OP_SUBJECT; _host_auth_opt.host_subject.clear(); while (true) { if ((iter == subject_str.end()) || (*iter == ',')) { RedPeer::HostAuthOptions::CertFieldValuePair entry_pair; int value_pos = entry.find_first_of('='); if ((value_pos == std::string::npos) || (value_pos == (entry.length() - 1))) { Platform::term_printf("%s: host_subject bad format: assignment for %s is missing\n", arg0, entry.c_str()); _exit_code = SPICEC_ERROR_CODE_INVALID_ARG; return false; } entry_pair.first = entry.substr(0, value_pos); entry_pair.second = entry.substr(value_pos + 1); _host_auth_opt.host_subject.push_back(entry_pair); DBG(0, "subject entry: %s=%s", entry_pair.first.c_str(), entry_pair.second.c_str()); if (iter == subject_str.end()) { break; } entry.clear(); } else if (*iter == '\\') { iter++; if (iter == subject_str.end()) { LOG_WARN("single \\ in host subject"); entry.append(1, '\\'); continue; } else if ((*iter == '\\') || (*iter == ',')) { entry.append(1, *iter); } else { LOG_WARN("single \\ in host subject"); entry.append(1, '\\'); continue; } } else { entry.append(1, *iter); } iter++; } return true; } bool Application::set_canvas_option(CmdLineParser& parser, char *val, const char* arg0) { typedef std::map< std::string, CanvasOption> CanvasNamesMap; CanvasNamesMap canvas_types; canvas_types["sw"] = CANVAS_OPTION_SW; #ifdef WIN32 canvas_types["gdi"] = CANVAS_OPTION_GDI; #endif #ifdef USE_OGL canvas_types["gl_fbo"] = CANVAS_OPTION_OGL_FBO; canvas_types["gl_pbuff"] = CANVAS_OPTION_OGL_PBUFF; #endif _canvas_types.clear(); do { CanvasNamesMap::iterator iter = canvas_types.find(val); if (iter == canvas_types.end()) { Platform::term_printf("%s: bad canvas type \"%s\"\n", arg0, val); _exit_code = SPICEC_ERROR_CODE_INVALID_ARG; return false; } _canvas_types.resize(_canvas_types.size() + 1); _canvas_types[_canvas_types.size() - 1] = (*iter).second; } while ((val = parser.next_argument())); return true; } bool Application::set_enable_channels(CmdLineParser& parser, bool enable, char *val, const char* arg0) { typedef std::map< std::string, int> ChannelsNamesMap; ChannelsNamesMap channels_names; channels_names["display"] = SPICE_CHANNEL_DISPLAY; channels_names["inputs"] = SPICE_CHANNEL_INPUTS; channels_names["cursor"] = SPICE_CHANNEL_CURSOR; channels_names["playback"] = SPICE_CHANNEL_PLAYBACK; channels_names["record"] = SPICE_CHANNEL_RECORD; channels_names["tunnel"] = SPICE_CHANNEL_TUNNEL; if (!strcmp(val, "all")) { if ((val = parser.next_argument())) { Platform::term_printf("%s: \"all\" is exclusive\n", arg0); _exit_code = SPICEC_ERROR_CODE_INVALID_ARG; return false; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _enabled_channels.size(); i++) { _enabled_channels[i] = enable; } return true; } do { ChannelsNamesMap::iterator iter = channels_names.find(val); if (iter == channels_names.end()) { Platform::term_printf("%s: bad channel name \"%s\"\n", arg0, val); _exit_code = SPICEC_ERROR_CODE_INVALID_ARG; return false; } _enabled_channels[(*iter).second] = enable; } while ((val = parser.next_argument())); return true; } bool Application::set_disabled_display_effects(CmdLineParser& parser, char *val, const char* arg0, DisplaySetting& disp_setting) { if (!strcmp(val, "all")) { if ((val = parser.next_argument())) { Platform::term_printf("%s: \"all\" is exclusive\n", arg0); _exit_code = SPICEC_ERROR_CODE_INVALID_ARG; return false; } disp_setting._disable_wallpaper = true; disp_setting._disable_font_smooth = true; disp_setting._disable_animation = true; return true; } do { if (!strcmp(val, "wallpaper")) { disp_setting._disable_wallpaper = true; } else if (!strcmp(val, "font-smooth")) { disp_setting._disable_font_smooth = true; } else if (!strcmp(val, "animation")) { disp_setting._disable_animation = true; } else { Platform::term_printf("%s: bad display effect type \"%s\"\n", arg0, val); _exit_code = SPICEC_ERROR_CODE_INVALID_ARG; return false; } } while ((val = parser.next_argument())); return true; } void Application::on_cmd_line_invalid_arg(const char* arg0, const char* what, const char* val) { Platform::term_printf("%s: invalid %s value %s\n", arg0, what, val); _exit_code = SPICEC_ERROR_CODE_INVALID_ARG; } void Application::register_channels() { if (_enabled_channels[SPICE_CHANNEL_DISPLAY]) { _client.register_channel_factory(DisplayChannel::Factory()); } if (_enabled_channels[SPICE_CHANNEL_CURSOR]) { _client.register_channel_factory(CursorChannel::Factory()); } if (_enabled_channels[SPICE_CHANNEL_INPUTS]) { _client.register_channel_factory(InputsChannel::Factory()); } if (_enabled_channels[SPICE_CHANNEL_PLAYBACK]) { _client.register_channel_factory(PlaybackChannel::Factory()); } if (_enabled_channels[SPICE_CHANNEL_RECORD]) { _client.register_channel_factory(RecordChannel::Factory()); } #ifdef USE_TUNNEL if (_enabled_channels[SPICE_CHANNEL_TUNNEL]) { _client.register_channel_factory(TunnelChannel::Factory()); } #endif } bool Application::process_cmd_line(int argc, char** argv) { std::string host = ""; int sport = -1; int port = -1; bool auto_display_res = false; bool full_screen = false; std::string password; DisplaySetting display_setting; enum { SPICE_OPT_HOST = CmdLineParser::OPTION_FIRST_AVILABLE, SPICE_OPT_PORT, SPICE_OPT_SPORT, SPICE_OPT_PASSWORD, SPICE_OPT_FULL_SCREEN, SPICE_OPT_SECURE_CHANNELS, SPICE_OPT_UNSECURE_CHANNELS, SPICE_OPT_TLS_CIPHERS, SPICE_OPT_CA_FILE, SPICE_OPT_HOST_SUBJECT, SPICE_OPT_ENABLE_CHANNELS, SPICE_OPT_DISABLE_CHANNELS, SPICE_OPT_CANVAS_TYPE, SPICE_OPT_DISPLAY_COLOR_DEPTH, SPICE_OPT_DISABLE_DISPLAY_EFFECTS, SPICE_OPT_CONTROLLER, }; #ifdef USE_GUI if (argc == 1) { _gui_mode = GUI_MODE_FULL; register_channels(); _main_screen->show(true, NULL); return true; } #endif // USE_GUI #ifdef USE_GUI _gui_mode = GUI_MODE_ACTIVE_SESSION; #endif // USE_GUI CmdLineParser parser("Spice client", false); parser.add(SPICE_OPT_HOST, "host", "spice server address", "host", true, 'h'); parser.add(SPICE_OPT_PORT, "port", "spice server port", "port", true, 'p'); parser.add(SPICE_OPT_SPORT, "secure-port", "spice server secure port", "port", true, 's'); parser.add(SPICE_OPT_SECURE_CHANNELS, "secure-channels", "force secure connection on the specified channels", "channel", true); parser.set_multi(SPICE_OPT_SECURE_CHANNELS, ','); parser.add(SPICE_OPT_UNSECURE_CHANNELS, "unsecure-channels", "force unsecure connection on the specified channels", "channel", true); parser.set_multi(SPICE_OPT_UNSECURE_CHANNELS, ','); parser.add(SPICE_OPT_TLS_CIPHERS, "tls-ciphers", "ciphers for secure connections", "ciphers", true); parser.add(SPICE_OPT_CA_FILE, "ca-file", "truststore file for secure connections", "ca-file", true); parser.add(SPICE_OPT_HOST_SUBJECT, "host-subject", "subject of the host certificate. Format: field=value pairs separated" " by commas. Commas and backslashes within values must be preceded by" " a backslash", "host-subject", true); parser.add(SPICE_OPT_PASSWORD, "password", "server password", "password", true, 'w'); parser.add(SPICE_OPT_FULL_SCREEN, "full-screen", "open in full screen mode", "auto-conf", false, 'f'); parser.add(SPICE_OPT_ENABLE_CHANNELS, "enable-channels", "enable channels", "channel", true); parser.set_multi(SPICE_OPT_ENABLE_CHANNELS, ','); parser.add(SPICE_OPT_DISABLE_CHANNELS, "disable-channels", "disable channels", "channel", true); parser.set_multi(SPICE_OPT_DISABLE_CHANNELS, ','); parser.add(SPICE_OPT_CANVAS_TYPE, "canvas-type", "set rendering canvas", "canvas_type", true); parser.set_multi(SPICE_OPT_CANVAS_TYPE, ','); parser.add(SPICE_OPT_DISPLAY_COLOR_DEPTH, "color-depth", "guest display color depth", "16/32", true); parser.add(SPICE_OPT_DISABLE_DISPLAY_EFFECTS, "disable-effects", "disable guest display effects", "wallpaper/font-smooth/animation/all", true); parser.set_multi(SPICE_OPT_DISABLE_DISPLAY_EFFECTS, ','); parser.add(SPICE_OPT_CONTROLLER, "controller", "enable external controller"); for (int i = SPICE_CHANNEL_MAIN; i < SPICE_END_CHANNEL; i++) { _peer_con_opt[i] = RedPeer::ConnectionOptions::CON_OP_INVALID; } parser.begin(argc, argv); char* val; int op; while ((op = parser.get_option(&val)) != CmdLineParser::OPTION_DONE) { switch (op) { case SPICE_OPT_HOST: host = val; break; case SPICE_OPT_PORT: { if ((port = str_to_port(val)) == -1) { on_cmd_line_invalid_arg(argv[0], "port", val); return false; } break; } case SPICE_OPT_SPORT: { if ((sport = str_to_port(val)) == -1) { on_cmd_line_invalid_arg(argv[0], "secure port", val); return false; } break; } case SPICE_OPT_FULL_SCREEN: if (val) { if (strcmp(val, "auto-conf")) { on_cmd_line_invalid_arg(argv[0], "full screen mode", val); return false; } auto_display_res = true; } full_screen = true; break; case SPICE_OPT_PASSWORD: password = val; break; case SPICE_OPT_SECURE_CHANNELS: if (!set_channels_security(parser, true, val, argv[0])) { return false; } break; case SPICE_OPT_UNSECURE_CHANNELS: if (!set_channels_security(parser, false, val, argv[0])) { return false; } break; case SPICE_OPT_TLS_CIPHERS: if (!set_connection_ciphers(val, argv[0])) { return false; } break; case SPICE_OPT_CA_FILE: if (!set_ca_file(val, argv[0])) { return false; } break; case SPICE_OPT_HOST_SUBJECT: if (!set_host_cert_subject(val, argv[0])) { return false; } break; case SPICE_OPT_ENABLE_CHANNELS: if (!set_enable_channels(parser, true, val, argv[0])) { return false; } break; case SPICE_OPT_DISABLE_CHANNELS: if (!set_enable_channels(parser, false, val, argv[0])) { return false; } break; case SPICE_OPT_CANVAS_TYPE: if (!set_canvas_option(parser, val, argv[0])) { return false; } break; case SPICE_OPT_DISPLAY_COLOR_DEPTH: display_setting._set_color_depth = true; if (!strcmp(val, "16")) { display_setting._color_depth = 16; } else if (!strcmp(val, "32")) { display_setting._color_depth = 32; } else { on_cmd_line_invalid_arg(argv[0], "color depth", val); return false; } break; case SPICE_OPT_DISABLE_DISPLAY_EFFECTS: if (!set_disabled_display_effects(parser, val, argv[0], display_setting)) { return false; } break; case SPICE_OPT_CONTROLLER: if (argc > 2) { Platform::term_printf("%s: controller cannot be combined with other options\n", argv[0]); _exit_code = SPICEC_ERROR_CODE_INVALID_ARG; return false; } _enable_controller = true; return true; case CmdLineParser::OPTION_HELP: parser.show_help(); return false; case CmdLineParser::OPTION_ERROR: _exit_code = SPICEC_ERROR_CODE_CMD_LINE_ERROR; return false; default: throw Exception("cmd line error", SPICEC_ERROR_CODE_CMD_LINE_ERROR); } } if (host.empty()) { Platform::term_printf("%s: missing --host\n", argv[0]); return false; } if (parser.is_set(SPICE_OPT_SECURE_CHANNELS) && !parser.is_set(SPICE_OPT_SPORT)) { Platform::term_printf("%s: missing --secure-port\n", argv[0]); _exit_code = SPICEC_ERROR_CODE_CMD_LINE_ERROR; return false; } if (!set_channels_security(port, sport)) { Platform::term_printf("%s: missing --port or --sport\n", argv[0]); return false; } register_channels(); _client.set_target(host, port, sport); _client.set_password(password); _client.set_auto_display_res(auto_display_res); _client.set_display_setting(display_setting); if (full_screen) { enter_full_screen(); } else { _main_screen->show(true, NULL); } return true; } #ifdef RED_DEBUG static unsigned int log_level = LOG_DEBUG; #else static unsigned int log_level = LOG_INFO; #endif static FILE *log_file = NULL; void spice_log_cleanup(void) { if (log_file) { fclose(log_file); log_file = NULL; } } static inline std::string function_to_func_name(const std::string& f_name) { #ifdef __GNUC__ std::string name(f_name); std::string::size_type end_pos = f_name.find('('); if (end_pos == std::string::npos) { return f_name; } std::string::size_type start = f_name.rfind(' ', end_pos); if (start == std::string::npos) { return name.substr(0, end_pos); } end_pos -= ++start; return name.substr(start, end_pos); #else return f_name; #endif } void spice_log(unsigned int type, const char *function, const char *format, ...) { std::string formated_message; va_list ap; const char *type_as_char[] = { "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "FATAL" }; const char *type_as_nice_char[] = { "Debug", "Info", "Warning", "Error", "Fatal error" }; if (type < log_level) { return; } ASSERT(type <= LOG_FATAL); va_start(ap, format); string_vprintf(formated_message, format, ap); va_end(ap); if (type >= log_level && log_file != NULL) { fprintf(log_file, "%ld %s [%llu:%llu] %s: %s\n", (long)time(NULL), type_as_char[type], (long long int)Platform::get_process_id(), (long long int)Platform::get_thread_id(), function_to_func_name(function).c_str(), formated_message.c_str()); fflush(log_file); } if (type >= LOG_WARN) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", type_as_nice_char[type], formated_message.c_str()); } } void Application::init_logger() { std::string log_file_name; Platform::get_app_data_dir(log_file_name, app_name); Platform::path_append(log_file_name, "spicec.log"); log_file = ::fopen(log_file_name.c_str(), "a"); if (log_file == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open log file %s\n", log_file_name.c_str()); return; } } void Application::init_globals() { init_logger(); srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); SSL_library_init(); SSL_load_error_strings(); sw_canvas_init(); #ifdef USE_OGL gl_canvas_init(); #endif quic_init(); #ifdef WIN32 gdi_canvas_init(); #endif Platform::init(); RedWindow::init(); } void Application::cleanup_globals() { RedWindow::cleanup(); } int Application::main(int argc, char** argv, const char* version_str) { int ret; init_globals(); LOG_INFO("starting %s", version_str); std::auto_ptr app(new Application()); AutoAbort auto_abort(*app.get()); if (app->process_cmd_line(argc, argv)) { ret = app->run(); } else { ret = app->_exit_code; } cleanup_globals(); return ret; }