namespace Wixl { enum Arch { X86 = 0, INTEL = 0, IA64 = 1, INTEL64 = 1, X64; public static Arch from_string(string s) throws GLib.Error { return enum_from_string (s); } } class WixBuilder: WixNodeVisitor, WixResolver { public WixBuilder (string[] includedirs, Arch arch) { add_path ("."); foreach (var i in includedirs) this.includedirs.append (File.new_for_path (i)); this.arch = arch; } WixRoot root; MsiDatabase db; HashTable variables; List includedirs; Arch arch; construct { variables = new HashTable (str_hash, str_equal); } public void define_variable (string name, string value) { variables.insert (name, value); } List path; public void add_path (string p) { var file = File.new_for_path (p); path.append (file); } List roots; public void load_doc (Xml.Doc doc) throws GLib.Error { for (var child = doc.children; child != null; child = child->next) { switch (child->type) { case Xml.ElementType.ELEMENT_NODE: if (child->name != "Wix") warning ("unhandled node %s", child->name); var root = new WixRoot (); root.load (child); roots.append (root); break; } } } public void load_file (File file, bool preproc_only = false) throws GLib.Error { string data; FileUtils.get_contents (file.get_path (), out data); var p = new Preprocessor (variables, includedirs); var doc = p.preprocess (data, file); if (preproc_only) { doc.dump_format (FileStream.fdopen (1, "w")); return; } load_doc (doc); } public G? find_element (string Id) { foreach (var r in roots) { var e = r.find_element (Id); if (e != null) return e; } return null; } public G[] get_elements () { G[] elems = {}; foreach (var r in roots) elems = r.add_elements (elems); return elems; } delegate void AddDefaultAction (MSIDefault.Action action) throws GLib.Error; private void sequence_actions () throws GLib.Error { MsiTableSequence? table = null; AddDefaultAction add = (action) => { table.add_default_action (action); }; // AdminExecuteSequence table = db.table_admin_execute_sequence; add (MSIDefault.Action.CostInitialize); add (MSIDefault.Action.FileCost); add (MSIDefault.Action.CostFinalize); add (MSIDefault.Action.InstallValidate); add (MSIDefault.Action.InstallInitialize); add (MSIDefault.Action.InstallAdminPackage); add (MSIDefault.Action.InstallFiles); add (MSIDefault.Action.InstallFinalize); table.add_sorted_actions (); // AdminUISequence table = db.table_admin_ui_sequence; add (MSIDefault.Action.CostInitialize); add (MSIDefault.Action.FileCost); add (MSIDefault.Action.CostFinalize); add (MSIDefault.Action.ExecuteAction); table.add_sorted_actions (); // AdvtExecuteSequence table = db.table_advt_execute_sequence; add (MSIDefault.Action.CostInitialize); add (MSIDefault.Action.CostFinalize); add (MSIDefault.Action.InstallValidate); add (MSIDefault.Action.InstallInitialize); add (MSIDefault.Action.PublishFeatures); add (MSIDefault.Action.PublishProduct); add (MSIDefault.Action.InstallFinalize); if (db.table_shortcut.records.length () > 0) add (MSIDefault.Action.CreateShortcuts); table.add_sorted_actions (); // InstallExecuteSequence table = db.table_install_execute_sequence; add (MSIDefault.Action.ValidateProductID); add (MSIDefault.Action.CostInitialize); add (MSIDefault.Action.FileCost); add (MSIDefault.Action.CostFinalize); add (MSIDefault.Action.InstallValidate); add (MSIDefault.Action.InstallInitialize); add (MSIDefault.Action.ProcessComponents); add (MSIDefault.Action.UnpublishFeatures); add (MSIDefault.Action.RegisterUser); add (MSIDefault.Action.RegisterProduct); add (MSIDefault.Action.PublishFeatures); add (MSIDefault.Action.PublishProduct); add (MSIDefault.Action.InstallFinalize); if (db.table_upgrade.records.length () > 0) { add (MSIDefault.Action.FindRelatedProducts); add (MSIDefault.Action.MigrateFeatureStates); } if (db.table_launch_condition.records.length () > 0) add (MSIDefault.Action.LaunchConditions); if (db.table_registry.records.length () > 0) { add (MSIDefault.Action.RemoveRegistryValues); add (MSIDefault.Action.WriteRegistryValues); } if (db.table_shortcut.records.length () > 0) { add (MSIDefault.Action.RemoveShortcuts); add (MSIDefault.Action.CreateShortcuts); } if (db.table_file.records.length () > 0) { add (MSIDefault.Action.RemoveFiles); add (MSIDefault.Action.InstallFiles); } if (db.table_remove_file.records.length () > 0) add (MSIDefault.Action.RemoveFiles); if (db.table_service_control.records.length () > 0) { add (MSIDefault.Action.StartServices); add (MSIDefault.Action.StopServices); add (MSIDefault.Action.DeleteServices); } if (db.table_service_install.records.length () > 0) add (MSIDefault.Action.InstallServices); if (db.table_create_folder.records.length () > 0) { add (MSIDefault.Action.RemoveFolders); add (MSIDefault.Action.CreateFolders); } if (db.table_app_search.records.length () > 0) add (MSIDefault.Action.AppSearch); table.add_sorted_actions (); // InstallUISequence table = db.table_install_ui_sequence; add (MSIDefault.Action.ValidateProductID); add (MSIDefault.Action.CostInitialize); add (MSIDefault.Action.FileCost); add (MSIDefault.Action.CostFinalize); add (MSIDefault.Action.ExecuteAction); if (db.table_upgrade.records.length () > 0) { add (MSIDefault.Action.FindRelatedProducts); add (MSIDefault.Action.MigrateFeatureStates); } if (db.table_launch_condition.records.length () > 0) add (MSIDefault.Action.LaunchConditions); if (db.table_app_search.records.length () > 0) add (MSIDefault.Action.AppSearch); table.add_sorted_actions (); } List medias; private void hash_files () throws GLib.Error { foreach (var rec in db.table_file.records) { var f = rec.get_data ("wixfile"); var component = f.parent as WixComponent; if (component.in_feature.length () == 0) continue; db.table_file_hash.add_with_file (f.Id, f.file); } } private void build_cabinet () throws GLib.Error { var sequence = 0; foreach (var m in medias) { var folder = new GCab.Folder (GCab.Compression.MSZIP); foreach (var rec in db.table_file.records) { var f = rec.get_data ("wixfile"); if (f.DiskId != m.Id) continue; var component = f.parent as WixComponent; if (component.in_feature.length () == 0) continue; folder.add_file (new GCab.File.with_file (f.Id, f.file), false); sequence += 1; MsiTableFile.set_sequence (rec, sequence); } var cab = new GCab.Cabinet (); cab.add_folder (folder); var output = new MemoryOutputStream (null, realloc, free); cab.write (output, null, null, null); var input = new MemoryInputStream.from_data (output.get_data ()[0:output.data_size], null); if (parse_yesno (m.EmbedCab)) db.table_streams.add (m.Cabinet, input, output.data_size); db.table_media.set_last_sequence (m.record, sequence); } } private void shortcut_target () throws GLib.Error { var shortcuts = get_elements (); foreach (var sc in shortcuts) { if (sc.Target != null) continue; var component = sc.get_component (); var feature = component.in_feature.first ().data; MsiTableShortcut.set_target (sc.record, feature.Id); } } string[] secureProperties; public void property_update () throws GLib.Error { if (secureProperties.length != 0) { var prop = string.joinv (";", secureProperties); db.table_property.add ("SecureCustomProperties", prop); } } public MsiDatabase build () throws GLib.Error { db = new MsiDatabase (arch); foreach (var r in roots) { root = r; root.accept (this); } root = null; property_update (); shortcut_target (); sequence_actions (); hash_files (); build_cabinet (); return db; } public override void visit_product (WixProduct product) throws GLib.Error { if (product.Codepage != null) (int.parse (product.Codepage)); if (product.Name != null && () == null) (product.Name); (product.Manufacturer); if ( () == null) ("This installer database contains the logic and data required to install %s.".printf (product.Name)); db.table_property.add ("Manufacturer", product.Manufacturer); db.table_property.add ("ProductLanguage", product.Language); db.table_property.add ("ProductCode", get_uuid (product.Id)); db.table_property.add ("ProductName", product.Name); db.table_property.add ("ProductVersion", product.Version); db.table_property.add ("UpgradeCode", add_braces (product.UpgradeCode)); } [Flags] enum SourceFlags { SHORT_NAMES, COMPRESSED, ADMIN, NO_PRIVILEGES, } public override void visit_package (WixPackage package) throws GLib.Error { if (package.Comments != null) (package.Comments); if (package.Description != null) (package.Description); if (package.Keywords != null) (package.Keywords); if (package.InstallerVersion != null) { var version = int.parse (package.InstallerVersion); if (arch != Arch.X86 && version < 200) warning ("InstallerVersion >= 200 required for !x86 builds"); (Libmsi.Property.VERSION, version); } int source = SourceFlags.COMPRESSED; if (package.InstallScope != null) { if (package.InstallScope == "perUser") source |= SourceFlags.NO_PRIVILEGES; else if (package.InstallScope == "perMachine") source |= 0; else error ("invalid InstallScope value: %s", package.InstallScope); } (Libmsi.Property.SOURCE, source); } public override void visit_icon (WixIcon icon) throws GLib.Error { FileInfo info; icon.file = find_file (icon.SourceFile, out info); db.table_icon.add (icon.Id, icon.file.get_path ()); } public override void visit_property (WixProperty prop) throws GLib.Error { if (prop.Value == null) return; db.table_property.add (prop.Id, prop.Value); } public override void visit_media (WixMedia media) throws GLib.Error { var cabinet = media.Cabinet; if (parse_yesno (media.EmbedCab)) cabinet = "#" + cabinet; var rec = db.table_media.add (media.Id, media.DiskPrompt, cabinet); media.record = rec; medias.append (media); } public override void visit_directory (WixDirectory dir) throws GLib.Error { var defaultdir = dir.Name ?? "."; if (dir.parent is WixProduct || dir.parent is WixFragment) { if (dir.Id != "TARGETDIR") throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("Invalid root directory"); db.table_directory.add (dir.Id, null, defaultdir); } else if (dir.parent is WixDirectory || dir.parent is WixDirectoryRef) { var parent = resolve (dir.parent); db.table_directory.add (dir.Id, parent.Id, defaultdir); } else warning ("unhandled parent type %s",; } [Flags] enum ComponentAttribute { LOCAL_ONLY = 0, SOURCE_ONLY, OPTIONAL, REGISTRY_KEY_PATH, SHARED_DLL_REF_COUNT, PERMANENT, ODBC_DATA_SOURCE, TRANSITIVE, NEVER_OVERWRITE, 64BIT, REGISTRY_REFLECTION, UNINSTALL_ON_SUPERSEDENCE, SHARED, } WixKeyElement? component_default_key = null; int component_children_count; public override void visit_component (WixComponent comp, VisitState state) throws GLib.Error { var attr = 0; if (state == VisitState.ENTER) { component_default_key = null; component_children_count = 0; return; } if (comp.key == null && component_default_key != null) comp.key = component_default_key; if (comp.key is WixRegistryValue) attr |= ComponentAttribute.REGISTRY_KEY_PATH; var dir = get_directory (comp); string uuid; if (comp.Guid == "*") uuid = uuid_from_name (comp.full_path (this)); else uuid = get_uuid (comp.Guid); if (parse_yesno (comp.Win64)) attr |= ComponentAttribute.64BIT; db.table_component.add (comp.Id, uuid, dir.Id, attr, comp.key != null ? comp.key.Id : null); } enum FeatureDisplay { HIDDEN = 0, EXPAND, COLLAPSE; public static FeatureDisplay from_string(string s) throws GLib.Error { return enum_from_string (s); } } WixFeature? feature_root; int feature_display; public override void visit_feature (WixFeature feature, VisitState state) throws GLib.Error { if (state == VisitState.ENTER && feature_root == null) { feature_display = 0; feature_root = feature; } else if (state == VisitState.LEAVE && feature_root == feature) { feature_root = null; } if (state != VisitState.ENTER) return; int display = FeatureDisplay.COLLAPSE; if (feature.Display != null) { try { display = FeatureDisplay.from_string (feature.Display); } catch (GLib.Error error) { display = int.parse (feature.Display); if (display != 0) feature_display = display; } } switch (display) { case FeatureDisplay.COLLAPSE: display = feature_display = (feature_display | 1) + 1; break; case FeatureDisplay.EXPAND: display = feature_display = (feature_display + 1) | 1; break; } string? parent = (feature.parent is WixFeature) ? feature.parent.Id : null; db.table_feature.add (feature.Id, display, int.parse (feature.Level), 0, parent, feature.Title, feature.Description, feature.ConfigurableDirectory); } void feature_add_component (WixFeature feature, WixComponent component) throws GLib.Error { if (component.in_feature.find (feature) != null) return; component.in_feature.append (feature); db.table_feature_components.add (feature.Id, component.Id); } void feature_add_component_group (WixFeature feature, WixComponentGroup group) throws GLib.Error { foreach (var node in group.children) { var child = node as WixElement; if (child is WixComponentGroupRef) { feature_add_component_group (feature, resolve (child)); } else { feature_add_component (feature, resolve (child)); } } } public override void visit_component_ref (WixComponentRef ref) throws GLib.Error { var component = resolve (@ref); if (ref.parent is WixFeature) { feature_add_component (@ref.parent as WixFeature, component); } else if (ref.parent is WixComponentGroup) { // will be added in GroupRef } else warning ("unhandled parent type %s",; } public override void visit_component_group_ref (WixComponentGroupRef ref) throws GLib.Error { var group = resolve (@ref); if (ref.parent is WixFeature) { var feature = ref.parent as WixFeature; feature_add_component_group (feature, group); } else if (ref.parent is WixComponentGroup) { // is added by parent group } else warning ("unhandled parent type %s",; } enum InstallMode { INSTALL = 1, UNINSTALL, BOTH; public static InstallMode from_string(string s) throws GLib.Error { return enum_from_string (s); } } WixDirectory get_directory (WixComponent comp) throws GLib.Error { if (comp.parent is WixComponentGroup) { var group = comp.parent as WixComponentGroup; return find_element (group.Directory); } else if (comp.parent is WixDirectory || comp.parent is WixDirectoryRef) { return resolve (comp.parent); } else error ("unhandled parent type %s",; } public override void visit_remove_folder (WixRemoveFolder rm) throws GLib.Error { var on = InstallMode.from_string (rm.On); var comp = rm.parent as WixComponent; WixDirectory dir = get_directory (comp); db.table_remove_file.add (rm.Id, comp.Id, dir.Id, on); } void visit_key_element (WixKeyElement key, WixComponent? component = null) throws GLib.Error { if (component == null) component = key.parent as WixComponent; return_if_fail (component != null); if (component_children_count++ == 0) component_default_key = key; if (parse_yesno (key.KeyPath)) { component_default_key = null; if (component.key != null) throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("multiple elements have keyPath='yes'"); component.key = key; } } enum RegistryValueType { STRING, INTEGER, BINARY, EXPANDABLE, MULTI_STRING; public static RegistryValueType from_string(string s) throws GLib.Error { if (s == "string") return STRING; if (s == "integer") return INTEGER; if (s == "binary") return BINARY; if (s == "expandable") return EXPANDABLE; if (s == "multistring") return MULTI_STRING; throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("Can't convert string to enum"); } } enum RegistryRoot { HKCR, HKCU, HKLM, HKU, HKMU; public static RegistryRoot from_string(string s) throws GLib.Error { return enum_from_string (s); } } public override void visit_registry_value (WixRegistryValue reg) throws GLib.Error { WixComponent comp; string reg_key = ""; string reg_root = ""; if (reg.parent is WixRegistryKey) { var regkey = reg.parent as WixRegistryKey; comp = regkey.parent as WixComponent; reg_key = regkey.Key + "\\" + reg.Key; reg_root = regkey.Root; } else if (reg.parent is WixComponent) { comp = reg.parent as WixComponent; reg_key = reg.Key; } else { warning ("unhandled parent kind"); return; } if (reg.Root != null) reg_root = reg.Root; var value = reg.Value; var t = RegistryValueType.from_string (reg.Type); var r = RegistryRoot.from_string (reg_root.down ()); if (reg.Id == null) { reg.Id = generate_id ("reg", 4, comp.Id, reg_root, reg_key, reg.Name != null ? reg.Name.down () : null); } switch (t) { case RegistryValueType.INTEGER: value = "#" + value; break; case RegistryValueType.STRING: value = value[0] == '#' ? "#" + value : value; break; } db.table_registry.add (reg.Id, r, reg_key, comp.Id, reg.Name, value); visit_key_element (reg, comp); } [Flags] enum FileAttribute { READ_ONLY = 1 << 0, HIDDEN = 1 << 1, SYSTEM = 1 << 2, VITAL = 1 << 9, CHECKSUM = 1 << 10, PATCH_ADDED = 1 << 11, NON_COMPRESSED = 1 << 12, COMPRESSED = 1 << 13 } File? find_file (string name, out FileInfo info) throws GLib.Error { info = null; foreach (var p in path) { var file = p.get_child (name); try { info = file.query_info ("standard::*", 0, null); if (info != null) return file; } catch (IOError error) { if (error is IOError.NOT_FOUND) continue; throw error; } } throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("Couldn't find file %s", name); } public override void visit_file (WixFile file) throws GLib.Error { file.DiskId = file.DiskId ?? "1"; return_if_fail (file.DiskId == "1"); var name = file.path_name (); var source = file.Source ?? name; var comp = file.parent as WixComponent; FileInfo info; file.file = find_file (source, out info); var attr = FileAttribute.VITAL; var rec = db.table_file.add (file.Id, comp.Id, name, (int)info.get_size (), attr); rec.set_data ("wixfile", file); visit_key_element (file); } public override void visit_shortcut (WixShortcut shortcut) throws GLib.Error { string? directory = shortcut.Directory; if (!parse_yesno (shortcut.Advertise, true)) message ("unimplemented"); var component = shortcut.get_component (); if (directory == null && shortcut.parent is WixComponent) { var dir = resolve (component.parent); directory = dir.Id; } var rec = db.table_shortcut.add (shortcut.Id, directory, shortcut.Name, component.Id); shortcut.record = rec; if (shortcut.Icon != null) MsiTableShortcut.set_icon (rec, shortcut.Icon); if (shortcut.IconIndex != null) MsiTableShortcut.set_icon_index (rec, int.parse (shortcut.IconIndex)); if (shortcut.WorkingDirectory != null) MsiTableShortcut.set_working_dir (rec, shortcut.WorkingDirectory); if (shortcut.Target != null) MsiTableShortcut.set_target (rec, shortcut.Target); if (shortcut.Description != null) MsiTableShortcut.set_description (rec, shortcut.Description); } public override void visit_sequence (WixSequence sequence) throws GLib.Error { } public override void visit_condition (WixCondition condition) throws GLib.Error { return_if_fail (condition.children.length () == 1); var text = condition.children.first ().data as WixText; db.table_launch_condition.add (text.Text, condition.Message); } [Flags] enum UpgradeAttribute { MIGRATE_FEATURES = 1 << 0, ONLY_DETECT = 1 << 1, IGNORE_REMOVE_FAILURE = 1 << 2, VERSION_MIN_INCLUSIVE = 1 << 8, VERSION_MAX_INCLUSIVE = 1 << 9, LANGUAGES_EXCLUSIVE = 1 << 10 } public override void visit_upgrade (WixUpgrade upgrade) throws GLib.Error { } public override void visit_upgrade_version (WixUpgradeVersion version) throws GLib.Error { var upgrade = version.parent as WixUpgrade; UpgradeAttribute attributes = 0; if (parse_yesno (version.OnlyDetect)) attributes |= UpgradeAttribute.ONLY_DETECT; if (parse_yesno (version.IncludeMinimum, true)) attributes |= UpgradeAttribute.VERSION_MIN_INCLUSIVE; db.table_upgrade.add (get_uuid (upgrade.Id), version.Minimum, version.Maximum, attributes, version.Property); secureProperties += version.Property; } public override void visit_action (WixAction action) throws GLib.Error { var parent = action.parent as WixSequence; var table = db.tables.lookup ( as MsiTableSequence; if ( == "Custom") = action.Action; var node = table.get_action (; warn_if_fail (node.action == null); node.action = action; if (action.Sequence != null) node.sequence = int.parse (action.Sequence); if (action.After != null) node.add_dep (table.get_action (action.After)); if (action.Before != null) { var before = table.get_action (action.Before); before.add_dep (node); } if (action.children.length () > 0) { return_if_fail (action.children.length () == 1); var text = action.children.first ().data as WixText; node.condition = text.Text; } } public override void visit_progid (WixProgId progid) throws GLib.Error { return_if_fail (!parse_yesno (progid.Advertise)); var comp = progid.parent as WixComponent; var regid = generate_id ("reg", 2, comp.Id, progid.Id); db.table_registry.add (regid, 0, progid.Id, comp.Id, null, progid.Description); } public override void visit_extension (WixExtension ext) throws GLib.Error { var progid = ext.parent as WixProgId; var comp = progid.parent as WixComponent; return_if_fail (!parse_yesno (progid.Advertise)); var regid = generate_id ("reg", 3, comp.Id, ext.Id, "Content Type"); db.table_registry.add (regid, 0, "." + ext.Id, comp.Id, "Content Type", ext.ContentType); regid = generate_id ("reg", 2, comp.Id, ext.Id); db.table_registry.add (regid, 0, "." + ext.Id, comp.Id, null, progid.Id); } public override void visit_verb (WixVerb verb) throws GLib.Error { return_if_fail (verb.Id == "open"); var ext = verb.parent as WixExtension; var progid = ext.parent as WixProgId; var comp = progid.parent as WixComponent; var key = progid.Id + "\\shell\\open"; var regid = generate_id ("reg", 2, comp.Id, key); db.table_registry.add (regid, 0, key, comp.Id, null, "Open"); key += "\\command"; regid = generate_id ("reg", 2, comp.Id, key); db.table_registry.add (regid, 0, key, comp.Id, null, "\"[#%s]\" %s".printf (verb.TargetFile, verb.Argument)); } public override void visit_mime (WixMIME mime) throws GLib.Error { var ext = mime.parent as WixExtension; var progid = ext.parent as WixProgId; var comp = progid.parent as WixComponent; return_if_fail (!parse_yesno (progid.Advertise)); var key = "MIME\\Database\\Content Type\\" + mime.ContentType; var regid = generate_id ("reg", 3, comp.Id, key, "Extension"); db.table_registry.add (regid, 0, key, comp.Id, "Extension", "." + ext.Id); } public override void visit_create_folder (WixCreateFolder folder) throws GLib.Error { var component = folder.parent as WixComponent; var dir = get_directory (component); db.table_create_folder.add (dir.Id, component.Id); } public override void visit_fragment (WixFragment fragment) throws GLib.Error { } public override void visit_text (WixText text) throws GLib.Error { } [Flags] enum ServiceControlEvent { INSTALL_START = 1 << 0, INSTALL_STOP = 1 << 1, INSTALL_DELETE = 1 << 3, UNINSTALL_START = 1 << 4, UNINSTALL_STOP = 1 << 5, UNINSTALL_DELETE = 1 << 7, } private int install_mode_to_event(string modeString, ServiceControlEvent install, ServiceControlEvent uninstall) throws GLib.Error { InstallMode mode = InstallMode.from_string (modeString); int event = 0; if (mode == InstallMode.INSTALL || mode == InstallMode.BOTH) event |= install; if (mode == InstallMode.UNINSTALL || mode == InstallMode.BOTH) event |= uninstall; return event; } string ServiceArguments; public override void visit_service_argument (WixServiceArgument service_argument) throws GLib.Error { if (ServiceArguments == null) ServiceArguments = ""; else ServiceArguments += "[~]"; ServiceArguments += service_argument.get_text(); } public override void visit_service_control (WixServiceControl service_control, VisitState state) throws GLib.Error { var comp = service_control.parent as WixComponent; bool? Wait = null; int event = 0; if (state == VisitState.ENTER) { ServiceArguments = null; return; } if (service_control.Wait != null) Wait = parse_yesno(service_control.Wait); event |= install_mode_to_event(service_control.Start, ServiceControlEvent.INSTALL_START, ServiceControlEvent.UNINSTALL_START); event |= install_mode_to_event(service_control.Stop, ServiceControlEvent.INSTALL_STOP, ServiceControlEvent.UNINSTALL_STOP); event |= install_mode_to_event(service_control.Remove, ServiceControlEvent.INSTALL_DELETE, ServiceControlEvent.UNINSTALL_DELETE); db.table_service_control.add(service_control.Id, service_control.Name, event, ServiceArguments, Wait, comp.Id); } string ServiceDependencies; public override void visit_service_dependency (WixServiceDependency service_dependency) throws GLib.Error { if (parse_yesno (service_dependency.Group)) { ServiceDependencies += "+" + service_dependency.Id; } else { /* TODO: it must be the Name of a previously installed service. */ ServiceDependencies += service_dependency.Id; } ServiceDependencies += "[~]"; } enum ServiceTypeAttribute { OWN_PROCESS = 1 << 4, SHARE_PROCESS = 1 << 5; public static ServiceTypeAttribute from_string(string s) throws GLib.Error { if (s == "ownProcess") return OWN_PROCESS; if (s == "shareProcess") return SHARE_PROCESS; throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("Can't convert string to enum"); } } enum StartTypeAttribute { AUTO = 2, DEMAND = 3, DISABLED = 4; public static StartTypeAttribute from_string(string s) throws GLib.Error { return enum_from_string (s); } } enum ErrorControlAttribute { IGNORE = 0, NORMAL = 1, CRITICAL = 3; public static ErrorControlAttribute from_string(string s) throws GLib.Error { return enum_from_string (s); } } public override void visit_service_install (WixServiceInstall service_install, VisitState state) throws GLib.Error { var comp = service_install.parent as WixComponent; int ServiceType; int StartType; int ErrorControl; string Description; if (state == VisitState.ENTER) { ServiceDependencies = ""; return; } StartType = StartTypeAttribute.from_string (service_install.Start); ErrorControl = ErrorControlAttribute.from_string (service_install.ErrorControl); ServiceType = ServiceTypeAttribute.from_string (service_install.Type); if (parse_yesno (service_install.Interactive)) ServiceType |= 1 << 8; if (ServiceDependencies == "") ServiceDependencies = null; else ServiceDependencies += "[~]"; Description = service_install.Description; if (parse_yesno (service_install.EraseDescription)) Description = "[~]"; db.table_service_install.add(service_install.Id, service_install.Name, service_install.DisplayName, ServiceType, StartType, ErrorControl, service_install.LoadOrderGroup, ServiceDependencies, service_install.Account, service_install.Password, service_install.Arguments, comp.Id, Description); } enum RegistryType { DIRECTORY, FILE, RAW, 64BIT = 0x10; public static RegistryType from_string (string s) throws GLib.Error { return enum_from_string (s); } } public override void visit_registry_search (WixRegistrySearch search) throws GLib.Error { var property = search.parent as WixProperty; var root = RegistryRoot.from_string (search.Root.down ()); var type = RegistryType.from_string (search.Type.down ()); if (parse_yesno (search.Win64)) type |= RegistryType.64BIT; db.table_app_search.add (property.Id, search.Id); db.table_reg_locator.add (search.Id, root, search.Key, search.Name, type); } [Flags] enum CustomActionType { DLL_BINARY = 1, EXE_BINARY = 2, JSCRIPT_BINARY = 5, VBSCRIPT_BINARY = 6, DLL_FILE = 17, EXE_FILE = 18, ERROR = 19, JSCRIPT_FILE = 21, VBSCRIPT_FILE = 22, EXE_DIR = 34, SET_DIR = 35, JSCRIPT_SEQUENCE = 37, VBSCRIPT_SEQUENCE = 38, EXE_PROPERTY = 50, SET_PROPERTY = 51, JSCRIPT_PROPERTY = 53, VBSCRIPT_PROPERTY = 54, // return processing CONTINUE = 0x40, ASYNC = 0x80, // scheduling FIRST_SEQUENCE = 0x100, ONCE_PER_PROCESS = 0x200, CLIENT_REPEAT = 0x300, // in-script IN_SCRIPT = 0x400, ROLLBACK = 0x100, COMMIT = 0x200, NO_IMPERSONATE = 0x800, TS_AWARE = 0x4000, } public override void visit_custom_action (WixCustomAction action) throws GLib.Error { CustomActionType type; string source, target; // FIXME: so many missing things here... if (action.DllEntry != null) { type = CustomActionType.DLL_BINARY; source = action.BinaryKey; target = action.DllEntry; } else if (action.JScriptCall != null) { type = CustomActionType.JSCRIPT_BINARY; source = action.BinaryKey; target = action.JScriptCall; } else if (action.ExeCommand != null) { type = CustomActionType.EXE_PROPERTY; source = action.Property; target = action.ExeCommand; } else throw new Wixl.Error.FAILED ("Unsupported CustomAction"); if (action.Return == "ignore") type |= CustomActionType.CONTINUE; if (action.Execute == "deferred") type |= CustomActionType.IN_SCRIPT; if (!parse_yesno (action.Impersonate)) type |= CustomActionType.NO_IMPERSONATE; db.table_custom_action.add (action.Id, type, source, target); } public override void visit_binary (WixBinary binary) throws GLib.Error { FileInfo info; binary.file = find_file (binary.SourceFile, out info); db.table_binary.add (binary.Id, binary.file.get_path ()); } public override void visit_major_upgrade (WixMajorUpgrade major) throws GLib.Error { var product = major.parent as WixProduct; var property = "WIX_DOWNGRADE_DETECTED"; db.table_upgrade.add (get_uuid (product.UpgradeCode), product.Version, "", 2, property); secureProperties += property; property = "WIX_UPGRADE_DETECTED"; db.table_upgrade.add (get_uuid (product.UpgradeCode), "", product.Version, 1, property); secureProperties += property; if (major.DowngradeErrorMessage != null) { db.table_launch_condition.add ("NOT WIX_DOWNGRADE_DETECTED", major.DowngradeErrorMessage); } var table = db.table_install_execute_sequence; var node = table.get_action ("RemoveExistingProducts"); warn_if_fail (node.action == null); node.add_dep (table.get_action ("InstallValidate")); } public override void visit_media_template (WixMediaTemplate tmpl) throws GLib.Error { var media = new WixMedia (); media.EmbedCab = tmpl.EmbedCab; media.Cabinet = ""; media.Id = "1"; visit_media (media); } } } // Wixl