namespace Wixl { class Preprocessor: Object { unowned List includedirs; HashTable variables; construct { variables = new HashTable (str_hash, str_equal); } public Preprocessor (HashTable globals, List includedirs) { string name, value; var it = HashTableIter (globals); while ( (out name, out value)) define_variable (name, value); this.includedirs = includedirs; } public void define_variable (string name, string value) { variables.insert (name, value); } public void undefine_variable (string name) { variables.remove (name); } public string? lookup_variable (string name) { return variables.lookup (name); } public string? eval_variable (string str, File? file) throws GLib.Error { var var = str.split (".", 2); if (var.length != 2) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("invalid variable %s", str); switch (var[0]) { case "var": return lookup_variable (var[1]); case "env": return Environment.get_variable (var[1]); case "sys": switch (var[1]) { case "CURRENTDIR": return Environment.get_current_dir (); case "SOURCEFILEDIR": return file.get_basename (); case "SOURCEFILEPATH": return file.get_path (); } break; } throw new Wixl.Error.FIXME ("unhandled variable type %s", str); } public string eval (string str, File? file) throws GLib.Error { var result = ""; int end = 0; int pos = 0; while ((pos = str.index_of ("$", end)) != -1) { if (end < pos) result += str[end:pos]; end = pos + 1; var remainder = str[end:str.length]; if (remainder.has_prefix ("$")) result += "$"; else if (remainder.has_prefix ("(")) { var closing = find_closing_paren (remainder); if (closing == -1) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("no matching closing parenthesis"); var substring = remainder[1:closing]; if (substring.index_of ("(") != -1) throw new Wixl.Error.FIXME ("unsupported function"); var val = eval_variable (substring, file); if (val == null) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("Undefined variable %s", substring); result += val; end += closing + 1; } } return result + str[end:str.length]; } class EvalCondition: Object { File? file; Preprocessor preprocessor; Scanner scanner; enum Op { NONE, EQUAL, OPEN_VAR, EQ, EC, NE, LT, LTE, GT, GTE, AND, OR, NOT, } construct { scanner = new Scanner (null); scanner.config.scan_identifier_1char = true; scanner.config.cset_identifier_nth = (string)scanner.config.cset_identifier_nth + "."; scanner.scope_add_symbol (0, "and", (void*)Op.AND); scanner.scope_add_symbol (0, "or", (void*)Op.OR); scanner.scope_add_symbol (0, "not", (void*)Op.NOT); } public EvalCondition (Preprocessor pp, File? file = null) { this.file = file; this.preprocessor = pp; } bool to_bool (Value val) { Value result = false; val.transform (ref result); return (bool) result; } bool accept (int type) { var accepted = (int)scanner.peek_next_token () == type; if (accepted) scanner.get_next_token (); return accepted; } bool expect (int type) throws GLib.Error { if (!accept (type)) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("Expected token %d", type); return true; } bool accept_symbol (Op symbol) { bool accepted = false; if (scanner.peek_next_token () == TokenType.SYMBOL) { accepted = (int)scanner.next_value.symbol == symbol; } if (accepted) scanner.get_next_token (); return accepted; } Value term () throws GLib.Error { if (accept (TokenType.LEFT_PAREN)) { Value val = expr (); expect (TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN); return val; } else if (accept (TokenType.INT)) { return scanner.cur_value ().int; } else if (accept (TokenType.STRING)) { return scanner.cur_value ().string; } else if (accept (TokenType.IDENTIFIER)) { return scanner.cur_value ().identifier; } else if (accept ('$')) { if (accept (TokenType.LEFT_PAREN)) { expect (TokenType.IDENTIFIER); var val = preprocessor.eval_variable (scanner.cur_value ().identifier, file); expect (TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN); return val; } } #if 0 debug ("term %d", scanner.peek_next_token ()); if (accept (TokenType.SYMBOL)) message ("symbol: %d", (int)scanner.cur_value ().symbol); #endif throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("Invalid term"); } int to_int (Value val) { Value result = 0; val.transform (ref result); return result.get_int (); } string to_string (Value val) { Value result = ""; val.transform (ref result); return result.get_string (); } bool cmp_term () throws GLib.Error { var op = Op.NONE; Value left = term (); if (accept ('<')) op = Op.LT; else if (accept ('>')) op = Op.GT; else if (accept (TokenType.EQUAL_SIGN)) return to_string (left) == to_string (term ()); else if (accept ('!') && expect ('=')) return to_string (left) != to_string (term ()); else if (accept ('~') && expect ('=')) { return to_string (left).ascii_casecmp (to_string (term ())) == 0; } if (op != Op.NONE) { bool eq = false; if (accept ('=')) eq = true; var a = to_int (left); var b = to_int (term ()); if (eq && a == b) return true; if (op == Op.GT) return a > b; else if (op == Op.LT) return a < b; } return to_bool (left); } bool not_term () throws GLib.Error { if (accept_symbol (Op.NOT)) return !not_term (); else return cmp_term (); } bool expr () throws GLib.Error { bool handled = false; var result = not_term (); do { // TODO: I think wixl condition are left-evaled handled = true; if (accept_symbol (Op.AND)) result = not_term () && result; else if (accept_symbol (Op.OR)) result = not_term () || result; else handled = false; } while (handled); return result; } public bool eval (string str) throws GLib.Error { scanner.input_text (str, str.length); var result = expr (); if (!accept (TokenType.EOF)) warning ("condition invaluation incomplete, next token %d", scanner.peek_next_token ()); return result; } } #if 0 void test (string v, bool expect = true) { var evaluator = new EvalCondition (this); message (v); if (evaluator.eval (v) != expect) { error ("expected %s", yesno (expect)); } } void tests () { Environment.set_variable ("FOO", "bar", true); test ("1"); test ("0", false); test ("not 1", false); test ("not not 1"); test ("((not (not (1))))"); test ("\"not1\"", false); test ("\"foo\"", false); test ("\"\"", false); test ("\"foo\" = \"foo\""); test ("1 = 1"); test ("1 = 2", false); test ("1 != 2"); test ("1 < 2"); test ("1 <= 2"); test ("2 <= 2"); test ("2 >= 2"); test ("2 >= 1"); test ("2 > 1"); test ("\"foo\" ~= \"fOo\""); test ("\"foo\" = \"bar\"", false); test ("not (1 != 2)", false); test ("0 or 0", false); test ("0 or 1", true); test ("0 and 1", false); test ("1 and 1", true); test ("not (1 != 2) or (1 != 2)", true); test ("$(env.FOO) = \"bar\"", true); test ("$(env.FOO) = bar", true); Environment.set_variable ("FOO", "2", true); test ("$(env.FOO) < 3", true); } #endif public bool eval_condition (string str, File? file) throws GLib.Error { var evaluator = new EvalCondition (this, file); return evaluator.eval (str); } class Location: Object { public File file; public int line; public Location (Xml.TextReader reader, File file) { this.file = file; var node = reader.current_node (); this.line = node->line; } public string to_string () { return "%s:%d".printf (file.get_basename (), line); } } void print (string prefix, Location loc, string msg) { stderr.printf (loc.to_string () + ": " + prefix + ": " + msg + "\n"); } class IfContext { public enum State { UNKNOWN, IF, ELSE, ELSEIF; public bool in_if () { return this == IF || this == ELSEIF; } } bool _is_true; public bool is_true { get { return _is_true; } set { if (value) never_true = false; _is_true = value; } } public bool never_true = true; public bool enabled; public State state; public IfContext (bool enabled = false, bool is_true = false, State state = State.UNKNOWN) { this.enabled = enabled; this.is_true = is_true; this.state = state; } } void preprocess_xml (Xml.TextReader reader, Xml.TextWriter writer, File? file, bool is_include = false) throws GLib.Error { IfContext context = new IfContext (true, true); var ifstack = new Queue (); while ( () > 0) { var loc = new Location (reader, file); bool handled = false; if (reader.node_type () == Xml.ReaderType.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION) { handled = true; switch (reader.const_local_name ()) { case "ifdef": ifstack.push_head (context); var value = reader.const_value ().strip (); context = new IfContext (context.enabled && context.is_true, eval_variable (value, file) != null, IfContext.State.IF); break; case "ifndef": ifstack.push_head (context); var value = reader.const_value ().strip (); context = new IfContext (context.enabled && context.is_true, eval_variable (value, file) == null, IfContext.State.IF); break; case "else": if (ifstack.is_empty ()) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("Unmatched else"); if (!context.state.in_if ()) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("Unmatched else"); context.state = IfContext.State.ELSE; context.is_true = context.never_true; break; case "endif": if (ifstack.is_empty ()) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("Unmatched endif"); context = ifstack.pop_head (); break; case "if": ifstack.push_head (context); var value = reader.const_value ().strip (); context = new IfContext (context.enabled && context.is_true, eval_condition (value, file), IfContext.State.IF); break; default: handled = false; break; } } if (handled || !context.enabled || !context.is_true) continue; switch (reader.node_type ()) { case Xml.ReaderType.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION: switch (reader.const_local_name ()) { case "define": MatchInfo info; var r = /^\s*(?P.+?)\s*=\s*(?P.+?)\s*$/; if (r.match (reader.const_value (), 0, out info)) { var name = remove_prefix ("var.", info.fetch_named ("name")); var value = unquote (info.fetch_named ("value")); define_variable (name, value); } else throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("invalid define"); break; case "undef": var value = reader.const_value ().strip (); undefine_variable (value); break; case "require": var value = eval (reader.const_value (), file).strip (); include (value, loc, writer, true); break; case "include": var value = eval (reader.const_value (), file).strip (); include (value, loc, writer); break; case "warning": print ("warning", loc, eval (reader.const_value (), file)); break; case "error": print ("error", loc, eval (reader.const_value (), file)); Posix.exit (1); break; default: warning ("unhandled preprocessor instruction %s", reader.const_local_name ()); break; } break; case Xml.ReaderType.ELEMENT: var empty = reader.is_empty_element () > 0; if (is_include && reader.depth () == 0 && reader.const_name () == "Include") break; writer.start_element (reader.const_name ()); while (reader.move_to_next_attribute () > 0) { var value = eval (reader.const_value (), file); writer.write_attribute (reader.const_name (), value); } if (empty) writer.end_element (); break; case Xml.ReaderType.END_ELEMENT: if (is_include && reader.depth () == 0 && reader.const_name () == "Include") break; writer.end_element (); break; case Xml.ReaderType.TEXT: writer.write_string (eval (reader.const_value (), file)); break; case Xml.ReaderType.CDATA: writer.write_cdata (eval (reader.const_value (), file)); break; } } if (!ifstack.is_empty ()) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("Missing endif"); } bool include_try (string filename, Xml.TextWriter writer) throws GLib.Error { string data; var file = File.new_for_path (filename); try { FileUtils.get_contents (filename, out data); } catch (GLib.FileError error) { return false; } var reader = new Xml.TextReader.for_doc (data, ""); preprocess_xml (reader, writer, file, true); return true; } // Use it as a set HashTable requires = new HashTable (str_hash, str_equal); void include (string name, Location loc, Xml.TextWriter writer, bool is_req = false) throws GLib.Error { var success = false; if (is_req) { if (requires.lookup_extended (name, null, null)) return; hash_table_add (requires, name); } string[] dirs = {}; dirs += name; dirs += loc.file.get_parent ().get_child (name).get_path (); foreach (var dir in includedirs) dirs += dir.get_child (name).get_path (); foreach (var inc in dirs) { success = include_try (inc, writer); if (success) break; } if (!success) { print ("error", loc, "Failed to include %s".printf (name)); Posix.exit (1); } } public Xml.Doc preprocess (string data, File? file) throws GLib.Error { Xml.Doc doc; Xml.TextWriter writer = new Xml.TextWriter.doc (out doc); var reader = new Xml.TextReader.for_doc (data, ""); writer.start_document (); preprocess_xml (reader, writer, file); writer.end_document (); return doc; } } }