// --- BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. // All rights reserved. // --- END COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- package com.netscape.admin.certsrv.connection; import java.util.*; import java.net.*; import java.io.*; import java.security.cert.CertificateFactory; import java.security.cert.X509Certificate; import com.netscape.admin.certsrv.*; import com.netscape.certsrv.common.*; import com.netscape.management.client.util.Debug; import com.netscape.management.client.util.*; import org.mozilla.jss.ssl.*; import org.mozilla.jss.*; import org.mozilla.jss.util.*; import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; /** * JSSConnection deals with establishing a connection to * a server, sending requests and reading responses. * * XXX - Performance optimizations if any, persistent connection * support, server auth verification and client authentication * support to be added. NEED TO COME BACK AND CLEAN UP - coding * standard. * * @author Jack Pan-Chen * @author kanda * @author Christine Ho * @version $Revision$, $Date$ */ public class JSSConnection implements IConnection, SSLCertificateApprovalCallback, SSLClientCertificateSelectionCallback { /*========================================================== * variables *==========================================================*/ /* static variables */ static CryptoManager cryptoManager; static CertificateFactory cf; static SelectCertDialog selectCertDialog = null; static PromptForTrustDialog promptForTrustDialog = null; /* private valiable */ private InputStream httpIn; private OutputStream httpOut; private byte[] body; private int bodyLen; private String header; private int available; private int totalRead; private boolean endOfHeader = false; private static int HTTP_OK_RESPONSE = 200; private static final String PANELNAME = "SSLCLIENT"; private boolean abort = false;; private boolean mClientAuth = false; private boolean mCertAccepted = true; private boolean mClientCertFound = true; private boolean mServerCertImported = true; private boolean mTokenPasswordInit = true; private boolean mTokenPasswdSame = true; protected SSLSocket s = null; /*========================================================== * constructors *==========================================================*/ public JSSConnection(String host, int port) throws IOException, UnknownHostException { UtilConsoleGlobals.initJSS(); cf = UtilConsoleGlobals.getX509CertificateFactory(); try { cryptoManager = CryptoManager.getInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { } s = new SSLSocket(host, port, null, 0, this, this); s.enableSSL3(true); s.enableSSL3Default(true); int ciphers[] = s.getImplementedCipherSuites(); for (int i = 0; ciphers != null && i < ciphers.length; i++) { Debug.println("NSS Cipher Supported '0x" + Integer.toHexString(ciphers[i]) + "'"); int TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA = 0xC005; /* Enable ECC Cipher */ if (ciphers[i] == TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA) { s.setCipherPreference(TLS_ECDH_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, true); } } // Initialze Http Input and Output Streams httpIn = s.getInputStream(); httpOut = s.getOutputStream(); cryptoManager.setPasswordCallback(new pwcb()); } public boolean approve(org.mozilla.jss.crypto.X509Certificate serverCert, ValidityStatus status) { if (!mCertAccepted) return false; boolean promptForTrust = true; //if server auth is not enabled if (!(UtilConsoleGlobals.isServerAuthEnabled())) { return mCertAccepted; } Enumeration errors = status.getReasons(); //if there are more then 1 error we need to propmt user for trust promptForTrust = errors.hasMoreElements(); /* if trusted already */ if (!promptForTrust) return mCertAccepted; //the x509certificate pass in by jss is lacking some //api. so I am getting the encoding then //use the default security provider provided by sun //to decode certificate. //due to the fact that current JSS(version2.1) will clobber //the way jdk loads the default sun security provider I am //using the workaround for now. Which is to load the sun //provider before jss is loaded. (see static section above) X509Certificate x509Cert = null; try { ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(serverCert.getEncoded()); while (bais.available() > 0) { x509Cert = (X509Certificate)(cf.generateCertificate(bais)); Debug.println(x509Cert.toString()); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //bring up the trust dialog promptForTrustDialog = new PromptForTrustDialog(getFrame(), x509Cert, status); promptForTrustDialog.setVisible(true); mCertAccepted = promptForTrustDialog.isCertAccepted(); if (mCertAccepted) { //user want to save this certificate not just this session //so we have to store the cert as perm cert. if (!(promptForTrustDialog.isAcceptedForOneSession())) { try { String nickname = serverCert.getNickname(); CryptoToken internalToken = cryptoManager.getInternalKeyStorageToken(); if (!internalToken.passwordIsInitialized()) { InitPasswordDialog initPasswordDialog = new InitPasswordDialog(internalToken); initPasswordDialog.setVisible(true); if (initPasswordDialog.isCancel()) { mTokenPasswordInit = false; return false; } if (!initPasswordDialog.isPwdSame()) { mTokenPasswdSame = false; mTokenPasswordInit = false; return false; } if (!initPasswordDialog.isTokenInit()) { mTokenPasswordInit = false; return false; } } if (!internalToken.isLoggedIn()) { internalToken.login(new pwcb()); } if (abort) { mServerCertImported = false; mCertAccepted = false; return false; } InternalCertificate internalCert = cryptoManager.importCertToPerm(serverCert, (nickname==null)?serverCert.getSubjectDN().toString():nickname); internalCert.setSSLTrust( org.mozilla.jss.crypto.InternalCertificate.TRUSTED_PEER | org.mozilla.jss.crypto.InternalCertificate.VALID_PEER); } catch (Exception e) { mServerCertImported = false; mCertAccepted = false; if (Debug.getTrace()) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } } } return mCertAccepted; } public boolean isSamePwd() { return mTokenPasswdSame; } public boolean isTokenPasswordInit() { return mTokenPasswordInit; } public boolean hasClientCert() { return mClientCertFound; } public boolean isClientAuth() { return mClientAuth; } public boolean isCertAccepted() { return mCertAccepted; } public boolean isAbortAction() { return abort; } public boolean isServerCertImported() { return mServerCertImported; } public String select(Vector nicknames) { selectCertDialog = null; mClientAuth = true; if (nicknames == null || nicknames.size() == 0) { mClientCertFound = false; return ""; } selectCertDialog = new JSSConnection.SelectCertDialog(); Debug.println("JSSConnection::select(...) - SELECT CERTIFICATE"); selectCertDialog.setCertList(nicknames); selectCertDialog.setVisible(true); return (selectCertDialog.isCancel()?"":selectCertDialog.getSelectedCert()); } public class pwcb implements PasswordCallback { private int nthPrompt = 0; private static final int MAX_PASSWORD_PROMPT = 20; GetPasswordDialog getPasswordDialog = null; public Password getPasswordFirstAttempt(PasswordCallbackInfo info) throws PasswordCallback.GiveUpException { if (abort) throw new PasswordCallback.GiveUpException(); nthPrompt++; if (getPasswordDialog == null) getPasswordDialog = new GetPasswordDialog(); getPasswordDialog.setPasswordInfo(info, false); getPasswordDialog.setVisible(true); if (getPasswordDialog.isCancel()) { nthPrompt = 0; abort = true; throw new PasswordCallback.GiveUpException(); } return getPasswordDialog.getPassword(); } public Password getPasswordAgain(PasswordCallbackInfo info) throws GiveUpException { if (abort) throw new PasswordCallback.GiveUpException(); nthPrompt++; if (nthPrompt > MAX_PASSWORD_PROMPT || getPasswordDialog.isCancel()) { nthPrompt = 0; abort = true; throw new PasswordCallback.GiveUpException(); } getPasswordDialog.setPasswordInfo(info, true); getPasswordDialog.setVisible(true); return getPasswordDialog.getPassword(); } } /*========================================================== * public methods *==========================================================*/ /** * Send request to the server using this connection * * @param req request object * @return status 1-success, 0- failed * @excpetion IOExcpetion */ public int sendRequest(String req) throws IOException { int stat = 1; if (req == null) { //System.out.println("Request is null"); return 0; } endOfHeader = false; PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(httpOut); ps.println(req); ps.println(); ps.flush(); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (Exception e) {System.out.println("sleeping "+e.toString());} //System.out.println("Request Sent - bytes:" + httpOut.getTotal()); // Init the Reply stream totalRead = 0; header = null; initReadResponse(); return stat; } /** * Retrieve the input stream */ public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { return s.getInputStream(); } /** * Read */ public int read(byte[] buf) throws IOException { return httpIn.read(buf, 0, buf.length); } /** * Get Header */ public String getHeader() { if (header == null) return "No Header Read"; else return header; } /** * Get response */ public byte[] getResponse() { if (totalRead == 0) return null; else { byte[] buf = new byte[bodyLen]; System.arraycopy(body, 0, buf, 0, bodyLen); return buf; } } /** * get available */ public int available() throws IOException { return httpIn.available(); } /** * Disconnect this connection */ public void disconnect() { try { s.close(); } catch (Exception e) { //ignor ? } } /** * Set time out */ public void setSoTimeout(int timeout) throws SocketException { //System.out.println("JSSConnection: setSoTimeout() - "+timeout); s.setSoTimeout(timeout); } /*========================================================== * private methods *==========================================================*/ private JFrame getFrame() { if (UtilConsoleGlobals.getActivatedFrame() != null) return UtilConsoleGlobals.getActivatedFrame(); return new JFrame(); } private void initReadResponse() throws IOException { readHeader(); readBody(); } private int readLineFromStream(InputStream is, byte line[], int startpos, int len) throws IOException { //return is.readLine(line, startpos, len); int pos = startpos; int count = 0; while (len > 0) { int nRead = httpIn.read(line, pos, 1); if (nRead == -1) break; count++; if (line[pos] == '\n') { break; } pos++; } return count > 0 ? count : -1; } private void readHeader() throws IOException { // Read the status line of response and parse for // Errors. byte[] headerLine = new byte[1096]; int nRead = readLineFromStream(httpIn, headerLine, 0, 1096); //System.out.println("XXX read " + nRead); if (requestFailed(new String(headerLine))) throw new IOException(getReasonPhrase(new String (headerLine))); while (true) { nRead = readLineFromStream(httpIn, headerLine, 0, 1096); int available = httpIn.available(); //System.out.println("Available: " + available); if (nRead == -1) { System.out.println("Unexpected end of stream"); break; } processHeader(headerLine, nRead); if (endOfHeader) { //System.out.println("End of Header"); break; } else { //System.out.println("Header: " + new String(headerLine) // + ", nRead: " + nRead); } } } private boolean endOfHeader(byte[] hdr, int available) { if (available == 2) { int c1 = (int)hdr[0]; int c2 = (int)hdr[1]; //System.out.println("C1= " + c1); //System.out.println("C2= " + c2); return true; } else return false; } private void readBody() throws IOException { body = new byte[bodyLen]; totalRead = 0; while (totalRead < bodyLen) { int nRead = httpIn.read(body, totalRead, bodyLen - totalRead); totalRead += nRead; } } private void processHeader(byte[] buf, int nRead) { if (endOfHeader(buf, nRead)) { endOfHeader = true; return; } String hdr = new String(buf, 0, nRead); int index = 0; if (hdr.toLowerCase().startsWith("content-length: ")) { try { String length = hdr.substring(hdr.indexOf(": ") + 1); bodyLen = Integer.parseInt(length.trim()); return; } catch (Exception e){e.printStackTrace(); } } } private boolean requestFailed(String header) { return (header.indexOf(Integer.toString(HTTP_OK_RESPONSE)) > 0) ? false: true; } private String getReasonPhrase(String header) { String str1 = header.substring(header.indexOf(' ') +1); return str1.substring(str1.indexOf(' ') +1); } class InitPasswordDialog extends AbstractDialog { protected ResourceBundle mResource = ResourceBundle.getBundle(CMSAdminResources.class.getName()); SingleBytePasswordField pwd; SingleBytePasswordField pwdAgain; CryptoToken mToken; boolean tokenPasswdInit = true; boolean pwdSame = true; public InitPasswordDialog(CryptoToken token) { super(null,"",true, OK|CANCEL); setMinimumSize(300, 150); mToken = token; setTitle(mResource.getString("SSLCLIENT_INITPASSWORD_DIALOG_TITLE")); Container p = getContentPane(); p.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); int y = 0; pwd = new SingleBytePasswordField(); pwdAgain = new SingleBytePasswordField(); JLabel pwdLbl = new JLabel(); JLabel pwdAgainLbl = new JLabel(); pwdLbl.setText(mResource.getString("SSLCLIENT_INITPASSWORD_PWD_LABEL")); pwdAgainLbl.setText( mResource.getString("SSLCLIENT_INITPASSWORD_PWDAGAIN_LABEL")); GridBagUtil.constrain(p, pwdLbl, 0, y, 1, 1, 0.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.EAST, GridBagConstraints.NONE); GridBagUtil.constrain(p, pwd, 1, y, GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER, 1, 1.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL); GridBagUtil.constrain(p, pwdAgainLbl, 0, ++y, 1, 1, 0.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.NONE); GridBagUtil.constrain(p, pwdAgain, 1, y, GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER, 1, 1.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL); /* GridBagUtil.constrain(p, pwd, 0, ++y, 1, 1, 1.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, 0, 0, 0, 0); */ pack(); } protected void okInvoked() { if (!pwd.getText().equals(pwdAgain.getText())) { pwdSame = false; dispose(); return; } try { mToken.initPassword(null, getPassword()); dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { tokenPasswdInit = false; } } public boolean isPwdSame() { return pwdSame; } public boolean isTokenInit() { return tokenPasswdInit; } public void setVisible(boolean visible) { pack(); pwd.grabFocus(); super.setVisible(visible); } public Password getPassword() { Password jssPwd = new Password(pwd.getText().toCharArray()); return jssPwd; } } class GetPasswordDialog extends AbstractDialog { MultilineLabel enterPwdLabel = new MultilineLabel(); protected ResourceBundle mResource = ResourceBundle.getBundle(CMSAdminResources.class.getName()); SingleBytePasswordField pwd; public GetPasswordDialog() { super(null,"",true, OK|CANCEL); setTitle(mResource.getString("SSLCLIENT_PASSWORD_DIALOG_TITLE")); Container p = getContentPane(); p.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); int y = 0; GridBagUtil.constrain(p, enterPwdLabel, 0, y, 1, 1, 1.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, 0, 0, 0, 0); pwd = new SingleBytePasswordField(); GridBagUtil.constrain(p, pwd, 0, ++y, 1, 1, 1.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, 0, 0, 0, 0); pack(); } public void setVisible(boolean visible) { pack(); pwd.grabFocus(); super.setVisible(visible); } public void setPasswordInfo(PasswordCallbackInfo info, boolean getPwdAgain) { if (getPwdAgain) enterPwdLabel.setText(mResource.getString( "SSLCLIENT_PASSWORDAGAIN_DIALOG_LABEL")+" "+info.getName()+":"); else enterPwdLabel.setText(mResource.getString( "SSLCLIENT_PASSWORD_DIALOG_LABEL")+" "+ info.getName()+":"); Debug.println(info.getName()); } public Password getPassword() { Password jssPwd = new Password(pwd.getText().toCharArray()); return jssPwd; } } class SelectCertDialog extends AbstractDialog { JComboBox certList = new JComboBox(); protected ResourceBundle mResource = ResourceBundle.getBundle( CMSAdminResources.class.getName()); public SelectCertDialog() { super(null,"", true, OK|CANCEL); setTitle(mResource.getString("SSLCLIENT_CERTSELECT_DIALOG_TITLE")); Container p = getContentPane(); p.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); int y = 0; GridBagUtil.constrain(p, new JLabel( mResource.getString("SSLCLIENT_CERTSELECT_DIALOG_LABEL")), 0, y, 1, 1, 1.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, 0, 0, 0, 0); GridBagUtil.constrain(p, certList, 0, ++y, 1, 1, 1.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, 0, 0, 0, 0); pack(); } public void setCertList(Vector nicknames) { certList.removeAllItems(); Enumeration enum1 = nicknames.elements(); while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) { certList.insertItemAt(enum1.nextElement(), 0); } try { certList.setSelectedIndex(0); } catch (Exception e) { } } public String getSelectedCert() { return certList.getSelectedItem().toString(); } } }