// --- BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. // All rights reserved. // --- END COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- package netscape.security.x509; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import netscape.security.util.BitArray; import netscape.security.util.DerOutputStream; import netscape.security.util.DerValue; import org.mozilla.jss.asn1.ANY; import org.mozilla.jss.asn1.ASN1Template; import org.mozilla.jss.asn1.ASN1Util; import org.mozilla.jss.asn1.ASN1Value; import org.mozilla.jss.asn1.BIT_STRING; import org.mozilla.jss.asn1.EXPLICIT; import org.mozilla.jss.asn1.InvalidBERException; import org.mozilla.jss.asn1.SEQUENCE; import org.mozilla.jss.asn1.Tag; /** *
 * DistributionPoint ::= SEQUENCE {
 *      distributionPoint       [0]     DistributionPointName OPTIONAL,
 *      reasons                 [1]     ReasonFlags OPTIONAL,
 *      cRLIssuer               [2]     GeneralNames OPTIONAL }
 * DistributionPointName ::= CHOICE {
 *      fullName                [0]     GeneralNames,
 *      nameRelativeToCRLIssuer [1]     RelativeDistinguishedName }
 * ReasonFlags ::= BIT STRING {
 *      unused                  (0),
 *      keyCompromise           (1),
 *      cACompromise            (2),
 *      affiliationChanged      (3),
 *      superseded              (4),
 *      cessationOfOperation    (5),
 *      certificateHold         (6) }
*/ public class CRLDistributionPoint implements ASN1Value { // at most one of the two following may be specified: private GeneralNames fullName; private RDN relativeName; // cache encoding of fullName private ANY fullNameEncoding; private BitArray reasons; // optional, may be null private GeneralNames CRLIssuer; // optional, may be null private ANY CRLIssuerEncoding; // default constructor does nothing. /** * Returns the fullName of the DistributionPointName, which may be null. */ public GeneralNames getFullName() { return fullName; } /** * Returns the relativeName of the DistributionPointName, which may be null. */ public RDN getRelativeName() { return relativeName; } /** * Sets the fullName of the DistributionPointName. It may be set to null. * If it is set to a non-null value, relativeName will be * set to null, because at most one of these two attributes * can be specified at a time. * * @exception GeneralNamesException If an error occurs encoding the * name. */ public void setFullName(GeneralNames fullName) throws GeneralNamesException, IOException { this.fullName = fullName; if (fullName != null) { // encode the name to catch any problems with it DerOutputStream derOut = new DerOutputStream(); fullName.encode(derOut); try { ANY raw = new ANY(derOut.toByteArray()); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); raw.encodeWithAlternateTag(Tag.get(0), bos); fullNameEncoding = new ANY(bos.toByteArray()); } catch (InvalidBERException e) { // assume this won't happen, since it would imply a bug // in DerOutputStream throw new GeneralNamesException(e.toString()); } this.relativeName = null; } } /** * Sets the relativeName of the DistributionPointName. It may be set to null. * If it is set to a non-null value, fullName will be * set to null, because at most one of these two attributes * can be specified at a time. */ public void setRelativeName(RDN relativeName) { this.relativeName = relativeName; if (relativeName != null) { this.fullName = null; } } /** * Returns the reason flags for this distribution point. May be null. */ public BitArray getReasons() { return reasons; } /** * Sets the reason flags for this distribution point. May be set to null. */ public void setReasons(BitArray reasons) { this.reasons = reasons; } /** * Returns the CRLIssuer for the CRL at this distribution point. * May be null. */ public GeneralNames getCRLIssuer() { return CRLIssuer; } /** * Sets the CRLIssuer for the CRL at this distribution point. * May be set to null. * * @exception GeneralNamesException If an error occurs encoding the name. */ public void setCRLIssuer(GeneralNames CRLIssuer) throws GeneralNamesException, IOException { this.CRLIssuer = CRLIssuer; if (CRLIssuer != null) { // encode the name to catch any problems with it DerOutputStream derOut = new DerOutputStream(); CRLIssuer.encode(derOut); try { ANY raw = new ANY(derOut.toByteArray()); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); raw.encodeWithAlternateTag(Tag.get(2), bos); CRLIssuerEncoding = new ANY(bos.toByteArray()); } catch (InvalidBERException e) { throw new GeneralNamesException(e.toString()); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DER encoding ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static final Tag TAG = SEQUENCE.TAG; public Tag getTag() { return TAG; } public void encode(OutputStream ostream) throws IOException { encode(TAG, ostream); } public void encode(Tag implicitTag, OutputStream ostream) throws IOException { SEQUENCE seq = new SEQUENCE(); DerOutputStream derOut; try { // Encodes the DistributionPointName. Because DistributionPointName // is a CHOICE, the [0] tag is forced to be EXPLICIT. if (fullName != null) { EXPLICIT distPoint = new EXPLICIT(Tag.get(0), fullNameEncoding); seq.addElement(distPoint); } else if (relativeName != null) { derOut = new DerOutputStream(); relativeName.encode(derOut); ANY rn = new ANY(derOut.toByteArray()); EXPLICIT raw = new EXPLICIT(Tag.get(1), rn); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); raw.encode(bos); ANY distPointName = new ANY(bos.toByteArray()); EXPLICIT distPoint = new EXPLICIT(Tag.get(0), distPointName); seq.addElement(distPoint); } // Encodes the ReasonFlags. if (reasons != null) { derOut = new DerOutputStream(); derOut.putUnalignedBitString(reasons); ANY raw = new ANY(derOut.toByteArray()); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); raw.encodeWithAlternateTag(Tag.get(1), bos); ANY reasonEncoding = new ANY(bos.toByteArray()); seq.addElement(Tag.get(1), reasonEncoding); } // Encodes the CRLIssuer if (CRLIssuer != null) { seq.addElement(Tag.get(2), CRLIssuerEncoding); } seq.encode(implicitTag, ostream); } catch (InvalidBERException e) { // this shouldn't happen unless there is a bug in one of // the Sun encoding classes throw new IOException(e.toString()); } } // Template singleton private static Template templateInstance = new Template(); /** * Returns an instance of a template for decoding a CRLDistributionPoint. */ public static Template getTemplate() { return templateInstance; } public static void main(String args[]) { try { if (args.length != 1) { System.out.println("Usage: CRLDistributionPoint "); System.exit(-1); } ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); SEQUENCE cdps = new SEQUENCE(); // URI only CRLDistributionPoint cdp = new CRLDistributionPoint(); URIName uri = new URIName("http://www.mycrl.com/go/here"); GeneralNames generalNames = new GeneralNames(); generalNames.addElement(uri); cdp.setFullName(generalNames); cdps.addElement(cdp); // DN only cdp = new CRLDistributionPoint(); X500Name dn = new X500Name("CN=Otis Smith,E=otis@fedoraproject.org" + ",OU=Certificate Server,O=Fedora,C=US"); generalNames = new GeneralNames(); generalNames.addElement(dn); cdp.setFullName(generalNames); cdps.addElement(cdp); // DN + reason BitArray ba = new BitArray(5, new byte[] { (byte) 0x28 }); cdp = new CRLDistributionPoint(); cdp.setFullName(generalNames); cdp.setReasons(ba); cdps.addElement(cdp); // relative DN + reason + crlIssuer cdp = new CRLDistributionPoint(); RDN rdn = new RDN("OU=foobar dept"); cdp.setRelativeName(rdn); cdp.setReasons(ba); cdp.setCRLIssuer(generalNames); cdps.addElement(cdp); cdps.encode(bos); byte[] encoded = bos.toByteArray(); (new FileOutputStream(args[0])).write(encoded); SEQUENCE.OF_Template seqt = new SEQUENCE.OF_Template(getTemplate()); cdps = (SEQUENCE) ASN1Util.decode(seqt, encoded); int size = cdps.size(); System.out.println("Total number of CDPs: " + size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { System.out.println("\nCDP " + i); cdp = (CRLDistributionPoint) cdps.elementAt(i); GeneralNames gn = cdp.getFullName(); if (gn == null) { System.out.println("No full name"); } else { System.out.println(gn); } rdn = cdp.getRelativeName(); if (rdn == null) { System.out.println("No relative name"); } else { System.out.println(rdn); } if (cdp.getReasons() == null) { System.out.println("No reasons"); } else { System.out.println(cdp.getReasons()); } gn = cdp.getCRLIssuer(); if (gn == null) { System.out.println("No cRLIssuer"); } else { System.out.println(gn); } } System.out.println("Done"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Template for decoding CRLDistributionPoint. */ public static class Template implements ASN1Template { public boolean tagMatch(Tag tag) { return TAG.equals(tag); } public ASN1Value decode(InputStream istream) throws IOException, InvalidBERException { return decode(TAG, istream); } public ASN1Value decode(Tag implicitTag, InputStream istream) throws IOException, InvalidBERException { CRLDistributionPoint cdp = new CRLDistributionPoint(); // // construct the top-level sequence // SEQUENCE.Template seqt = SEQUENCE.getTemplate(); // distributionPoint seqt.addOptionalElement( new EXPLICIT.Template(Tag.get(0), ANY.getTemplate())); // reasons seqt.addOptionalElement(Tag.get(1), BIT_STRING.getTemplate()); // cRLIssuer // This will have a tag of 2, but we can't say that here // because ANYs can't have implicit tags. We don't need to say // it, because we do check the tags on the other two elements // in the sequence, so we'll know if we get this one. seqt.addOptionalElement(ANY.getTemplate()); // // decode the top-level sequence // SEQUENCE top = (SEQUENCE) seqt.decode(implicitTag, istream); // decode the distribution point name if (top.elementAt(0) != null) { EXPLICIT exp = (EXPLICIT) top.elementAt(0); ANY distPoint = (ANY) exp.getContent(); if (distPoint.getTag().equals(Tag.get(0))) { // fullName try { DerValue dv = new DerValue(distPoint.getEncoded()); //toFile("encodedFullName", distPoint.getEncoded()); dv.resetTag(DerValue.tag_Sequence); cdp.setFullName(new GeneralNames(dv)); } catch (GeneralNamesException e) { throw new InvalidBERException("fullName: " + e.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new InvalidBERException("fullName: " + e.toString()); } } else if (distPoint.getTag().equals(Tag.get(1))) { // relative name try { DerValue dv = new DerValue(distPoint.getEncoded()); /* dv is as follows: 0 12: [1] { 2 10: SET { 4 8: SEQUENCE { 6 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3) 11 1: PrintableString 'x' : } : } : } */ dv = dv.data.getDerValue(); // skipping the tag /* after the skipping, we have: 0 10: SET { 2 8: SEQUENCE { 4 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3) 9 1: PrintableString 'x' : } : } */ dv.resetTag(DerValue.tag_Set); cdp.setRelativeName(new RDN(dv)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new InvalidBERException("relativeName " + e.toString()); } } else { throw new InvalidBERException( "Unknown tag " + distPoint.getTag() + " in distributionPoint"); } } // decode the reasons if (top.elementAt(1) != null) { BIT_STRING bs = (BIT_STRING) top.elementAt(1); byte[] bits = bs.getBits(); cdp.setReasons( new BitArray((bits.length * 8) - bs.getPadCount(), bits)); } // decode the cRLIssuer if (top.elementAt(2) != null) { ANY issuer = (ANY) top.elementAt(2); if (!issuer.getTag().equals(Tag.get(2))) { throw new InvalidBERException("Invalid tag " + issuer.getTag()); } try { DerValue dv = new DerValue(issuer.getEncoded()); dv.resetTag(DerValue.tag_Sequence); cdp.setCRLIssuer(new GeneralNames(dv)); } catch (GeneralNamesException e) { throw new InvalidBERException("cRLIssuer " + e.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new InvalidBERException("cRLIssuer " + e.toString()); } } return cdp; } } }