// --- BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. // All rights reserved. // --- END COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- package com.netscape.cms.servlet.csadmin; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.security.Principal; import java.security.PublicKey; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import netscape.ldap.LDAPDN; import netscape.security.x509.X509CertImpl; import org.apache.velocity.context.Context; import org.mozilla.jss.CryptoManager; import org.mozilla.jss.asn1.ANY; import org.mozilla.jss.asn1.BMPString; import org.mozilla.jss.asn1.OBJECT_IDENTIFIER; import org.mozilla.jss.asn1.OCTET_STRING; import org.mozilla.jss.asn1.SEQUENCE; import org.mozilla.jss.asn1.SET; import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.Cipher; import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.CryptoStore; import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.CryptoToken; import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.EncryptionAlgorithm; import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.IVParameterSpec; import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.InternalCertificate; import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.KeyGenAlgorithm; import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.KeyGenerator; import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.KeyWrapAlgorithm; import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.KeyWrapper; import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.SymmetricKey; import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.X509Certificate; import org.mozilla.jss.pkcs11.PK11Store; import org.mozilla.jss.pkcs12.AuthenticatedSafes; import org.mozilla.jss.pkcs12.CertBag; import org.mozilla.jss.pkcs12.PFX; import org.mozilla.jss.pkcs12.PasswordConverter; import org.mozilla.jss.pkcs12.SafeBag; import org.mozilla.jss.pkix.primitive.Attribute; import org.mozilla.jss.pkix.primitive.EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo; import org.mozilla.jss.pkix.primitive.PrivateKeyInfo; import org.mozilla.jss.util.Password; import com.netscape.certsrv.apps.CMS; import com.netscape.certsrv.base.EBaseException; import com.netscape.certsrv.base.IConfigStore; import com.netscape.certsrv.property.PropertySet; import com.netscape.certsrv.util.HttpInput; import com.netscape.cms.servlet.wizard.WizardServlet; public class RestoreKeyCertPanel extends WizardPanelBase { public RestoreKeyCertPanel() {} /** * Initializes this panel. */ public void init(ServletConfig config, int panelno) throws ServletException { setPanelNo(panelno); setName("Import Keys and Certificates"); } public void init(WizardServlet servlet, ServletConfig config, int panelno, String id) throws ServletException { setPanelNo(panelno); setName("Import Keys and Certificates"); setId(id); } /** * Should we skip this panel for the configuration. */ public boolean shouldSkip() { CMS.debug("RestoreKeyCertPanel: should skip"); IConfigStore cs = CMS.getConfigStore(); // if we are root, no need to get the certificate chain. try { String select = cs.getString("preop.subsystem.select",""); if (select.equals("clone")) { return false; } } catch (EBaseException e) { } return true; } public boolean isSubPanel() { return true; } public void cleanUp() throws IOException { IConfigStore cs = CMS.getConfigStore(); /* clean up if necessary */ try { boolean done = cs.getBoolean("preop.restorekeycert.done"); cs.putBoolean("preop.restorekeycert.done", false); cs.commit(false); } catch (Exception e) { } } public boolean isPanelDone() { IConfigStore cs = CMS.getConfigStore(); try { String s = cs.getString("preop.restorekeycert.done", ""); if (s == null || s.equals("")) { return false; } else { return true; } } catch (EBaseException e) {} return false; } public PropertySet getUsage() { PropertySet set = new PropertySet(); /* XXX */ return set; } /** * Display the panel. */ public void display(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Context context) { context.put("title", "Import Keys and Certificates"); IConfigStore config = CMS.getConfigStore(); if (isPanelDone()) { try { String s = config.getString("preop.pk12.path", ""); String type = config.getString("preop.subsystem.select", ""); context.put("path", s); } catch (Exception e) { CMS.debug(e.toString()); } } else { context.put("path", ""); } context.put("password", ""); context.put("panel", "admin/console/config/restorekeycertpanel.vm"); context.put("errorString", ""); } /** * Checks if the given parameters are valid. */ public void validate(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Context context) throws IOException { IConfigStore config = CMS.getConfigStore(); String tokenname = ""; try { tokenname = config.getString("preop.module.token", ""); } catch (Exception e) { } if (!tokenname.equals("Internal Key Storage Token")) return; // Path can be empty. If this case, we just want to // get to the next panel. Customer has HSM. String s = HttpInput.getString(request, "path"); // if (s == null || s.equals("")) { // CMS.debug("RestoreKeyCertPanel validate: path is empty"); // throw new IOException("Path is empty"); // } if (s != null && !s.equals("")) { s = HttpInput.getPassword(request, "__password"); if (s == null || s.equals("")) { CMS.debug("RestoreKeyCertPanel validate: password is empty"); context.put("updateStatus", "validate-failure"); throw new IOException("Empty password"); } } } /** * Commit parameter changes */ public void update(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Context context) throws IOException { IConfigStore config = CMS.getConfigStore(); String path = HttpInput.getString(request, "path"); if (path == null || path.equals("")) { // skip to next panel config.putBoolean("preop.restorekeycert.done", true); try { config.commit(false); } catch (EBaseException e) { } getConfigEntriesFromMaster(request, response, context); context.put("updateStatus", "success"); return; } String pwd = HttpInput.getPassword(request, "__password"); String tokenn = ""; String instanceRoot = ""; try { tokenn = config.getString("preop.module.token"); instanceRoot = config.getString("instanceRoot"); } catch (Exception e) { } if (tokenn.equals("Internal Key Storage Token")) { byte b[] = new byte[1000000]; FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(instanceRoot + "/alias/" + path); while (fis.available() > 0) fis.read(b); fis.close(); ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(b); StringBuffer reason = new StringBuffer(); Password password = new Password(pwd.toCharArray()); PFX pfx = null; boolean verifypfx = false; try { pfx = (PFX)(new PFX.Template()).decode(bis); verifypfx = pfx.verifyAuthSafes(password, reason); } catch (Exception e) { CMS.debug("RestoreKeyCertPanel update: Exception="+e.toString()); } if (verifypfx) { CMS.debug("RestoreKeyCertPanel verify the PFX."); AuthenticatedSafes safes = pfx.getAuthSafes(); Vector pkeyinfo_collection = new Vector(); Vector cert_collection = new Vector(); for (int i=0; i