// --- BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. // All rights reserved. // --- END COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- package com.netscape.certsrv.dbs.certdb; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Date; import netscape.security.x509.X509CertImpl; import com.netscape.certsrv.base.MetaInfo; import com.netscape.certsrv.dbs.IDBObj; /** * An interface contains constants for certificate record. * * @version $Revision$, $Date$ */ public interface ICertRecord extends IDBObj { public final static String ATTR_ID = "certRecordId"; public final static String ATTR_META_INFO = "certMetaInfo"; public final static String ATTR_REVO_INFO = "certRevoInfo"; public final static String ATTR_CERT_STATUS = "certStatus"; public final static String ATTR_CREATE_TIME = "certCreateTime"; public final static String ATTR_MODIFY_TIME = "certModifyTime"; public final static String ATTR_AUTO_RENEW = "certAutoRenew"; public final static String ATTR_ISSUED_BY = "certIssuedBy"; public final static String ATTR_REVOKED_BY = "certRevokedBy"; public final static String ATTR_REVOKED_ON = "certRevokedOn"; public final static String ATTR_X509CERT = "x509cert"; public static final String META_LDAPPUBLISH = "inLdapPublishDir"; public static final String META_REQUEST_ID = "requestId"; public static final String META_RENEWED_CERT = "renewedCertSerialNo"; public static final String META_OLD_CERT = "oldCertSerialNo"; public static final String META_CERT_TYPE = "certType"; public static final String META_CRMF_REQID = "crmfReqId"; public static final String META_CHALLENGE_PHRASE = "challengePhrase"; public static final String META_PROFILE_ID = "profileId"; public final static String STATUS_VALID = "VALID"; public final static String STATUS_INVALID = "INVALID"; public final static String STATUS_REVOKED = "REVOKED"; public final static String STATUS_EXPIRED = "EXPIRED"; public final static String STATUS_REVOKED_EXPIRED = "REVOKED_EXPIRED"; public final static String AUTO_RENEWAL_DISABLED = "DISABLED"; public final static String AUTO_RENEWAL_ENABLED = "ENABLED"; public final static String AUTO_RENEWAL_DONE = "DONE"; public final static String AUTO_RENEWAL_NOTIFIED = "NOTIFIED"; public final static String X509CERT_NOT_BEFORE = "notBefore"; public final static String X509CERT_NOT_AFTER = "notAfter"; public final static String X509CERT_DURATION = "duration"; public final static String X509CERT_EXTENSION = "extension"; public final static String X509CERT_SUBJECT = "subject"; public final static String X509CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_DATA ="publicKeyData"; public final static String X509CERT_VERSION = "version"; public final static String X509CERT_ALGORITHM = "algorithm"; public final static String X509CERT_SIGNING_ALGORITHM = "signingAlgorithm"; public final static String X509CERT_SERIAL_NUMBER = "serialNumber"; /* attribute type used the following with search filter */ public final static String ATTR_X509CERT_NOT_BEFORE = ATTR_X509CERT + "." + X509CERT_NOT_BEFORE; public final static String ATTR_X509CERT_NOT_AFTER = ATTR_X509CERT + "." + X509CERT_NOT_AFTER; public final static String ATTR_X509CERT_DURATION = ATTR_X509CERT + "." + X509CERT_DURATION; public final static String ATTR_X509CERT_EXTENSION = ATTR_X509CERT + "." + X509CERT_EXTENSION; public final static String ATTR_X509CERT_SUBJECT = ATTR_X509CERT + "." + X509CERT_SUBJECT; public final static String ATTR_X509CERT_VERSION = ATTR_X509CERT + "." + X509CERT_VERSION; public final static String ATTR_X509CERT_ALGORITHM = ATTR_X509CERT + "." + X509CERT_ALGORITHM; public final static String ATTR_X509CERT_SIGNING_ALGORITHM = ATTR_X509CERT + "." + X509CERT_SIGNING_ALGORITHM; public final static String ATTR_X509CERT_SERIAL_NUMBER = ATTR_X509CERT + "." + X509CERT_SERIAL_NUMBER; public final static String ATTR_X509CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_DATA = ATTR_X509CERT + "." + X509CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_DATA; /** * Retrieves serial number from stored certificate. * * @return certificate serial number */ public BigInteger getCertificateSerialNumber(); /** * Retrieves serial number from certificate record. * * @return certificate serial number */ public BigInteger getSerialNumber(); /** * Retrieves certificate from certificate record. * * @return certificate */ public X509CertImpl getCertificate(); /** * Retrieves name of who issued this certificate. * * @return name of who issued this certificate */ public String getIssuedBy(); /** * Retrieves name of who revoked this certificate. * * @return name of who revoked this certificate */ public String getRevokedBy(); /** * Retrieves date when this certificate was revoked. * * @return date when this certificate was revoked */ public Date getRevokedOn(); /** * Retrieves meta info. * * @return meta info */ public MetaInfo getMetaInfo(); /** * Retrieves certificate status. * * @return certificate status */ public String getStatus(); /** * Retrieves time of creation of this certificate record. * * @return time of creation of this certificate record */ public Date getCreateTime(); /** * Retrieves time of modification of this certificate record. * * @return time of modification of this certificate record */ public Date getModifyTime(); /** * Retrieves revocation info. * * @return revocation info */ public IRevocationInfo getRevocationInfo(); }