try: from pyparsing import Literal, CaselessLiteral, Word, OneOrMore, ZeroOrMore, \ Forward, delimitedList, Group, Optional, Combine, alphas, nums, restOfLine, cStyleComment, \ alphanums, ParseException, ParseResults, Keyword, StringEnd, replaceWith except ImportError: six.print_("Module pyparsing not found.") exit(1) from . import ptypes import six import sys cvtInt = lambda toks: int(toks[0]) def parseVariableDef(toks): t = toks[0][0] pointer = toks[0][1] name = toks[0][2] array_size = toks[0][3] attributes = toks[0][4] if array_size != None: t = ptypes.ArrayType(t, array_size) if pointer != None: t = ptypes.PointerType(t) return ptypes.Member(name, t, attributes) bnf = None def SPICE_BNF(): global bnf if not bnf: # punctuation colon = Literal(":").suppress() lbrace = Literal("{").suppress() rbrace = Literal("}").suppress() lbrack = Literal("[").suppress() rbrack = Literal("]").suppress() lparen = Literal("(").suppress() rparen = Literal(")").suppress() equals = Literal("=").suppress() comma = Literal(",").suppress() semi = Literal(";").suppress() # primitive types int8_ = Keyword("int8").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.int8)) uint8_ = Keyword("uint8").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.uint8)) int16_ = Keyword("int16").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.int16)) uint16_ = Keyword("uint16").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.uint16)) int32_ = Keyword("int32").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.int32)) uint32_ = Keyword("uint32").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.uint32)) int64_ = Keyword("int64").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.int64)) uint64_ = Keyword("uint64").setParseAction(replaceWith(ptypes.uint64)) # keywords channel_ = Keyword("channel") enum32_ = Keyword("enum32").setParseAction(replaceWith(32)) enum16_ = Keyword("enum16").setParseAction(replaceWith(16)) enum8_ = Keyword("enum8").setParseAction(replaceWith(8)) flags32_ = Keyword("flags32").setParseAction(replaceWith(32)) flags16_ = Keyword("flags16").setParseAction(replaceWith(16)) flags8_ = Keyword("flags8").setParseAction(replaceWith(8)) channel_ = Keyword("channel") server_ = Keyword("server") client_ = Keyword("client") protocol_ = Keyword("protocol") typedef_ = Keyword("typedef") struct_ = Keyword("struct") message_ = Keyword("message") image_size_ = Keyword("image_size") bytes_ = Keyword("bytes") cstring_ = Keyword("cstring") switch_ = Keyword("switch") default_ = Keyword("default") case_ = Keyword("case") identifier = Word( alphas, alphanums + "_" ) enumname = Word( alphanums + "_" ) integer = ( Combine( CaselessLiteral("0x") + Word( nums+"abcdefABCDEF" ) ) | Word( nums+"+-", nums ) ).setName("int").setParseAction(cvtInt) typename = identifier.copy().setParseAction(lambda toks : ptypes.TypeRef(str(toks[0]))) # This is just normal "types", i.e. not channels or messages typeSpec = Forward() attributeValue = integer ^ identifier attribute = Group(Combine ("@" + identifier) + Optional(lparen + delimitedList(attributeValue) + rparen)) attributes = Group(ZeroOrMore(attribute)) arraySizeSpecImage = Group(image_size_ + lparen + integer + comma + identifier + comma + identifier + rparen) arraySizeSpecBytes = Group(bytes_ + lparen + identifier + comma + identifier + rparen) arraySizeSpecCString = Group(cstring_ + lparen + rparen) arraySizeSpec = lbrack + Optional(identifier ^ integer ^ arraySizeSpecImage ^ arraySizeSpecBytes ^arraySizeSpecCString, default="") + rbrack variableDef = Group(typeSpec + Optional("*", default=None) + identifier + Optional(arraySizeSpec, default=None) + attributes - semi) \ .setParseAction(parseVariableDef) switchCase = Group(Group(OneOrMore(default_.setParseAction(replaceWith(None)) + colon | Group(case_.suppress() + Optional("!", default="") + identifier) + colon)) + variableDef) \ .setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.SwitchCase(toks[0][0], toks[0][1])) switchBody = Group(switch_ + lparen + delimitedList(identifier,delim='.', combine=True) + rparen + lbrace + Group(OneOrMore(switchCase)) + rbrace + identifier + attributes - semi) \ .setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.Switch(toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3], toks[0][4])) messageBody = structBody = Group(lbrace + ZeroOrMore(variableDef | switchBody) + rbrace) structSpec = Group(struct_ + identifier + structBody + attributes).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.StructType(toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3])) # have to use longest match for type, in case a user-defined type name starts with a keyword type, like "channel_type" typeSpec << ( structSpec ^ int8_ ^ uint8_ ^ int16_ ^ uint16_ ^ int32_ ^ uint32_ ^ int64_ ^ uint64_ ^ typename).setName("type") flagsBody = enumBody = Group(lbrace + delimitedList(Group (enumname + Optional(equals + integer))) + Optional(comma) + rbrace) messageSpec = Group(message_ + messageBody + attributes).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.MessageType(None, toks[0][1], toks[0][2])) | typename channelParent = Optional(colon + typename, default=None) channelMessage = Group(messageSpec + identifier + Optional(equals + integer, default=None) + semi) \ .setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.ChannelMember(toks[0][1], toks[0][0], toks[0][2])) channelBody = channelParent + Group(lbrace + ZeroOrMore( server_ + colon | client_ + colon | channelMessage) + rbrace) enum_ = (enum32_ | enum16_ | enum8_) flags_ = (flags32_ | flags16_ | flags8_) enumDef = Group(enum_ + identifier + enumBody + attributes - semi).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.EnumType(toks[0][0], toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3])) flagsDef = Group(flags_ + identifier + flagsBody + attributes - semi).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.FlagsType(toks[0][0], toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3])) messageDef = Group(message_ + identifier + messageBody + attributes - semi).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.MessageType(toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3])) channelDef = Group(channel_ + identifier + channelBody + attributes - semi).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.ChannelType(toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3], toks[0][4])) structDef = Group(struct_ + identifier + structBody + attributes - semi).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.StructType(toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3])) typedefDef = Group(typedef_ + identifier + typeSpec + attributes - semi).setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.TypeAlias(toks[0][1], toks[0][2], toks[0][3])) definitions = typedefDef | structDef | enumDef | flagsDef | messageDef | channelDef protocolChannel = Group(typename + identifier + Optional(equals + integer, default=None) + semi) \ .setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.ProtocolMember(toks[0][1], toks[0][0], toks[0][2])) protocolDef = Group(protocol_ + identifier + Group(lbrace + ZeroOrMore(protocolChannel) + rbrace) + semi) \ .setParseAction(lambda toks: ptypes.ProtocolType(toks[0][1], toks[0][2])) bnf = ZeroOrMore (definitions) + protocolDef + StringEnd() singleLineComment = "//" + restOfLine bnf.ignore( singleLineComment ) bnf.ignore( cStyleComment ) return bnf def parse(filename): try: bnf = SPICE_BNF() types = bnf.parseFile(filename) except ParseException as err: six.print_(err.line, file=sys.stderr) six.print_(" "*(err.column-1) + "^", file=sys.stderr) six.print_(err, file=sys.stderr) return None for t in types: t.resolve() t.register() protocol = types[-1] return protocol