Setting up and running the tests for Dogtag Certificate System ================================================================ ** Note- All the paths mentioned in this document start from the root of the cloned source tree. 1. Running the tests on local machine. 1.1.Running the tests standalone in Eclipse(only the Java tests (JUnit v>=4.11)) 1.1.1. Setting up the test environment. A new DS instance, to be used by the CA instance for which the tests are run, can be created by running the following command: --silent --\ General.FullMachineName=$HOSTNAME\ General.SuiteSpotUserID=dirsrv\ General.SuiteSpotGroup=dirsrv\ slapd.ServerPort=389\ slapd.ServerIdentifier=pki-tomcat\ slapd.Suffix=dc=example,dc=com\ slapd.RootDN="cn=Directory Manager"\ slapd.RootDNPwd=Secret123 Then a CA instance can be created using the deploment configuration file tests/dogtag/conf/deploy.cfg with the command: pkispawn -s CA -f deploy.cfg The ca_admin_cert.p12 file has to be imported into an NSS DB to be used for authentication in the tests. Since pkispawn can only be run as root user, the ca_admin_cert.p12 file is created in /root/.dogtag/pki-tomcat/. The root user can run the following commands to make it available to a non-root user. cp ~/.dogtag/pki-tomcat/ca_admin_cert.p12 /tmp chmod 777 /tmp/ca_admin_cert.p12 Now the following commands can be executed to import the cert PKCS12 file into a local NSS DB. mkdir /tmp/nssdb certutil -N -d /tmp/nssdb ** When prompted for a password, enter Secret123 pk12util -i /tmp/ca_admin_cert.p12 -d /tmp/nssdb ** Enter "Secret123" as password for both the NSSDB and the p12 file. Any the changes during the initial setup have to be updated in the tests/dogtag/conf/test.cfg. (Used by the tests) With all the setting above mentioned the tests will run successfully. 1.1.2. Running the tests The tests can be either run individually or as as part of a suite in Eclipse. To run the tests as a suite, Open BeakerTestSuite and run as JUnit test. A suite is a test runner which executes all the tests added to it using the @SuiteClasses tag. A customized suite, PKITestSuite, is used to provide additional functionality when the tests are run on a beaker test machine. To run the tests individually(a class like CATestJunit), just run the class as a JUnitTest. 1.2.Running all the tests on a beaker test machine from command line. 1.2.1 Setting up a beaker client on a local machine. The following steps help setup a beaker client for creating the task rpm and submitting the beaker job to the beaker server. -- Copy the file tests/dogtag/conf/beaker-client.repo to /etc/yum.repos.d and replace with the version of fedora. (run this command for fedora version: cat /etc/fedora-release) -- Do: yum install expect beakerlib beaker-client rhts-devel -- Create a folder /etc/beaker and copy the file tests/dogtag/conf/client.conf to that folder. Update the client.conf file with the beaker server's authentication details. For an Username/Password authentication enter values for HUB_URL, USERNAME, PASSWORD. The sample file has been configured for using this setting as default. For a Kerberos authentication, comment the AUTH_METHOD="password", USERNAME and PASSWORD fields uncomment and enter the values for HUB_URL and KRB_REALM and uncomment the line AUTH_METHOD="krbv". This sets up the machine as a beaker client, on which new task rpms can be built and new jobs submitted to the beaker server. A beaker job is an XML file. The template used to create a job is in tests/dogtag/beakerjob.dogtag.xml.template. 1.2.2 Building the beaker task rpm and submitting a beaker job. Creating a repository of the built rpms. Use --createrepo option in the compose scripts to create a repository of the rpms built, like: ./compose_pki_core_packages --createrepo=conf/repository.cfg hybrid_rpms This command builds the rpms, copies them to the REPOSITORY_LOCATION specified in the file and creates it as a repository. If the location specified is hosted on a httpd server, this repository URL can be in the job xml. If a remote host name is provided then the repos are scp'ed at the location provided on the remote host using the credentials provided. (If no login credentials are provided, then a prompt appears asking for them.) Building the task rpm and submitting the job to a beaker server is done by executing the compose script in pki/scripts: ./compose_pki_test_package unique_identifier beaker_job_config [--runtests] The builds are done in /../package.tests/ folder. -- The unique_identifier is for personalizing the rpm. This path at which the test source is extracted from the rpm on the beaker server is specified by the TEST variable in the Makefile (pki/tests/dogtag/Makefile). So another rpm with the same to-be-extracted path overwrites the existing test code. In order to prevent it, a unique id is asked to personalize the rpm to provide a unique to-be-extracted path for every test rpm of dogtag tests (especially at a user level). -- beaker_job_config (the absolute path of the file from /) - to configure the recipe of a job. A sample configuration file is at tests/conf/beaker-job.cfg. The repos parameter should point to the URL's to access the dogtag rpms. The hostname means the hostname of a specific beaker test machine. The distro_* are the details of the distribution on the beaker server, that has to be installed on the test machine. -- The optional --runtests option. Without the --runtests options the task rpm and the job xml are not submitted to the beaker server. ** An already built rpm/job (built without the --runtests option above) can be submitted to a beaker server by: ./run_tests [--wait-on-beaker-job] -- The run_tests just submits the task rpm and job xml to beaker. But specifying --wait-on-beaker-job option, the process is blocked until the job is completed. **Note- In the case of creating a repository on a remote machine, the remote machine must be a known_host to the local machine. 2. Setting up a Jenkins server for continuous integration testing -- Follow the steps in section 1.2.1 to setup a beaker-client on the system. -- Install Jenkins. (It is better to configure the Jenkins server to use a port other than 8080) -- Create a New Project - ex: Dogtag-pki -- Configuring the project (Click on "Configure" in the left panel): * Setting up the workspace: i. For continuous integration, the project can be configured to clone the source from the repository (git:// To use the Git SCM, install the Jenkins-Git plugin. Goto Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins to find and install the plugin. The Git option can be found in the SCM section. ii. For using the working project directory as the source to build the rpms - Select None in the SCM section and set the path to the project root (pki) as custom workspace in the Advanced Project Options section. Click on Advanced -> Select Use custom workspace -> Enter the path. -- Building the rpms and running the tests. In the "Build" section, select "Add build step" -> "Execute Shell" Paste the following code in the Command text box. cd $WORKSPACE/scripts; ./compose_pki_core_packages [--createrepo=] hybrid_rpms echo "Compose the test package and submit the beaker task and job" cd $WORKSPACE/scripts; ./compose_pki_test_package --runtests This will build the rpms, create the repo(if specified), compose the test rpm and submit the tests to the beaker. (The description to the commands used and setting up the beaker-client are specified in the previous sections of this document) -- The Build Triggers section provides options for specifying the time at which a new build can be triggered - periodically or on a git commit. -- If no Build triggers are configured in the project, the build process can be initiated by clicking on "Build Now" link in the left panel. The console output can be viewed by clicking the "Console Output" link.