/* * Implementation of the Microsoft Installer (msi.dll) * * Copyright 2002, 2005 Mike McCormack for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #define COBJMACROS #define NONAMELESSUNION #include "debug.h" #include "unicode.h" #include "libmsi.h" #include "msipriv.h" static const WCHAR szSumInfo[] = {5 ,'S','u','m','m','a','r','y','I','n','f','o','r','m','a','t','i','o','n',0}; static const uint8_t fmtid_SummaryInformation[16] = { 0xe0, 0x85, 0x9f, 0xf2, 0xf9, 0x4f, 0x68, 0x10, 0xab, 0x91, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2b, 0x27, 0xb3, 0xd9}; static void free_prop( LibmsiOLEVariant *prop ) { if (prop->vt == OLEVT_LPSTR) msi_free( prop->strval ); prop->vt = OLEVT_EMPTY; } static void _libmsi_summary_info_destroy( LibmsiObject *arg ) { LibmsiSummaryInfo *si = (LibmsiSummaryInfo *) arg; unsigned i; for( i = 0; i < MSI_MAX_PROPS; i++ ) free_prop( &si->property[i] ); msiobj_release( &si->database->hdr ); } static unsigned get_type( unsigned uiProperty ) { switch( uiProperty ) { case MSI_PID_CODEPAGE: return OLEVT_I2; case MSI_PID_SUBJECT: case MSI_PID_AUTHOR: case MSI_PID_KEYWORDS: case MSI_PID_COMMENTS: case MSI_PID_TEMPLATE: case MSI_PID_LASTAUTHOR: case MSI_PID_REVNUMBER: case MSI_PID_APPNAME: case MSI_PID_TITLE: return OLEVT_LPSTR; case MSI_PID_LASTPRINTED: case MSI_PID_CREATE_DTM: case MSI_PID_LASTSAVE_DTM: return OLEVT_FILETIME; case MSI_PID_WORDCOUNT: case MSI_PID_CHARCOUNT: case MSI_PID_SECURITY: case MSI_PID_PAGECOUNT: return OLEVT_I4; } return OLEVT_EMPTY; } static unsigned get_property_count( const LibmsiOLEVariant *property ) { unsigned i, n = 0; if( !property ) return n; for( i = 0; i < MSI_MAX_PROPS; i++ ) if( property[i].vt != OLEVT_EMPTY ) n++; return n; } static unsigned read_word( const uint8_t *data, unsigned *ofs ) { unsigned val = 0; val = data[*ofs]; val |= data[*ofs+1] << 8; *ofs += 2; return val; } static unsigned read_dword( const uint8_t *data, unsigned *ofs ) { unsigned val = 0; val = data[*ofs]; val |= data[*ofs+1] << 8; val |= data[*ofs+2] << 16; val |= data[*ofs+3] << 24; *ofs += 4; return val; } static void parse_filetime( const WCHAR *str, uint64_t *ft ) { struct tm tm; time_t t; const WCHAR *p = str; WCHAR *end; /* YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss */ while ( *p == ' ' || *p == '\t' ) p++; tm.tm_year = strtolW( p, &end, 10 ); if (*end != '/') return; p = end + 1; tm.tm_mon = strtolW( p, &end, 10 ) - 1; if (*end != '/') return; p = end + 1; tm.tm_mday = strtolW( p, &end, 10 ); if (*end != ' ') return; p = end + 1; while ( *p == ' ' || *p == '\t' ) p++; tm.tm_hour = strtolW( p, &end, 10 ); if (*end != ':') return; p = end + 1; tm.tm_min = strtolW( p, &end, 10 ); if (*end != ':') return; p = end + 1; tm.tm_sec = strtolW( p, &end, 10 ); t = mktime(&tm); /* Add number of seconds between 1601-01-01 and 1970-01-01, * then convert to 100 ns units. */ *ft = (t + 134774ULL * 86400ULL) * 10000000ULL; } /* FIXME: doesn't deal with endian conversion */ static void read_properties_from_data( LibmsiOLEVariant *prop, const uint8_t *data, unsigned sz, uint32_t cProperties ) { unsigned type; unsigned i; LibmsiOLEVariant *property; uint32_t idofs, len; char *str; idofs = 8; /* now set all the properties */ for( i = 0; i < cProperties; i++ ) { int propid = read_dword(data, &idofs); int dwOffset = read_dword(data, &idofs); int proptype; if( propid >= MSI_MAX_PROPS ) { ERR("Unknown property ID %d\n", propid ); break; } type = get_type( propid ); if( type == OLEVT_EMPTY ) { ERR("propid %d has unknown type\n", propid); break; } property = &prop[ propid ]; if( dwOffset + 4 > sz ) { ERR("not enough data for type %d %d \n", dwOffset, sz); break; } proptype = read_dword(data, &dwOffset); if( dwOffset + 4 > sz ) { ERR("not enough data for type %d %d \n", dwOffset, sz); break; } property->vt = proptype; switch(proptype) { case OLEVT_I2: case OLEVT_I4: property->intval = read_dword(data, &dwOffset); break; case OLEVT_FILETIME: if( dwOffset + 8 > sz ) { ERR("not enough data for type %d %d \n", dwOffset, sz); break; } property->filetime = read_dword(data, &dwOffset); property->filetime |= (uint64_t)read_dword(data, &dwOffset) << 32; break; case OLEVT_LPSTR: len = read_dword(data, &dwOffset); if( dwOffset + len > sz ) { ERR("not enough data for type %d %d %d \n", dwOffset, len, sz); break; } str = msi_alloc( len ); memcpy( str, &data[dwOffset], len-1 ); str[ len - 1 ] = 0; break; } /* check the type is the same as we expect */ if( type == OLEVT_LPSTR && proptype == OLEVT_LPSTR) property->strval = str; else if (type == proptype) ; else if( proptype == OLEVT_LPSTR) { if( type == OLEVT_I2 || type == OLEVT_I4) { property->intval = atoi( str ); } else if( type == OLEVT_FILETIME) { WCHAR *wstr = strdupAtoW(str); parse_filetime( wstr, &property->filetime ); msi_free (wstr); } msi_free (str); } else { ERR("invalid type \n"); break; } } } static unsigned load_summary_info( LibmsiSummaryInfo *si, GsfInput *stm ) { unsigned ret = LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; uint8_t *data = NULL; unsigned ofs, dwOffset; unsigned cbSection, cProperties; off_t sz; TRACE("%p %p\n", si, stm); sz = gsf_input_size(stm); if (!sz) return ret; data = g_try_malloc(gsf_input_size(stm)); if (!data) return LIBMSI_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; if (!gsf_input_read(stm, sz, data)) goto done; /* process the set header */ ofs = 0; if( read_word( data, &ofs) != 0xfffe ) { ERR("property set not little-endian\n"); goto done; } /* process the format header */ /* check the format id is correct */ ofs = 28; if( memcmp( &fmtid_SummaryInformation, &data[ofs], 16 ) ) goto done; /* seek to the location of the section */ ofs += 16; ofs = dwOffset = read_dword(data, &ofs); /* read the section itself */ cbSection = read_dword( data, &ofs ); cProperties = read_dword( data, &ofs ); if( cProperties > MSI_MAX_PROPS ) { ERR("too many properties %d\n", cProperties); goto done; } /* read all the data in one go */ read_properties_from_data( si->property, &data[dwOffset], cbSection, cProperties ); done: msi_free( data ); return ret; } static unsigned write_word( uint8_t *data, unsigned ofs, unsigned val ) { if( data ) { data[ofs++] = val&0xff; data[ofs++] = (val>>8)&0xff; } return 2; } static unsigned write_dword( uint8_t *data, unsigned ofs, unsigned val ) { if( data ) { data[ofs++] = val&0xff; data[ofs++] = (val>>8)&0xff; data[ofs++] = (val>>16)&0xff; data[ofs++] = (val>>24)&0xff; } return 4; } static unsigned write_filetime( uint8_t *data, unsigned ofs, const uint64_t *ft ) { write_dword( data, ofs, (*ft) & 0xFFFFFFFFUL ); write_dword( data, ofs + 4, (*ft) >> 32 ); return 8; } static unsigned write_string( uint8_t *data, unsigned ofs, const char *str ) { unsigned len = strlen( str ) + 1; write_dword( data, ofs, len ); if( data ) memcpy( &data[ofs + 4], str, len ); return (7 + len) & ~3; } static unsigned write_property_to_data( const LibmsiOLEVariant *prop, uint8_t *data ) { unsigned sz = 0; if( prop->vt == OLEVT_EMPTY ) return sz; /* add the type */ sz += write_dword( data, sz, prop->vt ); switch( prop->vt ) { case OLEVT_I2: case OLEVT_I4: sz += write_dword( data, sz, prop->intval ); break; case OLEVT_FILETIME: { sz += write_filetime( data, sz, &prop->filetime ); break; } case OLEVT_LPSTR: sz += write_string( data, sz, prop->strval ); break; } return sz; } static unsigned suminfo_persist( LibmsiSummaryInfo *si ) { int cProperties, cbSection, dwOffset; GsfInput *stm; uint8_t *data = NULL; unsigned r, sz; int i; /* add up how much space the data will take and calculate the offsets */ cProperties = get_property_count( si->property ); cbSection = 8 + cProperties * 8; for( i = 0; i < MSI_MAX_PROPS; i++ ) cbSection += write_property_to_data( &si->property[i], NULL ); sz = 28 + 20 + cbSection; data = msi_alloc_zero( sz ); /* write the set header */ sz = 0; sz += write_word(data, sz, 0xfffe); /* wByteOrder */ sz += write_word(data, sz, 0); /* wFormat */ sz += write_dword(data, sz, 0x00020005); /* dwOSVer - build 5, platform id 2 */ sz += 16; /* clsID */ sz += write_dword(data, sz, 1); /* reserved */ /* write the format header */ memcpy( &data[sz], &fmtid_SummaryInformation, 16 ); sz += 16; sz += write_dword(data, sz, 28 + 20); /* dwOffset */ assert(sz == 28 + 20); /* write the section header */ sz += write_dword(data, sz, cbSection); sz += write_dword(data, sz, cProperties); assert(sz == 28 + 20 + 8); dwOffset = 8 + cProperties * 8; for( i = 0; i < MSI_MAX_PROPS; i++ ) { int propsz = write_property_to_data( &si->property[i], NULL ); if( !propsz ) continue; sz += write_dword(data, sz, i); sz += write_dword(data, sz, dwOffset); dwOffset += propsz; } assert(dwOffset == cbSection); /* write out the data */ for( i = 0; i < MSI_MAX_PROPS; i++ ) sz += write_property_to_data( &si->property[i], &data[sz] ); assert(sz == 28 + 20 + cbSection); r = write_raw_stream_data(si->database, szSumInfo, data, sz, &stm); if (r == 0) { g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(stm)); } msi_free( data ); return r; } LibmsiSummaryInfo *_libmsi_get_summary_information( LibmsiDatabase *db, unsigned uiUpdateCount ) { GsfInput *stm = NULL; LibmsiSummaryInfo *si; unsigned r; TRACE("%p %d\n", db, uiUpdateCount ); si = alloc_msiobject( sizeof (LibmsiSummaryInfo), _libmsi_summary_info_destroy ); if( !si ) return si; si->update_count = uiUpdateCount; msiobj_addref( &db->hdr ); si->database = db; /* read the stream... if we fail, we'll start with an empty property set */ r = msi_get_raw_stream( db, szSumInfo, &stm ); if( r == 0 ) { load_summary_info( si, stm ); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(stm)); } return si; } LibmsiResult libmsi_database_get_summary_info( LibmsiDatabase *db, unsigned uiUpdateCount, LibmsiSummaryInfo **psi ) { LibmsiSummaryInfo *si; unsigned ret = LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; TRACE("%d %d %p\n", db, uiUpdateCount, psi); if( !psi ) return LIBMSI_RESULT_INVALID_PARAMETER; if( !db ) return LIBMSI_RESULT_INVALID_HANDLE; msiobj_addref( &db->hdr); si = _libmsi_get_summary_information( db, uiUpdateCount ); if (si) { *psi = si; ret = LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; } msiobj_release( &db->hdr ); return ret; } LibmsiResult libmsi_summary_info_get_property_count(LibmsiSummaryInfo *si, unsigned *pCount) { TRACE("%d %p\n", si, pCount); if( !si ) return LIBMSI_RESULT_INVALID_HANDLE; msiobj_addref( &si->hdr ); if( pCount ) *pCount = get_property_count( si->property ); msiobj_release( &si->hdr ); return LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; } LibmsiResult libmsi_summary_info_get_property( LibmsiSummaryInfo *si, unsigned uiProperty, unsigned *puiDataType, int *pintvalue, uint64_t *pftValue, char *szValueBuf, unsigned *pcchValueBuf) { LibmsiOLEVariant *prop; unsigned ret = LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; TRACE("%d %d %p %p %p %p %p\n", si, uiProperty, puiDataType, pintvalue, pftValue, szValueBuf, pcchValueBuf); if ( uiProperty >= MSI_MAX_PROPS ) { if (puiDataType) *puiDataType = LIBMSI_PROPERTY_TYPE_EMPTY; return LIBMSI_RESULT_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY; } if( !si ) return LIBMSI_RESULT_INVALID_HANDLE; msiobj_addref( &si->hdr ); prop = &si->property[uiProperty]; switch( prop->vt ) { case OLEVT_I2: case OLEVT_I4: if( puiDataType ) *puiDataType = LIBMSI_PROPERTY_TYPE_INT; if( pintvalue ) *pintvalue = prop->intval; break; case OLEVT_LPSTR: if( puiDataType ) *puiDataType = LIBMSI_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING; if( pcchValueBuf ) { unsigned len = 0; len = strlen( prop->strval ); if( szValueBuf ) strcpynA(szValueBuf, prop->strval, *pcchValueBuf ); if (len >= *pcchValueBuf) ret = LIBMSI_RESULT_MORE_DATA; *pcchValueBuf = len; } break; case OLEVT_FILETIME: if( puiDataType ) *puiDataType = LIBMSI_PROPERTY_TYPE_FILETIME; if( pftValue ) *pftValue = prop->filetime; break; case OLEVT_EMPTY: if( puiDataType ) *puiDataType = LIBMSI_PROPERTY_TYPE_EMPTY; break; default: FIXME("Unknown property variant type\n"); break; } msiobj_release( &si->hdr ); return ret; } static LibmsiResult _libmsi_summary_info_set_property( LibmsiSummaryInfo *si, unsigned uiProperty, unsigned type, int intvalue, uint64_t* pftValue, const char *szValue ) { LibmsiOLEVariant *prop; unsigned len; unsigned ret; if( type == OLEVT_LPSTR && !szValue ) return LIBMSI_RESULT_INVALID_PARAMETER; if( type == OLEVT_FILETIME && !pftValue ) return LIBMSI_RESULT_INVALID_PARAMETER; msiobj_addref( &si->hdr); prop = &si->property[uiProperty]; if( prop->vt == OLEVT_EMPTY ) { ret = LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; if( !si->update_count ) goto end; si->update_count--; } else if( prop->vt != type ) { ret = LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; goto end; } free_prop( prop ); prop->vt = type; switch( type ) { case OLEVT_I2: case OLEVT_I4: prop->intval = intvalue; break; case OLEVT_FILETIME: prop->filetime = *pftValue; break; case OLEVT_LPSTR: len = strlen( szValue ) + 1; prop->strval = msi_alloc( len ); strcpy( prop->strval, szValue ); break; } ret = LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; end: msiobj_release( &si->hdr ); return ret; } LibmsiResult libmsi_summary_info_set_property( LibmsiSummaryInfo *si, unsigned uiProperty, unsigned uiDataType, int intvalue, uint64_t* pftValue, const char *szValue ) { int type; TRACE("%p %u %u %i %p %p\n", si, uiProperty, type, intvalue, pftValue, szValue ); if( !si ) return LIBMSI_RESULT_INVALID_HANDLE; type = get_type( uiProperty ); switch (type) { case OLEVT_EMPTY: return LIBMSI_RESULT_DATATYPE_MISMATCH; case OLEVT_I2: case OLEVT_I4: if (uiDataType != LIBMSI_PROPERTY_TYPE_INT) { return LIBMSI_RESULT_DATATYPE_MISMATCH; } break; case OLEVT_LPSTR: if (uiDataType != LIBMSI_PROPERTY_TYPE_STRING) { return LIBMSI_RESULT_DATATYPE_MISMATCH; } break; case OLEVT_FILETIME: if (uiDataType != LIBMSI_PROPERTY_TYPE_FILETIME) { return LIBMSI_RESULT_DATATYPE_MISMATCH; } break; } return _libmsi_summary_info_set_property( si, uiProperty, type, intvalue, pftValue, szValue ); } static unsigned parse_prop( const WCHAR *prop, const WCHAR *value, unsigned *pid, int *int_value, uint64_t *ft_value, char **str_value ) { *pid = atoiW( prop ); switch (*pid) { case MSI_PID_CODEPAGE: case MSI_PID_WORDCOUNT: case MSI_PID_CHARCOUNT: case MSI_PID_SECURITY: case MSI_PID_PAGECOUNT: *int_value = atoiW( value ); break; case MSI_PID_LASTPRINTED: case MSI_PID_CREATE_DTM: case MSI_PID_LASTSAVE_DTM: parse_filetime( value, ft_value ); break; case MSI_PID_SUBJECT: case MSI_PID_AUTHOR: case MSI_PID_KEYWORDS: case MSI_PID_COMMENTS: case MSI_PID_TEMPLATE: case MSI_PID_LASTAUTHOR: case MSI_PID_REVNUMBER: case MSI_PID_APPNAME: case MSI_PID_TITLE: *str_value = strdupWtoA(value); break; default: WARN("unhandled prop id %u\n", *pid); return LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; } return LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; } unsigned msi_add_suminfo( LibmsiDatabase *db, WCHAR ***records, int num_records, int num_columns ) { unsigned r = LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; unsigned i, j; LibmsiSummaryInfo *si; si = _libmsi_get_summary_information( db, num_records * (num_columns / 2) ); if (!si) { ERR("no summary information!\n"); return LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; } for (i = 0; i < num_records; i++) { for (j = 0; j < num_columns; j += 2) { unsigned pid; int int_value = 0; uint64_t ft_value; char *str_value = NULL; r = parse_prop( records[i][j], records[i][j + 1], &pid, &int_value, &ft_value, &str_value ); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) goto end; assert( get_type(pid) != OLEVT_EMPTY ); r = _libmsi_summary_info_set_property( si, pid, get_type(pid), int_value, &ft_value, str_value ); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) goto end; msi_free(str_value); } } end: if (r == LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) r = suminfo_persist( si ); msiobj_release( &si->hdr ); return r; } LibmsiResult libmsi_summary_info_persist( LibmsiSummaryInfo *si ) { unsigned ret; TRACE("%d\n", si ); if( !si ) return LIBMSI_RESULT_INVALID_HANDLE; msiobj_addref( &si->hdr); ret = suminfo_persist( si ); msiobj_release( &si->hdr ); return ret; }