// --- BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. // All rights reserved. // --- END COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- package netscape.security.x509; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Vector; import netscape.security.util.DerInputStream; import netscape.security.util.DerOutputStream; import netscape.security.util.DerValue; import netscape.security.util.ObjectIdentifier; /** * RDNs are a set of {attribute = value} assertions. Some of those attributes * are "distinguished" (unique w/in context). Order is never relevant. * * Some X.500 names include only a single distinguished attribute per RDN. This * style is currently common. * * Note that DER-encoded RDNs sort AVAs by assertion OID ... so that when we * parse this data we don't have to worry about canonicalizing it, but we'll * need to sort them when we expose the RDN class more. * * @see X500Name * @see AVA * @see LdapDNStrConverter */ public class RDN { // public constructors /** * Constructs a RDN from a Ldap DN String with one RDN component using the * global default LdapDNStrConverter. * * @see LdapDNStrConverter * @param rdnString a Ldap DN string with one RDN component, e.g. as defined * in RFC1779. * @exception IOException if error occurs while parsing the string. */ public RDN(String rdnString) throws IOException { RDN rdn = LdapDNStrConverter.getDefault().parseRDN(rdnString); assertion = rdn.getAssertion(); } /** * Like RDN(String) with a DER encoding order given as argument for * Directory Strings. */ public RDN(String rdnString, byte[] tags) throws IOException { RDN rdn = LdapDNStrConverter.getDefault().parseRDN(rdnString, tags); assertion = rdn.getAssertion(); } /** * Constructs a RDN from a Ldap DN string with one RDN component using the * specified Ldap DN Str converter. For example, RFC1779StrConverter can be * passed to parse a Ldap DN string in RFC1779 format. * * @see LdapDNStrConverter * @param rdnString Ldap DN string. * @param ldapDNStrConverter a LdapDNStrConverter. */ public RDN(String rdnString, LdapDNStrConverter ldapDNStrConverter) throws IOException { RDN rdn = ldapDNStrConverter.parseRDN(rdnString); assertion = rdn.getAssertion(); } /** * Constructs a RDN from a DerValue. * * @param set Der value of a set of AVAs. */ public RDN(DerValue set) throws IOException { if (set.tag != DerValue.tag_Set) throw new CertParseError("X500 RDN"); int j_max = 50; // XXX j_max = f(data)!! int j; int i; AVA[] avas = new AVA[j_max]; // create a temporary array big enough for a huge set of AVA's for (j = 0; j < j_max; j++) { avas[j] = new AVA(set.data); if (set.data.available() == 0) break; } // copy the elements into it if (j >= j_max - 1) { assertion = new AVA[j + 1]; } else { assertion = new AVA[j + 1]; for (i = 0; i < (j + 1); i++) { assertion[i] = avas[i]; } } /* * if (set.data.available () != 0) // throw new CertParseError * ("X500 RDN 2"); System.out.println * (" ... RDN parse, ignored bytes = " + set.data.available ()); */ } /** * Constructs a RDN from a Der Input Stream. * * @param in a Der Input Stream. */ public RDN(DerInputStream in) throws IOException { /* an RDN is a SET of avas */ DerValue avaset[] = in.getSet(1); int i; assertion = new AVA[avaset.length]; for (i = 0; i < assertion.length; i++) assertion[i] = new AVA(avaset[i].data); } /** * Constructs a RDN from an array of AVA. * * @param avas a AVA Array. */ public RDN(AVA avas[]) { assertion = (AVA[]) avas.clone(); } /** * convenience method. */ public RDN(Vector avaVector) { int size = avaVector.size(); assertion = new AVA[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { assertion[i] = (AVA) avaVector.elementAt(i); } } /** * returns an array of AVA in the RDN. * * @return array of AVA in this RDN. */ public AVA[] getAssertion() { return (AVA[]) assertion.clone(); } /** * returns the number of AVAs in the RDN. * * @return number of AVAs in this RDN. */ public int getAssertionLength() { return assertion.length; } private AVA assertion[]; private class AVAEnumerator implements Enumeration { private int index; public AVAEnumerator() { index = 0; } public boolean hasMoreElements() { return (index < assertion.length); } public Object nextElement() { AVA ava = null; if (index >= assertion.length) return null; return assertion[index++]; } } // other public methods. /** * Checks if this RDN is the same as another by comparing the AVAs in the * RDNs. * * @param other the other RDN. * @return true iff the other RDN is the same. */ public boolean equals(RDN other) { int i; if (other == this) return true; if (assertion.length != other.assertion.length) return false; for (i = 0; i < assertion.length; i++) if (!assertion[i].equals(other.assertion[i])) return false; return true; } DerValue findAttribute(ObjectIdentifier oid) { int i; for (i = 0; i < assertion.length; i++) if (assertion[i].oid.equals(oid)) return assertion[i].value; return null; } /** * Encodes this RDN to a Der output stream. * * @param out the Der Output Stream. */ public void encode(DerOutputStream out) throws IOException { DerOutputStream tmp = new DerOutputStream(); int i; for (i = 0; i < assertion.length; i++) assertion[i].encode(tmp); out.write(DerValue.tag_Set, tmp); } /** * returns an enumeration of AVAs that make up this RDN. * * @return an enumeration of AVAs that make up this RDN. */ public Enumeration getAVAs() { return new AVAEnumerator(); } /** * Returns a Ldap DN string with one RDN component using the global default * LdapDNStrConverter. * * @see LdapDNStrConverter * @return the Ldap DN String of this RDN. * @exception IOException if an error occurs during the conversion. */ public String toLdapDNString() throws IOException { return LdapDNStrConverter.getDefault().encodeRDN(this); } /** * Returns a Ldap DN String with this RDN component using the specified * LdapDNStrConverter. * * @see LdapDNStrConverter * @param ldapDNStrConverter a LdapDNStrConverter. * @return a Ldap DN String. * @exception IOException if an error occurs in the conversion. */ public String toLdapDNString(LdapDNStrConverter ldapDNStrConverter) throws IOException { return ldapDNStrConverter.encodeRDN(this); } /** * Returns a Ldap DN string with this RDN component using the global default * LdapDNStrConverter. * * @see LdapDNStrConverter * @return the Ldap DN String with this RDN component, null if an error * occurs in the conversion. */ public String toString() { String s; try { s = toLdapDNString(); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } return s; } }