/* * Implementation of the Microsoft Installer (msi.dll) * * Copyright 2002,2003,2004,2005 Mike McCormack for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "libmsi-enums.h" #include "libmsi-database.h" #include "debug.h" #include "libmsi.h" #include "msipriv.h" #include "query.h" enum { PROP_0, PROP_PATH, PROP_FLAGS, PROP_OUTPATH, }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (LibmsiDatabase, libmsi_database, G_TYPE_OBJECT); const char clsid_msi_transform[16] = { 0x82, 0x10, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46 }; const char clsid_msi_database[16] = { 0x84, 0x10, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46 }; const char clsid_msi_patch[16] = { 0x86, 0x10, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46 }; /* * .MSI file format * * An .msi file is a structured storage file. * It contains a number of streams. * A stream for each table in the database. * Two streams for the string table in the database. * Any binary data in a table is a reference to a stream. */ #define IS_INTMSIDBOPEN(x) \ ((x) >= LIBMSI_DB_OPEN_READONLY && (x) <= LIBMSI_DB_OPEN_CREATE) typedef struct _LibmsiTransform { struct list entry; GsfInfile *stg; } LibmsiTransform; typedef struct _LibmsiStorage { struct list entry; char *name; GsfInfile *stg; } LibmsiStorage; typedef struct _LibmsiStream { struct list entry; char *name; GsfInput *stm; } LibmsiStream; GQuark libmsi_result_error_quark (void) { return g_quark_from_static_string ("libmsi-result-error-quark"); } GQuark libmsi_db_error_quark (void) { return g_quark_from_static_string ("libmsi-db-error-quark"); } static void libmsi_database_init (LibmsiDatabase *self) { list_init (&self->tables); list_init (&self->transforms); list_init (&self->streams); list_init (&self->storages); } static void libmsi_database_constructed (GObject *object) { if (G_OBJECT_CLASS (libmsi_database_parent_class)->constructed) G_OBJECT_CLASS (libmsi_database_parent_class)->constructed (object); } static void free_transforms (LibmsiDatabase *db) { while (!list_empty(&db->transforms)) { LibmsiTransform *t = LIST_ENTRY(list_head(&db->transforms), LibmsiTransform, entry); list_remove(&t->entry); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(t->stg)); msi_free(t); } } static void libmsi_database_finalize (GObject *object) { LibmsiDatabase *self = LIBMSI_DATABASE (object); _libmsi_database_close (self, false); free_cached_tables (self); free_transforms (self); g_free (self->path); G_OBJECT_CLASS (libmsi_database_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void libmsi_database_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { g_return_if_fail (LIBMSI_IS_DATABASE (object)); LibmsiDatabase *self = LIBMSI_DATABASE (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_PATH: g_return_if_fail (self->path == NULL); self->path = g_value_dup_string (value); break; case PROP_FLAGS: self->flags = g_value_get_flags (value); break; case PROP_OUTPATH: g_return_if_fail (self->outpath == NULL); self->outpath = g_value_dup_string (value); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void libmsi_database_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { g_return_if_fail (LIBMSI_IS_DATABASE (object)); LibmsiDatabase *self = LIBMSI_DATABASE (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_PATH: g_value_set_string (value, self->path); break; case PROP_FLAGS: g_value_set_flags (value, self->flags); break; case PROP_OUTPATH: g_value_set_string (value, self->outpath); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void libmsi_database_class_init (LibmsiDatabaseClass *klass) { GObjectClass* object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); object_class->finalize = libmsi_database_finalize; object_class->set_property = libmsi_database_set_property; object_class->get_property = libmsi_database_get_property; object_class->constructed = libmsi_database_constructed; g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass), PROP_PATH, g_param_spec_string ("path", "path", "path", NULL, G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass), PROP_FLAGS, g_param_spec_flags ("flags", "flags", "flags", LIBMSI_TYPE_DB_FLAGS, 0, G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass), PROP_OUTPATH, g_param_spec_string ("outpath", "outpath", "outpath", NULL, G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS)); } unsigned msi_open_storage( LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *stname ) { unsigned r = LIBMSI_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; LibmsiStorage *storage; GsfInput *in; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( storage, &db->storages, LibmsiStorage, entry ) { if( !strcmp( stname, storage->name ) ) { TRACE("found %s\n", debugstr_a(stname)); return; } } if (!(storage = msi_alloc_zero( sizeof(LibmsiStorage) ))) return LIBMSI_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; storage->name = strdup( stname ); if (!storage->name) goto done; in = gsf_infile_child_by_name(db->infile, stname); if (!GSF_IS_INFILE(in)) goto done; storage->stg = GSF_INFILE(in); if (!storage->stg) goto done; list_add_tail( &db->storages, &storage->entry ); r = LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; done: if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) { msi_free(storage->name); msi_free(storage); } return r; } unsigned msi_create_storage( LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *stname, GsfInput *stm ) { LibmsiStorage *storage; GsfInfile *origstg = NULL; bool found = false; unsigned r; if (db->flags & LIBMSI_DB_FLAGS_READONLY) return LIBMSI_RESULT_ACCESS_DENIED; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( storage, &db->storages, LibmsiStorage, entry ) { if( !strcmp( stname, storage->name ) ) { TRACE("found %s\n", debugstr_a(stname)); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { if (!(storage = msi_alloc_zero( sizeof(LibmsiStorage) ))) return LIBMSI_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; storage->name = strdup( stname ); if (!storage->name) { msi_free(storage); return LIBMSI_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } origstg = gsf_infile_msole_new(stm, NULL); if (origstg == NULL) goto done; if (found) { if (storage->stg) g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(storage->stg)); } else { list_add_tail( &db->storages, &storage->entry ); } storage->stg = origstg; g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(storage->stg)); r = LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; done: if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) { if (!found) { msi_free(storage->name); msi_free(storage); } } if (origstg) g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(origstg)); return r; } void msi_destroy_storage( LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *stname ) { LibmsiStorage *storage, *storage2; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE( storage, storage2, &db->storages, LibmsiStorage, entry ) { if (!strcmp( stname, storage->name )) { TRACE("destroying %s\n", debugstr_a(stname)); list_remove( &storage->entry ); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(storage->stg)); msi_free( storage ); break; } } } static unsigned find_infile_stream( LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *name, GsfInput **stm ) { LibmsiStream *stream; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( stream, &db->streams, LibmsiStream, entry ) { if( !strcmp( name, stream->name ) ) { TRACE("found %s\n", debugstr_a(name)); *stm = stream->stm; return LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; } } return LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; } static unsigned msi_alloc_stream( LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *stname, GsfInput *stm) { LibmsiStream *stream; TRACE("%p %s %p", db, debugstr_a(stname), stm); if (!(stream = msi_alloc( sizeof(LibmsiStream) ))) return LIBMSI_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; stream->name = strdup( stname ); stream->stm = stm; g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(stm)); list_add_tail( &db->streams, &stream->entry ); return LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; } unsigned write_raw_stream_data( LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *stname, const void *data, unsigned sz, GsfInput **outstm ) { unsigned ret = LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; GsfInput *stm = NULL; char *mem; LibmsiStream *stream; if (db->flags & LIBMSI_DB_FLAGS_READONLY) return LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( stream, &db->streams, LibmsiStream, entry ) { if( !strcmp( stname, stream->name ) ) { msi_destroy_stream( db, stname ); break; } } mem = g_try_malloc(sz == 0 ? 1 : sz); if (!mem) return LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; if (data || sz) memcpy(mem, data, sz); stm = gsf_input_memory_new(mem, sz, true); ret = msi_alloc_stream( db, stname, stm); *outstm = stm; return ret; } unsigned msi_create_stream( LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *stname, GsfInput *stm ) { LibmsiStream *stream; char *encname = NULL; unsigned r = LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; bool found = false; if (db->flags & LIBMSI_DB_FLAGS_READONLY) return LIBMSI_RESULT_ACCESS_DENIED; encname = encode_streamname(false, stname); LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( stream, &db->streams, LibmsiStream, entry ) { if( !strcmp( encname, stream->name ) ) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { if (stream->stm) g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(stream->stm)); stream->stm = stm; g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(stream->stm)); r = LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; } else r = msi_alloc_stream( db, encname, stm ); msi_free(encname); return r; } unsigned msi_enum_db_streams(LibmsiDatabase *db, unsigned (*fn)(const char *, GsfInput *, void *), void *opaque) { unsigned r; LibmsiStream *stream, *stream2; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE( stream, stream2, &db->streams, LibmsiStream, entry ) { GsfInput *stm; stm = stream->stm; g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(stm)); r = fn( stream->name, stm, opaque); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(stm)); if (r) { return r; } } return LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; } unsigned msi_enum_db_storages(LibmsiDatabase *db, unsigned (*fn)(const char *, GsfInfile *, void *), void *opaque) { unsigned r; LibmsiStorage *storage, *storage2; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE( storage, storage2, &db->storages, LibmsiStorage, entry ) { GsfInfile *stg; stg = storage->stg; g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(stg)); r = fn( storage->name, stg, opaque); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(stg)); if (r) { return r; } } return LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; } unsigned clone_infile_stream( LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *name, GsfInput **stm ) { GsfInput *stream; if (find_infile_stream( db, name, &stream ) == LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) { stream = gsf_input_dup( stream, NULL ); if( !stream ) { WARN("failed to clone stream\n"); return LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; } gsf_input_seek( stream, 0, G_SEEK_SET ); *stm = stream; return LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; } return LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; } unsigned msi_get_raw_stream( LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *stname, GsfInput **stm ) { unsigned ret = LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; char decoded[MAX_STREAM_NAME_LEN]; LibmsiTransform *transform; decode_streamname( stname, decoded ); TRACE("%s -> %s\n", debugstr_a(stname), debugstr_a(decoded)); if (clone_infile_stream( db, stname, stm ) == LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) return LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( transform, &db->transforms, LibmsiTransform, entry ) { *stm = gsf_infile_child_by_name( transform->stg, stname ); if (*stm) { ret = LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; break; } } return ret; } void msi_destroy_stream( LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *stname ) { LibmsiStream *stream, *stream2; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY_SAFE( stream, stream2, &db->streams, LibmsiStream, entry ) { if (!strcmp( stname, stream->name )) { TRACE("destroying %s\n", debugstr_a(stname)); list_remove( &stream->entry ); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(stream->stm)); msi_free( stream ); break; } } } static void free_storages( LibmsiDatabase *db ) { while( !list_empty( &db->storages ) ) { LibmsiStorage *s = LIST_ENTRY(list_head( &db->storages ), LibmsiStorage, entry); list_remove( &s->entry ); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(s->stg)); msi_free( s->name ); msi_free( s ); } } static void free_streams( LibmsiDatabase *db ) { while( !list_empty( &db->streams ) ) { LibmsiStream *s = LIST_ENTRY(list_head( &db->streams ), LibmsiStream, entry); list_remove( &s->entry ); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(s->stm)); msi_free( s->name ); msi_free( s ); } } void append_storage_to_db( LibmsiDatabase *db, GsfInfile *stg ) { LibmsiTransform *t; t = msi_alloc( sizeof *t ); t->stg = stg; g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(t->stg)); list_add_head( &db->transforms, &t->entry ); #if 0 /* the transform may add or replace streams... * * FIXME: Hmm, the MSI is always searched before the transform though. * For now disable this. */ free_streams( db ); #endif } LibmsiResult _libmsi_database_close(LibmsiDatabase *db, bool committed) { TRACE("%p %d\n", db, committed); if ( db->strings ) { msi_destroy_stringtable( db->strings); db->strings = NULL; } if ( db->infile ) { g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(db->infile)); db->infile = NULL; } if ( db->outfile ) { gsf_output_close(GSF_OUTPUT(db->outfile)); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(db->outfile)); db->outfile = NULL; } free_streams( db ); free_storages( db ); if (db->outpath) { if (!committed) { unlink( db->outpath ); msi_free( db->outpath ); } else if (db->rename_outpath) { unlink(db->path); rename(db->outpath, db->path); msi_free( db->outpath ); } else { msi_free( db->path ); db->path = db->outpath; } } db->outpath = NULL; } LibmsiResult _libmsi_database_start_transaction(LibmsiDatabase *db) { unsigned ret = LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; GsfOutput *out; GsfOutfile *stg = NULL; char *tmpfile = NULL; char path[PATH_MAX]; if (db->flags & LIBMSI_DB_FLAGS_READONLY) return LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; db->rename_outpath = false; if( !db->outpath ) { strcpy( path, db->path ); if (db->flags & LIBMSI_DB_FLAGS_TRANSACT) { strcat( path, ".tmp" ); db->rename_outpath = true; } db->outpath = strdup(path); } TRACE("%p %s\n", db, szPersist); out = gsf_output_stdio_new(db->outpath, NULL); if (!out) { WARN("open file failed for %s\n", debugstr_a(db->outpath)); return LIBMSI_RESULT_OPEN_FAILED; } stg = gsf_outfile_msole_new(out); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(out)); if (!stg) { WARN("open failed for %s\n", debugstr_a(db->outpath)); return LIBMSI_RESULT_OPEN_FAILED; } if (!gsf_outfile_msole_set_class_id(GSF_OUTFILE_MSOLE(stg), db->flags & LIBMSI_DB_FLAGS_PATCH ? clsid_msi_patch : clsid_msi_database )) { WARN("set guid failed\n"); ret = LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; goto end; } db->outfile = stg; g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(db->outfile)); end: if (ret) { if (db->outfile) g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(db->outfile)); db->outfile = NULL; } if (stg) g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(stg)); msi_free(tmpfile); return ret; } static char *msi_read_text_archive(const char *path, unsigned *len) { char *data; size_t nread; if (!g_file_get_contents(path, &data, &nread, NULL)) return NULL; while (!data[nread - 1]) nread--; *len = nread; return data; } static void msi_parse_line(char **line, char ***entries, unsigned *num_entries, unsigned *len) { char *ptr = *line; char *save; unsigned i, count = 1, chars_left = *len; *entries = NULL; /* stay on this line */ while (chars_left && *ptr != '\n') { /* entries are separated by tabs */ if (*ptr == '\t') count++; ptr++; chars_left--; } *entries = msi_alloc(count * sizeof(char *)); if (!*entries) return; /* store pointers into the data */ chars_left = *len; for (i = 0, ptr = *line; i < count; i++) { while (chars_left && *ptr == '\r') { ptr++; chars_left--; } save = ptr; while (chars_left && *ptr != '\t' && *ptr != '\n' && *ptr != '\r') { if (!*ptr) *ptr = '\n'; /* convert embedded nulls to \n */ if (ptr > *line && *ptr == '\x19' && *(ptr - 1) == '\x11') { *ptr = '\n'; *(ptr - 1) = '\r'; } ptr++; chars_left--; } /* NULL-separate the data */ if (*ptr == '\n' || *ptr == '\r') { while (chars_left && (*ptr == '\n' || *ptr == '\r')) { *(ptr++) = 0; chars_left--; } } else if (*ptr) { *(ptr++) = 0; chars_left--; } (*entries)[i] = save; } /* move to the next line if there's more, else EOF */ *line = ptr; *len = chars_left; if (num_entries) *num_entries = count; } static char *msi_build_createsql_prelude(char *table) { char *prelude; unsigned size; static const char create_fmt[] = "CREATE TABLE `%s` ("; size = sizeof(create_fmt)/sizeof(create_fmt[0]) + strlen(table) - 2; prelude = msi_alloc(size * sizeof(char)); if (!prelude) return NULL; sprintf(prelude, create_fmt, table); return prelude; } static char *msi_build_createsql_columns(char **columns_data, char **types, unsigned num_columns) { char *columns; char *p; const char *type; unsigned sql_size = 1, i, len; char expanded[128], *ptr; char size[10], comma[2], extra[30]; static const char column_fmt[] = "`%s` %s%s%s%s "; static const char size_fmt[] = "(%s)"; static const char type_char[] = "CHAR"; static const char type_int[] = "INT"; static const char type_long[] = "LONG"; static const char type_object[] = "OBJECT"; static const char type_notnull[] = " NOT NULL"; static const char localizable[] = " LOCALIZABLE"; columns = msi_alloc_zero(sql_size * sizeof(char)); if (!columns) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < num_columns; i++) { type = NULL; comma[1] = size[0] = extra[0] = '\0'; if (i == num_columns - 1) comma[0] = '\0'; else comma[0] = ','; ptr = &types[i][1]; len = atol(ptr); extra[0] = '\0'; switch (types[i][0]) { case 'l': strcpy(extra, type_notnull); /* fall through */ case 'L': strcat(extra, localizable); type = type_char; sprintf(size, size_fmt, ptr); break; case 's': strcpy(extra, type_notnull); /* fall through */ case 'S': type = type_char; sprintf(size, size_fmt, ptr); break; case 'i': strcpy(extra, type_notnull); /* fall through */ case 'I': if (len <= 2) type = type_int; else if (len == 4) type = type_long; else { WARN("invalid int width %u\n", len); msi_free(columns); return NULL; } break; case 'v': strcpy(extra, type_notnull); /* fall through */ case 'V': type = type_object; break; default: ERR("Unknown type: %c\n", types[i][0]); msi_free(columns); return NULL; } sprintf(expanded, column_fmt, columns_data[i], type, size, extra, comma); sql_size += strlen(expanded); p = msi_realloc(columns, sql_size * sizeof(char)); if (!p) { msi_free(columns); return NULL; } columns = p; strcat(columns, expanded); } return columns; } static char *msi_build_createsql_postlude(char **primary_keys, unsigned num_keys) { char *postlude; char *keys; char *ptr; unsigned size, key_size, i; static const char key_fmt[] = "`%s`, "; static const char postlude_fmt[] = "PRIMARY KEY %s)"; for (i = 0, size = 1; i < num_keys; i++) size += strlen(key_fmt) + strlen(primary_keys[i]) - 2; keys = msi_alloc(size * sizeof(char)); if (!keys) return NULL; for (i = 0, ptr = keys; i < num_keys; i++) { key_size = strlen(key_fmt) + strlen(primary_keys[i]) -2; sprintf(ptr, key_fmt, primary_keys[i]); ptr += key_size; } /* remove final ', ' */ *(ptr - 2) = '\0'; size = strlen(postlude_fmt) + size - 1; postlude = msi_alloc(size * sizeof(char)); if (!postlude) goto done; sprintf(postlude, postlude_fmt, keys); done: msi_free(keys); return postlude; } static unsigned msi_add_table_to_db(LibmsiDatabase *db, char **columns, char **types, char **labels, unsigned num_labels, unsigned num_columns) { unsigned r = LIBMSI_RESULT_OUTOFMEMORY; unsigned size; LibmsiQuery *view; char *create_sql = NULL; char *prelude; char *columns_sql; char *postlude; GError *error = NULL; // FIXME: move error handling to caller prelude = msi_build_createsql_prelude(labels[0]); columns_sql = msi_build_createsql_columns(columns, types, num_columns); postlude = msi_build_createsql_postlude(labels + 1, num_labels - 1); /* skip over table name */ if (!prelude || !columns_sql || !postlude) goto done; size = strlen(prelude) + strlen(columns_sql) + strlen(postlude) + 1; create_sql = msi_alloc(size * sizeof(char)); if (!create_sql) goto done; strcpy(create_sql, prelude); strcat(create_sql, columns_sql); strcat(create_sql, postlude); view = libmsi_query_new(db, create_sql, &error); if (!view) goto done; r = _libmsi_query_execute(view, NULL); libmsi_query_close(view, &error); done: if (error) g_critical ("%s", error->message); g_clear_error (&error); g_object_unref(view); msi_free(prelude); msi_free(columns_sql); msi_free(postlude); msi_free(create_sql); return r; } static unsigned construct_record(unsigned num_columns, char **types, char **data, const char *name, LibmsiRecord **rec) { unsigned i; *rec = libmsi_record_new(num_columns); if (!*rec) return LIBMSI_RESULT_OUTOFMEMORY; for (i = 0; i < num_columns; i++) { switch (types[i][0]) { case 'L': case 'l': case 'S': case 's': libmsi_record_set_string(*rec, i + 1, data[i]); break; case 'I': case 'i': if (*data[i]) libmsi_record_set_int(*rec, i + 1, atoi(data[i])); break; case 'V': case 'v': if (*data[i]) { unsigned r; char *file = g_build_filename (name, data[i], NULL); r = _libmsi_record_load_stream_from_file(*rec, i + 1, file); g_free (file); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) return LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; } break; default: ERR("Unhandled column type: %c\n", types[i][0]); g_object_unref(*rec); return LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; } } return LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; } static unsigned msi_add_records_to_table(LibmsiDatabase *db, char **columns, char **types, char **labels, char ***records, int num_columns, int num_records) { unsigned r, num_rows, num_cols; int i; LibmsiView *view; LibmsiRecord *rec; r = table_view_create(db, labels[0], &view); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) return r; r = view->ops->get_dimensions( view, &num_rows, &num_cols ); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) return r; while (num_rows > 0) { r = view->ops->delete_row(view, --num_rows); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) goto done; } for (i = 0; i < num_records; i++) { r = construct_record(num_columns, types, records[i], labels[0], &rec); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) goto done; r = view->ops->insert_row(view, rec, -1, false); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) { g_object_unref(rec); goto done; } g_object_unref(rec); } done: msi_free(view); return r; } static unsigned _libmsi_database_import(LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *path) { unsigned r = LIBMSI_RESULT_OUTOFMEMORY; unsigned len, i; unsigned num_labels = 0; unsigned num_types = 0; unsigned num_columns = 0; unsigned num_records = 0; char **columns = NULL; char **types = NULL; char **labels = NULL; char *ptr; char *data = NULL; char ***records = NULL; char ***temp_records; static const char suminfo[] = "_SummaryInformation"; static const char forcecodepage[] = "_ForceCodepage"; TRACE("%p %s\n", db, debugstr_a(path)); data = msi_read_text_archive( path, &len ); if (!data) goto done; ptr = data; msi_parse_line( &ptr, &columns, &num_columns, &len ); msi_parse_line( &ptr, &types, &num_types, &len ); msi_parse_line( &ptr, &labels, &num_labels, &len ); if (num_columns == 1 && !columns[0][0] && num_labels == 1 && !labels[0][0] && num_types == 2 && !strcmp( types[1], forcecodepage )) { r = msi_set_string_table_codepage( db->strings, atoi( types[0] ) ); goto done; } if (num_columns != num_types) { r = LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; goto done; } records = msi_alloc(sizeof(char **)); if (!records) { r = LIBMSI_RESULT_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; } /* read in the table records */ while (len) { msi_parse_line( &ptr, &records[num_records], NULL, &len ); num_records++; temp_records = msi_realloc(records, (num_records + 1) * sizeof(char **)); if (!temp_records) { r = LIBMSI_RESULT_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; } records = temp_records; } if (!strcmp(labels[0], suminfo)) { r = msi_add_suminfo( db, records, num_records, num_columns ); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) { r = LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; goto done; } } else { if (!table_view_exists(db, labels[0])) { r = msi_add_table_to_db( db, columns, types, labels, num_labels, num_columns ); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) { r = LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; goto done; } } r = msi_add_records_to_table( db, columns, types, labels, records, num_columns, num_records); } done: msi_free(data); msi_free(columns); msi_free(types); msi_free(labels); for (i = 0; i < num_records; i++) msi_free(records[i]); msi_free(records); return r; } /** * libmsi_database_import: * @db: a %LibmsiDatabase * @path: path to a table file * @error: (allow-none): #GError to set on error, or %NULL * * Import a table to the database from file @path. * * Returns: %TRUE on success **/ gboolean libmsi_database_import (LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *path, GError **error) { unsigned r; TRACE("%p %s\n",db,debugstr_a(path)); g_return_val_if_fail (LIBMSI_IS_DATABASE (db), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (path, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (!error || *error == NULL, FALSE); g_object_ref(db); r = _libmsi_database_import(db, path); g_object_unref(db); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) g_set_error (error, LIBMSI_RESULT_ERROR, r, G_STRFUNC); return r == LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; } static gboolean msi_export_stream (GsfInput *gsfin, GFile *table_dir, gchar **str, GError **error) { GError *err = NULL; GFile *file = NULL; GInputStream *in = NULL; GOutputStream *out = NULL; gssize spliced = -1; if (!table_dir) goto end; if (!g_file_make_directory_with_parents (table_dir, NULL, &err) && !g_error_matches (err, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_EXISTS)) { g_propagate_error (error, err); goto end; } *str = g_strdup (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (gsfin), "stname")); file = g_file_get_child (table_dir, *str); out = g_file_replace (file, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, error); in = libmsi_istream_new (gsfin); spliced = g_output_stream_splice (out, in, 0, NULL, NULL); end: g_clear_error (&err); if (file) g_object_unref (file); if (out) g_object_unref (out); if (in) g_object_unref (in); return spliced != -1; } static unsigned msi_export_record(int fd, LibmsiRecord *row, unsigned start, GFile *table_dir, GError **error) { GsfInput *in = NULL; unsigned i, count; unsigned success = LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; count = libmsi_record_get_field_count (row); for (i = start; i <= count; i++) { char *str; _libmsi_record_get_gsf_input (row, i, &in); if (in) { if (!msi_export_stream (in, table_dir, &str, error)) goto end; g_object_unref (in); in = NULL; } else { str = libmsi_record_get_string (row, i); if (!str) goto end; } /* TODO full_write */ if (write (fd, str, strlen (str)) != strlen (str)) { g_free (str); goto end; } g_free (str); const char *sep = (i < count) ? "\t" : "\r\n"; if (write (fd, sep, strlen (sep)) != strlen (sep)) goto end; } success = LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; end: if (in) g_object_unref (in); return success; } typedef struct _ExportRow { int fd; GFile *table_dir; GError **error; } ExportRow; static unsigned msi_export_row( LibmsiRecord *row, void *arg ) { ExportRow *export = arg; return msi_export_record (export->fd, row, 1, export->table_dir, export->error); } static LibmsiResult msi_export_forcecodepage( int fd, unsigned codepage ) { static const char fmt[] = "\r\n\r\n%u\t_ForceCodepage\r\n"; char data[sizeof(fmt) + 10]; unsigned sz; sprintf( data, fmt, codepage ); sz = strlen(data) + 1; if (write( fd, data, sz ) != sz) return LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; return LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; } static LibmsiResult msi_export_summaryinfo (LibmsiDatabase *db, int fd, GError **error) { static const char header[] = "PropertyId\tValue\r\ni2\tl255\r\n_SummaryInformation\tPropertyId\r\n"; LibmsiResult result = LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; LibmsiSummaryInfo *si = libmsi_summary_info_new (db, 0, error); gchar *str = NULL; gssize sz; int i; if (!si) goto end; sz = strlen (header); if (write (fd, header, sz) != sz) goto end; for (i = 0; i < MSI_MAX_PROPS; i++) if (si->property[i].vt != OLEVT_EMPTY) { gchar *val = summary_info_as_string (si, i); if (!val) goto end; gchar *str = g_strdup_printf ("%d\t%s\r\n", i, val); sz = strlen (str); if (write (fd, str, sz) != sz) goto end; g_free (str); str = NULL; } result = LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; end: g_free (str); if (si) g_object_unref (si); return result; } static LibmsiResult _libmsi_database_export(LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *table, int fd, GError **error) { static const char query[] = "select * from %s"; LibmsiRecord *rec = NULL; LibmsiQuery *view = NULL; LibmsiResult r; TRACE("%p %s %d\n", db, debugstr_a(table), fd ); if (!strcmp(table, "_ForceCodepage")) { unsigned codepage = msi_get_string_table_codepage (db->strings); return msi_export_forcecodepage (fd, codepage); } else if (!strcmp (table, "_SummaryInformation")) { return msi_export_summaryinfo (db, fd, error); } r = _libmsi_query_open( db, &view, query, table ); if (r == LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) { /* write out row 1, the column names */ r = _libmsi_query_get_column_info(view, LIBMSI_COL_INFO_NAMES, &rec); if (r == LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) { msi_export_record( fd, rec, 1, NULL, error); g_object_unref(rec); } /* write out row 2, the column types */ r = _libmsi_query_get_column_info(view, LIBMSI_COL_INFO_TYPES, &rec); if (r == LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) { msi_export_record( fd, rec, 1, NULL, error); g_object_unref(rec); } /* write out row 3, the table name + keys */ r = _libmsi_database_get_primary_keys( db, table, &rec ); if (r == LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) { libmsi_record_set_string( rec, 0, table ); msi_export_record( fd, rec, 0, NULL, error); g_object_unref(rec); } /* write out row 4 onwards, the data */ ExportRow export = { .fd = fd, .table_dir = g_file_new_for_path (table), .error = error }; r = _libmsi_query_iterate_records( view, 0, msi_export_row, &export); g_object_unref (export.table_dir); g_object_unref (view); } return r; } /** * libmsi_database_export: * @db: a %LibmsiDatabase * @table: a table name * @fd: a file descriptor * @error: (allow-none): #GError to set on error, or %NULL * * Writes a file containing the table data as tab separated ASCII. * The format is as follows: * * row1 : colname1 colname2 .... colnameN * row2 : coltype1 coltype2 .... coltypeN * row3 : tablename key1 key2 ... keyM * * Followed by the data, starting at row 1 with one row per line * * row4 : data data data ... data * * Returns: %TRUE on success **/ gboolean libmsi_database_export (LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *table, int fd, GError **error) { unsigned r = LIBMSI_RESULT_OUTOFMEMORY; TRACE("%p %s %d\n", db, debugstr_a(szTable), fd); g_return_val_if_fail (LIBMSI_IS_DATABASE (db), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (table, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (fd >= 0, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (!error || *error == NULL, FALSE); g_object_ref(db); r = _libmsi_database_export (db, table, fd, error); g_object_unref(db); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS && error && !*error) g_set_error (error, LIBMSI_RESULT_ERROR, r, G_STRFUNC); return r == LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; } typedef struct _tagMERGETABLE { struct list entry; struct list rows; char *name; unsigned numconflicts; char **columns; unsigned numcolumns; char **types; unsigned numtypes; char **labels; unsigned numlabels; } MERGETABLE; typedef struct _tagMERGEROW { struct list entry; LibmsiRecord *data; } MERGEROW; typedef struct _tagMERGEDATA { LibmsiDatabase *db; LibmsiDatabase *merge; MERGETABLE *curtable; LibmsiQuery *curview; struct list *tabledata; } MERGEDATA; static bool merge_type_match(const char *type1, const char *type2) { if (((type1[0] == 'l') || (type1[0] == 's')) && ((type2[0] == 'l') || (type2[0] == 's'))) return true; if (((type1[0] == 'L') || (type1[0] == 'S')) && ((type2[0] == 'L') || (type2[0] == 'S'))) return true; return !strcmp( type1, type2 ); } static unsigned merge_verify_colnames(LibmsiQuery *dbview, LibmsiQuery *mergeview) { LibmsiRecord *dbrec, *mergerec; unsigned r, i, count; r = _libmsi_query_get_column_info(dbview, LIBMSI_COL_INFO_NAMES, &dbrec); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) return r; r = _libmsi_query_get_column_info(mergeview, LIBMSI_COL_INFO_NAMES, &mergerec); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) return r; count = libmsi_record_get_field_count(dbrec); for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) { if (!_libmsi_record_get_string_raw(mergerec, i)) break; if (strcmp( _libmsi_record_get_string_raw( dbrec, i ), _libmsi_record_get_string_raw( mergerec, i ) )) { r = LIBMSI_RESULT_DATATYPE_MISMATCH; goto done; } } g_object_unref(dbrec); g_object_unref(mergerec); dbrec = mergerec = NULL; r = _libmsi_query_get_column_info(dbview, LIBMSI_COL_INFO_TYPES, &dbrec); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) return r; r = _libmsi_query_get_column_info(mergeview, LIBMSI_COL_INFO_TYPES, &mergerec); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) return r; count = libmsi_record_get_field_count(dbrec); for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) { if (!_libmsi_record_get_string_raw(mergerec, i)) break; if (!merge_type_match(_libmsi_record_get_string_raw(dbrec, i), _libmsi_record_get_string_raw(mergerec, i))) { r = LIBMSI_RESULT_DATATYPE_MISMATCH; break; } } done: g_object_unref(dbrec); g_object_unref(mergerec); return r; } static unsigned merge_verify_primary_keys(LibmsiDatabase *db, LibmsiDatabase *mergedb, const char *table) { LibmsiRecord *dbrec, *mergerec = NULL; unsigned r, i, count; r = _libmsi_database_get_primary_keys(db, table, &dbrec); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) return r; r = _libmsi_database_get_primary_keys(mergedb, table, &mergerec); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) goto done; count = libmsi_record_get_field_count(dbrec); if (count != libmsi_record_get_field_count(mergerec)) { r = LIBMSI_RESULT_DATATYPE_MISMATCH; goto done; } for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) { if (strcmp( _libmsi_record_get_string_raw( dbrec, i ), _libmsi_record_get_string_raw( mergerec, i ) )) { r = LIBMSI_RESULT_DATATYPE_MISMATCH; goto done; } } done: g_object_unref(dbrec); g_object_unref(mergerec); return r; } static char *get_key_value(LibmsiQuery *view, const char *key, LibmsiRecord *rec) { LibmsiRecord *colnames; char *str; unsigned r, i = 0; int cmp; r = _libmsi_query_get_column_info(view, LIBMSI_COL_INFO_NAMES, &colnames); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) return NULL; do { str = msi_dup_record_field(colnames, ++i); cmp = strcmp( key, str ); msi_free(str); } while (cmp); g_object_unref(colnames); if (_libmsi_record_get_string_raw(rec, i)) /* check record field is a string */ /* quote string record fields */ str = g_strdup_printf ("'%s'", _libmsi_record_get_string_raw (rec, i)); else str = libmsi_record_get_string (rec, i); return str; } static char *create_diff_row_query(LibmsiDatabase *merge, LibmsiQuery *view, char *table, LibmsiRecord *rec) { char *query = NULL; char *clause = NULL; char *val; const char *setptr; const char *key; unsigned size, oldsize; LibmsiRecord *keys; unsigned r, i, count; static const char keyset[] = "`%s` = %s AND"; static const char lastkeyset[] = "`%s` = %s "; static const char fmt[] = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s"; r = _libmsi_database_get_primary_keys(merge, table, &keys); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) return NULL; clause = msi_alloc_zero(sizeof(char)); if (!clause) goto done; size = 1; count = libmsi_record_get_field_count(keys); for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) { key = _libmsi_record_get_string_raw(keys, i); val = get_key_value(view, key, rec); if (i == count) setptr = lastkeyset; else setptr = keyset; oldsize = size; size += strlen(setptr) + strlen(key) + strlen(val) - 4; clause = msi_realloc(clause, size * sizeof (char)); if (!clause) { msi_free(val); goto done; } sprintf(clause + oldsize - 1, setptr, key, val); msi_free(val); } size = strlen(fmt) + strlen(table) + strlen(clause) + 1; query = msi_alloc(size * sizeof(char)); if (!query) goto done; sprintf(query, fmt, table, clause); done: msi_free(clause); g_object_unref(keys); return query; } static unsigned merge_diff_row(LibmsiRecord *rec, void *param) { MERGEDATA *data = param; MERGETABLE *table = data->curtable; MERGEROW *mergerow; LibmsiQuery *dbview = NULL; LibmsiRecord *row = NULL; char *query = NULL; unsigned r = LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; GError *err = NULL; if (table_view_exists(data->db, table->name)) { query = create_diff_row_query(data->merge, data->curview, table->name, rec); if (!query) return LIBMSI_RESULT_OUTOFMEMORY; dbview = libmsi_query_new(data->db, query, &err); if (err) goto done; r = _libmsi_query_execute(dbview, NULL); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) goto done; r = _libmsi_query_fetch(dbview, &row); if (r == LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS && !_libmsi_record_compare(rec, row)) { table->numconflicts++; goto done; } else if (r != NO_MORE_ITEMS) goto done; r = LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; } mergerow = msi_alloc(sizeof(MERGEROW)); if (!mergerow) { r = LIBMSI_RESULT_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; } mergerow->data = _libmsi_record_clone(rec); if (!mergerow->data) { r = LIBMSI_RESULT_OUTOFMEMORY; msi_free(mergerow); goto done; } list_add_tail(&table->rows, &mergerow->entry); done: if (err) g_critical("%s", err->message); g_clear_error(&err); msi_free(query); g_object_unref(row); g_object_unref(dbview); return r; } static unsigned msi_get_table_labels(LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *table, char ***labels, unsigned *numlabels) { unsigned r, i, count; LibmsiRecord *prec = NULL; r = _libmsi_database_get_primary_keys(db, table, &prec); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) return r; count = libmsi_record_get_field_count(prec); *numlabels = count + 1; *labels = msi_alloc((*numlabels)*sizeof(char *)); if (!*labels) { r = LIBMSI_RESULT_OUTOFMEMORY; goto end; } (*labels)[0] = strdup(table); for (i=1; i<=count; i++ ) { (*labels)[i] = strdup(_libmsi_record_get_string_raw(prec, i)); } end: g_object_unref(prec); return r; } static unsigned msi_get_query_columns(LibmsiQuery *query, char ***columns, unsigned *numcolumns) { unsigned r, i, count; LibmsiRecord *prec = NULL; r = _libmsi_query_get_column_info(query, LIBMSI_COL_INFO_NAMES, &prec); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) return r; count = libmsi_record_get_field_count(prec); *columns = msi_alloc(count*sizeof(char *)); if (!*columns) { r = LIBMSI_RESULT_OUTOFMEMORY; goto end; } for (i=1; i<=count; i++ ) { (*columns)[i-1] = strdup(_libmsi_record_get_string_raw(prec, i)); } *numcolumns = count; end: g_object_unref(prec); return r; } static unsigned msi_get_query_types(LibmsiQuery *query, char ***types, unsigned *numtypes) { unsigned r, i, count; LibmsiRecord *prec = NULL; r = _libmsi_query_get_column_info(query, LIBMSI_COL_INFO_TYPES, &prec); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) return r; count = libmsi_record_get_field_count(prec); *types = msi_alloc(count*sizeof(char *)); if (!*types) { r = LIBMSI_RESULT_OUTOFMEMORY; goto end; } *numtypes = count; for (i=1; i<=count; i++ ) { (*types)[i-1] = strdup(_libmsi_record_get_string_raw(prec, i)); } end: g_object_unref(prec); return r; } static void merge_free_rows(MERGETABLE *table) { struct list *item, *cursor; LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE(item, cursor, &table->rows) { MERGEROW *row = LIST_ENTRY(item, MERGEROW, entry); list_remove(&row->entry); g_object_unref(row); msi_free(row); } } static void free_merge_table(MERGETABLE *table) { unsigned i; if (table->labels != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < table->numlabels; i++) msi_free(table->labels[i]); msi_free(table->labels); } if (table->columns != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < table->numcolumns; i++) msi_free(table->columns[i]); msi_free(table->columns); } if (table->types != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < table->numtypes; i++) msi_free(table->types[i]); msi_free(table->types); } msi_free(table->name); merge_free_rows(table); msi_free(table); } static unsigned msi_get_merge_table (LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *name, MERGETABLE **ptable) { unsigned r; MERGETABLE *table; LibmsiQuery *mergeview = NULL; static const char query[] = "SELECT * FROM %s"; table = msi_alloc_zero(sizeof(MERGETABLE)); if (!table) { *ptable = NULL; return LIBMSI_RESULT_OUTOFMEMORY; } r = msi_get_table_labels(db, name, &table->labels, &table->numlabels); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) goto err; r = _libmsi_query_open(db, &mergeview, query, name); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) goto err; r = msi_get_query_columns(mergeview, &table->columns, &table->numcolumns); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) goto err; r = msi_get_query_types(mergeview, &table->types, &table->numtypes); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) goto err; list_init(&table->rows); table->name = strdup(name); table->numconflicts = 0; g_object_unref(mergeview); *ptable = table; return LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; err: g_object_unref(mergeview); free_merge_table(table); *ptable = NULL; return r; } static unsigned merge_diff_tables(LibmsiRecord *rec, void *param) { MERGEDATA *data = param; MERGETABLE *table; LibmsiQuery *dbview = NULL; LibmsiQuery *mergeview = NULL; const char *name; unsigned r; static const char query[] = "SELECT * FROM %s"; name = _libmsi_record_get_string_raw(rec, 1); r = _libmsi_query_open(data->merge, &mergeview, query, name); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) goto done; if (table_view_exists(data->db, name)) { r = _libmsi_query_open(data->db, &dbview, query, name); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) goto done; r = merge_verify_colnames(dbview, mergeview); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) goto done; r = merge_verify_primary_keys(data->db, data->merge, name); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) goto done; } r = msi_get_merge_table(data->merge, name, &table); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) goto done; data->curtable = table; data->curview = mergeview; r = _libmsi_query_iterate_records(mergeview, NULL, merge_diff_row, data); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) { free_merge_table(table); goto done; } list_add_tail(data->tabledata, &table->entry); done: g_object_unref(dbview); g_object_unref(mergeview); return r; } static unsigned gather_merge_data(LibmsiDatabase *db, LibmsiDatabase *merge, struct list *tabledata) { static const char query[] = "SELECT * FROM _Tables"; LibmsiQuery *view; MERGEDATA data; unsigned r; r = _libmsi_database_open_query(merge, query, &view); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) return r; data.db = db; data.merge = merge; data.tabledata = tabledata; r = _libmsi_query_iterate_records(view, NULL, merge_diff_tables, &data); g_object_unref(view); return r; } static unsigned merge_table(LibmsiDatabase *db, MERGETABLE *table) { unsigned r; MERGEROW *row; LibmsiView *tv; if (!table_view_exists(db, table->name)) { r = msi_add_table_to_db(db, table->columns, table->types, table->labels, table->numlabels, table->numcolumns); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) return LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; } LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(row, &table->rows, MERGEROW, entry) { r = table_view_create(db, table->name, &tv); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) return r; r = tv->ops->insert_row(tv, row->data, -1, false); tv->ops->delete(tv); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) return r; } return LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; } static unsigned update_merge_errors(LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *error, char *table, unsigned numconflicts) { unsigned r; LibmsiQuery *view; static const char create[] = "CREATE TABLE `%s` (`Table` CHAR(255) NOT NULL, " "`NumRowMergeConflicts` SHORT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY `Table`)"; static const char insert[] = "INSERT INTO `%s` (`Table`, `NumRowMergeConflicts`) VALUES ('%s', %d)"; if (!table_view_exists(db, error)) { r = _libmsi_query_open(db, &view, create, error); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) return r; r = _libmsi_query_execute(view, NULL); g_object_unref(view); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) return r; } r = _libmsi_query_open(db, &view, insert, error, table, numconflicts); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) return r; r = _libmsi_query_execute(view, NULL); g_object_unref(view); return r; } /** * libmsi_database_merge: * @db: a %LibmsiDatabase to merge into * @merge: a %LibmsiDatabase to merge * @table: (allow-none): an optionnal table name * @error: (allow-none): #GError to set on error, or %NULL * * Returns: %TRUE on success **/ gboolean libmsi_database_merge (LibmsiDatabase *db, LibmsiDatabase *merge, const char *tablename, GError **error) { struct list tabledata = LIST_INIT(tabledata); struct list *item, *cursor; MERGETABLE *table; bool conflicts; unsigned r; TRACE("(%d, %d, %s)\n", db, merge, debugstr_a(tablename)); g_return_val_if_fail (LIBMSI_IS_DATABASE (db), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (LIBMSI_IS_DATABASE (merge), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (!tablename || *tablename, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (!error || *error == NULL, FALSE); g_object_ref(db); g_object_ref(merge); r = gather_merge_data(db, merge, &tabledata); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) goto done; conflicts = false; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY(table, &tabledata, MERGETABLE, entry) { if (table->numconflicts) { conflicts = true; r = update_merge_errors(db, tablename, table->name, table->numconflicts); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) break; } else { r = merge_table(db, table); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) break; } } LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE(item, cursor, &tabledata) { MERGETABLE *table = LIST_ENTRY(item, MERGETABLE, entry); list_remove(&table->entry); free_merge_table(table); } if (conflicts) r = LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; done: if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) g_set_error (error, LIBMSI_RESULT_ERROR, r, G_STRFUNC); g_object_unref(db); g_object_unref(merge); return r == LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; } /** * libmsi_database_is_readonly: * @db: a %LibmsiDatabase * * Returns: %TRUE if the database is read-only. **/ gboolean libmsi_database_is_readonly (LibmsiDatabase *db) { TRACE("%p\n", db); g_return_val_if_fail (LIBMSI_IS_DATABASE (db), TRUE); return db->flags & LIBMSI_DB_FLAGS_READONLY; } static void cache_infile_structure( LibmsiDatabase *db ) { int i, n; char decname[0x40]; unsigned r; n = gsf_infile_num_children(db->infile); /* TODO: error handling */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { GsfInput *in = gsf_infile_child_by_index(db->infile, i); const uint8_t *name = (const uint8_t *) gsf_input_name(in); /* table streams are not in the _Streams table */ if (!GSF_IS_INFILE(in) || gsf_infile_num_children(GSF_INFILE(in)) == -1) { /* UTF-8 encoding of 0x4840. */ if (name[0] == 0xe4 && name[1] == 0xa1 && name[2] == 0x80) { decode_streamname( name + 3, decname ); if ( !strcmp( decname, szStringPool ) || !strcmp( decname, szStringData ) ) continue; r = _libmsi_open_table( db, decname, false ); } else { r = msi_alloc_stream(db, name, GSF_INPUT(in)); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(in)); } } else { msi_open_storage(db, name); } } } LibmsiResult _libmsi_database_open(LibmsiDatabase *db) { GsfInput *in; GsfInfile *stg; uint8_t uuid[16]; unsigned ret = LIBMSI_RESULT_OPEN_FAILED; TRACE("%p %s\n", db, db->path); in = gsf_input_stdio_new(db->path, NULL); if (!in) { WARN("open file failed for %s\n", debugstr_a(db->path)); return LIBMSI_RESULT_OPEN_FAILED; } stg = gsf_infile_msole_new( in, NULL ); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(in)); if( !stg ) { WARN("open failed for %s\n", debugstr_a(db->path)); return LIBMSI_RESULT_OPEN_FAILED; } if( !gsf_infile_msole_get_class_id (GSF_INFILE_MSOLE(stg), uuid)) { FIXME("Failed to stat storage\n"); goto end; } if ( memcmp( uuid, clsid_msi_database, 16 ) != 0 && memcmp( uuid, clsid_msi_patch, 16 ) != 0 && memcmp( uuid, clsid_msi_transform, 16 ) != 0 ) { ERR("storage GUID is not a MSI database GUID %s\n", debugstr_guid(uuid) ); goto end; } if ( db->flags & LIBMSI_DB_FLAGS_PATCH && memcmp( uuid, clsid_msi_patch, 16 ) != 0 ) { ERR("storage GUID is not the MSI patch GUID %s\n", debugstr_guid(uuid) ); goto end; } db->infile = stg; g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(db->infile)); cache_infile_structure( db ); db->strings = msi_load_string_table( db->infile, &db->bytes_per_strref ); if( !db->strings ) goto end; ret = LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; end: if (ret) { if (db->infile) g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(db->infile)); db->infile = NULL; } g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(stg)); return ret; } unsigned _libmsi_database_apply_transform( LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *szTransformFile ) { unsigned ret = LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; GsfInput *in; GsfInfile *stg; uint8_t uuid[16]; TRACE("%p %s %d\n", db, debugstr_a(szTransformFile), iErrorCond); in = gsf_input_stdio_new(szTransformFile, NULL); if (!in) { WARN("open file failed for transform %s\n", debugstr_a(szTransformFile)); return LIBMSI_RESULT_OPEN_FAILED; } stg = gsf_infile_msole_new( in, NULL ); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(in)); if( !gsf_infile_msole_get_class_id (GSF_INFILE_MSOLE(stg), uuid)) { FIXME("Failed to stat storage\n"); goto end; } if ( memcmp( uuid, clsid_msi_transform, 16 ) != 0 ) goto end; if( TRACE_ON( msi ) ) enum_stream_names( stg ); ret = msi_table_apply_transform( db, stg ); end: g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(stg)); return ret; } /** * libmsi_database_apply_transform: * @db: a %LibmsiDatabase * @file: an MST transform file path * @error: (allow-none): #GError to set on error, or %NULL * * FIXME * * Returns: %TRUE on success **/ gboolean libmsi_database_apply_transform (LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *file, GError **error) { unsigned r; g_return_val_if_fail (LIBMSI_IS_DATABASE (db), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (file, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (!error || *error == NULL, FALSE); g_object_ref(db); r = _libmsi_database_apply_transform (db, file); g_object_unref(db); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) g_set_error_literal (error, LIBMSI_RESULT_ERROR, r, G_STRFUNC); return r == LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; } static int gsf_infile_copy(GsfInfile *inf, GsfOutfile *outf) { int n = gsf_infile_num_children(inf); int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { const char *name = gsf_infile_name_by_index(inf, i); GsfInput *child = gsf_infile_child_by_index(inf, i); GsfInfile *childf = GSF_IS_INFILE (child) ? GSF_INFILE (child) : NULL; gboolean is_dir = childf && gsf_infile_num_children (childf) > 0; GsfOutput *dest = gsf_outfile_new_child(outf, name, is_dir); gboolean ok; if (is_dir) ok = gsf_infile_copy(childf, GSF_OUTFILE(dest)); else ok = gsf_input_copy(child, dest); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(child)); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(dest)); if (!ok) return false; } return true; } static unsigned commit_storage( const char *name, GsfInfile *stg, void *opaque) { LibmsiDatabase *db = opaque; GsfOutfile *outstg; unsigned ret = LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; TRACE("%s %p %p\n", debugstr_a(name), stg, opaque); outstg = GSF_OUTFILE(gsf_outfile_new_child( db->outfile, name, true )); if ( !outstg ) return LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; if ( !gsf_infile_copy( stg, outstg ) ) goto end; ret = LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; end: gsf_output_close(GSF_OUTPUT(outstg)); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(outstg)); return ret; } static unsigned commit_stream( const char *name, GsfInput *stm, void *opaque) { LibmsiDatabase *db = opaque; GsfOutput *outstm; unsigned ret = LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; char decname[0x40]; decode_streamname(name, decname); TRACE("%s(%s) %p %p\n", debugstr_a(name), debugstr_a(decname), stm, opaque); outstm = gsf_outfile_new_child( db->outfile, name, false ); if ( !outstm ) return LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED; gsf_input_seek (stm, 0, G_SEEK_SET); gsf_output_seek (outstm, 0, G_SEEK_SET); if ( !gsf_input_copy( stm, outstm )) goto end; ret = LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; end: gsf_output_close(GSF_OUTPUT(outstm)); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(outstm)); return ret; } /** * libmsi_database_commit: * @db: a #LibmsiDatabase * @error: (allow-none): #GError to set on error, or %NULL * * Returns: %TRUE on success. **/ gboolean libmsi_database_commit (LibmsiDatabase *db, GError **error) { unsigned r = LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; unsigned bytes_per_strref; TRACE ("%p\n", db); g_return_val_if_fail (LIBMSI_IS_DATABASE (db), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (!error || *error == NULL, FALSE); g_object_ref(db); if (db->flags & LIBMSI_DB_FLAGS_READONLY) goto end; /* FIXME: lock the database */ r = msi_save_string_table (db->strings, db, &bytes_per_strref); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) { g_set_error (error, LIBMSI_RESULT_ERROR, r, "failed to save string table r=%08x\n", r); goto end; } r = msi_enum_db_storages (db, commit_storage, db); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) { g_set_error (error, LIBMSI_RESULT_ERROR, r, "failed to save storages r=%08x\n", r); goto end; } r = msi_enum_db_streams (db, commit_stream, db); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) { g_set_error (error, LIBMSI_RESULT_ERROR, r, "failed to save streams r=%08x\n", r); goto end; } r = _libmsi_database_commit_tables (db, bytes_per_strref); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) { g_set_error (error, LIBMSI_RESULT_ERROR, r, "failed to save tables r=%08x\n", r); goto end; } db->bytes_per_strref = bytes_per_strref; /* FIXME: unlock the database */ _libmsi_database_close(db, true); db->flags &= ~LIBMSI_DB_FLAGS_CREATE; db->flags |= LIBMSI_DB_FLAGS_TRANSACT; _libmsi_database_open(db); _libmsi_database_start_transaction(db); end: g_object_unref(db); return r == LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; } struct msi_primary_key_record_info { unsigned n; LibmsiRecord *rec; }; static unsigned msi_primary_key_iterator( LibmsiRecord *rec, void *param ) { struct msi_primary_key_record_info *info = param; const char *name; const char *table; unsigned type; type = libmsi_record_get_int( rec, 4 ); if( type & MSITYPE_KEY ) { info->n++; if( info->rec ) { if ( info->n == 1 ) { table = _libmsi_record_get_string_raw( rec, 1 ); libmsi_record_set_string( info->rec, 0, table); } name = _libmsi_record_get_string_raw( rec, 3 ); libmsi_record_set_string( info->rec, info->n, name ); } } return LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS; } unsigned _libmsi_database_get_primary_keys( LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *table, LibmsiRecord **prec ) { static const char sql[] = "select * from `_Columns` where `Table` = '%s'"; struct msi_primary_key_record_info info; LibmsiQuery *query = NULL; unsigned r; if (!table_view_exists( db, table )) return LIBMSI_RESULT_INVALID_TABLE; r = _libmsi_query_open( db, &query, sql, table ); if( r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS ) return r; /* count the number of primary key records */ info.n = 0; info.rec = 0; r = _libmsi_query_iterate_records( query, 0, msi_primary_key_iterator, &info ); if( r == LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS ) { TRACE("Found %d primary keys\n", info.n ); /* allocate a record and fill in the names of the tables */ info.rec = libmsi_record_new( info.n ); info.n = 0; r = _libmsi_query_iterate_records( query, 0, msi_primary_key_iterator, &info ); if( r == LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS ) *prec = info.rec; else g_object_unref(info.rec); } g_object_unref(query); return r; } /** * libmsi_database_get_primary_keys: * @db: a %LibmsiDatabase * @table: an exisiting table name * @error: (allow-none): #GError to set on error, or %NULL * * Returns: (transfer full): a %LibmsiRecord containing the names of all the primary * key columns. **/ LibmsiRecord * libmsi_database_get_primary_keys (LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *table, GError **error) { LibmsiRecord *rec; unsigned r; TRACE("%d %s %p\n", db, debugstr_a(table), prec); g_return_val_if_fail (LIBMSI_IS_DATABASE (db), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (table != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (!error || *error == NULL, NULL); g_object_ref(db); r = _libmsi_database_get_primary_keys(db, table, &rec); g_object_unref(db); if (r != LIBMSI_RESULT_SUCCESS) g_set_error_literal (error, LIBMSI_RESULT_ERROR, r, G_STRFUNC); return rec; } /** * libmsi_database_is_table_persistent: * @db: a %LibmsiDatabase * @table: an exisiting table name * @error: (allow-none): #GError to set on error, or %NULL * * Returns: %TRUE if the @table is persistent, %FALSE if it's temporary **/ gboolean libmsi_database_is_table_persistent (LibmsiDatabase *db, const char *table, GError **error) { LibmsiCondition r; TRACE("%p %s\n", db, debugstr_a(table)); g_return_val_if_fail (LIBMSI_IS_DATABASE (db), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (table != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (!error || *error == NULL, FALSE); g_object_ref(db); r = _libmsi_database_is_table_persistent( db, table ); g_object_unref(db); if (r == LIBMSI_CONDITION_NONE) g_set_error (error, LIBMSI_RESULT_ERROR, LIBMSI_RESULT_INVALID_TABLE, "The table is unknown"); else if (r == LIBMSI_CONDITION_ERROR) g_set_error (error, LIBMSI_RESULT_ERROR, LIBMSI_RESULT_FUNCTION_FAILED, ""); return r == LIBMSI_CONDITION_TRUE; } /* TODO: use GInitable */ static gboolean init (LibmsiDatabase *self, GError **error) { LibmsiResult ret; if (self->flags & LIBMSI_DB_FLAGS_CREATE) { self->strings = msi_init_string_table (&self->bytes_per_strref); } else { if (_libmsi_database_open(self)) return FALSE; } self->media_transform_offset = MSI_INITIAL_MEDIA_TRANSFORM_OFFSET; self->media_transform_disk_id = MSI_INITIAL_MEDIA_TRANSFORM_DISKID; if (TRACE_ON(msi)) enum_stream_names (self->infile); ret = _libmsi_database_start_transaction (self); return !ret; } /** * libmsi_database_new: * @path: path to a MSI file * @flags: #LibmsiDbFlags opening flags * @persist: (allow-none): path to output MSI file * @error: (allow-none): #GError to set on error, or %NULL * * Create a MSI database or open from @path. * * Returns: a new #LibmsiDatabase on success, %NULL if fail. **/ LibmsiDatabase * libmsi_database_new (const gchar *path, guint flags, const char *persist, GError **error) { LibmsiDatabase *self; g_return_val_if_fail (path != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (!error || *error == NULL, NULL); self = g_object_new (LIBMSI_TYPE_DATABASE, "path", path, "outpath", persist, "flags", flags, NULL); if (!init (self, error)) { g_object_unref (self); return NULL; } return self; }