#!/bin/bash # BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK # (C) 2010 Red Hat, Inc. # All rights reserved. # END COPYRIGHT BLOCK ## ## Include common 'compose' functions ## COMPOSE_PWD=`dirname $0` source ${COMPOSE_PWD}/compose_functions ## Always switch into the base directory three levels ## above this shell script prior to executing it so ## that all of its output is written to this directory cd `dirname $0`/../.. ## ## Retrieve the name of this base directory ## PKI_PWD=`pwd` ## ## Establish the 'dogtag-pki' name and version information ## DOGTAG_PKI_THEME="dogtag-pki-theme" DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_VERSION="10.1.0" ## ## Establish the SOURCE files/directories of the 'dogtag-pki' source directory ## PKI_SPECS_FILE="${PKI_DIR}/specs/${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME}.spec" PKI_COMPONENT_LIST="test common-ui ra-ui tps-ui console-ui" ## ## Establish the TARGET files/directories of the 'dogtag-pki' source/spec files ## PKI_PACKAGES="${PKI_PWD}/packages" DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_BUILD_DIR="${PKI_PACKAGES}/BUILD" DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_RPMS_DIR="${PKI_PACKAGES}/RPMS" DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_SOURCES_DIR="${PKI_PACKAGES}/SOURCES" DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_SPECS_DIR="${PKI_PACKAGES}/SPECS" DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_SRPMS_DIR="${PKI_PACKAGES}/SRPMS" DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_TARBALL="${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME}-${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_VERSION}.tar.gz" DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_SPEC_FILE="${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_SPECS_DIR}/${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME}.spec" DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_PACKAGE_SCRIPT="${PKI_PACKAGES}/package_${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME}" DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_PACKAGE_COMMAND="${RPMBUILD_CMD} SPECS/${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME}.spec" DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_STAGING_DIR="${PKI_PACKAGES}/staging" DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_DIR="${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_STAGING_DIR}/${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME}-${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_VERSION}" DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_DOGTAG_DIR="${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_DIR}/dogtag" ## ## Always create a top-level 'packages' directory ## mkdir -p ${PKI_PACKAGES} ## ## Always create 'dogtag-pki' package directories ## mkdir -p ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_BUILD_DIR} mkdir -p ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_RPMS_DIR} mkdir -p ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_SOURCES_DIR} mkdir -p ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_SPECS_DIR} mkdir -p ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_SRPMS_DIR} ## ## Always start with new 'dogtag-pki' package files ## rm -rf ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_BUILD_DIR}/${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME}-${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_VERSION} rm -f ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_RPMS_DIR}/${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME}-${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_VERSION}*.rpm rm -f ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_SOURCES_DIR}/${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_TARBALL} rm -f ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_SPEC_FILE} rm -f ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_SRPMS_DIR}/${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME}-${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_VERSION}*.rpm ## ## Copy a new 'dogtag-pki' spec file from the ## current contents of the PKI working repository ## cp -p ${PKI_SPECS_FILE} ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_SPECS_DIR} ## ## If specified, copy all Patches from the spec file URL to SOURCES ## if [ ${FETCH_PATCH_FILES} -eq 1 ] ; then Fetch_Patch_Files ${PKI_SPECS_FILE} ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_SOURCES_DIR} fi ## ## Copy the specified Source Tarball from the spec file URL to SOURCES, or ## Generate a fresh Source Tarball from the local source ## if [ ${FETCH_SOURCE_TARBALL} -eq 1 ] ; then Fetch_Source_Tarball ${PKI_SPECS_FILE} ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_SOURCES_DIR} else ## ## Always start with a new 'dogtag-pki' staging directory ## rm -rf ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_STAGING_DIR} ## ## To generate the 'dogtag-pki' tarball, construct a staging area ## consisting of the 'dogtag-pki' source components from the ## current contents of the PKI working repository ## mkdir -p ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_DIR} cd ${PKI_DIR} for file in "${PKI_FILE_LIST}" ; do cp -p ${file} ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_DIR} done find ${PKI_CMAKE_DIR} \ -name .svn -prune -o \ -name *.swp -prune -o \ -print | cpio -pdum ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_DIR} > /dev/null 2>&1 cd - > /dev/null 2>&1 mkdir -p ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_DOGTAG_DIR} cd ${PKI_DOGTAG_DIR} cp -p ${PKI_DOGTAG_MANIFEST} ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_DOGTAG_DIR} for component in "${PKI_COMPONENT_LIST}" ; do find ${component} \ -name .svn -prune -o \ -name *.spec -prune -o \ -name *.swp -prune -o \ -print | cpio -pdum ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_DOGTAG_DIR} > /dev/null 2>&1 done cd - > /dev/null 2>&1 ## ## Create the 'dogtag-pki' tarball ## mkdir -p ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_SOURCES_DIR} cd ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_STAGING_DIR} gtar -zcvf ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_TARBALL} \ "${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME}-${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_VERSION}" > /dev/null 2>&1 mv ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_TARBALL} ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_SOURCES_DIR} cd - > /dev/null 2>&1 ## ## Always remove the PKI staging area ## rm -rf ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_STAGING_DIR} fi ## ## Always generate a fresh 'dogtag-pki' package script ## rm -rf ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_PACKAGE_SCRIPT} printf "#!/bin/bash\n\n" > ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_PACKAGE_SCRIPT} printf "${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_PACKAGE_COMMAND}\n\n" >> ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_PACKAGE_SCRIPT} chmod 775 ${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME_PACKAGE_SCRIPT} ## ## Automatically invoke RPM/SRPM creation ## cd ${PKI_PACKAGES} ; bash ./package_${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME} | tee package_${DOGTAG_PKI_THEME}.log 2>&1