#!/usr/bin/python """porting build functions from bash script""" import re import os import subprocess import commands import shutil import git import sys import distutils.dir_util ########################################################################################## def email(message, mailTo): import smtplib import socket # mail_server='smtp.corp.redhat.com' # mail_server_port=25 receivers=mailTo #if options_mailMe: # receivers = 'emaldona@redhat.com' #else: # receivers = 'nss-pem-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org' sender = 'emaldona@redhat.com' #print socket.gethostname() hostname = socket.gethostname() dashes = "+" + 70 * "-" + "+" header = "" header = """\ To: %s From: %s %s %s """ % (receivers, sender, message, header) message = header + "\n\n\n" + dashes + "\nINFO: mailed from " + hostname + "\n" + dashes + "\n" try: smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.corp.redhat.com', 25) #smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP('localhost', 25) smtpObj.sendmail(sender, receivers, message) print "INFO: Successfully sent email to %s" % receivers except smtplib.SMTPException: print "Error: unable to send email" ########################################################################################## def tail2(f, n, offset=None): """Reads a n lines from f with an offset of offset lines. The return value is a tuple in the form ``(lines, has_more)`` where `has_more` is an indicator that is `True` if there are more lines in the file. """ avg_line_length = 74 to_read = n + (offset or 0) while 1: try: f.seek(-(avg_line_length * to_read), 2) except IOError: # woops. apparently file is smaller than what we want # to step back, go to the beginning instead f.seek(0) pos = f.tell() lines = f.read().splitlines() #lines = f.read() if len(lines) >= to_read or pos == 0: return lines[-to_read:offset and -offset or None], len(lines) > to_read or pos > 0 avg_line_length *= 1.3 ########################################################################################## def tail( f, window=20 ): #BUFSIZ = 1024 BUFSIZ = 2048 f.seek(0, 2) byteCount = f.tell() size = window block = -1 data = [] while size > 0 and byteCount > 0: if (byteCount - BUFSIZ > 0): # Seek back one whole BUFSIZ f.seek(block*BUFSIZ, 2) # read BUFFER data.append(f.read(BUFSIZ)) else: # file too small, start from beginning f.seek(0,0) # only read what was not read # kwright commented out the next line trying to fix a bug #data.append(f.read(byteCount)) linesFound = data[-1].count('\n') size -= linesFound byteCount -= BUFSIZ block -= 1 return '\n'.join(''.join(data).splitlines()[-window:]) ########################################################################################## def runProcess(exe): #print "runProcess" p = subprocess.Popen(exe, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) while(True): retcode = p.poll() #returns None while subprocess is running line = p.stdout.readline() yield line if(retcode is not None): break ########################################################################################## def run(command): #if options.verbose: # print command rv, output = commands.getstatusoutput(command) if rv: #raise RuntimeError, "error running %s, %s" % (command, rv) pass return output ########################################################################################## def build_package(package, mock_cfg, gitrev, buildDir, group, optionsDebug, mailTo): dashes = "+" + 70 * "-" + "+" pounds = 70 * "#" def print_debug(msg): if optionsDebug == True: print "DEBUG: %s" % (msg) print_debug("package %s" % package) print_debug("mock_cfg %s" % mock_cfg) print_debug("group %s" % group) if len(gitrev) > 0: gitrev = "git" + gitrev print_debug("gitrev %s" % gitrev) print_debug("buildDir %s" % buildDir) #if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(buildDir, package, ".git")): #if os.path.isdir(resultsDir): buildLogs = os.path.join(buildDir,"build_logs", mock_cfg) print_debug("buildLogs: %s" % buildLogs) if not os.path.exists(buildLogs): os.makedirs(buildLogs) os.chdir(buildLogs) print_debug("cwd %s" % os.getcwd()) print pounds print "INFO: build_package() -> building %s for %s" % (package, mock_cfg) print pounds SRPMS = buildDir + "/packages/SRPMS/" if not os.path.exists(SRPMS): os.makedirs(SRPMS) os.chdir(SRPMS) print_debug("cwd %s" % os.getcwd()) srpmsdir = os.listdir(SRPMS) srpmPattern = r'^%s\-\d+?\S*?\.*?\.rpm$' % package print_debug("srpmsdir %s" % srpmsdir) print_debug("package = %s" % package) print_debug("SRPMS = %s" % SRPMS) print_debug("srpmPattern = %s" % srpmPattern) SRPM=None for fileName in os.listdir(SRPMS): if re.search(srpmPattern, fileName): print_debug("fileName %s" % fileName) SRPM = fileName if SRPM == None: message = "Subject: %s ERROR: unable to build %s .\n\nThe src.rpm file for the package %s is not available. " % (group, package, package) email(message, mailTo) failure_message="ERROR: The src.rpm file for %s is not available!" % package print_debug(failure_message) print "INFO: %s " % dashes print os.listdir(SRPMS) print "INFO: %s " % dashes #message = "Subject: %s The package %s build for %s failed\n\n%s" % (group, package, mock_cfg, failure_message ) #email(message, mailTo) status="FAILED" return(status) else: import datetime now = datetime.datetime.now() YEAR = now.strftime("%Y") str(YEAR) # workbase = os.environ['HOME'] # scriptsDir = workbase + "/scripts" # if not re.search(YEAR, SRPM): # print "INFO: we need to redo this src.rpm file." # os.chdir(SRPMS) # print_debug("SRPM = %s, gitrev = %s" % (SRPM, gitrev)) # os.listdir(SRPMS) # script = "/srpm_timestamp.sh" # scriptPath = scriptsDir + script # for line in runProcess(['/home/kwright/scripts/srpm_timestamp.sh', SRPM, gitrev]): # for line in runProcess([scriptPath, SRPM, gitrev]): # print line, # os.remove(SRPM) # for fileName in os.listdir(SRPMS): # if re.search(srpmPattern, fileName): # print_debug("fileName %s" % fileName) # SRPM = fileName # else: # print "INFO: This srpm has already been converted.\n" #resultsDir= '/var/lib/mock/' + mock_cfg + '/result' resultsDir= os.path.join('/var/lib/mock', mock_cfg, 'result') print "%s\nINFO: cleaning up anything in %s\n%s\n" % (dashes, resultsDir, dashes) if os.path.isdir(resultsDir): fileList = [ f for f in os.listdir(resultsDir) if f.endswith(".rpm") ] print_debug("\nfileList %s" % fileList) os.chdir(resultsDir) for f in fileList: print_debug("deleting %s" % f) os.remove(f) os.chdir(SRPMS) print_debug("cwd %s" % os.getcwd()) print pounds print "INFO: doing the mock build now of %s on %s" % (SRPM, mock_cfg) print pounds #logFilePath = buildLogs + "/build_" + package + ".log" #buildLogs = os.path.join(buildDir,"build_logs", mock_cfg) logFilePath = os.path.join(buildLogs, package + ".log") logFile = open(logFilePath, "w") for line in runProcess(['mock', '-v', '-r', mock_cfg, '--rebuild', SRPM]): logFile.write(line,) print line, logFile.write("\n") logFile.close() RPM=None fileName=None rpmsDir = os.path.join(buildDir, "packages/RPMS/" + mock_cfg) builtRPMS="" srpmPattern = r'^%s\-\d*?\S*?\.*?\.rpm$' % package if not os.path.exists(rpmsDir): os.makedirs(rpmsDir) print "INFO: Creating dir %s" % rpmsDir filelist = [ f for f in os.listdir(resultsDir) if f.endswith(".rpm") ] print "\n\n" print_debug("filelist = %s" % filelist) for RPM in filelist: builtRPMS += RPM + "\n" pathname = os.path.join(resultsDir, RPM) if optionsDebug == True: print_debug("copying:%s to %s" % (pathname, rpmsDir)) shutil.copy2(pathname, rpmsDir) mockBuildLogs = os.path.join(buildDir,"build_logs", mock_cfg, package) if not os.path.exists(mockBuildLogs): print "INFO: Creating dir %s" % mockBuildLogs os.makedirs(mockBuildLogs) for basename in os.listdir(resultsDir): if basename.endswith('.log'): pathname = os.path.join(resultsDir, basename) print_debug("Copying log file %s to %s" % (pathname, mockBuildLogs)) if os.path.isfile(pathname): shutil.copy2(pathname, mockBuildLogs) if builtRPMS != "": print_debug("builtRPMS: %s" % builtRPMS.strip()) message = "Subject: %s The package %s build for %s completed successfully\n\nINFO: Here are the rpms built:\n\n%s" % (group, package, mock_cfg, builtRPMS) status="COMPLETED" print "INFO: status = ", status email(message, mailTo) return(status) else: print pounds print "RPM FILE NOT FOUND !" #TODO move the generated build logs to this commented out line below #not sure why I was trying to access the mock log file here. Since #it's not currently being used, I'm commenting it out #mockLogFilePath= os.path.join(buildLogs, package, "build.log") logTail = "" print pounds logTail=subprocess.Popen([r"tail","-n 40", logFilePath], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] print logTail print pounds message = "Subject: %s The package %s build for %s failed\n\nINFO: Here are the last lines from the log file:\n%s\n%s\n" % (group, package, mock_cfg, dashes, logTail ) email(message, mailTo) status="FAILED" print "INFO: status = ", status return(status) #end build_package() ########################################################################################## ########################################################################################## def build_generic_pkg( package, buildDir, mock_cfg, flavor, scriptsDir, optionsDebug, mailTo): def print_debug(msg): if optionsDebug == True: print "DEBUG: %s" % (msg) print "package = %s " % package #if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(buildDir,package)): # print "INFO: Creating directory %s " % os.path.join(buildDir,package) # os.mkdir(os.path.join(buildDir,package)) print "+-----------------------------------------------------+" print "Starting to build %s" % package print "+-----------------------------------------------------+" srpmPattern = r'^%s\-\d+?\S*?\.*?\.rpm$' % package #SRPMS = buildDir + "/packages/SRPMS/" SRPMS = os.path.join(buildDir,"packages/SRPMS") print "SRPMS = %s" % SRPMS if not os.path.exists(SRPMS): os.makedirs(SRPMS) os.chdir(SRPMS) print "INFO: List of src.rpms:" os.listdir(SRPMS) SRPM=None for fileName in os.listdir(SRPMS): if re.search(srpmPattern, fileName): print fileName SRPM = fileName if SRPM == None: srpmScript = scriptsDir + "/nss/build_" + package + ".sh" print_debug("srpmScript = %s" % srpmScript) shutil.copy(srpmScript, buildDir) os.chdir(buildDir) print os.getcwd() srpmScript = buildDir + "/build_" + package + ".sh" print "srpmScript = %s" % srpmScript for line in runProcess([srpmScript]): print line, #check for exitence of .git directory if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(buildDir, package, ".git")): print ".git dir found %s" % os.path.join(buildDir, package, ".git") os.chdir(os.path.join(buildDir, package)) print os.path.join(buildDir, package) g = git.Git(os.path.join(buildDir,package)) gitrev = g.log('--pretty=%h','-1','--').split('\n') gitrev2=gitrev[0] gitrev=gitrev2 print "INFO: git rev = %s" % gitrev else: print ".git dir not found %s" % os.path.join(buildDir,package, ".git") gitrev ="" #NOTE: the ipa package already has the gitrev embedded in the SRPM and doesn't need to be converted status = build_package(package, mock_cfg, gitrev, buildDir, flavor, optionsDebug, mailTo) print "Build status = %s for %s " % (status, package) return status #end build_generic_pkg() #TODO some of these 3 todo's are duplicates of those down at the symlink area #TODO add checking to see if the source checked out okay and that the pki/scripts dir exists #TODO put some code in here to verify that all the packages build succeded. if not, then we shouldn't even create the directories ########################################################################################## def createRepoDirs(mock_cfg, flavor, DT, buildDir, options_test, optionsDebug, mailTo): """ function for the repo directories Currently this is called only when the build fails. """ def print_debug(msg): if optionsDebug == True: print "DEBUG: %s" % (msg) print_debug("function: createRepoDir") print_debug("mock_cfg: %s" % mock_cfg) print_debug("flavor: %s" % flavor) print_debug("DT: %s" % DT) print_debug("buildDir: %s" % buildDir) print_debug("options_test: %s" % options_test) #workbase = os.environ['HOME'] #scriptsDir = os.environ['HOME'] + "/scripts" #dashes = "+" + 70 * "-" + "+" longDashes = "+" + 80 * "-" + "+" URL="http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org" print_debug("URL: %s" % URL) #TODO find a better name than repoPackage repoPackage="nss" print_debug("repoPackage: %s" % repoPackage) [platform, rel, arch] = mock_cfg.split("-") if arch == "i386": arch = "i686" print_debug("arch: %s" % arch) if platform == "fedora": dist="F" + rel print_debug("rel: %s" % rel) if platform == "rhel": dist=platform + rel print_debug("dist: %s" % dist) #TODO send email informing of a build failure due to not being able to mount repos if options_test: repos = "/tmp/repos" else: repos = "/repos" if not os.path.ismount(repos): print "WARN: %s is not mounted" % repos print "INFO: attempting to mount %s ... " % repos for line in runProcess(["sudo", "/bin/mount", repos]): print line if not os.path.ismount(repos): print "ERROR: unable to mount %s " % repos sys.exit() #TODO: handle other flavor names for future builds if flavor == "NSS": #/repos/pki/dogtag/10 [flavorName, flavorGroup] = flavor.split() flavorName=flavorName.lower() repoBase=os.path.join(repos, repoPackage, flavorName, flavorGroup) repoFull=os.path.join(repoBase, dist) else: flavorName="NSS" flavorGroup="devel" flavorName=flavorName.lower() repoBase=os.path.join(repos, repoPackage, flavorName, flavorGroup) repoFull=os.path.join(repoBase, dist) print_debug("repoBase: %s" % repoBase) print_debug("repoFull: %s" % repoFull) #check for case when a new dist is released and create the dir ################################################################# #create the repo tree ################################################################# if os.path.exists(repoBase) and not os.path.exists(repoFull): print "INFO: Creating dir", repoFull os.makedirs(repoFull) elif not os.path.exists(repoBase): os.makedirs(repoBase) #TODO add some logic here to exit if unable to create the directory #print "ERROR: %s doesn't exist" % repoBase #sys.exit(2) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(repoFull, DT)): print "INFO: Creating dir %s" % os.path.join(repoFull, DT) os.makedirs(os.path.join(repoFull, DT)) for dirType in (arch, "noarch", "src"): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(repoFull, DT, dirType)): print "INFO: Creating dir %s" % os.path.join(repoFull, DT, dirType) os.makedirs(os.path.join(repoFull, DT, dirType)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(repoFull, DT, arch, "logs")): print "INFO: Creating dir %s" % os.path.join(repoFull, DT, arch, "logs") os.makedirs(os.path.join(repoFull, DT, arch, "logs")) #def copyBuildLogs(mock_cfg, flavor, DT, buildDir, options_test, optionsDebug, options_skipWget, mailTo): """still need a function for over the build logs only. in the case that one of the builds fails""" sourceLogDir = os.path.join(buildDir,"build_logs", mock_cfg) #repoBuildLogsDir = os.path.join(repoFull, DT, arch, "logs") targetLogDir = os.path.join(repoFull, DT, arch, "logs", "build_logs", mock_cfg) #destDir = os.path.join(repoFull, DT, rpmType) #print_debug("copying:(source: dest:)\n%s/%s\n%s\n%s" % (rpmsDir, RPM, destDir, dashes)) #shutil.copy2(os.path.join(rpmsDir, RPM), destDir) copyResult = distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(sourceLogDir, targetLogDir, preserve_mode=0, verbose=1) print_debug("copyResult %s" % copyResult) #print buildLogs URL="http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org" #import json test_message = "{test_build}".format(test_build="****this is a TEST BUILD****" if options_test else ".") #message_url_path = "{url_path}".format(url_path=os.path.join(URL, repoFull, DT, arch)) if options_test else URL + os.path.join(URL, repoFull, DT, "noarch") #print_debug("path =%s" % message_url_path) failMessage= """ You can find the build logs here: %s %s%s %s%s %s %s """ % ( longDashes, URL, os.path.join(URL, repoFull, DT, arch), URL, os.path.join(URL, repoFull, DT, "noarch"), longDashes, test_message, ) buildStatus="FAILED" message = "Subject: %s %s build %s \n\n\n%s\n" % (flavor, mock_cfg, buildStatus, failMessage ) print(failMessage) email(message, mailTo) #end createRepoDirs ########################################################################################## def copyToRepo(mock_cfg, flavor, DT, buildDir, options_test, optionsDebug, options_skipWget, mailTo): def print_debug(msg): if optionsDebug == True: print "DEBUG: %s" % (msg) print_debug("mock_cfg: %s" % mock_cfg) print_debug("flavor: %s" % flavor) print_debug("DT: %s" % DT) print_debug("buildDir: %s" % buildDir) print_debug("options_test: %s" % options_test) workbase = os.environ['HOME'] scriptsDir = workbase + "/scripts" dashes = "+" + 70 * "-" + "+" longDashes = "+" + 80 * "-" + "+" URL="http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org" print_debug("URL: %s" % URL) #TODO find a better name than repoPackage repoPackage="nss" print_debug("repoPackage: %s" % repoPackage) [platform, rel, arch] = mock_cfg.split("-") if arch == "i386": arch = "i686" print_debug("arch: %s" % arch) if platform == "fedora": dist="F" + rel print_debug("rel: %s" % rel) if platform == "rhel": dist=platform + rel print_debug("dist: %s" % dist) #TODO send email that build failed due to not being able to mount repos if options_test: repos = "/tmp/repos" else: repos = "/repos" if not os.path.ismount(repos): print "WARN: %s is not mounted" % repos print "INFO: attempting to mount %s ... " % repos for line in runProcess(["sudo", "/bin/mount", repos]): print line if not os.path.ismount(repos): print "ERROR: unable to mount %s " % repos sys.exit() #TODO: handle other flavor names for future builds if flavor == "NSS": [flavorName, flavorGroup] = flavor.split() flavorName=flavorName.lower() repoBase=os.path.join(repos, repoPackage, flavorName, flavorGroup) repoFull=os.path.join(repoBase, dist) else: flavorName="NSPR" flavorGroup="devel" flavorName=flavorName.lower() repoBase=os.path.join(repos, repoPackage, flavorName, flavorGroup) repoFull=os.path.join(repoBase, dist) print_debug("repoBase: %s" % repoBase) print_debug("repoFull: %s" % repoFull) if not options_skipWget: #COPY over the download_builds.sh script downloadScript=os.path.join(scriptsDir, flavorName, "download_builds.sh") print_debug("downloadScript = %s" % downloadScript) shutil.copy(downloadScript, buildDir) os.chdir(buildDir) downloadScript=os.path.join(buildDir, "download_builds.sh") print_debug("downloadScript = %s" % downloadScript) for line in runProcess([downloadScript, arch]): print line, # check for case when a new dist is released and create the dir ################################################################# # create the repo tree ################################################################# if os.path.exists(repoBase) and not os.path.exists(repoFull): print "INFO: Creating dir", repoFull os.makedirs(repoFull) elif not os.path.exists(repoBase): os.makedirs(repoBase) #print "ERROR: %s doesn't exist" % repoBase #sys.exit(2) #TODO add some logic here to exit if unable to create the directory if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(repoFull, DT)): print "INFO: Creating dir %s" % os.path.join(repoFull, DT) os.makedirs(os.path.join(repoFull, DT)) for dirType in (arch, "noarch", "src"): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(repoFull, DT, dirType)): print "INFO: Creating dir %s" % os.path.join(repoFull, DT, dirType) os.makedirs(os.path.join(repoFull, DT, dirType)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(repoFull, DT, arch, "logs")): print "INFO: Creating dir %s" % os.path.join(repoFull, DT, arch, "logs") os.makedirs(os.path.join(repoFull, DT, arch, "logs")) buildLogs = os.path.join(repoFull, DT, arch, "logs") print buildLogs os.chdir(repoFull) #TODO add some logic that if any of the builds fail, # Currently, if the build fails, I skip the entire creation # of the repos--including the build logs # 1) do not create the symlink - DONE # 2) copy the build logs over - DONE # 3) do not copy the builds -DONE # 4) send an email with a url to the build logs - DONE (in other function) # archSymlink = "devel_" + arch if os.path.exists("devel_" + arch): os.remove("devel_" + arch) print os.getcwd() print "creating symlink %s_devel to %s " % (arch, DT) os.symlink(DT, "devel_" + arch) buildStatus="COMPLETED" ################################################################# #copy the builds over to the newly created repo tree ################################################################# rpmsDir = os.path.join(buildDir, "packages/RPMS/" + mock_cfg) print dashes for rpmType in (arch, "noarch", "src"): filelist = [ f for f in os.listdir(rpmsDir) if f.endswith(rpmType + ".rpm") ] filelist.sort() logFile = open(buildLogs + "/fileList_" + rpmType , "w") destDir = os.path.join(repoFull, DT, rpmType) for RPM in filelist: print_debug("copying:(source: dest:)\n%s/%s\n%s\n%s" % (rpmsDir, RPM, destDir, dashes)) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(rpmsDir, RPM), destDir) logFile.write(RPM+"\n") logFile.close() #handle i386 rpm files that are part of the i686 repo rpmType="i386" filelist = [ f for f in os.listdir(rpmsDir) if f.endswith(rpmType + ".rpm") ] filelist.sort() logFile = open(buildLogs + "/fileList_" + "i686" , "a") destDir = os.path.join(repoFull, DT, "i686") for RPM in filelist: print_debug("copying:(source: dest:)\n%s/%s\n%s\n%s" % (rpmsDir, RPM, destDir, dashes)) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(rpmsDir, RPM), destDir) logFile.write(RPM+"\n") logFile.close() #sort the file into a temp file then copy it back. this is needed for the email with the list of files logFile = os.path.join(buildLogs, "fileList_" + "i686") logFileTmp = os.path.join(buildLogs, "fileList_" + "i686.out") inLogFile = open(logFile , "r") outLogFile = open(logFileTmp , "w") map(outLogFile.write, sorted(inLogFile.readlines())) inLogFile.close() outLogFile.close() shutil.copy2(logFileTmp, logFile) os.remove(logFileTmp) #when I need to create a repo: #add logic to not do this if build failed for rpmType in (arch, "noarch", "src"): destDir = os.path.join(repoFull, DT, rpmType) logFile = open(buildLogs + "/createrepo_" + rpmType + ".log", "w") print_debug("logFile = %s" % logFile) cmd = "createrepo -vv --no-database --skip-stat " + destDir output=run(cmd) print output logFile.write(output+"\n") logFile.close() numPkgDict={} for rpmType in (arch, "noarch", "src"): destDir = os.path.join(repoFull, DT, rpmType) logFile = open(buildLogs + "/createrepo_" + rpmType + ".log", "r") for line in logFile: if "Spawning" in line: #print line pkgNum=line.split()[-2] print_debug("pkgNum: %s" % pkgNum) numPkgDict[rpmType]=pkgNum print_debug("numPkgDict: %s" % numPkgDict) #TODO copy the log files over to the build_logs directory rpmInRepoDict={} for rpmType in (arch, "noarch", "src"): rpmInRepoDict[rpmType] = open(buildLogs + "/fileList_" + rpmType, "r").read().split() #" ".join(REPOLOG) #print REPOLOG #close(buildLogs + "/fileList_" + rpmType) import json #TODO add some logic here to check for test mode and alter the email accordingly #NOTE this is partially implemented below: test_message = "{test_build}".format(test_build="****this is a TEST BUILD****" if options_test else ".") message_url_path = "{url_path}".format(url_path=os.path.join(URL, repoFull, DT, arch)) if options_test else URL + os.path.join(URL, repoFull, DT, "noarch") print_debug("path =%s" % message_url_path) releaseMessage= """ You can find the build repos here: %s %s%s %s%s %s%s %s%s Summary of the number of RPMS that were built: %s %s Here are the RPMs that were built: %s %s %s """ % ( longDashes, URL, os.path.join(URL, repoFull, DT, arch), URL, os.path.join(URL, repoFull, DT, "noarch"), URL, os.path.join(URL, repoFull, "devel_" + arch, arch ), URL, os.path.join(URL, repoFull, "devel_" + arch, "noarch"), longDashes, json.dumps(numPkgDict, indent=4), longDashes, json.dumps(rpmInRepoDict, indent=4), test_message, ) print releaseMessage message = "Subject: %s %s build %s \n\n\n%s\n" % (flavor, mock_cfg, buildStatus, releaseMessage ) email(message, mailTo) #end copyToRepo