#!/bin/bash ## BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK ## (C) 2011 Red Hat, Inc. ## All rights reserved. ## END COPYRIGHT BLOCK ## This shell script must always be executed in the base ## directory located one level above this shell script cd `dirname $0`/.. ## ## Usage statement ## Usage() { printf "\n" printf "Usage: $0 \n\n" printf " where:\n\n" printf " is the starting SVN revision\n\n" printf " is the ending SVN revision\n\n" printf " is one of the following:\n\n" printf " pki-core\n\n" printf " is the version of the specified \n" printf "\n" printf "IMPORTANT: Successful use of this script relies upon separation\n" printf " of 'pki-core' check-ins. All patch files\n" printf " automatically produced by this script\n" printf " should be applied and tested thoroughly before\n" printf " being accepted as proper patches.\n\n" } ## ## Identify source associated with srpm ## PKI_CORE="base/ca base/common base/java-tools base/native-tools base/setup base/symkey base/util" ## ## Check for command line argument validity ## if [ $# -ne 4 ] ; then printf "ERROR: Insufficent parameters!\n" Usage exit 255 fi startrev=$1 endrev=$2 srpm=$3 basever=$4 if [ ${srpm} == "pki-core" ]; then source=${PKI_CORE} else printf "ERROR: Invalid specified!\n" Usage exit 255 fi if [ ${startrev} -ge ${endrev} ]; then printf "ERROR: must be less than !\n" Usage exit 255 fi ## ## Always establish a new working directory ## workingdir=/tmp/pki_patch_maker if [ ! -e ${workingdir} ]; then mkdir ${workingdir} fi rm -rf ${workingdir}/${srpm} mkdir ${workingdir}/${srpm} ## ## Process specified SVN revision numbers ## for i in ${source} do svn log -q -r${startrev}:${endrev} $i |grep "^r"|awk '{print $1}'|sed 's/r//' >> ${workingdir}/${srpm}/revnos done cat ${workingdir}/${srpm}/revnos |sort |uniq > ${workingdir}/${srpm}/revnos2 ## ## Generate patches for the specified SRPM based upon SVN revision numbers ## while read rev0 do svn diff -c $rev0 --diff-cmd /usr/bin/diff -x "-Nurb" > ${workingdir}/${srpm}/${srpm}-${basever}-r${rev0}.patch done < ${workingdir}/${srpm}/revnos2 ## ## Generate sample changelog messages associated with these patches ## while read rev0 do echo `svn log -r $rev0 |grep -i "Resolves"`, $rev0 >> ${workingdir}/${srpm}/changelog done < ${workingdir}/${srpm}/revnos2