#!/usr/bin/perl # # --- BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; # version 2.1 of the License. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, # Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. # All rights reserved. # --- END COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- # use strict; package Template::Velocity::Executor; sub new; package Template::Velocity; # The Template::Velocity package implements a Template execution # engine similar to the Java Velocity package. use Parse::RecDescent; use Data::Dumper; $Template::Velocity::parser; our $docroot="docroot"; our $parser; my %parsetrees = (); my $debugflag = 0; #GRAMMAR defined here my $vmgrammar = q{ { use Data::Dumper; sub Dumper { $::debugdumper = undef; if ($::debugflag && $::debugdumper ) { return Data::Dumper(@_); } else {""}; } } # Template is the top-level object template: section(s) /\Z/ section: blockdirective | nonblockdirective | plainline blockdirective: ifblock | foreachblock plainline : /[ \t]*/ ...!'#' linecomp(s?) /\n*/ HASH: '#' # HMM - this doesn't handle multiple variables on one line? linecomp: variable | /[^\$\n]*/ nonblockdirective: '#' 'include' includeargs /\n*/ { $item[4] ; } | '#' 'parse' parseargs /\n*/ { $item[4] ; } | '#' 'set' setargs /\n*/ { $item[4] ; } | ifblock: ifdirective section(s) elseclause(?) enddirective # this bubbles up the result of the expression inside the if() # which is from the 'ifargs' rule ifdirective: '#' 'if' ifargs /\n/ enddirective: '#' 'end' "\n" elseclause: elsedirective section(s) elsedirective: '#' 'else' "\n" foreachblock: foreachdirective section(s) enddirective foreachdirective: '#' 'foreach' foreachargs "\n" ifargs: '(' expression ')' | foreachargs: '(' variablename 'in' variable ')' | includeargs: '(' string ')' | parseargs: '(' expression ')' | setargs: '(' assignment ')' | # expression evaluation # this goes roughly in order of precendence: # == # &&, || # +, - # * # ! # does not properly distinguish between lvalues and rvalues expression: boolean | assignment: variablename '=' boolean boolean: equality (boolean_operator equality)(?) boolean_operator: ( '&&' | '||' ) equality: summation (equality_operator summation)(?) equality_operator: ( '==' | '!=' ) summation: product (summation_operator summation)(?) summation_operator: ( '+' | '-' ) # must parenthesize operator '*' to get it to appear in the $item array product: negation ('*' product)(?) #XXX need to implement negation: notoperator(?) factor notoperator: "!" factor: number | string | variable # These rules deal with variables # handles $process # $file.executablename # $process.getpid() # $person.getparent().getbrother().slap() # $fred.getchildren() # You'd make a dependency on the 'variable' rule if you want the value # of the variable. # You'd make a dependency on the 'variablename' rule if you want the # name of the variable. # (There's no real difference here - the expression evaluation is # in the variable() subroutine) variable: variablename { ["variable", $item[1][1] ]; } variablename: '$' identifier subfield(s?) { my $variableinfo = { top => $item{identifier}, fields => $item{'subfield(s?)'} }; $return = [ "variablename", \$variableinfo ]; } subfield: '.' identifier arglist(?) { my $d; my $a = $item{"arglist(?)"}; my $args; #::debug "arglist = ".Dumper($a)."\n"; if ($a) { my ($argcount, $al, $alpresent); #$args = @{$a}->[2]; $args = $a->[0][2]; #::debug "arglist args=".Dumper($args)."\n"; $alpresent = $args; $argcount = $#$args; if ($alpresent && $argcount == -1) { $args->[0] = [ ]; } } #::debug "arglist identifier=".$item{identifier}."\n"; $return = [ "subfield", { fieldname => $item{identifier}, arglist => $args->[0], } ]; } arglist: '(' list(?) ')' list: expression (',' list)(s?) # Basic data types # identifiers, numbers and strings identifier: /[A-Za-z0-9_]+/ { $item[1]; } number: /\d+/ {$item[1]; } #XXX skip is all wrong here... should be in [] string: '"' /[^"]*/ '"' { $return = ["string",$item[4]]; } | "'" /[^']*/ "'" { $return = ["string",$item[4]]; } # other literals whitespace: /\s*/ }; # Get a parser object (transforming the built-in text grammar into RecDescent # data structure). This object can be reused for parsing multiple velocity files sub new { #$::debugflag = 0; my $class = shift; $docroot = shift; undef $::RD_HINT; undef $::RD_WARN; #$::RD_TRACE = 1; $parser = new Parse::RecDescent($vmgrammar) or die "Bad Grammar\n"; $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 1;; my $self = {}; $self->{parser} = $parser; # ugly - :-( $Template::Velocity::parser = $parser; bless $self, $class; return $self; } # Execute a template. Given a text string and a parser object, will return # a parse tree, useful for feeding into the executor. sub execute_string { my $self = shift; my $string = shift; my $rule = shift; if (! $rule ) { $rule = "template"; } #print Dumper($self); my $parser = $self->{parser}; my $parsetree = $parser->$rule($string); my $executor = new Template::Velocity::Executor($parsetree, $parser ); my @value = $executor->run(); #my @value = Template::Velocity::Executor::execute($parsetree, $parser); my $value = shift @value; return $value; } sub execute_file { my $self = shift; my $filename = shift; my $rule; my $tree = $parsetrees{$filename}; if (! $tree) { $rule = "template"; open my $fh, "<$docroot/$filename" or return undef; my $string = join "",<$fh>; close $fh; $tree = $parser->$rule($string); $parsetrees{$filename} = $tree; } my $executor = new Template::Velocity::Executor($tree, $parser ); my @value = $executor->run(); my $value = shift @value; return $value; } sub Dumper { return ""; if ($::debugflag && $::debugdumper) { return Data::Dumper->Dump([@_]); } else {""}; } # This autoaction returns an array of each parse element # The net result is a parse tree # I couldn't use because I wanted to preserve # the order of the elements, and returns a # hashtable, not an array $::RD_AUTOACTION = q{ [@item]; }; # debug flags set here ######### EXECUTE FUNCTIONS # These functions deal with executing the velocity parse tree { package Template::Velocity::Executor::Rules; use Data::Dumper; # this imports symbols from these other packages, so # we don't have to always use the fully-qualified names *exe_all = \&Template::Velocity::Executor::exe_all; *exe_optional = \&Template::Velocity::Executor::exe_optional; *execute = \&Template::Velocity::Executor::execute; *debug = \&Template::Velocity::Executor::debug; *indent = \&Template::Velocity::Executor::indent; *deindent = \&Template::Velocity::Executor::deindent; #XXX probably should be $, not & *docroot = \&Template::Velocity::docroot; sub Dumper { return ""; if ($::debugflag && $::debugdumper) { return Dumper(@_); } else {""}; } #template: section(s) /\Z/ sub template { my $f = "template"; my @item = exe_all(@_); debug ("$::level $f - sections should be an array of text: .".Dumper($item[2])."\n"); my $sections = $item[2]; debug ("sections is a: ".(ref $sections)." - it should be an array\n"); my $r= ( join "", @{$item[2]}); return $r; } #linecomp: variable # | /[^\$\n]*/ sub linecomp { my $item; debug ("linecomp: _[2] = '".$_[2]."'\n"); if ($_[2]) { debug ("linecomp: inside if\n"); $item = $_[1].$_[2]; } else { debug ("linecomp: inside else{\n"); ($item) = exe_all($_[1]); debug ("linecomp: end of else}\n"); debug ("linecomp: item =\n".Dumper($item)."\n"); } debug ("linecomp: returning $item\n"); return $item; } # plainline : /[ \t]*/ ...!'#' linecomp(s?) /\n+/ sub plainline { my @item = exe_all(@_); debug ("$::level in plainline - linecomps should be an array of text: .".Dumper($item[4])."\n"); my $r = join "", @{$item[4]}; debug ("$::level in plainline - joined as: $r\n"); $r = $item[2] . $r. $item[5]; debug ("$::level in plainline - returning : $r\n"); return $r; } sub expression { debug ("$::level expression = ".Dumper($_[1])."\n"); my ($item) = exe_all($_[1]); debug ("$::level expression returning $item\n"); return $item; } #foreachblock: foreachdirective section(s) enddirective sub foreachblock { my $f = "foreachblock"; debug ("$::level $f started!\n"); my ($directive) = exe_all($_[1]); debug ("$::level $f directive = \n".Dumper($directive)."\n"); my ($variable, $list) = @{$directive}; my $variablename = $$variable->{top}; debug ("$::level $f variable = $variablename\n"); debug ("$::level $f list = \n".Dumper($list)."\n"); my $result = ""; foreach my $q (@{$list}) { debug ("$::level $f q=$q\n"); $::symbol{$variablename} = $q; debug ("$::level $f setting variable $variablename = $q\n"); my ($sections) = exe_all($_[2]); debug ("$::level $f sections was: ".Dumper($sections)."\n"); $result .= join "",@{$sections}; } return $result; } #foreachdirective: '#' 'foreach' foreachargs "\n" sub foreachdirective { my ($item) = exe_all($_[3]); return $item; } #foreachargs: '(' variablename 'in' expression ')' sub foreachargs { my $f = "foreachargs"; my ($variable, $list) = exe_all($_[2], $_[4]); debug ("$::level $f variable = \n".Dumper($variable)."\n"); debug ("$::level $f list = \n".Dumper($list)."\n"); return [$variable, $list]; } # XXX if block should only execute section(s) if if arg is positve) # likewise for else #ifblock: ifdirective section(s) elseclause(?) enddirective sub ifblock { my $f = "ifblock"; my @item = exe_all(@_); debug ("$::level $f - sections should be an array of text: .".Dumper($item[2])."\n"); my $sections = $item[2]; my $else = $item[3]; debug ("$::level $f sections is a: ".(ref $sections)." - it should be an array\n"); debug ("$::level item1: if expression = ".$item[1]."\n"); debug ("$::level $f elseclause is a: ".(ref $else)." - it should be an scalar\n"); my $r= ( $item[1]>0 ? # if expression (join "", @{$item[2]}) : ($item[3] ? join "",@{$item[3]} : "") ); # this is not quite right ... elseclause returns a scalar (it joins the sections) # so why do I have to join again here? possibly because it's a '?' return $r; } #elseclause: elsedirective section(s) sub elseclause { my $f = "elseclause"; my ($sections) = exe_all($_[2]); debug ("$::level $f sections is a: ".(ref $sections)." - it should be an array\n"); my $return = join "", @{$sections}; debug ("$::level $f returning: $return\n"); return $return; } sub ifargs { debug ("$::level ifargs [2] = ".Dumper($_[2])."\n"); my ($item) = exe_all($_[2]); debug ("$::level item = ".Dumper($item)."\n"); my $r = $item>0 ? 1 : 0; debug ("$::level ifargs returning $r\n"); return $r; } #ifdirective: '#' 'if' ifargs /\n/ sub ifdirective { my ($item) = exe_all($_[4]); my $r = $item>0 ? 1 : 0; debug ("$::level ifdirective returning $r\n"); return $r; } #boolean: equality (boolean_operator equality)(?) sub boolean { my $f = "boolean"; my ($equality, $alt) = ( execute($_[1]), $_[2]); my $r = $equality; if (scalar @$alt) { my ($op, $equality2) = exe_optional($alt, 1,2); if ($op eq '&&') { $r = $equality && $equality2; } if ($op eq '||') { $r = $equality || $equality2; } } return $r; } #summation: product (summation_operator summation)(?) sub summation { #my @item = exe_all(@_); my $f = "summation"; my ($product, $alt) = ( execute($_[1]), $_[2]); debug("$::level $f - product = $product, alternation = $alt\n"); debug("$::level $f - alternation = \n".Dumper($alt)."\n"); if (scalar @$alt) { if (0) { debug("$::level $f - alt1= \n".Dumper($alt->[0][1])."\n"); debug("$::level $f - alt2= \n".Dumper($alt->[0][2])."\n"); my ($operator, $summation) = ( execute($alt->[0][1]), execute($alt->[0][2]),); } my ($operator, $summation) = exe_optional($alt, 1,2); if ($operator eq '+') { return $product + $summation; } else { return $product - $summation; } } else { return $product; } } #equality: summation (equality_operator summation)(?) sub equality { my $f = "equality"; my ($summation, $alt) = ( execute($_[1]), $_[2] ); if (scalar @$alt) { my ($operator, $summation2) = exe_optional($alt, 1,2); # string comparison used, so (0.0) is NOT equal to (0) if ($operator eq '==') { return ($summation eq $summation2) ? 1:0; } else { return ($summation eq $summation2) ? 0:1; } } else { return $summation; } } sub product { my $f = "product"; my ($negation, $alt) = ( execute($_[1]), $_[2]); debug("$::level $f negation = $negation, alternation = $alt\n"); debug("$::level $f - alternation = ".Dumper($alt)."\n"); if (scalar @$alt) { if (0) { debug("$::level $f - alt1= \n".Dumper($alt->[0][1])."\n"); debug("$::level $f - alt2= \n".Dumper($alt->[0][2])."\n"); my ($operator, $product) = ( execute($alt->[0][1]), execute($alt->[0][2]),); } my ($operator, $product) = exe_optional($alt,1,2); return ($negation * $product); } else { return $negation; } } sub factor { my ($value) = exe_all($_[1]); return $value; } #negation: notoperator(?) factor sub negation { debug ("$::level in negation... input = ".(join ",",@_)."\n"); #my @item = exe_all(@_); my ($alt, $value) = ( $_[1], execute($_[2]) ); debug ("$::level negation: alternation= $alt\n"); debug ("$::level negation: value = $value\n"); my $operator = execute($alt->[0][1]); my $r; if ($operator && $operator eq '!') { if ($value ) { $r = 0; } else { $r = 1; } debug ("$::level negation: inverting\n"); } else { debug ("$::level negation: not inverting\n"); $r = $value; } debug ("$::level negation: returning $r\n"); return $r; } #setargs: '(' assignment ')' sub setargs { my $f = "setargs"; my ($args) = exe_all($_[3]); debug("$::level $f args = \n".Dumper($args)."\n"); my ($variable, $value) = @{$args}; debug("$::level $f variable type =".(ref $variable)."\n"); debug("$::level $f variable = \n".Dumper($variable)."\n"); my $symbolname = $$variable->{top}; debug("$::level $f setting variable '$symbolname' = $value\n"); $::symbol{$symbolname} = $value; return ""; } #assignment: variablename '=' boolean sub assignment { my $f = "assignment"; my ($variable, $value) = exe_all($_[1],$_[3]); debug("$::level $f variable = \n".Dumper($variable)."\n"); my $r = [ $variable, $value ]; debug("$::level $f returning: \n".Dumper($r)."\n"); return $r; } #includeargs: '(' string ')' sub includeargs { my $f = "includeargs"; my ($filename ) = execute($_[2]); debug("including file: $filename\n"); open my $fh, "<$docroot/$filename" or return "filenotfound $docroot/$filename!\n"; my $file = join "", <$fh>; close FILE; return $file; } sub parseargs { my $f = "parseargs"; my ($filename ) = execute($_[2]); debug("parsing file: $filename\n"); #open my $fh, "<$docroot/$filename" or return "filenotfound $docroot/$filename!\n"; #my $file = join "", <$fh>; #close FILE; #my $parsetree = $Template::Velocity::parser->template($file); #my @value = execute($parsetree); #my $value = shift @value; my @value = Template::Velocity::execute_file(undef,$filename); my $value = shift @value; return $value; } # variables # variables # this rule converts a variable name/identifier into its value # $main.subfield(argument1,argument2).subfield2(arg1,arg2) # There are two data structures at work here. # 1. the data structure specifying the variable name to be queried # this represents $a.b.c(100,9,5,4) #{ # 'top' => 'a' # 'fields' => [ # { 'fieldname' => 'b', 'arglist' => undef }, # { 'fieldname' => 'c', 'arglist' => [ '100', 9, 5, '4', ], } # ], #} # 2. Data structure specifying the symbol table # return value could be: # a scalar: either a string/number value or reference to an array of values # an array sub variable { # look up the root object in the symbol table my $f = "variable"; debug("$::level $f: input\n".Dumper(\@_)."\n"); my $var = $_[1]; debug("$::level $f var=\n".Dumper($var)."\n"); # $$var works with # 27: '#set (\$a=1+3)\n\$a\n' #0 REF(0x8fa0510) # -> HASH(0x8fa1454) # 'fields' => ARRAY(0x8fa8c08) # empty array # 'top' => 'a' # $var works with # 25: '$employee.add(100,4+5,2+3,4,4,5,6)' #DB<2> x $var #0 HASH(0x9c7a340) # 'fields' => ARRAY(0xa06e7d8) # 0 ARRAY(0xa06e9ac) # 0 'subfield' # 1 HASH(0xa06e880) # 'arglist' => ARRAY(0xa074184) my $top = $$var->{top}; # name of the root object debug("$::level $f top=\n".Dumper($top)."\n"); my $fields = $$var->{fields}; # array of the subidentifiers my $val = ""; debug("$::level $f - top_id = $top\n"); debug("$::level $f : var: \n".Dumper($var)."\n"); debug("$::level $f - fields = \n".Dumper($fields)."\n"); debug("$::level $f : top = ".$top."\n"); if (! defined $::symbol{$top} ) { # XXX debug ("symbol table = ",(join ",",sort keys %::symbol)."\n"); debug ("undefined variable: $top\n"); return 0; } debug("$::level $f symbol table: \n".Dumper(\%::symbol)."\n"); $val = $::symbol{$top}; debug("$::level $f val before: \n".Dumper($val)."\n"); debug("$::level $f - fields = \n".Dumper($fields)."\n"); my $pass = 1; foreach my $field (@$fields) { my $args; my ($fieldname, $values); { debug("$::level $f pass $pass \@_=\n".Dumper(\@_)."\n"); debug("$::level $f before strip field = \n".Dumper($field)."\n"); #shift @$fn; # 'subfield' string #$fn = $fn->[0]; #$fn = [ (@{$fn}) ]; #shift @$fn; debug("$::level $f after strip fn = \n".Dumper($field)."\n"); $fieldname = $field->[1]->{fieldname}; debug("$::level $f processing field: $fieldname\n"); $args= $field->[1]->{arglist}; # convert the argument list (which could be expressions, other # variables, etc) into raw values if ($args) { debug("$::level $f executing $fieldname with args:\n".Dumper($args)."\n"); ($values) = execute($args); debug("$::level $f returned values:\n".Dumper($values)."\n"); } } debug("$::level $f after execute, \@_=\n".Dumper(\@_)."\n"); #call the function if (ref $val) { debug("$::level $f : inside loop(before) {\n".Dumper($val)."\n"); debug("$::level $f : inside loop(before) {\n".Dumper($val)."\n"); if ($args) { debug("$::level $f: function call\n"); #$val = $$val->$fieldname ($args); # method call my $func = $val->{$fieldname}; # method call debug("$::level $f: $fieldname func=\n ".Dumper($func)."\n"); no strict; $val = &$func($val, @$values); debug("$::level $f: $fieldname result=$val\n"); debug("$::level $f: $fieldname result=\n".Dumper($val)."\n"); } else { &::debug("$::level $f: plain field access\n"); if (ref $val eq "REF") { $val = $$val->{$fieldname}; # field access } else { $val = $val->{$fieldname}; # field access } } debug("$::level $f } inside loop(after val retrieval) val=\n".Dumper($val)."\n"); } $pass++; } return $val; } #$return = [ "variablename", \$variableinfo ]; sub variablename { my $f = "variablename"; debug("$::level $f: input\n".Dumper(\@_)."\n"); my $var = $_[1]; return $var; } #arglist: '(' list(?) ')' sub arglist { my ($list) = exe_all($_[2]); debug("$::level list: ".Dumper($list)."\n"); if ($list) { my $ll = $list->[0]; debug("$::level ll \n".Dumper($ll)."\n"); debug("$::level \$\$list: \n"); return $ll; } return undef; } #list: expression (',' list)(s?) sub list { my ($expr, $alt) = ( execute($_[1]), $_[2] ); if (scalar @$alt) { my ($list) = exe_optional($alt, 2); debug("$::level list: expr: $expr\n"); debug("$::level list: list: $list\n:"); debug("$::level list ".Dumper($list)."\n"); my $r = [ $expr, (@$list) ]; return $r; } debug("$::level returning simple expression: $expr\n:"); return [$expr]; } sub _default { debug ("$::level default rule {\n"); indent(); debug ("$::level parsing parameters\n"); my @item = exe_all(@_); debug ("$::level default rule - last item in array is: ".$item[$#item]."\n"); my $r = join "",@item[1..$#item]; debug ("$::level default rule - returning: $r\n"); deindent(); debug ("$::level }\n"); return $r; } } package Template::Velocity::Executor; use Data::Dumper; sub new { my $class = shift; my $parsetree = shift; my $parser = shift; my $self = {}; $self->{parser} = $parser; $self->{parsetree} = $parsetree; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub run { my $self = shift; return (execute($self->{parsetree})); } my $level = " "; sub debug { if ($::debugflag) { print @_; } } # This basically all works calling execute($parsetree). # Execute will look the Parsetree, which is built by a special autoaction # # It will call top-down, into functions called 'Executor::XXX', (where XXX is # the name of the production) # # Additional trees, representing child productions, will be passed in # as arguments to the Executor::XXX function. These arguments be processed # before the Executor::XXX function can proceed. # # If no such function is present, Executor:_default will be run # # To process the arguments, use this in the Executor function: # my @item = exe(@_); # Which will give you an @item array similar to that in the RD rules, one # exception being that productions which return arrays are flattened into # the @item array. (bad idea?) # # executes a parsetree (gotten as a result of calling recdescent $parser->rule() # and returns the string value of the result. sub Dumper { ""; } sub execute { my $result; my $tree = shift; # a reference to a tree is passed in debug "$level execute: {\n"; indent(); debug ("$level tree = \n".Dumper($tree)."\n"); # there are 3 possible things this tree could be: # 1 a scalar .. in which case this rule represents a literal, and the # the literal is just returned # # 2 an array of the form (array, ...) - in which case this is the result of a production # which returned an array of trees. This happens # if you specify (s), (?), etc, in a production. # 3 an array of the form (scalar, ...) - in which case this refers to a subrule # # case 1... my $type = ref $tree; if ($type) { debug "\n$level tree type: ".(ref $tree)." \n"; } else { debug "\n$level tree type: scalar \n"; } if ($type ne "ARRAY") { debug "$level returning literal: '$tree'\n"; deindent(); debug "$level }\n\n"; return $tree; } my @result; # if this tree is the result of a auto-generated rule (e.g. alternation) # then tree[0] is not a name.. it is an array. just call the default action with # the arguments my $rule = @{$tree}->[0]; # rule name is first if ($rule && ref $rule eq "ARRAY") { # case 2 debug "$level element[0] is an array (case 2) \n"; debug "$level contents of input: \n".Dumper(\@{$tree})."\n"; #@result = exe(@{$rule}); debug "$level running exe on the array..\n"; # not sure about this... @result = (exe_all(@{$tree})); debug "$level contents of output: \n".Dumper(\@result)."\n"; #shift @result; # get rid of function name $result = \@result; } else { # case 3 my @args = @{$tree}; debug "$level rule is a function to execute (case 3): '$rule'\n"; indent(); my $qr = "Template::Velocity::Executor::Rules::$rule"; if (defined &$qr) { no strict ; $result = (&$qr(@args)); } else { debug "$level no function defined for: '$rule' - calling default action\n"; $result = Template::Velocity::Executor::Rules::_default(@args); } } deindent(); debug "$level function: $rule returned=\n".Dumper($result)."\n"; debug "$level }\n"; return $result; } # these hold and set the current indent level. It's only used for nested debug messages sub indent { if (!$debugflag) { return; } $level .= " "; $Data::Dumper::Pad = $level." "; } sub deindent { if (!$debugflag) { return; } $level = substr ($level,0,-2); $Data::Dumper::Pad = $level." "; } sub exe_optional { my @r; my $f = shift; foreach my $q (@_) { debug("$level: getting arg# $q\n"); push @r, execute($f->[0][$q]); } return @r; } # exe: for each argument, run the 'execute' function # sub exe_all { my $d = $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth; $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 9; debug "\n$level exe_all (".$_[0].") arguments: {\n".Dumper(\@_)." \n"; my @r; indent(); foreach my $i (@_) { push @r, execute($i); } deindent(); debug "$level exe_all: returning: \n".Dumper(\@r)."$level}\n\n"; $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = $d; return @r; } #package RHCS::TPS::GlobalVar; #sub new { my $self = {}; bless $self; return $self; } 1;