%{ /* * Implementation of the Microsoft Installer (msi.dll) * * Copyright 2002-2004 Mike McCormack for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "query.h" #include "list.h" #include "debug.h" #include "unicode.h" #define YYLEX_PARAM info #define YYPARSE_PARAM info static int sql_error(const char *str); typedef struct tag_SQL_input { MSIDATABASE *db; const WCHAR *command; unsigned n, len; unsigned r; MSIVIEW **view; /* View structure for the resulting query. This value * tracks the view currently being created so we can free * this view on syntax error. */ struct list *mem; } SQL_input; static unsigned SQL_getstring( void *info, const struct sql_str *strdata, WCHAR **str ); static INT SQL_getint( void *info ); static int sql_lex( void *SQL_lval, SQL_input *info ); static WCHAR *parser_add_table( void *info, const WCHAR *list, const WCHAR *table ); static void *parser_alloc( void *info, unsigned int sz ); static column_info *parser_alloc_column( void *info, const WCHAR *table, const WCHAR *column ); static BOOL SQL_MarkPrimaryKeys( column_info **cols, column_info *keys); static struct expr * EXPR_complex( void *info, struct expr *l, unsigned op, struct expr *r ); static struct expr * EXPR_unary( void *info, struct expr *l, unsigned op ); static struct expr * EXPR_column( void *info, const column_info *column ); static struct expr * EXPR_ival( void *info, int val ); static struct expr * EXPR_sval( void *info, const struct sql_str *str ); static struct expr * EXPR_wildcard( void *info ); #define PARSER_BUBBLE_UP_VIEW( sql, result, current_view ) \ *sql->view = current_view; \ result = current_view %} %define api.prefix "sql_" %pure-parser %union { struct sql_str str; WCHAR *string; column_info *column_list; MSIVIEW *query; struct expr *expr; uint16_t column_type; int integer; } %token TK_ALTER TK_AND TK_BY TK_CHAR TK_COMMA TK_CREATE TK_DELETE TK_DROP %token TK_DISTINCT TK_DOT TK_EQ TK_FREE TK_FROM TK_GE TK_GT TK_HOLD TK_ADD %token TK_ID %token TK_ILLEGAL TK_INSERT TK_INT %token TK_INTEGER %token TK_INTO TK_IS TK_KEY TK_LE TK_LONG TK_LONGCHAR TK_LP TK_LT %token TK_LOCALIZABLE TK_MINUS TK_NE TK_NOT TK_NULL %token TK_OBJECT TK_OR TK_ORDER TK_PRIMARY TK_RP %token TK_SELECT TK_SET TK_SHORT TK_SPACE TK_STAR %token TK_STRING %token TK_TABLE TK_TEMPORARY TK_UPDATE TK_VALUES TK_WHERE TK_WILDCARD /* * These are extra tokens used by the lexer but never seen by the * parser. We put them in a rule so that the parser generator will * add them to the parse.h output file. * */ %nonassoc END_OF_FILE ILLEGAL SPACE UNCLOSED_STRING COMMENT FUNCTION COLUMN AGG_FUNCTION. %type table tablelist id string %type selcollist collist selcolumn column column_and_type column_def table_def %type column_assignment update_assign_list constlist %type query from selectfrom unorderdfrom %type oneupdate onedelete oneselect onequery onecreate oneinsert onealter onedrop %type expr val column_val const_val %type column_type data_type data_type_l data_count %type number alterop %left TK_OR %left TK_AND %left TK_NOT %left TK_EQ TK_NE TK_LT TK_GT TK_LE TK_GE TK_LIKE %right TK_NEGATION %% query: onequery { SQL_input* sql = (SQL_input*) info; *sql->view = $1; } ; onequery: oneselect | onecreate | oneinsert | oneupdate | onedelete | onealter | onedrop ; oneinsert: TK_INSERT TK_INTO table TK_LP collist TK_RP TK_VALUES TK_LP constlist TK_RP { SQL_input *sql = (SQL_input*) info; MSIVIEW *insert = NULL; INSERT_CreateView( sql->db, &insert, $3, $5, $9, FALSE ); if( !insert ) YYABORT; PARSER_BUBBLE_UP_VIEW( sql, $$, insert ); } | TK_INSERT TK_INTO table TK_LP collist TK_RP TK_VALUES TK_LP constlist TK_RP TK_TEMPORARY { SQL_input *sql = (SQL_input*) info; MSIVIEW *insert = NULL; INSERT_CreateView( sql->db, &insert, $3, $5, $9, TRUE ); if( !insert ) YYABORT; PARSER_BUBBLE_UP_VIEW( sql, $$, insert ); } ; onecreate: TK_CREATE TK_TABLE table TK_LP table_def TK_RP { SQL_input* sql = (SQL_input*) info; MSIVIEW *create = NULL; unsigned r; if( !$5 ) YYABORT; r = CREATE_CreateView( sql->db, &create, $3, $5, FALSE ); if( !create ) { sql->r = r; YYABORT; } PARSER_BUBBLE_UP_VIEW( sql, $$, create ); } | TK_CREATE TK_TABLE table TK_LP table_def TK_RP TK_HOLD { SQL_input* sql = (SQL_input*) info; MSIVIEW *create = NULL; if( !$5 ) YYABORT; CREATE_CreateView( sql->db, &create, $3, $5, TRUE ); if( !create ) YYABORT; PARSER_BUBBLE_UP_VIEW( sql, $$, create ); } ; oneupdate: TK_UPDATE table TK_SET update_assign_list TK_WHERE expr { SQL_input* sql = (SQL_input*) info; MSIVIEW *update = NULL; UPDATE_CreateView( sql->db, &update, $2, $4, $6 ); if( !update ) YYABORT; PARSER_BUBBLE_UP_VIEW( sql, $$, update ); } | TK_UPDATE table TK_SET update_assign_list { SQL_input* sql = (SQL_input*) info; MSIVIEW *update = NULL; UPDATE_CreateView( sql->db, &update, $2, $4, NULL ); if( !update ) YYABORT; PARSER_BUBBLE_UP_VIEW( sql, $$, update ); } ; onedelete: TK_DELETE from { SQL_input* sql = (SQL_input*) info; MSIVIEW *delete = NULL; DELETE_CreateView( sql->db, &delete, $2 ); if( !delete ) YYABORT; PARSER_BUBBLE_UP_VIEW( sql, $$, delete ); } ; onealter: TK_ALTER TK_TABLE table alterop { SQL_input* sql = (SQL_input*) info; MSIVIEW *alter = NULL; ALTER_CreateView( sql->db, &alter, $3, NULL, $4 ); if( !alter ) YYABORT; PARSER_BUBBLE_UP_VIEW( sql, $$, alter ); } | TK_ALTER TK_TABLE table TK_ADD column_and_type { SQL_input *sql = (SQL_input *)info; MSIVIEW *alter = NULL; ALTER_CreateView( sql->db, &alter, $3, $5, 0 ); if (!alter) YYABORT; PARSER_BUBBLE_UP_VIEW( sql, $$, alter ); } | TK_ALTER TK_TABLE table TK_ADD column_and_type TK_HOLD { SQL_input *sql = (SQL_input *)info; MSIVIEW *alter = NULL; ALTER_CreateView( sql->db, &alter, $3, $5, 1 ); if (!alter) YYABORT; PARSER_BUBBLE_UP_VIEW( sql, $$, alter ); } ; alterop: TK_HOLD { $$ = 1; } | TK_FREE { $$ = -1; } ; onedrop: TK_DROP TK_TABLE table { SQL_input* sql = (SQL_input*) info; MSIVIEW* drop = NULL; unsigned r; r = DROP_CreateView( sql->db, &drop, $3 ); if( r != ERROR_SUCCESS || !$$ ) YYABORT; PARSER_BUBBLE_UP_VIEW( sql, $$, drop ); } ; table_def: column_def TK_PRIMARY TK_KEY collist { if( SQL_MarkPrimaryKeys( &$1, $4 ) ) $$ = $1; else $$ = NULL; } ; column_def: column_def TK_COMMA column_and_type { column_info *ci; for( ci = $1; ci->next; ci = ci->next ) ; ci->next = $3; $$ = $1; } | column_and_type { $$ = $1; } ; column_and_type: column column_type { $$ = $1; $$->type = ($2 | MSITYPE_VALID); $$->temporary = $2 & MSITYPE_TEMPORARY ? TRUE : FALSE; } ; column_type: data_type_l { $$ = $1; } | data_type_l TK_LOCALIZABLE { $$ = $1 | MSITYPE_LOCALIZABLE; } | data_type_l TK_TEMPORARY { $$ = $1 | MSITYPE_TEMPORARY; } ; data_type_l: data_type { $$ |= MSITYPE_NULLABLE; } | data_type TK_NOT TK_NULL { $$ = $1; } ; data_type: TK_CHAR { $$ = MSITYPE_STRING | 1; } | TK_CHAR TK_LP data_count TK_RP { $$ = MSITYPE_STRING | 0x400 | $3; } | TK_LONGCHAR { $$ = MSITYPE_STRING | 0x400; } | TK_SHORT { $$ = 2 | 0x400; } | TK_INT { $$ = 2 | 0x400; } | TK_LONG { $$ = 4; } | TK_OBJECT { $$ = MSITYPE_STRING | MSITYPE_VALID; } ; data_count: number { if( ( $1 > 255 ) || ( $1 < 0 ) ) YYABORT; $$ = $1; } ; oneselect: TK_SELECT selectfrom { $$ = $2; } | TK_SELECT TK_DISTINCT selectfrom { SQL_input* sql = (SQL_input*) info; MSIVIEW* distinct = NULL; unsigned r; r = DISTINCT_CreateView( sql->db, &distinct, $3 ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) YYABORT; PARSER_BUBBLE_UP_VIEW( sql, $$, distinct ); } ; selectfrom: selcollist from { SQL_input* sql = (SQL_input*) info; MSIVIEW* select = NULL; unsigned r; if( $1 ) { r = SELECT_CreateView( sql->db, &select, $2, $1 ); if (r != ERROR_SUCCESS) YYABORT; PARSER_BUBBLE_UP_VIEW( sql, $$, select ); } else $$ = $2; } ; selcollist: selcolumn | selcolumn TK_COMMA selcollist { $1->next = $3; } | TK_STAR { $$ = NULL; } ; collist: column | column TK_COMMA collist { $1->next = $3; } | TK_STAR { $$ = NULL; } ; from: TK_FROM table { SQL_input* sql = (SQL_input*) info; MSIVIEW* table = NULL; unsigned r; r = TABLE_CreateView( sql->db, $2, &table ); if( r != ERROR_SUCCESS || !$$ ) YYABORT; PARSER_BUBBLE_UP_VIEW( sql, $$, table ); } | unorderdfrom TK_ORDER TK_BY collist { unsigned r; if( $4 ) { r = $1->ops->sort( $1, $4 ); if ( r != ERROR_SUCCESS) YYABORT; } $$ = $1; } | unorderdfrom ; unorderdfrom: TK_FROM tablelist { SQL_input* sql = (SQL_input*) info; MSIVIEW* where = NULL; unsigned r; r = WHERE_CreateView( sql->db, &where, $2, NULL ); if( r != ERROR_SUCCESS ) YYABORT; PARSER_BUBBLE_UP_VIEW( sql, $$, where ); } | TK_FROM tablelist TK_WHERE expr { SQL_input* sql = (SQL_input*) info; MSIVIEW* where = NULL; unsigned r; r = WHERE_CreateView( sql->db, &where, $2, $4 ); if( r != ERROR_SUCCESS ) YYABORT; PARSER_BUBBLE_UP_VIEW( sql, $$, where ); } ; tablelist: table { $$ = $1; } | table TK_COMMA tablelist { $$ = parser_add_table( info, $3, $1 ); if (!$$) YYABORT; } ; expr: TK_LP expr TK_RP { $$ = $2; if( !$$ ) YYABORT; } | expr TK_AND expr { $$ = EXPR_complex( info, $1, OP_AND, $3 ); if( !$$ ) YYABORT; } | expr TK_OR expr { $$ = EXPR_complex( info, $1, OP_OR, $3 ); if( !$$ ) YYABORT; } | column_val TK_EQ val { $$ = EXPR_complex( info, $1, OP_EQ, $3 ); if( !$$ ) YYABORT; } | column_val TK_GT val { $$ = EXPR_complex( info, $1, OP_GT, $3 ); if( !$$ ) YYABORT; } | column_val TK_LT val { $$ = EXPR_complex( info, $1, OP_LT, $3 ); if( !$$ ) YYABORT; } | column_val TK_LE val { $$ = EXPR_complex( info, $1, OP_LE, $3 ); if( !$$ ) YYABORT; } | column_val TK_GE val { $$ = EXPR_complex( info, $1, OP_GE, $3 ); if( !$$ ) YYABORT; } | column_val TK_NE val { $$ = EXPR_complex( info, $1, OP_NE, $3 ); if( !$$ ) YYABORT; } | column_val TK_IS TK_NULL { $$ = EXPR_unary( info, $1, OP_ISNULL ); if( !$$ ) YYABORT; } | column_val TK_IS TK_NOT TK_NULL { $$ = EXPR_unary( info, $1, OP_NOTNULL ); if( !$$ ) YYABORT; } ; val: column_val | const_val ; constlist: const_val { $$ = parser_alloc_column( info, NULL, NULL ); if( !$$ ) YYABORT; $$->val = $1; } | const_val TK_COMMA constlist { $$ = parser_alloc_column( info, NULL, NULL ); if( !$$ ) YYABORT; $$->val = $1; $$->next = $3; } ; update_assign_list: column_assignment | column_assignment TK_COMMA update_assign_list { $$ = $1; $$->next = $3; } ; column_assignment: column TK_EQ const_val { $$ = $1; $$->val = $3; } ; const_val: number { $$ = EXPR_ival( info, $1 ); if( !$$ ) YYABORT; } | TK_MINUS number %prec TK_NEGATION { $$ = EXPR_ival( info, -$2 ); if( !$$ ) YYABORT; } | TK_STRING { $$ = EXPR_sval( info, &$1 ); if( !$$ ) YYABORT; } | TK_WILDCARD { $$ = EXPR_wildcard( info ); if( !$$ ) YYABORT; } ; column_val: column { $$ = EXPR_column( info, $1 ); if( !$$ ) YYABORT; } ; column: table TK_DOT id { $$ = parser_alloc_column( info, $1, $3 ); if( !$$ ) YYABORT; } | id { $$ = parser_alloc_column( info, NULL, $1 ); if( !$$ ) YYABORT; } ; selcolumn: table TK_DOT id { $$ = parser_alloc_column( info, $1, $3 ); if( !$$ ) YYABORT; } | id { $$ = parser_alloc_column( info, NULL, $1 ); if( !$$ ) YYABORT; } | string { $$ = parser_alloc_column( info, NULL, $1 ); if( !$$ ) YYABORT; } ; table: id { $$ = $1; } ; id: TK_ID { if ( SQL_getstring( info, &$1, &$$ ) != ERROR_SUCCESS || !$$ ) YYABORT; } ; string: TK_STRING { if ( SQL_getstring( info, &$1, &$$ ) != ERROR_SUCCESS || !$$ ) YYABORT; } ; number: TK_INTEGER { $$ = SQL_getint( info ); } ; %% static WCHAR *parser_add_table( void *info, const WCHAR *list, const WCHAR *table ) { static const WCHAR space[] = {' ',0}; unsigned len = strlenW( list ) + strlenW( table ) + 2; WCHAR *ret; ret = parser_alloc( info, len * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if( ret ) { strcpyW( ret, list ); strcatW( ret, space ); strcatW( ret, table ); } return ret; } static void *parser_alloc( void *info, unsigned int sz ) { SQL_input* sql = (SQL_input*) info; struct list *mem; mem = msi_alloc( sizeof (struct list) + sz ); list_add_tail( sql->mem, mem ); return &mem[1]; } static column_info *parser_alloc_column( void *info, const WCHAR *table, const WCHAR *column ) { column_info *col; col = parser_alloc( info, sizeof (*col) ); if( col ) { col->table = table; col->column = column; col->val = NULL; col->type = 0; col->next = NULL; } return col; } static int sql_lex( void *SQL_lval, SQL_input *sql ) { int token, skip; struct sql_str * str = SQL_lval; do { sql->n += sql->len; if( ! sql->command[sql->n] ) return 0; /* end of input */ /* TRACE("string : %s\n", debugstr_w(&sql->command[sql->n])); */ sql->len = sqliteGetToken( &sql->command[sql->n], &token, &skip ); if( sql->len==0 ) break; str->data = &sql->command[sql->n]; str->len = sql->len; sql->n += skip; } while( token == TK_SPACE ); /* TRACE("token : %d (%s)\n", token, debugstr_wn(&sql->command[sql->n], sql->len)); */ return token; } unsigned SQL_getstring( void *info, const struct sql_str *strdata, WCHAR **str ) { const WCHAR *p = strdata->data; unsigned len = strdata->len; /* match quotes */ if( ( (p[0]=='`') && (p[len-1]!='`') ) || ( (p[0]=='\'') && (p[len-1]!='\'') ) ) return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; /* if there's quotes, remove them */ if( ( (p[0]=='`') && (p[len-1]=='`') ) || ( (p[0]=='\'') && (p[len-1]=='\'') ) ) { p++; len -= 2; } *str = parser_alloc( info, (len + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR) ); if( !*str ) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; memcpy( *str, p, len*sizeof(WCHAR) ); (*str)[len]=0; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } INT SQL_getint( void *info ) { SQL_input* sql = (SQL_input*) info; const WCHAR *p = &sql->command[sql->n]; INT i, r = 0; for( i=0; ilen; i++ ) { if( '0' > p[i] || '9' < p[i] ) { ERR("should only be numbers here!\n"); break; } r = (p[i]-'0') + r*10; } return r; } static int sql_error( const char *str ) { return 0; } static struct expr * EXPR_wildcard( void *info ) { struct expr *e = parser_alloc( info, sizeof *e ); if( e ) { e->type = EXPR_WILDCARD; } return e; } static struct expr * EXPR_complex( void *info, struct expr *l, unsigned op, struct expr *r ) { struct expr *e = parser_alloc( info, sizeof *e ); if( e ) { e->type = EXPR_COMPLEX; e->u.expr.left = l; e->u.expr.op = op; e->u.expr.right = r; } return e; } static struct expr * EXPR_unary( void *info, struct expr *l, unsigned op ) { struct expr *e = parser_alloc( info, sizeof *e ); if( e ) { e->type = EXPR_UNARY; e->u.expr.left = l; e->u.expr.op = op; e->u.expr.right = NULL; } return e; } static struct expr * EXPR_column( void *info, const column_info *column ) { struct expr *e = parser_alloc( info, sizeof *e ); if( e ) { e->type = EXPR_COLUMN; e->u.column.unparsed.column = column->column; e->u.column.unparsed.table = column->table; } return e; } static struct expr * EXPR_ival( void *info, int val ) { struct expr *e = parser_alloc( info, sizeof *e ); if( e ) { e->type = EXPR_IVAL; e->u.ival = val; } return e; } static struct expr * EXPR_sval( void *info, const struct sql_str *str ) { struct expr *e = parser_alloc( info, sizeof *e ); if( e ) { e->type = EXPR_SVAL; if( SQL_getstring( info, str, (WCHAR **)&e->u.sval ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return NULL; /* e will be freed by query destructor */ } return e; } static void swap_columns( column_info **cols, column_info *A, int idx ) { column_info *preA = NULL, *preB = NULL, *B, *ptr; int i = 0; B = NULL; ptr = *cols; while( ptr ) { if( i++ == idx ) B = ptr; else if( !B ) preB = ptr; if( ptr->next == A ) preA = ptr; ptr = ptr->next; } if( preB ) preB->next = A; if( preA ) preA->next = B; ptr = A->next; A->next = B->next; B->next = ptr; if( idx == 0 ) *cols = A; } static BOOL SQL_MarkPrimaryKeys( column_info **cols, column_info *keys ) { column_info *k; BOOL found = TRUE; int count; for( k = keys, count = 0; k && found; k = k->next, count++ ) { column_info *c; int idx; found = FALSE; for( c = *cols, idx = 0; c && !found; c = c->next, idx++ ) { if( strcmpW( k->column, c->column ) ) continue; c->type |= MSITYPE_KEY; found = TRUE; if (idx != count) swap_columns( cols, c, count ); } } return found; } unsigned MSI_ParseSQL( MSIDATABASE *db, const WCHAR *command, MSIVIEW **phview, struct list *mem ) { SQL_input sql; int r; *phview = NULL; sql.db = db; sql.command = command; sql.n = 0; sql.len = 0; sql.r = ERROR_BAD_QUERY_SYNTAX; sql.view = phview; sql.mem = mem; r = sql_parse(&sql); TRACE("Parse returned %d\n", r); if( r ) { if (*sql.view) { (*sql.view)->ops->delete(*sql.view); *sql.view = NULL; } return sql.r; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }