- name: Installation des paquets pour Centos yum: name={{ item }} state=present with_items: - yum-plugin-fastestmirror - yum-plugin-verify - lsof - net-tools when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS" - name: Installation des paquets dnf: name={{ item }} state=present with_items: - emacs-nox - iotop - nmap - screen - powertop - ipset - patch - gpm - elinks - mutt - nfs-utils - tcpdump - bind-utils - tar - at - zsh - libsemanage-python - policycoreutils-python - setools-console - cryptsetup - rsync - sudo - tmux - htop - glances - docker - name: Installation des paquets pour Fedora dnf: name={{ item }} state=present with_items: - iftop - bvi - whois - rpmconf - colordiff - mined - fpaste - wget - bash-completion - pbzip2 - pxz - scapy - testdisk - steghide - yum-utils - util-linux-user when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora" and ansible_distribution_version|int >= 22 - name: Installation des paquets disgnostic matériel dnf: name={{ item }} state=present with_items: - hddtemp - smartmontools when: ansible_virtualization_role == "NA" or ansible_virtualization_role == "host" - name: Installation du paquet memtest pour archi x86_64 dnf: name=memtest86+ state=present when: ansible_architecture == "x86_64" and ansible_virtualization_role == "NA" or ansible_virtualization_role == "host" - name: Installation du paquet lm_sensors pour archi x86_64 dnf: name=lm_sensors state=present when: ansible_architecture == "x86_64" and ansible_virtualization_role == "NA" or ansible_virtualization_role == "host" - name: Installation d'un programme de gravure dnf: name=wodim state=present when: ansible_devices.sr0 is defined - name: Installation de pipe viewer dnf: name=pv state=present when: ansible_devices.sr0 is defined