/* * keyfiles.c - private and public key handling for authentication. * * This file is part of the SSH Library * * Copyright (c) 2003-2009 by Aris Adamantiadis * Copyright (c) 2009 by Andreas Schneider * * The SSH Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * The SSH Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with the SSH Library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "libssh/priv.h" #include "libssh/session.h" #include "libssh/buffer.h" #include "libssh/misc.h" #include "libssh/pki.h" #include "libssh/options.h" /*todo: remove this include */ #include "libssh/string.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBGCRYPT #include #elif defined HAVE_LIBCRYPTO #include #include #include #include #endif /* HAVE_LIBCRYPTO */ #ifndef _WIN32 # include # include #endif /** * @addtogroup libssh_session * * @{ */ static int alldigits(const char *s) { while (*s) { if (isdigit(*s)) { s++; } else { return 0; } } return 1; } /** * @internal * * @brief Free a token array. */ static void tokens_free(char **tokens) { if (tokens == NULL) { return; } SAFE_FREE(tokens[0]); /* It's not needed to free other pointers because tokens generated by * space_tokenize fit all in one malloc */ SAFE_FREE(tokens); } /** * @internal * * @brief Return one line of known host file. * * This will return a token array containing (host|ip), keytype and key. * * @param[out] file A pointer to the known host file. Could be pointing to * NULL at start. * * @param[in] filename The file name of the known host file. * * @param[out] found_type A pointer to a string to be set with the found key * type. * * @returns The found_type type of key (ie "dsa","ssh-rsa1"). Don't * free that value. NULL if no match was found or the file * was not found. */ static char **ssh_get_knownhost_line(FILE **file, const char *filename, const char **found_type) { char buffer[4096] = {0}; char *ptr; char **tokens; if(*file == NULL){ *file = fopen(filename,"r"); if (*file == NULL) { return NULL; } } while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), *file)) { ptr = strchr(buffer, '\n'); if (ptr) { *ptr = '\0'; } ptr = strchr(buffer,'\r'); if (ptr) { *ptr = '\0'; } if (buffer[0] == '\0' || buffer[0] == '#') { continue; /* skip empty lines */ } tokens = space_tokenize(buffer); if (tokens == NULL) { fclose(*file); *file = NULL; return NULL; } if(!tokens[0] || !tokens[1] || !tokens[2]) { /* it should have at least 3 tokens */ tokens_free(tokens); continue; } *found_type = tokens[1]; if (tokens[3]) { /* openssh rsa1 format has 4 tokens on the line. Recognize it by the fact that everything is all digits */ if (tokens[4]) { /* that's never valid */ tokens_free(tokens); continue; } if (alldigits(tokens[1]) && alldigits(tokens[2]) && alldigits(tokens[3])) { *found_type = "ssh-rsa1"; } else { /* 3 tokens only, not four */ tokens_free(tokens); continue; } } return tokens; } fclose(*file); *file = NULL; /* we did not find anything, end of file*/ return NULL; } /** * @brief Check the public key in the known host line matches the public key of * the currently connected server. * * @param[in] session The SSH session to use. * * @param[in] tokens A list of tokens in the known_hosts line. * * @returns 1 if the key matches, 0 if the key doesn't match and -1 * on error. */ static int check_public_key(ssh_session session, char **tokens) { ssh_string pubkey = session->current_crypto->server_pubkey; ssh_buffer pubkey_buffer; char *pubkey_64; /* ok we found some public key in known hosts file. now un-base64it */ if (alldigits(tokens[1])) { /* openssh rsa1 format */ bignum tmpbn; ssh_string tmpstring; unsigned int len; int i; pubkey_buffer = ssh_buffer_new(); if (pubkey_buffer == NULL) { return -1; } tmpstring = ssh_string_from_char("ssh-rsa1"); if (tmpstring == NULL) { ssh_buffer_free(pubkey_buffer); return -1; } if (buffer_add_ssh_string(pubkey_buffer, tmpstring) < 0) { ssh_buffer_free(pubkey_buffer); ssh_string_free(tmpstring); return -1; } ssh_string_free(tmpstring); for (i = 2; i < 4; i++) { /* e, then n */ tmpbn = NULL; bignum_dec2bn(tokens[i], &tmpbn); if (tmpbn == NULL) { ssh_buffer_free(pubkey_buffer); return -1; } /* for some reason, make_bignum_string does not work because of the padding which it does --kv */ /* tmpstring = make_bignum_string(tmpbn); */ /* do it manually instead */ len = bignum_num_bytes(tmpbn); tmpstring = malloc(4 + len); if (tmpstring == NULL) { ssh_buffer_free(pubkey_buffer); bignum_free(tmpbn); return -1; } /* TODO: fix the hardcoding */ tmpstring->size = htonl(len); #ifdef HAVE_LIBGCRYPT bignum_bn2bin(tmpbn, len, ssh_string_data(tmpstring)); #elif defined HAVE_LIBCRYPTO bignum_bn2bin(tmpbn, ssh_string_data(tmpstring)); #endif bignum_free(tmpbn); if (buffer_add_ssh_string(pubkey_buffer, tmpstring) < 0) { ssh_buffer_free(pubkey_buffer); ssh_string_free(tmpstring); bignum_free(tmpbn); return -1; } ssh_string_free(tmpstring); } } else { /* ssh-dss or ssh-rsa */ pubkey_64 = tokens[2]; pubkey_buffer = base64_to_bin(pubkey_64); } if (pubkey_buffer == NULL) { ssh_set_error(session, SSH_FATAL, "Verifying that server is a known host: base64 error"); return -1; } if (buffer_get_rest_len(pubkey_buffer) != ssh_string_len(pubkey)) { ssh_buffer_free(pubkey_buffer); return 0; } /* now test that they are identical */ if (memcmp(buffer_get_rest(pubkey_buffer), ssh_string_data(pubkey), buffer_get_rest_len(pubkey_buffer)) != 0) { ssh_buffer_free(pubkey_buffer); return 0; } ssh_buffer_free(pubkey_buffer); return 1; } /** * @brief Check if a hostname matches a openssh-style hashed known host. * * @param[in] host The host to check. * * @param[in] hashed The hashed value. * * @returns 1 if it matches, 0 otherwise. */ static int match_hashed_host(const char *host, const char *sourcehash) { /* Openssh hash structure : * |1|base64 encoded salt|base64 encoded hash * hash is produced that way : * hash := HMAC_SHA1(key=salt,data=host) */ unsigned char buffer[256] = {0}; ssh_buffer salt; ssh_buffer hash; HMACCTX mac; char *source; char *b64hash; int match; unsigned int size; if (strncmp(sourcehash, "|1|", 3) != 0) { return 0; } source = strdup(sourcehash + 3); if (source == NULL) { return 0; } b64hash = strchr(source, '|'); if (b64hash == NULL) { /* Invalid hash */ SAFE_FREE(source); return 0; } *b64hash = '\0'; b64hash++; salt = base64_to_bin(source); if (salt == NULL) { SAFE_FREE(source); return 0; } hash = base64_to_bin(b64hash); SAFE_FREE(source); if (hash == NULL) { ssh_buffer_free(salt); return 0; } mac = hmac_init(buffer_get_rest(salt), buffer_get_rest_len(salt), SSH_HMAC_SHA1); if (mac == NULL) { ssh_buffer_free(salt); ssh_buffer_free(hash); return 0; } size = sizeof(buffer); hmac_update(mac, host, strlen(host)); hmac_final(mac, buffer, &size); if (size == buffer_get_rest_len(hash) && memcmp(buffer, buffer_get_rest(hash), size) == 0) { match = 1; } else { match = 0; } ssh_buffer_free(salt); ssh_buffer_free(hash); SSH_LOG(SSH_LOG_PACKET, "Matching a hashed host: %s match=%d", host, match); return match; } /* How it's working : * 1- we open the known host file and bitch if it doesn't exist * 2- we need to examine each line of the file, until going on state SSH_SERVER_KNOWN_OK: * - there's a match. if the key is good, state is SSH_SERVER_KNOWN_OK, * else it's SSH_SERVER_KNOWN_CHANGED (or SSH_SERVER_FOUND_OTHER) * - there's no match : no change */ /** * @brief Check if the server is known. * * Checks the user's known host file for a previous connection to the * current server. * * @param[in] session The SSH session to use. * * @returns SSH_SERVER_KNOWN_OK: The server is known and has not changed.\n * SSH_SERVER_KNOWN_CHANGED: The server key has changed. Either you * are under attack or the administrator * changed the key. You HAVE to warn the * user about a possible attack.\n * SSH_SERVER_FOUND_OTHER: The server gave use a key of a type while * we had an other type recorded. It is a * possible attack.\n * SSH_SERVER_NOT_KNOWN: The server is unknown. User should * confirm the MD5 is correct.\n * SSH_SERVER_FILE_NOT_FOUND: The known host file does not exist. The * host is thus unknown. File will be * created if host key is accepted.\n * SSH_SERVER_ERROR: Some error happened. * * @see ssh_get_pubkey_hash() * * @bug There is no current way to remove or modify an entry into the known * host table. */ int ssh_is_server_known(ssh_session session) { FILE *file = NULL; char **tokens; char *host; char *hostport; const char *type; int match; int ret = SSH_SERVER_NOT_KNOWN; if (session->opts.knownhosts == NULL) { if (ssh_options_apply(session) < 0) { ssh_set_error(session, SSH_REQUEST_DENIED, "Can't find a known_hosts file"); return SSH_SERVER_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } if (session->opts.host == NULL) { ssh_set_error(session, SSH_FATAL, "Can't verify host in known hosts if the hostname isn't known"); return SSH_SERVER_ERROR; } if (session->current_crypto == NULL){ ssh_set_error(session, SSH_FATAL, "ssh_is_host_known called without cryptographic context"); return SSH_SERVER_ERROR; } host = ssh_lowercase(session->opts.host); hostport = ssh_hostport(host, session->opts.port); if (host == NULL || hostport == NULL) { ssh_set_error_oom(session); SAFE_FREE(host); SAFE_FREE(hostport); return SSH_SERVER_ERROR; } do { tokens = ssh_get_knownhost_line(&file, session->opts.knownhosts, &type); /* End of file, return the current state */ if (tokens == NULL) { break; } match = match_hashed_host(host, tokens[0]); if (match == 0){ match = match_hostname(hostport, tokens[0], strlen(tokens[0])); } if (match == 0) { match = match_hostname(host, tokens[0], strlen(tokens[0])); } if (match == 0) { match = match_hashed_host(hostport, tokens[0]); } if (match) { /* We got a match. Now check the key type */ if (strcmp(session->current_crypto->server_pubkey_type, type) != 0) { SSH_LOG(SSH_LOG_PACKET, "ssh_is_server_known: server type [%s] doesn't match the " "type [%s] in known_hosts file", session->current_crypto->server_pubkey_type, type); /* Different type. We don't override the known_changed error which is * more important */ if (ret != SSH_SERVER_KNOWN_CHANGED) ret = SSH_SERVER_FOUND_OTHER; tokens_free(tokens); continue; } /* so we know the key type is good. We may get a good key or a bad key. */ match = check_public_key(session, tokens); tokens_free(tokens); if (match < 0) { ret = SSH_SERVER_ERROR; break; } else if (match == 1) { ret = SSH_SERVER_KNOWN_OK; break; } else if(match == 0) { /* We override the status with the wrong key state */ ret = SSH_SERVER_KNOWN_CHANGED; } } else { tokens_free(tokens); } } while (1); if ((ret == SSH_SERVER_NOT_KNOWN) && (session->opts.StrictHostKeyChecking == 0)) { ssh_write_knownhost(session); ret = SSH_SERVER_KNOWN_OK; } SAFE_FREE(host); SAFE_FREE(hostport); if (file != NULL) { fclose(file); } /* Return the current state at end of file */ return ret; } /** * @brief Write the current server as known in the known hosts file. * * This will create the known hosts file if it does not exist. You generaly use * it when ssh_is_server_known() answered SSH_SERVER_NOT_KNOWN. * * @param[in] session The ssh session to use. * * @return SSH_OK on success, SSH_ERROR on error. */ int ssh_write_knownhost(ssh_session session) { ssh_key key; ssh_string pubkey_s; char *b64_key; char buffer[4096] = {0}; FILE *file; char *dir; char *host; char *hostport; int rc; if (session->opts.host == NULL) { ssh_set_error(session, SSH_FATAL, "Can't write host in known hosts if the hostname isn't known"); return SSH_ERROR; } host = ssh_lowercase(session->opts.host); /* If using a nonstandard port, save the host in the [host]:port format */ if(session->opts.port != 22) { hostport = ssh_hostport(host, session->opts.port); SAFE_FREE(host); if (hostport == NULL) { return SSH_ERROR; } host = hostport; hostport = NULL; } if (session->opts.knownhosts == NULL) { if (ssh_options_apply(session) < 0) { ssh_set_error(session, SSH_FATAL, "Can't find a known_hosts file"); SAFE_FREE(host); return SSH_ERROR; } } if (session->current_crypto==NULL) { ssh_set_error(session, SSH_FATAL, "No current crypto context"); SAFE_FREE(host); return SSH_ERROR; } pubkey_s = session->current_crypto->server_pubkey; if (pubkey_s == NULL){ ssh_set_error(session, SSH_FATAL, "No public key present"); SAFE_FREE(host); return SSH_ERROR; } /* Check if ~/.ssh exists and create it if not */ dir = ssh_dirname(session->opts.knownhosts); if (dir == NULL) { ssh_set_error(session, SSH_FATAL, "%s", strerror(errno)); SAFE_FREE(host); return SSH_ERROR; } if (!ssh_file_readaccess_ok(dir)) { if (ssh_mkdir(dir, 0700) < 0) { ssh_set_error(session, SSH_FATAL, "Cannot create %s directory.", dir); SAFE_FREE(dir); SAFE_FREE(host); return SSH_ERROR; } } SAFE_FREE(dir); file = fopen(session->opts.knownhosts, "a"); if (file == NULL) { ssh_set_error(session, SSH_FATAL, "Couldn't open known_hosts file %s for appending: %s", session->opts.knownhosts, strerror(errno)); SAFE_FREE(host); return SSH_ERROR; } rc = ssh_pki_import_pubkey_blob(pubkey_s, &key); if (rc < 0) { fclose(file); SAFE_FREE(host); return -1; } if (strcmp(session->current_crypto->server_pubkey_type, "ssh-rsa1") == 0) { /* openssh uses a different format for ssh-rsa1 keys. Be compatible --kv */ rc = ssh_pki_export_pubkey_rsa1(key, host, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); ssh_key_free(key); SAFE_FREE(host); if (rc < 0) { fclose(file); return -1; } } else { rc = ssh_pki_export_pubkey_base64(key, &b64_key); if (rc < 0) { ssh_key_free(key); fclose(file); SAFE_FREE(host); return -1; } snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s %s %s\n", host, key->type_c, b64_key); ssh_key_free(key); SAFE_FREE(host); SAFE_FREE(b64_key); } if (fwrite(buffer, strlen(buffer), 1, file) != 1 || ferror(file)) { fclose(file); return -1; } fclose(file); return 0; } /** @} */ /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et cindent: */