// --- BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. // All rights reserved. // --- END COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- package com.netscape.cms.profile.def; import java.io.*; import java.security.cert.*; import java.util.*; import com.netscape.certsrv.base.*; import com.netscape.certsrv.profile.*; import com.netscape.certsrv.request.*; import com.netscape.certsrv.property.*; import com.netscape.certsrv.apps.*; import netscape.security.x509.*; import netscape.security.extensions.*; import netscape.security.util.*; import com.netscape.cms.profile.common.*; /** * This class implements an enrollment default policy * that populates a Netscape comment extension * into the certificate template. * * @version $Revision: 14561 $, $Date: 2007-05-01 10:28:56 -0700 (Tue, 01 May 2007) $ */ public class CertificateVersionDefault extends EnrollExtDefault { public static final String CONFIG_VERSION = "certVersionNum"; public static final String VAL_VERSION = "certVersionNum"; public CertificateVersionDefault() { super(); addValueName(VAL_VERSION); addConfigName(CONFIG_VERSION); } public void init(IProfile profile, IConfigStore config) throws EProfileException { super.init(profile, config); } public IDescriptor getConfigDescriptor(Locale locale, String name) { if (name.equals(CONFIG_VERSION)) { return new Descriptor(IDescriptor.INTEGER, null, "3", CMS.getUserMessage(locale, "CMS_PROFILE_VERSION")); } else { return null; } } public void setConfig(String name, String value) throws EPropertyException { if (name.equals(CONFIG_VERSION)) { try { Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EPropertyException(CMS.getUserMessage( "CMS_INVALID_PROPERTY", CONFIG_VERSION)); } } super.setConfig(name, value); } public IDescriptor getValueDescriptor(Locale locale, String name) { if (name.equals(VAL_VERSION)) { return new Descriptor(IDescriptor.INTEGER, null, "3", CMS.getUserMessage(locale, "CMS_PROFILE_VERSION")); } else { return null; } } public void setValue(String name, Locale locale, X509CertInfo info, String value) throws EPropertyException { try { if (name == null) { throw new EPropertyException(CMS.getUserMessage( locale, "CMS_INVALID_PROPERTY", name)); } if (name.equals(VAL_VERSION)) { if (value == null || value.equals("")) throw new EPropertyException(name+" cannot be empty"); else { int version = Integer.valueOf(value).intValue()-1; if (version == CertificateVersion.V1) info.set(X509CertInfo.VERSION, new CertificateVersion(CertificateVersion.V1)); else if (version == CertificateVersion.V2) info.set(X509CertInfo.VERSION, new CertificateVersion(CertificateVersion.V2)); else if (version == CertificateVersion.V3) info.set(X509CertInfo.VERSION, new CertificateVersion(CertificateVersion.V3)); } } else { throw new EPropertyException(CMS.getUserMessage( locale, "CMS_INVALID_PROPERTY", name)); } } catch (IOException e) { CMS.debug("CertificateVersionDefault: setValue " + e.toString()); } catch (CertificateException e) { CMS.debug("CertificateVersionDefault: setValue " + e.toString()); } } public String getValue(String name, Locale locale, X509CertInfo info) throws EPropertyException { if (name == null) { throw new EPropertyException(CMS.getUserMessage( locale, "CMS_INVALID_PROPERTY", name)); } if (name.equals(VAL_VERSION)) { CertificateVersion v = null; try { v = (CertificateVersion)info.get( X509CertInfo.VERSION); } catch (Exception e) { } if (v == null) throw new EPropertyException(CMS.getUserMessage( locale, "CMS_INVALID_PROPERTY", name)); int version = v.compare(0); return ""+(version+1); } else { throw new EPropertyException(CMS.getUserMessage( locale, "CMS_INVALID_PROPERTY", name)); } } public String getText(Locale locale) { String params[] = { getConfig(CONFIG_VERSION) }; return CMS.getUserMessage(locale, "CMS_PROFILE_DEF_CERT_VERSION", params); } /** * Populates the request with this policy default. */ public void populate(IRequest request, X509CertInfo info) throws EProfileException { String v = getConfig(CONFIG_VERSION); int version = Integer.valueOf(v).intValue()-1; try { if (version == CertificateVersion.V1) info.set(X509CertInfo.VERSION, new CertificateVersion(CertificateVersion.V1)); else if (version == CertificateVersion.V2) info.set(X509CertInfo.VERSION, new CertificateVersion(CertificateVersion.V2)); else if (version == CertificateVersion.V3) info.set(X509CertInfo.VERSION, new CertificateVersion(CertificateVersion.V3)); else { throw new EProfileException(CMS.getUserMessage( getLocale(request), "CMS_INVALID_PROPERTY", CONFIG_VERSION)); } } catch (IOException e) { } catch (CertificateException e) { } } }