path: root/server/reds-private.h
diff options
authorAlon Levy <>2012-10-19 12:04:31 +0200
committerAlon Levy <>2012-10-25 12:31:39 +0200
commit488b7e40275762b872a22dd008d6f76e008a19e1 (patch)
tree0dbd9100c138ed0834d0e0b3c6976dd5e37c2de0 /server/reds-private.h
parentd227a5b6b689739aebe4ce27f1425bd0bb60cbd5 (diff)
server/reds.c: split off reds-private.h
Diffstat (limited to 'server/reds-private.h')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/server/reds-private.h b/server/reds-private.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3db6565b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/reds-private.h
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+#include <time.h>
+#include <spice/protocol.h>
+#define MIGRATE_TIMEOUT (1000 * 10) /* 10sec */
+#define MM_TIMER_GRANULARITY_MS (1000 / 30)
+#define MM_TIME_DELTA 400 /*ms*/
+typedef struct TicketAuthentication {
+ time_t expiration_time;
+} TicketAuthentication;
+typedef struct TicketInfo {
+ RSA *rsa;
+ int rsa_size;
+ BIGNUM *bn;
+ SpiceLinkEncryptedTicket encrypted_ticket;
+} TicketInfo;
+typedef struct MonitorMode {
+ uint32_t x_res;
+ uint32_t y_res;
+} MonitorMode;
+typedef struct VDIReadBuf {
+ RingItem link;
+ uint32_t refs;
+ int len;
+ uint8_t data[SPICE_AGENT_MAX_DATA_SIZE];
+} VDIReadBuf;
+static VDIReadBuf *vdi_port_read_buf_get(void);
+static VDIReadBuf *vdi_port_read_buf_ref(VDIReadBuf *buf);
+static void vdi_port_read_buf_unref(VDIReadBuf *buf);
+enum {
+typedef struct VDIPortState {
+ SpiceCharDeviceState *base;
+ uint32_t plug_generation;
+ int client_agent_started;
+ /* write to agent */
+ SpiceCharDeviceWriteBuffer *recv_from_client_buf;
+ int recv_from_client_buf_pushed;
+ AgentMsgFilter write_filter;
+ /* read from agent */
+ Ring read_bufs;
+ uint32_t read_state;
+ uint32_t message_recive_len;
+ uint8_t *recive_pos;
+ uint32_t recive_len;
+ VDIReadBuf *current_read_buf;
+ AgentMsgFilter read_filter;
+ VDIChunkHeader vdi_chunk_header;
+ SpiceMigrateDataMain *mig_data; /* storing it when migration data arrives
+ before agent is attached */
+} VDIPortState;
+/* messages that are addressed to the agent and are created in the server */
+typedef struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) VDInternalBuf {
+ VDIChunkHeader chunk_header;
+ VDAgentMessage header;
+ union {
+ VDAgentMouseState mouse_state;
+ }
+ u;
+} VDInternalBuf;
+#define REDS_MAX_STAT_NODES 100
+#define REDS_STAT_SHM_SIZE (sizeof(SpiceStat) + REDS_MAX_STAT_NODES * sizeof(SpiceStatNode))
+typedef struct RedsStatValue {
+ uint32_t value;
+ uint32_t min;
+ uint32_t max;
+ uint32_t average;
+ uint32_t count;
+} RedsStatValue;
+typedef struct RedsMigPendingLink {
+ RingItem ring_link; // list of links that belongs to the same client
+ SpiceLinkMess *link_msg;
+ RedsStream *stream;
+} RedsMigPendingLink;
+typedef struct RedsMigTargetClient {
+ RingItem link;
+ RedClient *client;
+ Ring pending_links;
+} RedsMigTargetClient;
+typedef struct RedsMigWaitDisconnectClient {
+ RingItem link;
+ RedClient *client;
+} RedsMigWaitDisconnectClient;
+typedef struct SpiceCharDeviceStateItem {
+ RingItem link;
+ SpiceCharDeviceState *st;
+} SpiceCharDeviceStateItem;
+/* Intermediate state for on going monitors config message from a single
+ * client, being passed to the guest */
+typedef struct RedsClientMonitorsConfig {
+ MainChannelClient *mcc;
+ uint8_t *buffer;
+ int buffer_size;
+ int buffer_pos;
+} RedsClientMonitorsConfig;
+typedef struct RedsState {
+ int listen_socket;
+ int secure_listen_socket;
+ SpiceWatch *listen_watch;
+ SpiceWatch *secure_listen_watch;
+ VDIPortState agent_state;
+ int pending_mouse_event;
+ Ring clients;
+ int num_clients;
+ MainChannel *main_channel;
+ int mig_wait_connect; /* src waits for clients to establish connection to dest
+ (before migration starts) */
+ int mig_wait_disconnect; /* src waits for clients to disconnect (after migration completes) */
+ Ring mig_wait_disconnect_clients; /* List of RedsMigWaitDisconnectClient. Holds the clients
+ which the src waits for their disconnection */
+ int mig_inprogress;
+ int expect_migrate;
+ int src_do_seamless_migrate; /* per migration. Updated after the migration handshake
+ between the 2 servers */
+ int dst_do_seamless_migrate; /* per migration. Updated after the migration handshake
+ between the 2 servers */
+ Ring mig_target_clients;
+ int num_mig_target_clients;
+ RedsMigSpice *mig_spice;
+ int num_of_channels;
+ Ring channels;
+ int mouse_mode;
+ int is_client_mouse_allowed;
+ int dispatcher_allows_client_mouse;
+ MonitorMode monitor_mode;
+ SpiceTimer *mig_timer;
+ SpiceTimer *mm_timer;
+ int vm_running;
+ Ring char_devs_states; /* list of SpiceCharDeviceStateItem */
+ int seamless_migration_enabled; /* command line arg */
+ SSL_CTX *ctx;
+ char *stat_shm_name;
+ SpiceStat *stat;
+ pthread_mutex_t stat_lock;
+ RedsStatValue roundtrip_stat;
+ int peer_minor_version;
+ int allow_multiple_clients;
+ RedsClientMonitorsConfig client_monitors_config;
+} RedsState;