Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Merge setvars.yml into binutils.yml in common roleMatthieu Saulnier2023-06-303-7/+4
* Indent serial numbersMatthieu Saulnier2023-06-2519-20/+20
* Minor updatesMatthieu Saulnier2023-06-193-4/+3
* Update serial of DKIM private keys deploymentMatthieu Saulnier2023-06-011-1/+1
* Update DKIM public keys in DNS zone fileMatthieu Saulnier2023-05-317-11/+11
* Update stunnel config for the new mariadb serverMatthieu Saulnier2023-05-312-2/+2
* Update dhparam-gen scriptMatthieu Saulnier2023-05-301-2/+2
* Minor fixesMatthieu Saulnier2023-05-304-7/+7
* Fix small bugs in a template and a taskMatthieu Saulnier2023-05-262-3/+3
* Add new package for nextcloud in phpworker roleMatthieu Saulnier2023-05-201-0/+1
* Update serialsMatthieu Saulnier2023-05-2019-20/+20
* Cleanup unused DNS records in main zoneMatthieu Saulnier2023-04-301-11/+2
* Revert "Remove IPv4 except for DNS and NFS. Also remove 2 old records."Matthieu Saulnier2023-04-305-1/+69
* Remove IPv4 except for DNS and NFS. Also remove 2 old records.Matthieu Saulnier2023-04-295-69/+1
* Update php-fpm config for nextcloudMatthieu Saulnier2023-04-261-2/+4
* Disable hibernation at system level on all machinesMatthieu Saulnier2023-04-251-0/+16
* Fix DNS server config for f36 - f37 and add new record in DNS zone fileMatthieu Saulnier2023-04-232-1/+4
* Fix path of crontask for nextcloudMatthieu Saulnier2023-04-221-1/+1
* Fix IPv6 adress typo in php-fpm configMatthieu Saulnier2023-04-222-2/+2
* Update listening port for mariadb connections clientMatthieu Saulnier2023-04-222-2/+2
* Remove NFS config in phpworker roleMatthieu Saulnier2023-04-225-63/+0
* Generate client certificate for PHP workersMatthieu Saulnier2023-04-225-47/+10
* Enable phpworker role in site.ymlMatthieu Saulnier2023-04-222-1/+4
* Update reverproxy config for PHP at localhostMatthieu Saulnier2023-04-223-10/+10
* Remove PHP client configMatthieu Saulnier2023-04-227-138/+0
* Remove PHP server configMatthieu Saulnier2023-04-227-124/+0
* Remove server certificate for PHPMatthieu Saulnier2023-04-223-78/+1
* Remove client certificate for PHPMatthieu Saulnier2023-04-223-40/+1
* Update serialsMatthieu Saulnier2023-04-2119-20/+20
* Revert "Fix for bin/keys script"Matthieu Saulnier2023-03-211-1/+2
* Update serialsMatthieu Saulnier2023-03-2019-20/+20
* Disable PHP role because all machines are offlineMatthieu Saulnier2023-03-202-4/+1
* Fix for bin/keys scriptMatthieu Saulnier2023-03-201-2/+1
* Cleanup sudo config for clientsMatthieu Saulnier2023-03-201-2/+0
* Add system users for profanity XMPP client in sudo config fileMatthieu Saulnier2023-03-201-0/+11
* Update Docker image tag of poezioMatthieu Saulnier2023-03-051-2/+2
* Fix pkg name and add new task to cleanup remote serversMatthieu Saulnier2023-03-052-1/+7
* Add HIDS config fileMatthieu Saulnier2023-03-052-0/+234
* Update serialsMatthieu Saulnier2023-02-2020-35/+27
* openssl is looking for environment variable. Adding export variable.Matthieu Saulnier2023-02-201-1/+2
* Add SELinux booleen deployment in imserver roleMatthieu Saulnier2023-02-192-0/+7
* Add task to fetch HIDS database file from remote machinesMatthieu Saulnier2023-02-181-0/+6
* Improve crtkey-gen scriptMatthieu Saulnier2023-02-111-3/+5
* Remove NSEC3 parameters of DNSSEC signaturesMatthieu Saulnier2023-02-061-4/+2
* Switch DNSSEC keys generation to ed25519 algo and fix requirementsMatthieu Saulnier2023-02-041-3/+3
* Add HTTP header to allow to host remote contents like a CDNMatthieu Saulnier2023-02-021-0/+1
* Fix local time and UTC issuesMatthieu Saulnier2023-01-241-1/+1
* Add missing quotes on HTTP headerMatthieu Saulnier2023-01-231-1/+1
* Add HTTP headers for CRL fileMatthieu Saulnier2023-01-231-0/+4
* Add debug task to print public key fingerprint in imserver roleMatthieu Saulnier2023-01-231-0/+19