namespace Wixl { public abstract class MsiTable: Object { public class string name; public List records; public class string sql_create; public class string sql_insert; public virtual void create (Libmsi.Database db) throws GLib.Error { var query = new Libmsi.Query (db, sql_create); query.execute (null); if (sql_insert == null) return; query = new Libmsi.Query (db, sql_insert); foreach (var r in records) query.execute (r); } } class MsiTableIcon: MsiTable { static construct { name = "Icon"; sql_create = "CREATE TABLE `Icon` (`Name` CHAR(72) NOT NULL, `Data` OBJECT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY `Name`)"; sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `Icon` (`Name`, `Data`) VALUES (?, ?)"; } public void add (string id, string filename) throws GLib.Error { var rec = new Libmsi.Record (2); if (!rec.set_string (1, id) || !rec.load_stream (2, filename)) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("failed to add record"); records.append (rec); } } public abstract class MsiTableSequence: MsiTable { private void add (string action, int sequence) throws GLib.Error { var rec = new Libmsi.Record (2); if (!rec.set_string (1, action) || !rec.set_int (2, sequence)) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("failed to add record"); records.append (rec); } protected class void set_sequence_table_name (string table) { name = table; sql_create = "CREATE TABLE `%s` (`Action` CHAR(72) NOT NULL, `Condition` CHAR(255), `Sequence` INT PRIMARY KEY `Action`)".printf (table); sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `%s` (`Action`, `Sequence`) VALUES (?, ?)".printf (table); } public class Action { public string name; public int sequence = -1; public WixAction? action; public bool visited = false; public bool incoming_deps = false; // Use it as a set, so value is not refcounted please vala public HashTable depends_on = new HashTable (direct_hash, direct_equal); public void add_dep (Action a) { depends_on.add (a); a.incoming_deps = true; } } HashTable actions = new HashTable (str_hash, str_equal); void sort_topological_visit (Action action, ref List sorted) { if (action.visited) return; action.visited = true; Action dep; var it = HashTableIter (action.depends_on); while ( (null, out dep)) sort_topological_visit (dep, ref sorted); sorted.append (action); } List sort_topological () { List sorted = null; Action action; var it = HashTableIter (actions); while ( (null, out action)) { if (action.incoming_deps) continue; sort_topological_visit (action, ref sorted); } return sorted; } void add_implicit_deps () { CompareFunc cmp = (a, b) => { return a.sequence - b.sequence; }; var list = actions.get_values (); list.sort (cmp); Action? prev = null; foreach (var a in list) { if (a.sequence == -1) continue; if (prev != null) a.add_dep (prev); prev = a; } } public void add_sorted_actions () throws GLib.Error { add_implicit_deps (); var sorted = sort_topological (); int sequence = 0; foreach (var action in sorted) { if (action.sequence == -1) action.sequence = ++sequence; sequence = action.sequence; add (, action.sequence); } } public Action get_action (string name) { var action = actions.lookup (name); if (action != null) return action; action = new Action (); actions.insert (name, action); = name; return action; } } class MsiTableAdminExecuteSequence: MsiTableSequence { static construct { set_sequence_table_name ("AdminExecuteSequence"); } } class MsiTableAdminUISequence: MsiTableSequence { static construct { set_sequence_table_name ("AdminUISequence"); } } class MsiTableAdvtExecuteSequence: MsiTableSequence { static construct { set_sequence_table_name ("AdvtExecuteSequence"); } } class MsiTableInstallExecuteSequence: MsiTableSequence { static construct { set_sequence_table_name ("InstallExecuteSequence"); } } class MsiTableInstallUISequence: MsiTableSequence { static construct { set_sequence_table_name ("InstallUISequence"); } } class MsiTableError: MsiTable { static construct { name = "Error"; sql_create = "CREATE TABLE `Error` (`Error` INT NOT NULL, `Message` CHAR(0) LOCALIZABLE PRIMARY KEY `Error`)"; } } class MsiTableFile: MsiTable { static construct { name = "File"; sql_create = "CREATE TABLE `File` (`File` CHAR(72) NOT NULL, `Component_` CHAR(72) NOT NULL, `FileName` CHAR(255) NOT NULL LOCALIZABLE, `FileSize` LONG NOT NULL, `Version` CHAR(72), `Language` CHAR(20), `Attributes` INT, `Sequence` LONG NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY `File`)"; sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `File` (`File`, `Component_`, `FileName`, `FileSize`, `Attributes`, `Sequence`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; } public Libmsi.Record add (string File, string Component, string FileName, int FileSize, int Attributes, int Sequence = 0) throws GLib.Error { var rec = new Libmsi.Record (6); if (!rec.set_string (1, File) || !rec.set_string (2, Component) || !rec.set_string (3, FileName) || !rec.set_int (4, FileSize) || !rec.set_int (5, Attributes) || !rec.set_int (6, Sequence)) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("failed to add record"); records.append (rec); return rec; } public static bool set_sequence (Libmsi.Record rec, int Sequence) { return rec.set_int (6, Sequence); } } class MsiTableMedia: MsiTable { static construct { name = "Media"; sql_create = "CREATE TABLE `Media` (`DiskId` INT NOT NULL, `LastSequence` LONG NOT NULL, `DiskPrompt` CHAR(64) LOCALIZABLE, `Cabinet` CHAR(255), `VolumeLabel` CHAR(32), `Source` CHAR(72) PRIMARY KEY `DiskId`)"; sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `Media` (`DiskId`, `LastSequence`, `DiskPrompt`, `Cabinet`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"; } public bool set_last_sequence (Libmsi.Record rec, int last_sequence) { return rec.set_int (2, last_sequence); } public Libmsi.Record add (string DiskId, string? DiskPrompt, string Cabinet) throws GLib.Error { var rec = new Libmsi.Record (4); if (!rec.set_int (1, int.parse (DiskId)) || !rec.set_int (2, 0) || (DiskPrompt != null && !rec.set_string (3, DiskPrompt)) || !rec.set_string (4, Cabinet)) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("failed to add record"); records.append (rec); return rec; } } class MsiTableUpgrade: MsiTable { static construct { name = "Upgrade"; sql_create = "CREATE TABLE `Upgrade` (`UpgradeCode` CHAR(38) NOT NULL, `VersionMin` CHAR(20), `VersionMax` CHAR(20), `Language` CHAR(255), `Attributes` LONG NOT NULL, `Remove` CHAR(255), `ActionProperty` CHAR(72) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY `UpgradeCode`, `VersionMin`, `VersionMax`, `Language`, `Attributes`)"; sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `Upgrade` (`UpgradeCode`, `VersionMin`, `VersionMax`, `Attributes`, `ActionProperty`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; } public void add (string UpgradeCode, string VersionMin, string? VersionMax, int Attributes, string ActionProperty) throws GLib.Error { var rec = new Libmsi.Record (5); if (!rec.set_string (1, UpgradeCode) || !rec.set_string (2, VersionMin) || (VersionMax != null && !rec.set_string (3, VersionMax)) || !rec.set_int (4, Attributes) || !rec.set_string (5, ActionProperty)) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("failed to add record"); records.append (rec); } } class MsiTableLaunchCondition: MsiTable { static construct { name = "LaunchCondition"; sql_create = "CREATE TABLE `LaunchCondition` (`Condition` CHAR(255) NOT NULL, `Description` CHAR(255) NOT NULL LOCALIZABLE PRIMARY KEY `Condition`)"; sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `LaunchCondition` (`Condition`, `Description`) VALUES (?, ?)"; } public void add (string condition, string description) throws GLib.Error { var rec = new Libmsi.Record (2); if (!rec.set_string (1, condition) || !rec.set_string (2, description)) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("failed to add record"); records.append (rec); } } class MsiTableProperty: MsiTable { static construct { name = "Property"; sql_create = "CREATE TABLE `Property` (`Property` CHAR(72) NOT NULL, `Value` CHAR(0) NOT NULL LOCALIZABLE PRIMARY KEY `Property`)"; sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `Property` (`Property`, `Value`) VALUES (?, ?)"; } public void add (string prop, string value) throws GLib.Error { var rec = new Libmsi.Record (2); if (!rec.set_string (1, prop) || !rec.set_string (2, value)) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("failed to add record"); records.append (rec); } } class MsiTableDirectory: MsiTable { static construct { name = "Directory"; sql_create = "CREATE TABLE `Directory` (`Directory` CHAR(72) NOT NULL, `Directory_Parent` CHAR(72), `DefaultDir` CHAR(255) NOT NULL LOCALIZABLE PRIMARY KEY `Directory`)"; sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `Directory` (`Directory`, `Directory_Parent`, `DefaultDir`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"; } public void add (string Directory, string? Parent, string DefaultDir) throws GLib.Error { var rec = new Libmsi.Record (3); if (!rec.set_string (1, Directory) || !rec.set_string (2, Parent) || !rec.set_string (3, DefaultDir)) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("failed to add record"); records.append (rec); } } class MsiTableComponent: MsiTable { static construct { name = "Component"; sql_create = "CREATE TABLE `Component` (`Component` CHAR(72) NOT NULL, `ComponentId` CHAR(38), `Directory_` CHAR(72) NOT NULL, `Attributes` INT NOT NULL, `Condition` CHAR(255), `KeyPath` CHAR(72) PRIMARY KEY `Component`)"; sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `Component` (`Component`, `ComponentId`, `Directory_`, `Attributes`, `KeyPath`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; } public void add (string Component, string ComponentId, string Directory, int Attributes, string? KeyPath = null) throws GLib.Error { var rec = new Libmsi.Record (5); if (!rec.set_string (1, Component) || !rec.set_string (2, ComponentId) || !rec.set_string (3, Directory) || !rec.set_int (4, Attributes) || !rec.set_string (5, KeyPath)) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("failed to add record"); records.append (rec); } } class MsiTableFeatureComponents: MsiTable { static construct { name = "FeatureComponents"; sql_create = "CREATE TABLE `FeatureComponents` (`Feature_` CHAR(38) NOT NULL, `Component_` CHAR(72) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY `Feature_`, `Component_`)"; sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `FeatureComponents` (`Feature_`, `Component_`) VALUES (?, ?)"; } public void add (string Feature, string Component) throws GLib.Error { var rec = new Libmsi.Record (2); if (!rec.set_string (1, Feature) || !rec.set_string (2, Component)) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("failed to add record"); records.append (rec); } } class MsiTableRegistry: MsiTable { static construct { name = "Registry"; sql_create = "CREATE TABLE `Registry` (`Registry` CHAR(72) NOT NULL, `Root` INT NOT NULL, `Key` CHAR(255) NOT NULL LOCALIZABLE, `Name` CHAR(255) LOCALIZABLE, `Value` CHAR(0) LOCALIZABLE, `Component_` CHAR(72) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY `Registry`)"; sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `Registry` (`Registry`, `Root`, `Key`, `Component_`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"; } public void add (string Registry, int Root, string Key, string Component) throws GLib.Error { var rec = new Libmsi.Record (4); if (!rec.set_string (1, Registry) || !rec.set_int (2, Root) || !rec.set_string (3, Key) || !rec.set_string (4, Component)) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("failed to add record"); records.append (rec); } } class MsiTableShortcut: MsiTable { static construct { name = "Shortcut"; sql_create = "CREATE TABLE `Shortcut` (`Shortcut` CHAR(72) NOT NULL, `Directory_` CHAR(72) NOT NULL, `Name` CHAR(128) NOT NULL LOCALIZABLE, `Component_` CHAR(72) NOT NULL, `Target` CHAR(72) NOT NULL, `Arguments` CHAR(255), `Description` CHAR(255) LOCALIZABLE, `Hotkey` INT, `Icon_` CHAR(72), `IconIndex` INT, `ShowCmd` INT, `WkDir` CHAR(72), `DisplayResourceDLL` CHAR(255), `DisplayResourceId` INT, `DescriptionResourceDLL` CHAR(255), `DescriptionResourceId` INT PRIMARY KEY `Shortcut`)"; sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `Shortcut` (`Shortcut`, `Directory_`, `Name`, `Component_`, `Target`, `Icon_`, `IconIndex`, `WkDir`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; } public Libmsi.Record add (string Shortcut, string Directory, string Name, string Component) throws GLib.Error { var rec = new Libmsi.Record (8); if (!rec.set_string (1, Shortcut) || !rec.set_string (2, Directory) || !rec.set_string (3, Name) || !rec.set_string (4, Component)) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("failed to add record"); records.append (rec); return rec; } public static void set_target (Libmsi.Record rec, string Target) throws GLib.Error { if (!rec.set_string (5, Target)) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("failed to set record"); } public static void set_icon (Libmsi.Record rec, string Icon, int IconIndex) throws GLib.Error { if (!rec.set_string (6, Icon) || !rec.set_int (7, IconIndex)) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("failed to set record"); } public static void set_working_dir (Libmsi.Record rec, string WkDir) throws GLib.Error { if (!rec.set_string (8, WkDir)) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("failed to set record"); } } class MsiTableRemoveFile: MsiTable { static construct { name = "RemoveFile"; sql_create = "CREATE TABLE `RemoveFile` (`FileKey` CHAR(72) NOT NULL, `Component_` CHAR(72) NOT NULL, `FileName` CHAR(255) LOCALIZABLE, `DirProperty` CHAR(72) NOT NULL, `InstallMode` INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY `FileKey`)"; sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `RemoveFile` (`FileKey`, `Component_`, `DirProperty`, `InstallMode`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"; } public void add (string FileKey, string Component, string DirProperty, int InstallMode) throws GLib.Error { var rec = new Libmsi.Record (4); if (!rec.set_string (1, FileKey) || !rec.set_string (2, Component) || !rec.set_string (3, DirProperty) || !rec.set_int (4, InstallMode)) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("failed to add record"); records.append (rec); } } class MsiTableFeature: MsiTable { static construct { name = "Feature"; sql_create = "CREATE TABLE `Feature` (`Feature` CHAR(38) NOT NULL, `Feature_Parent` CHAR(38), `Title` CHAR(64) LOCALIZABLE, `Description` CHAR(255) LOCALIZABLE, `Display` INT, `Level` INT NOT NULL, `Directory_` CHAR(72), `Attributes` INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY `Feature`)"; sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `Feature` (`Feature`, `Display`, `Level`, `Attributes`, `Feature_Parent`, `Title`, `Description`, `Directory_`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; } public void add (string Feature, int Display, int Level, int Attributes, string? Parent = null, string? Title = null, string? Description = null, string? ConfigurableDirectory = null) throws GLib.Error { var rec = new Libmsi.Record (8); if (!rec.set_string (1, Feature) || !rec.set_int (2, Display) || !rec.set_int (3, Level) || !rec.set_int (4, Attributes) || (Parent != null && !rec.set_string (5, Parent)) || (Title != null && !rec.set_string (6, Title)) || (Description != null && !rec.set_string (7, Description)) || (ConfigurableDirectory != null && !rec.set_string (8, ConfigurableDirectory))) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("failed to add record"); records.append (rec); } } class MsiTableValidation: MsiTable { static construct { name = "_Validation"; } public override void create (Libmsi.Database db) throws GLib.Error { } } class MsiTableStreams: MsiTable { static construct { name = "_Streams"; } public void add (string name, GLib.InputStream input, size_t count) throws GLib.Error { var rec = new Libmsi.Record (2); if (!rec.set_string (1, name) || !rec.set_stream (2, input, count)) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("failed to add record"); records.append (rec); } public override void create (Libmsi.Database db) throws GLib.Error { var query = new Libmsi.Query (db, "INSERT INTO `_Streams` (`Name`, `Data`) VALUES (?, ?)"); foreach (var r in records) query.execute (r); } } class MsiSummaryInfo: Object { public Libmsi.SummaryInfo properties; construct { try { properties = new Libmsi.SummaryInfo (null, uint.MAX); } catch (GLib.Error error) { critical (error.message); } } public MsiSummaryInfo () { } public new void set_property (Libmsi.Property prop, Value value) throws GLib.Error { if (value.type () == typeof (string)) properties.set_string (prop, (string) value); else if (value.type () == typeof (int)) properties.set_int (prop, (int) value); else if (value.type () == typeof (uint64)) properties.set_filetime (prop, (uint64) value); else critical ("Unhandled property type"); } public void save (Libmsi.Database db) throws GLib.Error { (db); } public void set_codepage (int value) throws GLib.Error { set_property (Libmsi.Property.CODEPAGE, value); } public void set_author (string value) throws GLib.Error { set_property (Libmsi.Property.AUTHOR, value); } public void set_keywords (string value) throws GLib.Error { set_property (Libmsi.Property.KEYWORDS, value); } public void set_subject (string value) throws GLib.Error { set_property (Libmsi.Property.SUBJECT, value); } public void set_comments (string value) throws GLib.Error { set_property (Libmsi.Property.COMMENTS, value); } } class MsiDatabase: Object { public MsiSummaryInfo info; public MsiTableProperty table_property; public MsiTableIcon table_icon; public MsiTableMedia table_media; public MsiTableDirectory table_directory; public MsiTableComponent table_component; public MsiTableFeature table_feature; public MsiTableFeatureComponents table_feature_components; public MsiTableRemoveFile table_remove_file; public MsiTableRegistry table_registry; public MsiTableFile table_file; public MsiTableAdminExecuteSequence table_admin_execute_sequence; public MsiTableAdminUISequence table_admin_ui_sequence; public MsiTableAdvtExecuteSequence table_advt_execute_sequence; public MsiTableInstallExecuteSequence table_install_execute_sequence; public MsiTableInstallUISequence table_install_ui_sequence; public MsiTableStreams table_streams; public MsiTableShortcut table_shortcut; public MsiTableUpgrade table_upgrade; public MsiTableLaunchCondition table_launch_condition; public HashTable tables; construct { info = new MsiSummaryInfo (); try { info.set_property (Libmsi.Property.TITLE, "Installation Database"); info.set_property (Libmsi.Property.TEMPLATE, "Intel;1033"); info.set_property (Libmsi.Property.KEYWORDS, "Installer"); info.set_property (Libmsi.Property.CODEPAGE, 1252); info.set_property (Libmsi.Property.UUID, get_uuid ("*")); info.set_property (Libmsi.Property.CREATED_TM, time_to_filetime (now ())); info.set_property (Libmsi.Property.LASTSAVED_TM, time_to_filetime (now ())); info.set_property (Libmsi.Property.VERSION, 100); info.set_property (Libmsi.Property.SOURCE, 2); info.set_property (Libmsi.Property.APPNAME, Config.PACKAGE_STRING); info.set_property (Libmsi.Property.SECURITY, 2); } catch (GLib.Error error) { critical (error.message); } tables = new HashTable (str_hash, str_equal); table_property = new MsiTableProperty (); table_icon = new MsiTableIcon (); table_media = new MsiTableMedia (); table_directory = new MsiTableDirectory (); table_component = new MsiTableComponent (); table_feature = new MsiTableFeature (); table_feature_components = new MsiTableFeatureComponents (); table_remove_file = new MsiTableRemoveFile (); table_registry = new MsiTableRegistry (); table_file = new MsiTableFile (); table_admin_execute_sequence = new MsiTableAdminExecuteSequence (); table_admin_ui_sequence = new MsiTableAdminUISequence (); table_advt_execute_sequence = new MsiTableAdvtExecuteSequence (); table_install_execute_sequence = new MsiTableInstallExecuteSequence (); table_install_ui_sequence = new MsiTableInstallUISequence (); table_streams = new MsiTableStreams (); table_shortcut = new MsiTableShortcut (); table_upgrade = new MsiTableUpgrade (); table_launch_condition = new MsiTableLaunchCondition (); foreach (var t in new MsiTable[] { table_admin_execute_sequence, table_admin_ui_sequence, table_advt_execute_sequence, table_install_execute_sequence, table_install_ui_sequence, table_directory, table_media, table_property, table_icon, table_component, table_feature, table_feature_components, table_remove_file, table_registry, table_file, table_streams, table_shortcut, table_upgrade, table_launch_condition, new MsiTableError (), new MsiTableValidation () }) { tables.insert (, t); } } public MsiDatabase () { // empty ctor } public void build (string filename) throws GLib.Error { string name; MsiTable table; var db = new Libmsi.Database (filename, (string)2); (db); var it = HashTableIter (tables); while ( (out name, out table)) table.create (db); db.commit (); } } } // Wixl