// --- BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. // All rights reserved. // --- END COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- package netscape.security.x509; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Vector; import netscape.security.util.DerOutputStream; import netscape.security.util.DerValue; import netscape.security.util.ObjectIdentifier; /** * This class defines the Certificate Policies Extension. * *

The certificate policies extension conatins a sequence of policy * information terms, each of which consists of an object identifier * (OID) and optional qualifiers. These policy information terms * indicate the policy under which the certificate has been issued and * the purposes for which the certificate may be used. Aplications with * specific policy requirements are expected to have a list of those * policies which they will accept and to compare the policy OIDs in the * certificate to that list. If this extension is critical, the path * validation software must be able to interpret this extension, or must * reject the certificate. * *

 * CertificatePolicies ::= SEQUENECE OF PolicyInformation
* *@author Christine Ho *@see Extension *@see CertAttrSet */ public class CertificatePoliciesExtension extends Extension implements CertAttrSet { /** * Identifier for this attribute, to be used with the * get, set, delete methods of Certificate, x509 type. */ public static final String IDENT = "x509.info.extensions.CertificatePolicies"; /** * Attribute names. */ public static final String NAME = "CertificatePolicies"; public static final String INFOS = "infos"; // Private data members private Vector mInfos; // Encode this extension value private void encodeThis() throws IOException { DerOutputStream os = new DerOutputStream(); DerOutputStream tmp = new DerOutputStream(); for (int i = 0; i < mInfos.size(); i++) { ((CertificatePolicyInfo)mInfos.elementAt(i)).encode(tmp); } os.write(DerValue.tag_Sequence,tmp); extensionValue = os.toByteArray(); } public CertificatePoliciesExtension(boolean critical, Vector infos) throws IOException { this.mInfos = infos; this.extensionId = PKIXExtensions.CertificatePolicies_Id; this.critical = critical; encodeThis(); } /** * Create a CertificatePolicies with the Vector of CertificatePolicyInfo. * * @param infos the Vector of CertificatePolicyInfo. */ public CertificatePoliciesExtension(Vector infos) throws IOException { this.mInfos = infos; this.extensionId = PKIXExtensions.CertificatePolicies_Id; this.critical = false; encodeThis(); } /** * Create a default CertificatePoliciesExtension. */ public CertificatePoliciesExtension() { this.extensionId = PKIXExtensions.CertificatePolicies_Id; critical = false; mInfos = new Vector(1,1); } /** * Create the extension from the passed DER encoded value. * * @param critical true if the extension is to be treated as critical. * @param value Array of DER encoded bytes of the actual value. * @exception IOException on error. */ public CertificatePoliciesExtension(Boolean critical, Object value) throws IOException { this.extensionId = PKIXExtensions.CertificatePolicies_Id; this.critical = critical.booleanValue(); int len = Array.getLength(value); byte [] extValue = new byte[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { extValue[i] = Array.getByte(value, i); } this.extensionValue = extValue; DerValue val = new DerValue(extValue); if (val.tag != DerValue.tag_Sequence) { throw new IOException("Invalid encoding for " + "CertificatePoliciesExtension."); } mInfos = new Vector(1, 1); while (val.data.available() != 0) { DerValue seq = val.data.getDerValue(); CertificatePolicyInfo info = new CertificatePolicyInfo(seq); mInfos.addElement(info); } } /** * Returns a printable representation of the policy extension. */ public String toString() { if (mInfos == null) return ""; String s = super.toString() + "Certificate Policies [\n" + mInfos.toString() + "]\n"; return (s); } /** * Write the extension to the OutputStream. * * @param out the OutputStream to write the extension to. * @exception IOException on encoding errors. */ public void encode(OutputStream out) throws IOException { DerOutputStream tmp = new DerOutputStream(); if (extensionValue == null) { extensionId = PKIXExtensions.CertificatePolicies_Id; critical = false; encodeThis(); } super.encode(tmp); out.write(tmp.toByteArray()); } /** * Decode the extension from the InputStream. * * @param in the InputStream to unmarshal the contents from. * @exception IOException on decoding or validity errors. */ public void decode(InputStream in) throws IOException { throw new IOException("Method not to be called directly."); } /** * Set the attribute value. */ public void set(String name, Object obj) throws IOException { clearValue(); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(INFOS)) { if (!(obj instanceof Vector)) { throw new IOException("Attribute value should be of" + " type Vector."); } mInfos = (Vector)obj; } else { throw new IOException("Attribute name not recognized by " + "CertAttrSet:CertificatePoliciesExtension."); } } /** * Get the attribute value. */ public Object get(String name) throws IOException { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(INFOS)) { return (mInfos); } else { throw new IOException("Attribute name not recognized by " + "CertAttrSet:CertificatePoliciesExtension."); } } /** * Delete the attribute value. */ public void delete(String name) throws IOException { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(INFOS)) { mInfos = null; } else { throw new IOException("Attribute name not recognized by " + "CertAttrSet:CertificatePoliciesExtension."); } } /** * Return an enumeration of names of attributes existing within this * attribute. */ public Enumeration getElements () { AttributeNameEnumeration elements = new AttributeNameEnumeration(); elements.addElement(mInfos); return (elements.elements()); } /** * Return the name of this attribute. */ public String getName () { return (NAME); } public static void main(String args[]) { /** From ASN.1 dump 0 30 133: SEQUENCE { 3 30 45: . SEQUENCE { 5 06 3: . . OBJECT IDENTIFIER '1 2 3 5' 10 30 38: . . SEQUENCE { 12 30 36: . . . SEQUENCE { 14 06 8: . . . . OBJECT IDENTIFIER cps (1 3 6 1 5 5 7 2 1) : . . . . . (PKIX policy qualifier) 24 16 24: . . . . IA5String 'http://home.netscape.com' : . . . . } : . . . } : . . } 50 30 84: . SEQUENCE { 52 06 2: . . OBJECT IDENTIFIER '2 3 5' 56 30 78: . . SEQUENCE { 58 30 36: . . . SEQUENCE { 60 06 8: . . . . OBJECT IDENTIFIER cps (1 3 6 1 5 5 7 2 1) : . . . . . (PKIX policy qualifier) 70 16 24: . . . . IA5String 'http://home.netscape.com' : . . . . } 96 30 38: . . . SEQUENCE { 98 06 8: . . . . OBJECT IDENTIFIER unotice (1 3 6 1 5 5 7 2 2) : . . . . . (PKIX policy qualifier) 108 30 26: . . . . SEQUENCE { 110 30 16: . . . . . SEQUENCE { 112 1E 8: . . . . . . BMPString (1993) '_..o.r.g' 122 02 1: . . . . . . INTEGER 1 125 02 1: . . . . . . INTEGER 2 : . . . . . . } 128 1E 6: . . . . . BMPString (1993) '_..d.t' : . . . . . } : . . . . } : . . . } : . . } : . } **/ CertificatePolicyId plcyId0 = new CertificatePolicyId( new ObjectIdentifier("") ); PolicyQualifiers qualifiers0 = new PolicyQualifiers(); CPSuri cpsQualifier0 = new CPSuri("http://home.netscape.com"); PolicyQualifierInfo qualifierInfo0 = new PolicyQualifierInfo( PolicyQualifierInfo.QT_CPS, cpsQualifier0 ); qualifiers0.add(qualifierInfo0); CertificatePolicyInfo info0 = new CertificatePolicyInfo( plcyId0, qualifiers0); CertificatePolicyId plcyId1 = new CertificatePolicyId( new ObjectIdentifier("2.3.5") ); PolicyQualifiers qualifiers1 = new PolicyQualifiers(); DisplayText org1 = new DisplayText(DisplayText.tag_BMPString, "org"); int nums[] = {1, 2}; NoticeReference nr1 = new NoticeReference(org1, nums); DisplayText dt1 = new DisplayText(DisplayText.tag_BMPString, "dt"); UserNotice userNotice1 = new UserNotice(nr1, dt1); PolicyQualifierInfo qualifierInfo1 = new PolicyQualifierInfo( PolicyQualifierInfo.QT_UNOTICE, userNotice1 ); qualifiers1.add(qualifierInfo0); qualifiers1.add(qualifierInfo1); CertificatePolicyInfo info1 = new CertificatePolicyInfo( plcyId1, qualifiers1); Vector infos = new Vector(); infos.addElement(info0); infos.addElement(info1); try { CertificatePoliciesExtension ext = new CertificatePoliciesExtension(infos); // BASE64 encode the whole thing and write it to stdout System.out.println( com.netscape.osutil.OSUtil.BtoA(ext.getExtensionValue()) ); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } } }