/* * msiinfo - MSI inspection tool * * Copyright 2012 Red Hat, Inc. * * Author: Paolo Bonzini * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "config.h" #include "libmsi.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const char *program_name; struct Command { const char *cmd; const char *desc; const char *usage; const char *opts; const char *help; int (*func)(struct Command *cmd, int argc, char **argv, GError **error); }; static struct Command cmds[]; static char *get_basename(char *path) { char *p; if (!path || !*path) { return "."; } p = path + strlen(path); while (p > path && *p != '/' && *p != '\\') { p--; } if (p > path) { p++; } return p; } static void usage(FILE *out) { int i; fprintf(out, "Usage: %s SUBCOMMAND COMMAND-OPTIONS...\n\n", program_name); fprintf(out, "Options:\n"); fprintf(out, " -h, --help Show program usage\n"); fprintf(out, " -v, --version Display program version\n\n"); fprintf(out, "Available subcommands:\n"); for (i = 0; cmds[i].cmd; i++) { if (cmds[i].desc) { fprintf(out, " %-18s%s\n", cmds[i].cmd, cmds[i].desc); } } exit (out == stderr); } static void cmd_usage(FILE *out, struct Command *cmd) { fprintf(out, "%s %s %s\n\n%s.\n", program_name, cmd->cmd, cmd->opts, cmd->desc); if (cmd->help) { fprintf(out, "\n%s\n", cmd->help); } exit (out == stderr); } static void print_libmsi_error(LibmsiResultError r) { switch (r) { case LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS: abort(); case LIBMSI_RESULT_CONTINUE: fprintf(stderr, "%s: internal error (continue)\n", program_name); exit(1); case LIBMSI_RESULT_MORE_DATA: fprintf(stderr, "%s: internal error (more data)\n", program_name); exit(1); case LIBMSI_RESULT_INVALID_HANDLE: fprintf(stderr, "%s: internal error (invalid handle)\n", program_name); exit(1); case LIBMSI_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: case LIBMSI_RESULT_OUTOFMEMORY: fprintf(stderr, "%s: out of memory\n", program_name); exit(1); case LIBMSI_RESULT_INVALID_DATA: fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid data\n", program_name); exit(1); case LIBMSI_RESULT_INVALID_PARAMETER: fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid parameter\n", program_name); exit(1); case LIBMSI_RESULT_OPEN_FAILED: fprintf(stderr, "%s: open failed\n", program_name); exit(1); case LIBMSI_RESULT_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: fprintf(stderr, "%s: not implemented\n", program_name); exit(1); case LIBMSI_RESULT_NO_MORE_ITEMS: case LIBMSI_RESULT_NOT_FOUND: fprintf(stderr, "%s: not found\n", program_name); exit(1); case LIBMSI_RESULT_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY: fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown property\n", program_name); exit(1); case LIBMSI_RESULT_BAD_QUERY_SYNTAX: fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad query syntax\n", program_name); exit(1); case LIBMSI_RESULT_INVALID_FIELD: fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid field\n", program_name); exit(1); case LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED: fprintf(stderr, "%s: internal error (function failed)\n", program_name); exit(1); case LIBMSI_RESULT_INVALID_TABLE: fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid table\n", program_name); exit(1); case LIBMSI_RESULT_DATATYPE_MISMATCH: fprintf(stderr, "%s: datatype mismatch\n", program_name); exit(1); case LIBMSI_RESULT_INVALID_DATATYPE: fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid datatype\n", program_name); exit(1); } } static struct Command *find_cmd(const char *s) { int i; for (i = 0; cmds[i].cmd; i++) { if (!strcmp(s, cmds[i].cmd)) { return &cmds[i]; } } fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unrecognized command '%s'\n", program_name, s); return NULL; } static void print_strings_from_query(LibmsiQuery *query, GError **error) { GError *err = NULL; LibmsiRecord *rec = NULL; gchar *name; while ((rec = libmsi_query_fetch(query, &err))) { name = libmsi_record_get_string(rec, 1); g_return_if_fail(name != NULL); puts(name); g_free(name); g_object_unref(rec); } if (!g_error_matches(err, LIBMSI_RESULT_ERROR, LIBMSI_RESULT_NO_MORE_ITEMS)) g_propagate_error(error, err); g_clear_error(&err); } static int cmd_streams(struct Command *cmd, int argc, char **argv, GError **error) { LibmsiDatabase *db = NULL; LibmsiQuery *query = NULL; int r = 1; if (argc != 2) { cmd_usage(stderr, cmd); } db = libmsi_database_new(argv[1], LIBMSI_DB_OPEN_READONLY, error); if (!db) goto end; query = libmsi_query_new(db, "SELECT `Name` FROM `_Streams`", error); if (!query) goto end; libmsi_query_execute(query, NULL, error); if (*error) goto end; print_strings_from_query(query, error); r = 0; end: if (query) g_object_unref(query); if (db) g_object_unref(db); return r; } static int cmd_tables(struct Command *cmd, int argc, char **argv, GError **error) { LibmsiDatabase *db = NULL; LibmsiQuery *query = NULL; int r = 1; if (argc != 2) { cmd_usage(stderr, cmd); } db = libmsi_database_new(argv[1], LIBMSI_DB_OPEN_READONLY, error); if (!db) goto end; query = libmsi_query_new(db, "SELECT `Name` FROM `_Tables`", error); if (!query) goto end; r = libmsi_query_execute(query, NULL, error); if (*error) goto end; puts("_SummaryInformation"); puts("_ForceCodepage"); print_strings_from_query(query, error); r = 0; end: if (query) g_object_unref(query); if (db) g_object_unref(db); return r; } static void print_suminfo(LibmsiSummaryInfo *si, int prop, const char *name) { GError *error = NULL; unsigned type; const gchar* str; int val; uint64_t valtime; unsigned sz; unsigned r; time_t t; sz = 0; type = libmsi_summary_info_get_property_type(si, prop, &error); if (error) goto end; switch (type) { case LIBMSI_PROPERTY_TYPE_INT: val = libmsi_summary_info_get_int(si, prop, &error); if (error) goto end; printf ("%s: %d (%x)\n", name, val, val); break; case LIBMSI_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING: str = libmsi_summary_info_get_string(si, prop, &error); if (error) goto end; printf ("%s: %s\n", name, str); break; case LIBMSI_PROPERTY_TYPE_FILETIME: valtime = libmsi_summary_info_get_filetime(si, prop, &error); if (error) goto end; /* Convert nanoseconds since 1601 to seconds since Unix epoch. */ t = (valtime / 10000000) - (uint64_t) 134774 * 86400; printf ("%s: %s", name, ctime(&t)); break; case LIBMSI_PROPERTY_TYPE_EMPTY: break; default: abort(); } end: if (error) g_warning("Can't print summary info: %s", error->message); g_clear_error(&error); } static int cmd_suminfo(struct Command *cmd, int argc, char **argv, GError **error) { LibmsiDatabase *db = NULL; LibmsiSummaryInfo *si = NULL; if (argc != 2) { cmd_usage(stderr, cmd); } db = libmsi_database_new(argv[1], LIBMSI_DB_OPEN_READONLY, error); if (!db) goto end; si = libmsi_summary_info_new(db, 0, error); if (!si) goto end; print_suminfo(si, LIBMSI_PROPERTY_TITLE, "Title"); print_suminfo(si, LIBMSI_PROPERTY_SUBJECT, "Subject"); print_suminfo(si, LIBMSI_PROPERTY_AUTHOR, "Author"); print_suminfo(si, LIBMSI_PROPERTY_KEYWORDS, "Keywords"); print_suminfo(si, LIBMSI_PROPERTY_COMMENTS, "Comments"); print_suminfo(si, LIBMSI_PROPERTY_TEMPLATE, "Template"); print_suminfo(si, LIBMSI_PROPERTY_LASTAUTHOR, "Last author"); print_suminfo(si, LIBMSI_PROPERTY_UUID, "Revision number (UUID)"); print_suminfo(si, LIBMSI_PROPERTY_EDITTIME, "Edittime"); print_suminfo(si, LIBMSI_PROPERTY_LASTPRINTED, "Last printed"); print_suminfo(si, LIBMSI_PROPERTY_CREATED_TM, "Created"); print_suminfo(si, LIBMSI_PROPERTY_LASTSAVED_TM, "Last saved"); print_suminfo(si, LIBMSI_PROPERTY_VERSION, "Version"); print_suminfo(si, LIBMSI_PROPERTY_SOURCE, "Source"); print_suminfo(si, LIBMSI_PROPERTY_RESTRICT, "Restrict"); print_suminfo(si, LIBMSI_PROPERTY_THUMBNAIL, "Thumbnail"); print_suminfo(si, LIBMSI_PROPERTY_APPNAME, "Application"); print_suminfo(si, LIBMSI_PROPERTY_SECURITY, "Security"); end: if (db) g_object_unref(db); if (si) g_object_unref(si); return *error ? 1 : 0; } static void full_write(int fd, char *buf, size_t sz) { while (sz > 0) { ssize_t rc = write(fd, buf, sz); if (rc < 0) { perror("write"); exit(1); } buf += rc; sz -= rc; } } static int cmd_extract(struct Command *cmd, int argc, char **argv, GError **error) { LibmsiDatabase *db = NULL; LibmsiQuery *query = NULL; LibmsiRecord *rec = NULL; GOutputStream *out = NULL; GInputStream *in = NULL; int r = 1; char *buf; unsigned size, bufsize; if (argc != 3) { cmd_usage(stderr, cmd); } db = libmsi_database_new(argv[1], LIBMSI_DB_OPEN_READONLY, error); if (!db) goto end; query = libmsi_query_new(db, "SELECT `Data` FROM `_Streams` WHERE `Name` = ?", error); if (*error) goto end; rec = libmsi_record_new(1); libmsi_record_set_string(rec, 1, argv[2]); r = libmsi_query_execute(query, rec, error); if (*error) goto end; g_object_unref(rec); rec = libmsi_query_fetch(query, error); if (*error) goto end; #if O_BINARY _setmode(STDOUT_FILENO, O_BINARY); #endif out = g_unix_output_stream_new(STDOUT_FILENO, FALSE); in = G_INPUT_STREAM (libmsi_record_get_stream(rec, 1)); if (g_output_stream_splice(out, in, 0, NULL, error) == -1) goto end; if (!*error) r = 0; end: if (out) g_object_unref(out); if (in) g_object_unref(in); if (rec) g_object_unref(rec); if (query) g_object_unref(query); if (db) g_object_unref(db); return r; } static gboolean export_create_table(const char *table, LibmsiRecord *names, LibmsiRecord *types, LibmsiRecord *keys) { guint num_columns = libmsi_record_get_field_count(names); guint num_keys = libmsi_record_get_field_count(keys); guint i, len; char size[20], extra[30]; gchar *name, *type; unsigned sz; if (!strcmp(table, "_Tables") || !strcmp(table, "_Columns") || !strcmp(table, "_Streams") || !strcmp(table, "_Storages")) { return 0; } printf("CREATE TABLE `%s` (", table); for (i = 1; i <= num_columns; i++) { name = libmsi_record_get_string(names, i); g_return_val_if_fail(name != NULL, FALSE); type = libmsi_record_get_string(types, i); g_return_val_if_fail(type != NULL, FALSE); if (i > 1) { printf(", "); } extra[0] = '\0'; if (islower(type[0])) { strcat(extra, " NOT NULL"); } switch (type[0]) { case 'l': case 'L': strcat(extra, " LOCALIZABLE"); /* fall through */ case 's': case 'S': strcpy(size, type+1); sprintf(type, "CHAR(%s)", size); break; case 'i': case 'I': len = atol(type + 1); if (len <= 2) strcpy(type, "INT"); else if (len == 4) strcpy(type, "LONG"); else abort(); break; case 'v': case 'V': strcpy(type, "OBJECT"); break; default: abort(); } printf("`%s` %s%s", name, type, extra); g_free(name); g_free(type); } for (i = 1; i <= num_keys; i++) { name = libmsi_record_get_string(names, i); g_return_val_if_fail(name != NULL, FALSE); printf("%s `%s`", (i > 1 ? "," : " PRIMARY KEY"), name); g_free(name); } printf(")\n"); return TRUE; } static void print_quoted_string(const char *s) { putchar('\''); for (; *s; s++) { switch (*s) { case '\n': putchar('\\'); putchar('n'); break; case '\r': putchar('\\'); putchar('r'); break; case '\\': putchar('\\'); putchar('\\'); break; case '\'': putchar('\\'); putchar('\''); break; default: putchar(*s); } } putchar('\''); } static gboolean export_insert(const char *table, LibmsiRecord *names, LibmsiRecord *types, LibmsiRecord *vals) { guint num_columns = libmsi_record_get_field_count(names); gchar *name, *type; guint i; unsigned sz; char *s; printf("INSERT INTO `%s` (", table); for (i = 1; i <= num_columns; i++) { if (libmsi_record_is_null(vals, i)) { continue; } sz = sizeof(name); name = libmsi_record_get_string(names, i); g_return_val_if_fail(name != NULL, FALSE); if (i > 1) { printf(", "); } printf("`%s`", name); g_free(name); } printf(") VALUES ("); for (i = 1; i <= num_columns; i++) { if (libmsi_record_is_null(vals, i)) { continue; } if (i > 1) { printf(", "); } sz = sizeof(type); type = libmsi_record_get_string(types, i); g_return_val_if_fail(type != NULL, FALSE); switch (type[0]) { case 'l': case 'L': case 's': case 'S': s = libmsi_record_get_string(vals, i); print_quoted_string(s); g_free(s); break; case 'i': case 'I': printf("%d", libmsi_record_get_int(vals, i)); break; case 'v': case 'V': printf("''", s); break; default: abort(); } g_free(type); } printf(")\n"); return TRUE; } static gboolean export_sql( LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *table, GError **error) { GError *err = NULL; LibmsiRecord *name = NULL; LibmsiRecord *type = NULL; LibmsiRecord *keys = NULL; LibmsiRecord *rec = NULL; LibmsiQuery *query = NULL; gboolean success = FALSE; char *sql; sql = g_strdup_printf("select * from `%s`", table); query = libmsi_query_new(db, sql, error); if (*error) { goto done; } /* write out row 1, the column names */ name = libmsi_query_get_column_info(query, LIBMSI_COL_INFO_NAMES, error); if (*error) { goto done; } /* write out row 2, the column types */ type = libmsi_query_get_column_info(query, LIBMSI_COL_INFO_TYPES, error); if (*error) { goto done; } /* write out row 3, the table name + keys */ keys = libmsi_database_get_primary_keys(db, table, error); if (!keys) { goto done; } if (!export_create_table(table, name, type, keys)) goto done; /* write out row 4 onwards, the data */ while ((rec = libmsi_query_fetch(query, &err))) { unsigned size = PATH_MAX; success = export_insert(table, name, type, rec); g_object_unref(rec); if (!success) { break; } } if (!g_error_matches(err, LIBMSI_RESULT_ERROR, LIBMSI_RESULT_NO_MORE_ITEMS)) { g_propagate_error(error, err); success = FALSE; } g_clear_error(&err); done: g_object_unref(name); g_object_unref(type); g_object_unref(keys); g_object_unref(query); return success; } static int cmd_export(struct Command *cmd, int argc, char **argv, GError **error) { LibmsiDatabase *db = NULL; gboolean sql = FALSE; if (argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-s")) { sql = TRUE; argc--; argv++; } if (argc != 3) { cmd_usage(stderr, cmd); } db = libmsi_database_new(argv[1], LIBMSI_DB_OPEN_READONLY, error); if (!db) return 1; if (sql) { if (!export_sql(db, argv[2], error)) return 1; } else { #if O_BINARY _setmode(STDOUT_FILENO, O_BINARY); #endif if (!libmsi_database_export(db, argv[2], STDOUT_FILENO, error)) goto end; } end: if (db) g_object_unref(db); return *error ? 1 : 0; } static int cmd_version(struct Command *cmd, int argc, char **argv, GError **error) { printf("%s (%s) version %s\n", program_name, PACKAGE, VERSION); return 0; } static int cmd_help(struct Command *cmd, int argc, char **argv, GError **error) { if (argc > 1) { cmd = find_cmd(argv[1]); if (cmd && cmd->desc) { cmd_usage(stdout, cmd); } } usage(stdout); return 0; } static struct Command cmds[] = { { .cmd = "help", .opts = "[SUBCOMMAND]", .desc = "Show program or subcommand usage", .func = cmd_help, }, { .cmd = "streams", .opts = "FILE", .desc = "List streams in a .msi file", .func = cmd_streams, }, { .cmd = "tables", .opts = "FILE", .desc = "List tables in a .msi file", .func = cmd_tables, }, { .cmd = "extract", .opts = "FILE STREAM", .desc = "Extract a binary stream from an .msi file", .func = cmd_extract, }, { .cmd = "export", .opts = "[-s] FILE TABLE\n\nOptions:\n" " -s Format output as an SQL query", .desc = "Export a table in text form from an .msi file", .func = cmd_export, }, { .cmd = "suminfo", .opts = "FILE", .desc = "Print summary information", .func = cmd_suminfo, }, { .cmd = "-h", .func = cmd_help, }, { .cmd = "--help", .func = cmd_help, }, { .cmd = "-v", .func = cmd_version }, { .cmd = "--version", .func = cmd_version }, { NULL }, }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { GError *error = NULL; struct Command *cmd = NULL; g_type_init(); program_name = get_basename(argv[0]); if (argc == 1) { usage(stderr); } cmd = find_cmd(argv[1]); if (!cmd) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unrecognized command\n", program_name); usage(stderr); } int result = cmd->func(cmd, argc - 1, argv + 1, &error); if (error != NULL) { g_printerr("error: %s\n", error->message); print_libmsi_error(error->code); g_clear_error(&error); } return result; }