diff options
1 files changed, 409 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..31a6ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+ * repository descriptions in kickstart format for non default repos
+import yum
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import sys
+__stateprefixes = {
+ None : '# ',
+ "mandatory" : ".",
+ "default" : "@",
+ "all" : "*"
+ }
+def state2str(o):
+ if isinstance(o, Group):
+ o = o.state
+ return __stateprefixes[o]
+class Group:
+ """Additional information about a comps group"""
+ def __init__(self, compsgroup, yum, state=None):
+ = compsgroup.groupid
+ self.state = None
+ self.compsgroup = compsgroup
+ self.yum = yum
+ self.packages = {}
+ for n in (None, "mandatory", "default", "all"):
+ self.packages[n] = {}
+ for s in ("add", "exclude", "exclude_missing", "optional"):
+ self.packages[n][s] = set()
+ @property
+ def add(self):
+ """Packages that this group adds to the install"""
+ return self.packages[self.state]["add"]
+ @property
+ def exclude(self):
+ """Packages excludes from this group to match the pkg list"""
+ return self.packages[self.state]["exclude"]
+ @property
+ def excludeMissing(self):
+ """Excludes that don't have a matching pgk in the repository"""
+ return self.packages[self.state]["exclude_missing"]
+ @property
+ def optional(self):
+ """Packages in this group that are not added in the current state"""
+ return self.packages[self.state]["optional"]
+ @property
+ def addons(self):
+ """Optional packages that are not added by the group in the given state but nevertheless need to be installed"""
+ return self.packages[self.state]["addons"]
+ def _buildSets(self, leafpkgs, allpkgs):
+ # handle conditionals
+ self.conditionals = set()
+ for name, dep in self.compsgroup.conditional_packages.iteritems():
+ if dep in allpkgs:
+ self.conditionals.add(name)
+ pkgs = self.conditionals.copy()
+ for name, additionalpkgs in (
+ ("mandatory", self.compsgroup.mandatory_packages),
+ ("default", self.compsgroup.default_packages),
+ ("all", self.compsgroup.optional_packages)):
+ pkgs.update(additionalpkgs)
+ self.__checkGroup(name, pkgs, leafpkgs, allpkgs)
+ self.__checkGroup(None, set(), leafpkgs, allpkgs)
+ for name, d in self.packages.iteritems():
+ d["others"] = pkgs - d["add"] - d["exclude"]
+ d["addons"] = d["others"] & leafpkgs
+ def __checkGroup(self, name, pkgs, leafpkgs, allpkgs):
+ self.packages[name]["add"] = leafpkgs & pkgs
+ self.packages[name]["exclude"] = pkgs - allpkgs
+ self.packages[name]["exclude_missing"] = set(
+ pkg for pkg in self.packages[name]["exclude"] if not self.yum.pkgSack.searchNames([pkg]))
+ return
+ def _autodetectState(self, allowexcludes, allowed=("default",), sharedpkgs=None):
+ """Set state of the group according to the installed packages"""
+ win = None
+ state = self.state
+ for name, d in self.packages.iteritems():
+ if name not in allowed and name is not None:
+ continue
+ if not allowexcludes and d["exclude"]:
+ continue
+ newshared = set()
+ if sharedpkgs:
+ for pkg in d["add"]:
+ if pkg in sharedpkgs and len(sharedpkgs[pkg]) > 1:
+ newshared.add(pkg)
+ newwin = len(d["add"]) - len(d["exclude"]) - len(newshared) - 1
+ if win is None or newwin > win:
+ state = name
+ win = newwin
+ if win <= 0:
+ state = None
+ # reflect changes in sharedpkgs
+ if state != self.state and sharedpkgs is not None:
+ for pkg in self.packages[self.state]["add"] - self.packages[state]["add"]:
+ if pkg in sharedpkgs:
+ sharedpkgs[pkg].discard(self)
+ for pkg in self.packages[state]["add"] - self.packages[self.state]["add"]:
+ sharedpkgs.setdefault(pkg, set()).add(self)
+ self.state = state
+class InstalledPackages:
+ """Collection of packages and theit interpretation as comps groups."""
+ def __init__(self, yumobj=None, input=None, pkgs=None, ignore_missing=False):
+ """
+ @param yumobj(optional): use this instance of YumBase
+ @param input(optional): read package names from this file
+ @param pkgs(optional): use this iterable of package names
+ @param ignore_missing: exlcude packages not found in the repos
+ """
+ if yumobj is None:
+ yumobj = yum.YumBase()
+ yumobj.preconf.debuglevel = 0
+ yumobj.setCacheDir()
+ self.yum = yumobj
+ self.groups = []
+ self.pkg2group = {}
+ self.input = input
+ self.__buildList(pkgs, ignore_missing)
+ def __addGroup(self, group):
+ g = Group(group, self.yum)
+ g._buildSets(self.leaves.copy(), self.allpkgs.copy())
+ self.groups.append(g)
+ def __evrTupletoVer(self,tup):
+ """convert an evr tuple to a version string, return None if nothing
+ to convert"""
+ e, v, r = tup
+ if v is None:
+ return None
+ val = v
+ if e is not None:
+ val = '%s:%s' % (e, v)
+ if r is not None:
+ val = '%s-%s' % (val, r)
+ return val
+ def __getLeaves(self, pkgnames):
+ pkgs = set()
+ missing = set()
+ for name in pkgnames:
+ try:
+ found = self.yum.pkgSack.returnNewestByName(name)
+ pkgs.update(found) # XXX select proper arch!
+ except yum.Errors.PackageSackError, e:
+ missing.add(name)
+ nonleaves = set()
+ for pkg in pkgs:
+ for (req, flags, (reqe, reqv, reqr)) in pkg.returnPrco('requires'):
+ if req.startswith('rpmlib('): continue # ignore rpmlib deps
+ ver = self.__evrTupletoVer((reqe, reqv, reqr))
+ try:
+ resolve_sack = self.yum.whatProvides(req, flags, ver)
+ except yum.Errors.RepoError, e:
+ continue
+ for p in resolve_sack:
+ if p is pkg or ==
+ continue
+ nonleaves.add(
+ return pkgnames - nonleaves, missing
+ def __buildList(self, pkgs=None, ignore_missing=False):
+ if pkgs:
+ self.allpkgs = frozenset(pkgs)
+ elif self.input is None:
+ self.allpkgs = frozenset( for pkg in self.yum.rpmdb.returnPackages())
+ else:
+ pkgs = []
+ for line in self.input:
+ pkgs.extend(line.split())
+ pkgs = map(str.strip, pkgs)
+ pkgs = filter(None, pkgs)
+ self.allpkgs = frozenset(pkgs)
+ if self.input is None and not ignore_missing and not pkgs:
+ self.leaves = frozenset(( for pkg in self.yum.rpmdb.returnLeafNodes()))
+ else:
+ leaves, missing = self.__getLeaves(self.allpkgs)
+ if ignore_missing:
+ self.leaves = leaves - missing
+ self.allpkgs = self.allpkgs - missing
+ else:
+ self.leaves = leaves
+ self.leafcount = len(self.leaves)
+ # check if package exist in repository
+ self.missingpkgs = set()
+ for pkg in self.allpkgs:
+ if self.yum.pkgSack.searchNames([pkg]):
+ continue
+ self.missingpkgs.add(pkg)
+ for group in self.yum.comps.get_groups():
+ self.__addGroup(group)
+ def autodetectStates(self, allowexcludes=False, allowed=("default",)):
+ """Check with states (None, "mandatory", "default", "all") is the best
+ for each of the groups.
+ @param allowexcludes: use excludes for groups not installable as
+ a whole
+ @param allowed: list of states that are considered
+ """
+ pkg2group = {}
+ for g in self.groups:
+ g._autodetectState(allowexcludes, allowed)
+ # find out which pkgs are in more than one group
+ for pkg in g.add:
+ pkg2group.setdefault(pkg, set()).add(g)
+ for g in self.groups:
+ # filter out groups which are not worth it because some of
+ # their packages belong to other groups
+ # This is likely a NP complete problem, but this is a very
+ # simple algorithm. Results may be below the optimum.
+ g._autodetectState(allowexcludes, allowed, self.pkg2group)
+ def globalExcludes(self):
+ """return a list of all excludes"""
+ excludes = set()
+ for g in self.groups:
+ excludes.update(g.exclude)
+ return excludes
+ def remainingPkgs(self, all=False):
+ """Return a list of all packages not parts of groups
+ or required by others
+ @param all: return the addons of the groups, too
+ """
+ remaining = set(self.leaves)
+ for g in self.groups:
+ remaining.difference_update(g.add)
+ if not all:
+ remaining.difference_update(g.addons)
+ return remaining
+class ListPrinter:
+ """Writes things out. Closely coupled to the optparse object
+ created in the main function.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, pkgs, options, output=None):
+ self.pkgs = pkgs
+ if output is None:
+ output = sys.stdout
+ self.output = output
+ self.options = options
+ self.__seen = set()
+ def __printPkgs(self, pkgs, prefix='', separator='\n'):
+ pkgs = pkgs - self.__seen
+ self.__seen.update(pkgs)
+ pkgs = list(pkgs)
+ pkgs.sort()
+ for name in pkgs:
+ self.output.write("%s%s%s" % (prefix, name, separator))
+ return len(pkgs)
+ def writeWarnings(self):
+ e = sys.stderr
+ if self.pkgs.missingpkgs:
+ e.write("WARNING: The following packages are installed but not in the repository:\n")
+ for pkg in self.pkgs.missingpkgs:
+ e.write("\t%s\n" % pkg)
+ e.write("\n")
+ if True:
+ first = True
+ for g in self.pkgs.groups:
+ if not g.excludeMissing:
+ continue
+ if first:
+ e.write("WARNING: The following groups contain packages not found in the repositories:\n")
+ first = False
+ e.write("%s%s\n" % ("XXX ",
+ for pkg in g.excludeMissing:
+ e.write("\t%s\n" % pkg)
+ if not first:
+ e.write("\n")
+ def writeList(self):
+ self.__seen.clear()
+ if self.options.format == "human":
+ indent = '\t'
+ separator = '\n'
+ elif self.options.format == "kickstart":
+ indent = ''
+ separator = '\n'
+ elif self.options.format == "yum":
+ indent = ''
+ separator = ' '
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unknown format")
+ remaining = self.pkgs.remainingPkgs(True)
+ lines = 0
+ groups = 0
+ for group in self.pkgs.groups:
+ addons = group.addons & remaining
+ if not group.state and not(
+ addons and self.options.addons_by_group and
+ not self.options.global_addons):
+ continue
+ lines += 1
+ if group.state:
+ groups += 1
+ self.output.write("%s%s%s" % (state2str(group),, separator))
+ # exclude lines after the group
+ if not self.options.global_excludes:
+ pkgs = group.exclude
+ if self.options.ignore_missing_excludes:
+ pkgs = pkgs - group.excludeMissing
+ lines += self.__printPkgs(pkgs, indent+'-', separator)
+ # packages after the group
+ if not self.options.global_addons:
+ lines += self.__printPkgs(addons, indent, separator)
+ if self.options.format == "human":
+ lines += 1
+ self.output.write("# Others\n")
+ # leave filtering out pkgs bmeantioned above to __printPkgs
+ lines += self.__printPkgs(remaining, '', separator)
+ # exclude lines at the end
+ excludes = self.pkgs.globalExcludes()
+ if self.options.global_excludes:
+ lines += self.__printPkgs(excludes, '-', separator)
+ # Stats
+ if self.options.format == "human":
+ lines += 3
+ self.output.write("# %i package names, %i leaves\n# %i groups, %i leftovers, %i excludes\n# %i lines\n" % (len(self.pkgs.allpkgs), len(self.pkgs.leaves), groups, len(remaining), len(excludes), lines))
+# ****************************************************************************
+def __main__():
+ parser = OptionParser(description="Gives a compact description of the packages installed (or given) making use of the comps groups found in the repositories.")
+ parser.add_option("-f", "--format", dest="format",
+ choices=('kickstart','human','yum'), default="human",
+ help='yum, kickstart or human; yum gives the result as a yum command line; kickstart the content of a %packages section; "human" readable is default.')
+ parser.add_option("-i", "--input", dest="input", action="store", default=None, help="File to read the package list from instead of using the rpmdb. - for stdin. The file must contain package names only separated by white space (including newlines). rpm -qa --qf='%{name}\n' produces proper output.")
+ parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output", action="store", default=None, help="File to write the result to. Stdout is used if option is omited.")
+ parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", dest="quiet", action="store_true", help="Do not show warnings.")
+ parser.add_option("-e", "--no-excludes", dest="excludes",
+ action="store_false", default=True,
+ help="Only show groups that are installed completely. Do not use exclude lines.")
+ parser.add_option("--global-excludes", dest="global_excludes", action="store_true", help="Print exclude lines at the end and not after the groups requiring them.")
+ parser.add_option("--global-addons", dest="global_addons", action="store_true", help="Print package names at the end and not after the groups offering them as addon.")
+ parser.add_option('--addons-by-group', dest="addons_by_group", action="store_true", help='Also show groups not selected to sort packages contained by them. Those groups are commented out with a "# " at the begin of the line.')
+ parser.add_option("-m", "--allow-mandatories", dest="allowed", action="append_const", const='mandatory', default=['default'], help='Check if just installing the mandatory packages gives better results. Uses "." to mark those groups.')
+ parser.add_option("-a", "--allow-all", dest="allowed", action='append_const', const='all', help='Check if installing all packages in the groups gives better results. Uses "*" to mark those groups.')
+ parser.add_option("--ignore-missing", dest="ignore_missing", action="store_true", help="Ignore packages missing in the repos.")
+ parser.add_option("--ignore-missing-excludes", dest="ignore_missing_excludes", action="store_true", help="Do not produce exclude lines for packages not in the repository.")
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ if options.format != "human" and len(options.allowed)>1:
+ print '-m, --allow-mandatories, -a, --allow-all are only allowed in "human" (readable) format as yum and anaconda do not support installing all or only mandatory packages per group. Sorry.'
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ input_ = None
+ if options.input and options.input=="-":
+ input_ = sys.stdin
+ elif options.input:
+ try:
+ input_ = open(options.input)
+ except IOError, e:
+ print e
+ exit -1
+ else:
+ input_ = None
+ if options.output and options.output!='-':
+ output = open(options.output, "w")
+ else:
+ output = sys.stdout
+ i = InstalledPackages(input=input_, ignore_missing=options.ignore_missing)
+ i.autodetectStates(options.excludes, options.allowed)
+ p = ListPrinter(i, options, output=output)
+ if not options.quiet:
+ p.writeWarnings()
+ p.writeList()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ __main__()