// --- BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. // All rights reserved. // --- END COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- package com.netscape.cmscore.policy; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import netscape.security.util.DerValue; import netscape.security.util.ObjectIdentifier; import netscape.security.x509.DNSName; import netscape.security.x509.EDIPartyName; import netscape.security.x509.GeneralName; import netscape.security.x509.GeneralNameInterface; import netscape.security.x509.GeneralNames; import netscape.security.x509.IPAddressName; import netscape.security.x509.InvalidIPAddressException; import netscape.security.x509.OIDName; import netscape.security.x509.RFC822Name; import netscape.security.x509.URIName; import netscape.security.x509.X500Name; import com.netscape.certsrv.apps.CMS; import com.netscape.certsrv.base.EBaseException; import com.netscape.certsrv.base.EPropertyNotFound; import com.netscape.certsrv.base.IConfigStore; import com.netscape.certsrv.policy.IGeneralNameAsConstraintsConfig; import com.netscape.certsrv.policy.IGeneralNameConfig; import com.netscape.certsrv.policy.IGeneralNameUtil; import com.netscape.certsrv.policy.IGeneralNamesAsConstraintsConfig; import com.netscape.certsrv.policy.IGeneralNamesConfig; import com.netscape.certsrv.policy.ISubjAltNameConfig; import com.netscape.cmscore.util.Debug; /** * Class that can be used to form general names from configuration file. * Used by policies and extension commands. */ public class GeneralNameUtil implements IGeneralNameUtil { private static final String DOT = "."; /** * GeneralName can be used in the context of Constraints. Examples * are NameConstraints, CertificateScopeOfUse extensions. In such * cases, IPAddress may contain netmask component. */ static public GeneralName form_GeneralNameAsConstraints(String generalNameChoice, String value) throws EBaseException { try { if (generalNameChoice.equalsIgnoreCase(GENNAME_CHOICE_IPADDRESS)) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value, ","); String ip = st.nextToken(); String netmask = null; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { netmask = st.nextToken(); } return new GeneralName(new IPAddressName(ip, netmask)); } else { return form_GeneralName(generalNameChoice, value); } } catch (InvalidIPAddressException e) { throw new EBaseException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_BASE_INVALID_IP_ADDR", value)); } } /** * Form a General Name from a General Name choice and value. * The General Name choice must be one of the General Name Choice Strings * defined in this class. * @param generalNameChoice General Name choice. Must be one of the General * Name choices defined in this class. * @param value String value of the general name to form. */ static public GeneralName form_GeneralName(String generalNameChoice, String value) throws EBaseException { GeneralNameInterface generalNameI = null; DerValue derVal = null; GeneralName generalName = null; try { if (generalNameChoice.equalsIgnoreCase(GENNAME_CHOICE_OTHERNAME)) { byte[] val = com.netscape.osutil.OSUtil.AtoB(value); derVal = new DerValue(new ByteArrayInputStream(val)); Debug.trace("otherName formed"); } else if (generalNameChoice.equalsIgnoreCase(GENNAME_CHOICE_RFC822NAME)) { generalNameI = new RFC822Name(value); Debug.trace("rfc822Name formed "); } else if (generalNameChoice.equalsIgnoreCase(GENNAME_CHOICE_DNSNAME)) { generalNameI = new DNSName(value); Debug.trace("dnsName formed"); } /** not supported -- no sun class else if (generalNameChoice.equalsIgnoreCase(GENNAME_CHOICE_X400ADDRESS)) { } **/ else if (generalNameChoice.equalsIgnoreCase(GENNAME_CHOICE_DIRECTORYNAME)) { generalNameI = new X500Name(value); Debug.trace("X500Name formed"); } else if (generalNameChoice.equalsIgnoreCase(GENNAME_CHOICE_EDIPARTYNAME)) { generalNameI = new EDIPartyName(value); Debug.trace("ediPartyName formed"); } else if (generalNameChoice.equalsIgnoreCase(GENNAME_CHOICE_URL)) { generalNameI = new URIName(value); Debug.trace("url formed"); } else if (generalNameChoice.equalsIgnoreCase(GENNAME_CHOICE_IPADDRESS)) { generalNameI = new IPAddressName(value); Debug.trace("ipaddress formed"); } else if (generalNameChoice.equalsIgnoreCase(GENNAME_CHOICE_REGISTEREDID)) { ObjectIdentifier oid; try { oid = new ObjectIdentifier(value); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EBaseException( CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_BASE_INVALID_VALUE_FOR_TYPE", generalNameChoice, "value must be a valid OID in the form n.n.n.n")); } generalNameI = new OIDName(oid); Debug.trace("oidname formed"); } else { throw new EBaseException( CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_BASE_INVALID_ATTR_VALUE", new String[] { PROP_GENNAME_CHOICE, "value must be one of: " + GENNAME_CHOICE_OTHERNAME + ", " + GENNAME_CHOICE_RFC822NAME + ", " + GENNAME_CHOICE_DNSNAME + ", " + /* GENNAME_CHOICE_X400ADDRESS +", "+ */ GENNAME_CHOICE_DIRECTORYNAME + ", " + GENNAME_CHOICE_EDIPARTYNAME + ", " + GENNAME_CHOICE_URL + ", " + GENNAME_CHOICE_IPADDRESS + ", or " + GENNAME_CHOICE_REGISTEREDID + "." } )); } } catch (IOException e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); throw new EBaseException( CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_BASE_INVALID_VALUE_FOR_TYPE", generalNameChoice, e.toString())); } catch (InvalidIPAddressException e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); throw new EBaseException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_BASE_INVALID_IP_ADDR", value)); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); throw e; } try { if (generalNameI != null) generalName = new GeneralName(generalNameI); else generalName = new GeneralName(derVal); Debug.trace("general name formed"); return generalName; } catch (IOException e) { Debug.printStackTrace(e); throw new EBaseException( CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_BASE_INTERNAL_ERROR", "Could not form GeneralName. Error: " + e)); } } /** * Checks if given string is a valid General Name choice and returns * the actual string that can be passed into form_GeneralName(). * @param generalNameChoice a General Name choice string. * @return one of General Name choices defined in this class that can be * passed into form_GeneralName(). */ static public String check_GeneralNameChoice(String generalNameChoice) throws EBaseException { String theGeneralNameChoice = null; if (generalNameChoice.equalsIgnoreCase(GENNAME_CHOICE_OTHERNAME)) theGeneralNameChoice = GENNAME_CHOICE_OTHERNAME; else if (generalNameChoice.equalsIgnoreCase(GENNAME_CHOICE_RFC822NAME)) theGeneralNameChoice = GENNAME_CHOICE_RFC822NAME; else if (generalNameChoice.equalsIgnoreCase(GENNAME_CHOICE_DNSNAME)) theGeneralNameChoice = GENNAME_CHOICE_DNSNAME; /* X400Address not supported. else if (generalNameChoice.equalsIgnoreCase(GENNAME_CHOICE_X400ADDRESS)) theGeneralNameChoice = GENNAME_CHOICE_X400ADDRESS; */ else if (generalNameChoice.equalsIgnoreCase(GENNAME_CHOICE_DIRECTORYNAME)) theGeneralNameChoice = GENNAME_CHOICE_DIRECTORYNAME; else if (generalNameChoice.equalsIgnoreCase(GENNAME_CHOICE_EDIPARTYNAME)) theGeneralNameChoice = GENNAME_CHOICE_EDIPARTYNAME; else if (generalNameChoice.equalsIgnoreCase(GENNAME_CHOICE_URL)) theGeneralNameChoice = GENNAME_CHOICE_URL; else if (generalNameChoice.equalsIgnoreCase(GENNAME_CHOICE_IPADDRESS)) theGeneralNameChoice = GENNAME_CHOICE_IPADDRESS; else if (generalNameChoice.equalsIgnoreCase(GENNAME_CHOICE_REGISTEREDID)) theGeneralNameChoice = GENNAME_CHOICE_REGISTEREDID; else { throw new EBaseException( CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_BASE_INVALID_ATTR_VALUE", new String[] { PROP_GENNAME_CHOICE + "=" + generalNameChoice, "value must be one of: " + GENNAME_CHOICE_OTHERNAME + ", " + GENNAME_CHOICE_RFC822NAME + ", " + GENNAME_CHOICE_DNSNAME + ", " + /* GENNAME_CHOICE_X400ADDRESS +", "+ */ GENNAME_CHOICE_DIRECTORYNAME + ", " + GENNAME_CHOICE_EDIPARTYNAME + ", " + GENNAME_CHOICE_URL + ", " + GENNAME_CHOICE_IPADDRESS + ", " + GENNAME_CHOICE_REGISTEREDID + "." } )); } return theGeneralNameChoice; } static public class GeneralNamesConfig implements IGeneralNamesConfig { public String mName = null; // substore name of config if any. public GeneralNameConfig[] mGenNameConfigs = null; public IConfigStore mConfig = null; public boolean mIsValueConfigured = true; public boolean mIsPolicyEnabled = true; public int mDefNumGenNames = DEF_NUM_GENERALNAMES; public GeneralNames mGeneralNames = null; private String mNameDotGeneralName = mName + DOT + PROP_GENERALNAME; public GeneralNamesConfig( String name, IConfigStore config, boolean isValueConfigured, boolean isPolicyEnabled) throws EBaseException { mIsValueConfigured = isValueConfigured; mIsPolicyEnabled = isPolicyEnabled; mName = name; if (mName != null) mNameDotGeneralName = mName + DOT + PROP_GENERALNAME; else mNameDotGeneralName = PROP_GENERALNAME; mConfig = config; int numGNs = mConfig.getInteger(PROP_NUM_GENERALNAMES); if (numGNs < 0) { throw new EBaseException( CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_BASE_INVALID_ATTR_VALUE", new String[] { PROP_NUM_GENERALNAMES + "=" + numGNs, "value must be greater than or equal to 0."} )); } mGenNameConfigs = new GeneralNameConfig[numGNs]; for (int i = 0; i < numGNs; i++) { String storeName = mNameDotGeneralName + i; mGenNameConfigs[i] = newGeneralNameConfig( storeName, mConfig.getSubStore(storeName), mIsValueConfigured, mIsPolicyEnabled); } if (mIsValueConfigured && mIsPolicyEnabled) { mGeneralNames = new GeneralNames(); for (int j = 0; j < numGNs; j++) { mGeneralNames.addElement(mGenNameConfigs[j].mGeneralName); } } } public GeneralNames getGeneralNames() { return mGeneralNames; } protected GeneralNameConfig newGeneralNameConfig( String name, IConfigStore config, boolean isValueConfigured, boolean isPolicyEnabled) throws EBaseException { return new GeneralNameConfig( name, config, isValueConfigured, isPolicyEnabled); } public GeneralNameConfig[] getGenNameConfig() { return (GeneralNameConfig[]) mGenNameConfigs.clone(); } public int getNumGeneralNames() { return mGenNameConfigs.length; } public IConfigStore getConfig() { return mConfig; } public String getName() { return mName; } public boolean isValueConfigured() { return mIsValueConfigured; } public void setDefNumGenNames(int defNum) { mDefNumGenNames = defNum; } public int getDefNumGenNames() { return mDefNumGenNames; } /** * adds params to default */ public static void getDefaultParams( String name, boolean isValueConfigured, Vector params) { String nameDot = ""; if (name != null) nameDot = name + DOT; params.addElement( nameDot + PROP_NUM_GENERALNAMES + '=' + DEF_NUM_GENERALNAMES); for (int i = 0; i < DEF_NUM_GENERALNAMES; i++) { GeneralNameConfig.getDefaultParams( nameDot + PROP_GENERALNAME + i, isValueConfigured, params); } } /** * Get instance params. */ public void getInstanceParams(Vector params) { params.addElement( PROP_NUM_GENERALNAMES + '=' + mGenNameConfigs.length); for (int i = 0; i < mGenNameConfigs.length; i++) { mGenNameConfigs[i].getInstanceParams(params); } } /** * Get extended plugin info. */ public static void getExtendedPluginInfo( String name, boolean isValueConfigured, Vector info) { String nameDot = ""; if (name != null && name.length() > 0) nameDot = name + "."; info.addElement(PROP_NUM_GENERALNAMES + ";" + NUM_GENERALNAMES_INFO); for (int i = 0; i < DEF_NUM_GENERALNAMES; i++) { GeneralNameConfig.getExtendedPluginInfo( nameDot + PROP_GENERALNAME + i, isValueConfigured, info); } } } static public class GeneralNamesAsConstraintsConfig extends GeneralNamesConfig implements IGeneralNamesAsConstraintsConfig { public GeneralNamesAsConstraintsConfig( String name, IConfigStore config, boolean isValueConfigured, boolean isPolicyEnabled) throws EBaseException { super(name, config, isValueConfigured, isPolicyEnabled); } protected GeneralNameConfig newGeneralNameConfig( String name, IConfigStore config, boolean isValueConfigured, boolean isPolicyEnabled) throws EBaseException { return new GeneralNameAsConstraintsConfig(name, config, isValueConfigured, isPolicyEnabled); } } /** * convenience class for policies use. */ static public class GeneralNameConfig implements IGeneralNameConfig { public String mName = null; public String mNameDot = null; public IConfigStore mConfig = null; public String mGenNameChoice = null; public boolean mIsValueConfigured = true; public String mValue = null; // used only if isValueConfigured public GeneralName mGeneralName = null; // used only if isValueConfiged. public boolean mIsPolicyEnabled = true; public String mNameDotChoice = null; public String mNameDotValue = null; public GeneralNameConfig( String name, IConfigStore config, boolean isValueConfigured, boolean isPolicyEnabled) throws EBaseException { mIsValueConfigured = isValueConfigured; mIsPolicyEnabled = isPolicyEnabled; mName = name; if (mName != null && mName.length() > 0) { mNameDot = mName + DOT; mNameDotChoice = mNameDot + PROP_GENNAME_CHOICE; mNameDotValue = mNameDot + PROP_GENNAME_VALUE; } else { mNameDot = ""; mNameDotChoice = PROP_GENNAME_CHOICE; mNameDotValue = PROP_GENNAME_VALUE; } mConfig = config; // necessary to expand/shrink # general names from console. if (mConfig.size() == 0) { config.putString(mNameDotChoice, ""); if (mIsValueConfigured) config.putString(mNameDotValue, ""); } String choice = null; if (mIsPolicyEnabled) { choice = mConfig.getString(PROP_GENNAME_CHOICE); mGenNameChoice = check_GeneralNameChoice(choice); } else { choice = mConfig.getString(PROP_GENNAME_CHOICE, ""); if (choice.length() > 0 && !choice.equals("null")) { mGenNameChoice = check_GeneralNameChoice(choice); } } if (mIsValueConfigured) { if (mIsPolicyEnabled) { mValue = mConfig.getString(PROP_GENNAME_VALUE); mGeneralName = formGeneralName(mGenNameChoice, mValue); } else { mValue = mConfig.getString(PROP_GENNAME_VALUE, ""); if (mValue != null && mValue.length() > 0) mGeneralName = formGeneralName(mGenNameChoice, mValue); } } } /** * Form a general name from the value string. */ public GeneralName formGeneralName(String value) throws EBaseException { return formGeneralName(mGenNameChoice, value); } public GeneralName formGeneralName(String choice, String value) throws EBaseException { return form_GeneralName(choice, value); } /** * @return a vector of General names from a value that can be * either a Vector of strings, string array or just a string. * Returned Vector can be null if value is not of expected type. */ public Vector formGeneralNames(Object value) throws EBaseException { Vector gns = new Vector(); GeneralName gn = null; if (value instanceof String) { if (((String) (value = ((String) value).trim())).length() > 0) { gn = formGeneralName(mGenNameChoice, (String) value); gns.addElement(gn); } } else if (value instanceof String[]) { String[] vals = (String[]) value; for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { String val = vals[i].trim(); if (val != null && val.length() > 0) { gn = formGeneralName(mGenNameChoice, val); gns.addElement(gn); } } } else if (value instanceof Vector) { Vector vals = (Vector) value; for (Enumeration n = vals.elements(); n.hasMoreElements();) { Object val = n.nextElement(); if (val != null && (val instanceof String) && ((String) (val = ((String) val).trim())).length() > 0) { gn = formGeneralName(mGenNameChoice, (String) val); gns.addElement(gn); } } } return gns; } public String getName() { return mName; } public IConfigStore getConfig() { return mConfig; } public String getGenNameChoice() { return mGenNameChoice; } public String getValue() { return mValue; } /* public GeneralNameInterface getGeneralName() { return mGeneralName; } */ public boolean isValueConfigured() { return mIsValueConfigured; } /** * Get default params */ public static void getDefaultParams( String name, boolean isValueConfigured, Vector params) { String nameDot = ""; if (name != null) nameDot = name + "."; Debug.trace("GeneralnameConfig getDefaultParams"); params.addElement(nameDot + PROP_GENNAME_CHOICE + "="); if (isValueConfigured) params.addElement(nameDot + PROP_GENNAME_VALUE + "="); } /** * Get instance params */ public void getInstanceParams(Vector params) { String value = (mValue == null) ? "" : mValue; String choice = (mGenNameChoice == null) ? "" : mGenNameChoice; params.addElement(mNameDotChoice + "=" + choice); if (mIsValueConfigured) params.addElement(mNameDotValue + "=" + value); } /** * Get extended plugin info */ public static void getExtendedPluginInfo( String name, boolean isValueConfigured, Vector info) { String nameDot = ""; if (name != null && name.length() > 0) nameDot = name + "."; info.addElement( nameDot + PROP_GENNAME_CHOICE + ";" + GENNAME_CHOICE_INFO); if (isValueConfigured) info.addElement( nameDot + PROP_GENNAME_VALUE + ";" + GENNAME_VALUE_INFO); } } /** * convenience class for policies use. */ static public class GeneralNameAsConstraintsConfig extends GeneralNameConfig implements IGeneralNameAsConstraintsConfig { public GeneralNameAsConstraintsConfig( String name, IConfigStore config, boolean isValueConfigured, boolean isPolicyEnabled) throws EBaseException { super(name, config, isValueConfigured, isPolicyEnabled); } public GeneralName getGeneralName() { return mGeneralName; } /** * Form a general name from the value string. */ public GeneralName formGeneralName(String choice, String value) throws EBaseException { return form_GeneralNameAsConstraints(choice, value); } } public static class SubjAltNameGN extends GeneralNameUtil.GeneralNameConfig implements ISubjAltNameConfig { static final String REQUEST_ATTR_INFO = "string;Request attribute name. " + "The value of the request attribute will be used to form a " + "General Name in the Subject Alternative Name extension."; static final String PROP_REQUEST_ATTR = "requestAttr"; String mRequestAttr = null; String mPfx = null; String mAttr = null; public SubjAltNameGN( String name, IConfigStore config, boolean isPolicyEnabled) throws EBaseException { super(name, config, false, isPolicyEnabled); mRequestAttr = mConfig.getString(PROP_REQUEST_ATTR, null); if (mRequestAttr == null) { mConfig.putString(mNameDot + PROP_REQUEST_ATTR, ""); mRequestAttr = ""; } if (isPolicyEnabled && mRequestAttr.length() == 0) { throw new EPropertyNotFound(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_BASE_GET_PROPERTY_FAILED", mConfig.getName() + "." + PROP_REQUEST_ATTR)); } int x = mRequestAttr.indexOf('.'); if (x == -1) mAttr = mRequestAttr; else { mPfx = mRequestAttr.substring(0, x).trim(); mAttr = mRequestAttr.substring(x + 1).trim(); } } public String getPfx() { return mPfx; } public String getAttr() { return mAttr; } public void getInstanceParams(Vector params) { params.addElement(mNameDot + PROP_REQUEST_ATTR + "=" + mRequestAttr); super.getInstanceParams(params); } public static void getDefaultParams(String name, Vector params) { String nameDot = ""; if (name != null && name.length() > 0) nameDot = name + "."; params.addElement(nameDot + PROP_REQUEST_ATTR + "="); GeneralNameUtil.GeneralNameConfig.getDefaultParams(name, false, params); } public static void getExtendedPluginInfo(String name, Vector params) { String nameDot = ""; if (name != null && name.length() > 0) nameDot = name + "."; params.addElement(nameDot + PROP_REQUEST_ATTR + ";" + REQUEST_ATTR_INFO); GeneralNameUtil.GeneralNameConfig.getExtendedPluginInfo(name, false, params); } } }