#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Text::CSV; my %names = ( linux => [], osx => [] ); my %namecolumns = ( linux => 0, osx => 2, win32 => 10, ); # Base data sources: # # linux: Linux: linux/input.h (master set) # osx: OS-X: Carbon/HIToolbox/Events.h (manually mapped) # atset1: AT Set 1: linux/drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c (atkbd_set2_keycode + atkbd_unxlate_table) # atset2: AT Set 2: linux/drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c (atkbd_set2_keycode) # atset3: AT Set 3: linux/drivers/input/keyboard/atkbd.c (atkbd_set3_keycode) # xt: XT: linux/drivers/input/keyboard/xt.c (xtkbd_keycode) # xtkbd: Linux RAW: linux/drivers/char/keyboard.c (x86_keycodes) # usb: USB HID: linux/drivers/hid/usbhid/usbkbd.c (usb_kbd_keycode) # win32: Win32: mingw32/winuser.h (manually mapped) # xwinxt: XWin XT: xorg-server/hw/xwin/{winkeybd.c,winkeynames.h} (xt + manually transcribed) # xkbdxt: XKBD XT: xf86-input-keyboard/src/at_scancode.c (xt + manually transcribed) # # Derived data sources # # xorgevdev: Xorg + evdev: linux + an offset # xorgkbd: Xorg + kbd: xkbdxt + an offset # xorgxquartz: Xorg + OS-X: osx + an offset # xorgxwin: Xorg + Cygwin: xwinxt + an offset # rfb: XT over RFB: xtkbd + special re-encoding of high bit my @basemaps = qw(linux osx atset1 atset2 atset3 xt xtkbd usb win32 xwinxt xkbdxt); my @derivedmaps = qw(xorgevdev xorgkbd xorgxquartz xorgxwin rfb); my @maps = (@basemaps, @derivedmaps); my %maps; foreach my $map (@maps) { $maps{$map} = [ [], [] ]; } my %mapcolumns = ( osx => 3, atset1 => 4, atset2 => 5, atset3 => 6, xt => 7, xtkbd => 8, usb => 9, win32 => 11, xwinxt => 12, xkbdxt => 13, ); sub help { my $msg = shift; print $msg; print "\n"; print "Valid keymaps are:\n"; print "\n"; foreach my $name (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %maps) { print " $name\n"; } print "\n"; exit (1); } if ($#ARGV != 2) { help("syntax: $0 KEYMAPS SRCMAP DSTMAP\n"); } my $keymaps = shift @ARGV; my $src = shift @ARGV; my $dst = shift @ARGV; help("$src is not a known keymap\n") unless exists $maps{$src}; help("$dst is not a known keymap\n") unless exists $maps{$dst}; open CSV, $keymaps or die "cannot read $keymaps: $!"; my $csv = Text::CSV->new(); # Discard column headings $csv->getline(\*CSV); my $row; while ($row = $csv->getline(\*CSV)) { my $linux = $row->[1]; $linux = hex($linux) if $linux =~ /0x/; my $to = $maps{linux}->[0]; my $from = $maps{linux}->[1]; $to->[$linux] = $linux; $from->[$linux] = $linux; foreach my $name (keys %namecolumns) { my $col = $namecolumns{$name}; my $val = $row->[$col]; $val = "" unless defined $val; $names{$name}->[$linux] = $val; } foreach my $name (keys %mapcolumns) { my $col = $mapcolumns{$name}; my $val = $row->[$col]; next unless defined $val && $val ne ""; $val = hex($val) if $val =~ /0x/; $to = $maps{$name}->[0]; $from = $maps{$name}->[1]; $to->[$linux] = $val; $from->[$val] = $linux; } # XXX there are some special cases in kbd to handle # Xorg KBD driver is the Xorg KBD XT codes offset by +8 # The XKBD XT codes are the same as normal XT codes # for values <= 83, and completely made up for extended # scancodes :-( ($to, $from) = @{$maps{xorgkbd}}; if (defined $maps{xkbdxt}->[0]->[$linux]) { $to->[$linux] = $maps{xkbdxt}->[0]->[$linux] + 8; $from->[$to->[$linux]] = $linux; } # Xorg evdev is simply Linux keycodes offset by +8 ($to, $from) = @{$maps{xorgevdev}}; $to->[$linux] = $linux + 8; $from->[$to->[$linux]] = $linux; # Xorg XQuartz is simply OS-X keycodes offset by +8 ($to, $from) = @{$maps{xorgxquartz}}; if (defined $maps{osx}->[0]->[$linux]) { $to->[$linux] = $maps{osx}->[0]->[$linux] + 8; $from->[$to->[$linux]] = $linux; } # RFB keycodes are XT kbd keycodes with a slightly # different encoding of 0xe0 scan codes. RFB uses # the high bit of the first byte, instead of the low # bit of the second byte. ($to, $from) = @{$maps{rfb}}; my $xtkbd = $maps{xtkbd}->[0]->[$linux]; if (defined $xtkbd) { $to->[$linux] = $xtkbd ? (($xtkbd & 0x100)>>1) | ($xtkbd & 0x7f) : 0; $from->[$to->[$linux]] = $linux; } # Xorg Cygwin is the Xorg Cygwin XT codes offset by +8 # The Cygwin XT codes are the same as normal XT codes # for values <= 83, and completely made up for extended # scancodes :-( ($to, $from) = @{$maps{xorgxwin}}; if (defined $maps{xwinxt}->[0]->[$linux]) { $to->[$linux] = $maps{xwinxt}->[0]->[$linux] + 8; $from->[$to->[$linux]] = $linux; } # print $linux, "\n"; } close CSV; my $srcmap = $maps{$src}->[1]; my $dstmap = $maps{$dst}->[0]; printf "static const guint16 keymap_%s2%s[] = {\n", $src, $dst; for (my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#{$srcmap} ; $i++) { my $linux = $srcmap->[$i] || 0; my $j = $dstmap->[$linux]; next unless $linux && $j; my $srcname = $names{$src}->[$linux] if exists $names{$src}; my $dstname = $names{$dst}->[$linux] if exists $names{$dst}; my $vianame = $names{linux}->[$linux] unless $src eq "linux" || $dst eq "linux"; $srcname = "" unless $srcname; $dstname = "" unless $dstname; $vianame = "" unless $vianame; $srcname = " ($srcname)" if $srcname; $dstname = " ($dstname)" if $dstname; $vianame = " ($vianame)" if $vianame; my $comment; if ($src ne "linux" && $dst ne "linux") { $comment = sprintf "%d%s => %d%s via %d%s", $i, $srcname, $j, $dstname, $linux, $vianame; } else { $comment = sprintf "%d%s => %d%s", $i, $srcname, $j, $dstname; } my $data = sprintf "[0x%x] = 0x%x,", $i, $j; printf " %-20s /* %s */\n", $data, $comment; } print "};\n";