
A security domain is a registry for all of the PKI services within an enterprise. Applications may use the security domain to locate other PKI services. [Details] #if ($errorString != "")  $errorString #end
#if ($cstype == "CA")  Create a New Security Domain
If no security domain exists, a new one must be created for this CA.
Security Domain Name: (e.g. - Dogtag Security Domain)
Security Domain URL: https://$machineName:$https_port

 Join an Existing Security Domain #else  Create a New Security Domain
If no security domain exists, a new one must be created for this CA.
Security Domain Name: (e.g. - Dogtag Security Domain)

 Join an Existing Security Domain #end
Enter the URL to an existing security domain.
Security Domain URL: (e.g. - https://hostname:port)