namespace Wixl { public interface WixResolver { public abstract G? find_element (string Id); public G? resolve (WixElement element) throws GLib.Error { G? resolved = null; if (element.get_type ().is_a (typeof (G))) resolved = element; else if (element is WixElementRef) { var ref = element as WixElementRef; if (!ref.ref_type.is_a (typeof (G))) resolved = null; else if (ref.resolved == null) ref.resolved = find_element (element.Id); resolved = ref.resolved; } if (resolved == null) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("couldn't resolve %s", element.Id); return resolved; } } public enum VisitState { ENTER, INFIX, LEAVE } public abstract class WixNodeVisitor: Object { public abstract void visit_product (WixProduct product) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_icon (WixIcon icon) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_package (WixPackage package) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_property (WixProperty prop) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_media (WixMedia media) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_directory (WixDirectory dir) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_component (WixComponent comp) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_feature (WixFeature feature, VisitState state) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_component_ref (WixComponentRef ref) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_remove_folder (WixRemoveFolder rm) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_registry_value (WixRegistryValue reg) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_file (WixFile reg) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_shortcut (WixShortcut shortcut) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_create_folder (WixCreateFolder folder) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_fragment (WixFragment fragment) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_sequence (WixSequence sequence) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_condition (WixCondition condition) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_upgrade (WixUpgrade upgrade) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_upgrade_version (WixUpgradeVersion version) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_action (WixAction action) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_text (WixText text) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_component_group_ref (WixComponentGroupRef ref) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_progid (WixProgId progid) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_extension (WixExtension extension) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_verb (WixVerb verb) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_mime (WixMIME mime) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_service_argument (WixServiceArgument service_argument) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_service_control (WixServiceControl service_control, VisitState state) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_service_dependency (WixServiceDependency service_dependency) throws GLib.Error; public abstract void visit_service_install (WixServiceInstall service_install, VisitState state) throws GLib.Error; } public abstract class WixNode: Object { public WixElement? parent; static construct { Value.register_transform_func (typeof (WixNode), typeof (string), (ValueTransform)WixNode.value_to_string); } public abstract string to_string (); public static void value_to_string (Value src, out Value dest) { WixNode e = value_get_node (src); dest = e.to_string (); } public static WixNode? value_get_node (Value value) { if (! value.holds (typeof (WixNode))) return null; return (WixNode)value.get_object (); } public abstract void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error; } public class WixText: WixNode { public string Text; public WixText (string str) { Text = str; } public override string to_string () { return Text; } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { visitor.visit_text (this); } } public abstract class WixElement: WixNode { public class string name; public string Id { get; set; } public List children; // FIXME: would be nice if vala always initialize class member to null // GObject copy class init so other class hashtable will be unrefed...?? protected class HashTable *child_types = null; class construct { child_types = new HashTable (str_hash, str_equal); } public class void add_child_types (HashTable table, Type[] child_types) { foreach (var t in child_types) { var n = ((WixElement) (t)).name; table.insert (n, t); } } public void add_child (WixNode e) { e.parent = this; children.append (e); } public G[] add_elements (owned G[] a) { // jeez, vala, took me a while to workaround generics & array issues.. var array = a; var type = typeof (G); if (this.get_type ().is_a (type)) array += this; foreach (var c in children) { if (c is WixElement) array = (c as WixElement).add_elements (array); else if (c.get_type ().is_a (type)) array += c; } return array; } public string full_path (WixResolver r) throws GLib.Error { WixDirectory dir = null; if (parent != null && parent is WixDirectory) dir = this.parent as WixDirectory; else if (parent != null && parent is WixDirectoryRef) dir = r.resolve (this.parent); if (dir != null) return dir.full_path (r) + "/" + this.Id; else return this.Id; } public G[] get_elements () { return add_elements ({}); } public G? find_element (string Id) { var type = typeof (G); if (this.Id == Id && this.get_type () == type) return this; foreach (var c in children) { if (c is WixElement) { var e = (c as WixElement).find_element (Id); if (e != null) return e; } } return null; } string get_attribute_content (Xml.Attr *attr) { if (attr->children == null) return ""; return attr->children->content; } protected void load_properties_from_node (Xml.Node *node) throws Wixl.Error { for (var prop = node->properties; prop != null; prop = prop->next) { if (prop->type == Xml.ElementType.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) set_property (prop->name, get_attribute_content (prop)); } } public virtual void load (Xml.Node *node) throws Wixl.Error { if (node->name != name) throw new Error.FAILED ("%s: invalid node %s".printf (name, node->name)); load_properties_from_node (node); for (var child = node->children; child != null; child = child->next) { switch (child->type) { case Xml.ElementType.COMMENT_NODE: continue; case Xml.ElementType.TEXT_NODE: add_child (new WixText (child->content)); continue; case Xml.ElementType.ELEMENT_NODE: var t = child_types->lookup (child->name); if (t != 0) { var elem = (t) as WixElement; elem.load (child); add_child (elem); continue; } break; } error ("unhandled child %s node %s", name, child->name); } } public override string to_string () { var type = get_type (); var klass = (ObjectClass)type.class_ref (); var str = "<" + name; var i = 0; foreach (var p in klass.list_properties ()) { if (!(ParamFlags.READABLE in p.flags)) continue; var value = Value (p.value_type); get_property (, ref value); var valstr = value.holds (typeof (string)) ? (string)value : value.strdup_contents (); if (valstr != null) str += " " + + "=\"" + valstr + "\""; i += 1; } if (children.length () != 0) { str += ">\n"; foreach (var child in children) { str += child.to_string () + "\n"; } return str + ""; } else return str + "/>"; } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { foreach (var child in children) child.accept (visitor); } } public class WixComponentGroup: WixElement { static construct { name = "ComponentGroup"; add_child_types (child_types, { typeof (WixComponentRef), typeof (WixComponentGroupRef), }); } } public class WixFragment: WixElement { static construct { name = "Fragment"; add_child_types (child_types, { typeof (WixDirectory), typeof (WixDirectoryRef), typeof (WixComponentGroup), }); } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { base.accept (visitor); visitor.visit_fragment (this); } } public class WixProperty: WixElement { static construct { name = "Property"; } public string Value { get; set; } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { visitor.visit_property (this); } } public class WixPackage: WixElement { static construct { name = "Package"; } public string Keywords { get; set; } public string InstallerDescription { get; set; } public string InstallerComments { get; set; } public string Manufacturer { get; set; } public string InstallerVersion { get; set; } public string Languages { get; set; } public string Compressed { get; set; } public string SummaryCodepage { get; set; } public string Comments { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { base.accept (visitor); visitor.visit_package (this); } } public class WixCreateFolder: WixElement { static construct { name = "CreateFolder"; } public string Directory { get; set; } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { visitor.visit_create_folder (this); } } public class WixIcon: WixElement { static construct { name = "Icon"; } public string SourceFile { get; set; } public File file; public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { visitor.visit_icon (this); } } public class WixShortcut: WixElement { static construct { name = "Shortcut"; } public string Directory { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string IconIndex { get; set; } public string WorkingDirectory { get; set; } public string Icon { get; set; } public string Advertise { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public string Target { get; set; } public Libmsi.Record record; public WixComponent? get_component () { if (parent is WixFile || parent is WixCreateFolder) return parent.parent as WixComponent; else return parent as WixComponent; } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { visitor.visit_shortcut (this); } } public abstract class WixKeyElement: WixElement { public string KeyPath { get; set; } } public class WixFile: WixKeyElement { static construct { name = "File"; add_child_types (child_types, { typeof (WixShortcut) }); } public string DiskId { get; set; } public string Source { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public File file; public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { base.accept (visitor); visitor.visit_file (this); } } public class WixRegistryValue: WixKeyElement { static construct { name = "RegistryValue"; } public string Root { get; set; } public string Key { get; set; } public string Type { get; set; } public string Value { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { visitor.visit_registry_value (this); } } public class WixRemoveFolder: WixElement { static construct { name = "RemoveFolder"; } public string On { get; set; } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { visitor.visit_remove_folder (this); } } public class WixFeature: WixElement { static construct { name = "Feature"; add_child_types (child_types, { typeof (WixComponentRef), typeof (WixComponentGroupRef), typeof (WixFeature), }); } public string Level { get; set; } public string Title { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public string Display { get; set; } public string ConfigurableDirectory { get; set; } public string AllowAdvertise { get; set; } public string Absent { get; set; } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { visitor.visit_feature (this, VisitState.ENTER); base.accept (visitor); visitor.visit_feature (this, VisitState.LEAVE); } } public class WixComponentRef: WixElementRef { static construct { name = "ComponentRef"; ref_type = typeof (WixComponent); } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { visitor.visit_component_ref (this); } } public class WixComponentGroupRef: WixElementRef { static construct { name = "ComponentGroupRef"; ref_type = typeof (WixComponentGroup); } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { visitor.visit_component_group_ref (this); } } public class WixCondition: WixElement { static construct { name = "Condition"; } public string Message { get; set; } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { visitor.visit_condition (this); } } public class WixMIME: WixElement { static construct { name = "MIME"; } public string Advertise { get; set; } public string ContentType { get; set; } public string Default { get; set; } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { visitor.visit_mime (this); } } public class WixServiceArgument: WixElement { static construct { name = "ServiceArgument"; } public string get_text() { foreach (var c in children) { if (c is WixText) { return (c as WixText).Text; } } return ""; } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { visitor.visit_service_argument (this); } } public class WixServiceControl: WixElement { static construct { name = "ServiceControl"; add_child_types (child_types, { typeof (WixServiceArgument), }); } public string Name { get; set; } public string Start { get; set; } public string Stop { get; set; } public string Remove { get; set; } public string Wait { get; set; } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { visitor.visit_service_control (this, VisitState.ENTER); base.accept (visitor); visitor.visit_service_control (this, VisitState.LEAVE); } } public class WixServiceDependency: WixElement { static construct { name = "ServiceDependency"; } public string Group { get; set; } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { visitor.visit_service_dependency (this); } } public class WixServiceInstall: WixElement { static construct { name = "ServiceInstall"; add_child_types (child_types, { typeof (WixServiceDependency), }); } public string Name { get; set; } public string DisplayName { get; set; } public string Type { get; set; } public string Interactive { get; set; } public string Start { get; set; } public string ErrorControl { get; set; } public string Vital { get; set; } public string LoadOrderGroup { get; set; } public string Account { get; set; } public string Password { get; set; } public string Arguments { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public string EraseDescription { get; set; } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { visitor.visit_service_install (this, VisitState.ENTER); base.accept (visitor); visitor.visit_service_install (this, VisitState.LEAVE); } } public class WixVerb: WixElement { static construct { name = "Verb"; } public string Command { get; set; } public string TargetFile { get; set; } public string Argument { get; set; } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { base.accept (visitor); visitor.visit_verb (this); } } public class WixExtension: WixElement { static construct { name = "Extension"; add_child_types (child_types, { typeof (WixVerb), typeof (WixMIME), }); } public string ContentType { get; set; } public string Advertise { get; set; } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { base.accept (visitor); visitor.visit_extension (this); } } public class WixProgId: WixElement { static construct { name = "ProgId"; add_child_types (child_types, { typeof (WixExtension), }); } public string Description { get; set; } public string Advertise { get; set; } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { base.accept (visitor); visitor.visit_progid (this); } } public class WixAction: WixElement { public new string name; public string After { get; set; } public string Before { get; set; } public string Overridable { get; set; } public string Sequence { get; set; } public string Suppress { get; set; } public override void load (Xml.Node *node) throws Wixl.Error { name = node->name; load_properties_from_node (node); } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { visitor.visit_action (this); } } public class WixSequence: WixElement { public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { base.accept (visitor); visitor.visit_sequence (this); } } public class WixInstallExecuteSequence: WixSequence { static construct { name = "InstallExecuteSequence"; foreach (var action in new string[] { "AllocateRegistrySpace", "AppSearch", "BindImage", "CCPSearch", "CostFinalize", "CostInitialize", "CreateFolders", "CreateShortcuts", "Custom", "DeleteServices", "DisableRollback", "DuplicateFiles", "FileCost", "FindRelatedProducts", "ForceReboot", "InstallExecute", "InstallExecuteAgain", "InstallFiles", "InstallFinalize", "InstallInitialize", "InstallODBC", "InstallServices", "InstallValidate", "IsolateComponents", "LaunchConditions", "MigrateFeatureStates", "MoveFiles", "MsiPublishAssemblies", "MsiUnpublishAssemblies", "PatchFiles", "ProcessComponents", "PublishComponents", "PublishFeatures", "PublishProduct", "RegisterClassInfo", "RegisterComPlus", "RegisterExtensionInfo", "RegisterFonts", "RegisterMIMEInfo", "RegisterProduct", "RegisterProgIdInfo", "RegisterTypeLibraries", "RegisterUser", "RemoveDuplicateFiles", "RemoveEnvironmentStrings", "RemoveExistingProducts", "RemoveFiles", "RemoveFolders", "RemoveIniValues", "RemoveODBC", "RemoveRegistryValues", "RemoveShortcuts", "ResolveSource", "RMCCPSearch", "ScheduleReboot", "SelfRegModules", "SelfUnregModules", "SetODBCFolders", "StartServices", "StopServices", "UnpublishComponents", "UnpublishFeatures", "UnregisterClassInfo", "UnregisterComPlus", "UnregisterExtensionInfo", "UnregisterFonts", "UnregisterMIMEInfo", "UnregisterProgIdInfo", "UnregisterTypeLibraries", "ValidateProductID", "WriteEnvironmentStrings", "WriteIniValues", "WriteRegistryValues" }) child_types->insert (action, typeof (WixAction)); } } public class WixInstallUISequence: WixSequence { static construct { name = "InstallUISequence"; foreach (var action in new string[] { "AppSearch", "CCPSearch", "CostFinalize", "CostInitialize", "Custom", "ExecuteAction", "FileCost", "FindRelatedProducts", "IsolateComponents", "LaunchConditions", "MigrateFeatureStates", "ResolveSource", "RMCCPSearch", "ScheduleReboot", "Show", "ValidateProductID" }) child_types->insert (action, typeof (WixAction)); } } public class WixAdminExecuteSequence: WixSequence { static construct { name = "AdminExecuteSequence"; foreach (var action in new string[] { "CostFinalize", "CostInitialize", "Custom", "FileCost", "InstallAdminPackage", "InstallFiles", "InstallFinalize", "InstallInitialize", "InstallValidate", "LaunchConditions", "PatchFiles", "ResolveSource" }) child_types->insert (action, typeof (WixAction)); } } public class WixAdminUISequence: WixSequence { static construct { name = "AdminUISequence"; foreach (var action in new string[] { "CostFinalize", "CostInitialize", "Custom", "ExecuteAction", "FileCost", "InstallAdminPackage", "InstallFiles", "InstallFinalize", "InstallInitialize", "InstallValidate", "LaunchConditions", "Show" }) child_types->insert (action, typeof (WixAction)); } } public class WixAdvertiseExecuteSequence: WixSequence { static construct { name = "AdvertiseExecuteSequence"; foreach (var action in new string[] { "CostFinalize", "CostInitialize", "CreateShortcuts", "Custom", "InstallFinalize", "InstallInitialize", "InstallValidate", "MsiPublishAssemblies", "PublishComponents", "PublishFeatures", "PublishProduct", "RegisterClassInfo", "RegisterExtensionInfo", "RegisterMIMEInfo", "RegisterProgIdInfo" }) child_types->insert (action, typeof (WixAction)); } } public class WixUpgrade: WixElement { static construct { name = "Upgrade"; add_child_types (child_types, { typeof (WixUpgradeVersion), }); } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { base.accept (visitor); visitor.visit_upgrade (this); } } public class WixUpgradeVersion: WixElement { static construct { name = "UpgradeVersion"; } public string Minimum { get; set; } public string Maximum { get; set; } public string IncludeMinimum { get; set; } public string IncludeMaximum { get; set; } public string OnlyDetect { get; set; } public string Property { get; set; } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { visitor.visit_upgrade_version (this); } } public class WixProduct: WixElement { static construct { name = "Product"; add_child_types (child_types, { typeof (WixCondition), typeof (WixDirectory), typeof (WixDirectoryRef), typeof (WixFeature), typeof (WixIcon), typeof (WixInstallExecuteSequence), typeof (WixInstallUISequence), typeof (WixAdminExecuteSequence), typeof (WixAdminUISequence), typeof (WixAdvertiseExecuteSequence), typeof (WixMedia), typeof (WixPackage), typeof (WixProperty), typeof (WixUpgrade), }); } public string Name { get; set; } public string UpgradeCode { get; set; } public string Language { get; set; } public string Codepage { get; set; } public string Version { get; set; } public string Manufacturer { get; set; } public WixProduct () { } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { base.accept (visitor); visitor.visit_product (this); } } public class WixMedia: WixElement { static construct { name = "Media"; } public string Cabinet { get; set; } public string EmbedCab { get; set; } public string DiskPrompt { get; set; } public Libmsi.Record record; public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { visitor.visit_media (this); } } public class WixRegistryKey: WixElement { static construct { name = "RegistryKey"; add_child_types (child_types, { typeof (WixRegistryValue), }); } public string Key { get; set; } public string Root { get; set; } } public class WixComponent: WixElement { static construct { name = "Component"; add_child_types (child_types, { typeof (WixRemoveFolder), typeof (WixRegistryValue), typeof (WixFile), typeof (WixShortcut), typeof (WixProgId), typeof (WixRegistryKey), typeof (WixServiceControl), typeof (WixServiceInstall), }); } public string Guid { get; set; } public WixKeyElement? key; public List in_feature; public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { base.accept (visitor); visitor.visit_component (this); } } public class WixDirectory: WixElement { static construct { name = "Directory"; add_child_types (child_types, { typeof (WixDirectory), typeof (WixComponent), }); } public string Name { get; set; } public override void accept (WixNodeVisitor visitor) throws GLib.Error { base.accept (visitor); visitor.visit_directory (this); } } public class WixElementRef: WixElement { public class Type ref_type; public G? resolved; // protected WixElementRef () { // // FIXME vala: class init/construct fails, construct fails... // ref_type = typeof (G); // } } public class WixDirectoryRef: WixElementRef { static construct { name = "DirectoryRef"; ref_type = typeof (WixDirectory); add_child_types (child_types, { typeof (WixDirectory), typeof (WixComponent), }); } } class WixRoot: WixElement { static construct { name = "Wix"; add_child_types (child_types, { typeof (WixProduct), typeof (WixFragment), }); } } } // Wixl