/** @page libssh_tutor_threads Chapter 8: Threads with libssh @section threads_with_libssh How to use libssh with threads libssh may be used in multithreaded applications, but under several conditions : - Threading must be initialized during the initialization of libssh. This initialization must be done outside of any threading context. - If pthreads is being used by your application (or your framework's backend), you must link with libssh_threads dynamic library and initialize threading with the ssh_threads_pthreads threading object. - If an other threading library is being used by your application, you must implement all the methods of the ssh_threads_callbacks_struct structure and initialize libssh with it. - At all times, you may use different sessions inside threads, make parallel connections, read/write on different sessions and so on. You *cannot* use a single session (or channels for a single session) in several threads at the same time. This will most likely lead to internal state corruption. This limitation is being worked out and will maybe disappear later. @subsection threads_init Initialization of threads To initialize threading, you must first select the threading model you want to use, using ssh_threads_set_callbacks(), then call ssh_init(). @code #include ... ssh_threads_set_callbacks(ssh_threads_noop); ssh_init(); @endcode ssh_threads_noop is the threading structure that does nothing. It's the threading callbacks being used by default when you're not using threading. @subsection threads_pthread Using libpthread with libssh If your application is using libpthread, you may simply use the libpthread threading backend: @code #include ... ssh_threads_set_callbacks(ssh_threads_pthread); ssh_init(); @endcode However, you must be sure to link with the library ssh_threads. If you're using gcc, you must use the commandline @code gcc -o output input.c -lssh -lssh_threads @endcode @subsection threads_other Using another threading library You must find your way in the ssh_threads_callbacks_struct structure. You must implement the following methods : - mutex_lock - mutex_unlock - mutex_init - mutex_destroy - thread_id Good luck ! */