FROM arm32v7/fedora:34 MAINTAINER # Set the timezone (for logs and history of poezio) # Comment this line to use UTC timezone ENV TZ="Europe/Paris" RUN dnf -y update && dnf clean all RUN dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core && dnf clean all # Add non-official repository RUN dnf -y copr enable fantom/poezio-omemo && \ dnf repolist all # Add non-official CA to connect to the server # # If you want an account on, visit the website # to create account, then you can # login with any client, and you can enable OMEMO for end-to-end # encryption. # # or create new account on provider RUN curl -o /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/root.pem && \ /usr/bin/update-ca-trust # Checksum of server's certificate is available here: # # http://uhxfe4e6yc72i6fhexcpk4ph4niueexpy4ckc3wapazxqhv4isejbnyd.onion/pub/ssl/fingerprint-for-poezio-client.txt RUN dnf -y install poezio \ poezio-omemo \ && dnf clean all # Create user to run process as non-root RUN useradd -m -s /bin/sh poezio-user RUN mkdir -p /home/poezio-user/.config/poezio \ /home/poezio-user/.local/share/poezio && \ chown -R poezio-user:poezio-user /home/poezio-user/.config \ /home/poezio-user/.local # Switching to non-root user USER poezio-user WORKDIR /home/poezio-user/ VOLUME ["/home/poezio-user/.config/poezio", "/home/poezio-user/.local/share/poezio"] CMD ["/usr/bin/poezio"]