#!/bin/bash # BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK # (C) 2008 Red Hat, Inc. # All rights reserved. # END COPYRIGHT BLOCK # Always switch into this base directory # prior to script execution so that all # of its output is written to this directory cd `dirname $0` # Retrieve the name of this base directory PKI_PWD=`pwd` # Name and location of the SVN external properties DB. SVN_EXTERNAL_PROPERTIES_DB_LOCATION="${PKI_PWD}" SVN_EXTERNAL_PROPERTIES_DB_NAME="linux_svn_external_properties_db" SVN_EXTERNAL_PROPERTIES_DB="${SVN_EXTERNAL_PROPERTIES_DB_LOCATION}/${SVN_EXTERNAL_PROPERTIES_DB_NAME}" # Always make sure that the SVN external properties DB exists. if [ ! -f ${SVN_EXTERNAL_PROPERTIES_DB} ]; then printf "The SVN external properties DB called '${SVN_EXTERNAL_PROPERTIES_DB}' does NOT exist!\n" exit 255; fi # Specify the location and a list of the SVN components that # require these SVN external properties to be updated. SVN_COMPONENTS_LOCATION="${PKI_PWD}/.." SVN_COMPONENTS="ca ca-ui common common-ui console console-ui java-tools kra kra-ui manage migrate native-tools ocsp ocsp-ui osutil ra ra-ui setup silent symkey tks tks-ui tps tps-ui util" # Change directory to the location of all of these components, # and execute the defined SVN external property changes. cd ${SVN_COMPONENTS_LOCATION} for SVN_COMPONENT in ${SVN_COMPONENTS} ; do if [ -d "${SVN_COMPONENTS_LOCATION}/${SVN_COMPONENT}" ]; then printf "Setting external SVN properties for the component called '${SVN_COMPONENT}' . . .\n" cd "${SVN_COMPONENT}" svn propset svn:externals -F "${SVN_EXTERNAL_PROPERTIES_DB}" . svn propget svn:externals . svn update cd .. else printf "The component called '${SVN_COMPONENTS_LOCATION}/${SVN_COMPONENT}' does NOT exist!\n" fi done exit 0;