# # User Messages # ####################################################### # General # # Servlets which display these messages # # # ProfileApproveServlet # ProfileProcessServlet # ProfileReviewServlet # ProfileSelectServlet # ProfileSubmitServlet # ####################################################### CMS_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR=Authentication Error CMS_AUTHORIZATION_ERROR=Authorization Error CMS_INTERNAL_ERROR=Server Internal Error CMS_REQUEST_ID_NOT_FOUND=Request ID Not Found CMS_PROFILE_ID_NOT_FOUND=Profile ID Not Found CMS_PROFILE_ID_NOT_ENABLED=Profile ID Not Enabled CMS_OP_NOT_FOUND=Operation Not Found CMS_REQUEST_NOT_FOUND=Request {0} Not Found CMS_REQUEST_NOT_PENDING=Request Not In Pending State CMS_AUTHENTICATION_MANAGER_NOT_FOUND=Authentication Manager {0} Not Found CMS_INVALID_PROPERTY=Invalid Property {0} CMS_INVALID_OPERATION=Invalid operation ####################################################### # Base # # Servlets which display these messages # # AuthAdminServlet # ImportCertsTemplateFiler servlet # DoUnrevoke servlet # GetCertFromRequest servlet # UsrGrpAdminServlet # ListCerts servlet # ReasonToRevoke servlet # SrchCerts servlet # DisplayBySerialForRecovery servlet # ExamineRecovery servlet # GetPk12 servlet # GrantRecovery servlet # RecoverBySerial servlet # SrchKey servlet # SrchKeyForRecovery servlet # CheckRequest servlet # ProcessCertReq servlet # ProcessReq servelt ####################################################### CMS_BASE_CERT_NOT_FOUND=Certificate not found CMS_BASE_ENCODE_CERT_FAILED=Failed to encode certificate CMS_BASE_NOT_TOKEN_CERT=The certificate being deleted is not a token certificate CMS_BASE_CERT_ERROR=Certificate Error: {0} CMS_BASE_INVALID_CERT_FORMAT=Invalid certificate content CMS_BASE_CONN_FAILED=Connection failed {0} CMS_BASE_REMOTE_AUTHORITY_ERROR=Backend server rejected or cancelled the request. CMS_BASE_INVALID_JOB_CRON=Invalid cron job CMS_BASE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND=Attribute not found {0} CMS_BASE_INVALID_ATTR_TYPE=Invalid type for attribute {0}, error: {1} CMS_BASE_INVALID_ATTR_VALUE=Invalid value for attribute {0}, error: {1} CMS_BASE_MUST_BE_POSITIVE_NUMBER={0} must be a positive number greater than 0 CMS_BASE_A_GREATER_THAN_EQUAL_B={0} must be greater than {1} CMS_BASE_MISSING_PKCS10_HEADER=Missing PKCS #10 header CMS_BASE_MISSING_PKCS10_TRAILER=Missing PKCS #10 trailer CMS_BASE_UNKNOWN_HOST=Invalid host name {0} CMS_BASE_INVALID_REQUEST_TYPE=Invalid request type {0} CMS_BASE_PID_EXIST=pid exists in the logs directory, server may already be running CMS_BASE_AUTHENTICATE_FAILED=Failed to authenticate - {0} CMS_BASE_INTERNAL_ERROR=Internal Error: {0} CMS_BASE_INVALID_OPERATION=Invalid operation CMS_BASE_NO_CONFIG_FILE=Cannot find config file: {0} CMS_BASE_CREATE_SERVICE_FAILED=Failed to create {0} service: {1} CMS_BASE_GET_PROPERTY_FAILED=Property {0} missing value CMS_BASE_GET_PROPERTY_NOVALUE=Property {0} missing value CMS_BASE_INVALID_PROPERTY=Cannot convert property {0} CMS_BASE_INVALID_PROPERTY_1=Cannot convert value of property {0} to a {1}. Expected format is {2} CMS_BASE_LOAD_FAILED=Failed to load {0} CMS_BASE_LOAD_FAILED_1=Failed to load {0}. Error {1} CMS_BASE_PERMISSION_DENIED=Permission denied CMS_BASE_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE=Invalid attribute {0} CMS_BASE_REQUEST_IN_BAD_STATE=Request is in a bad state CMS_BASE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_CAN_NOT_BE_RESOLVED=Attribute name can not be resolved : {0} CMS_BASE_UTF8_NOT_SUPPORTED=Internal Error: UTF8 encoding not supported. Check your classpath or installation CMS_BASE_CA_SIGNINGCERT_NOT_FOUND=CA signing certificate not found CMS_BASE_INVALID_NUMBER_FORMAT=Invalid number format CMS_BASE_INVALID_NUMBER_FORMAT_1=Invalid number format: {0} CMS_BASE_INVALID_CERT_EXTENSION=Invalid certificate extension CMS_BASE_NO_EMPTY_CIPHERPREFS=Blank cipher preferences are not allowed CMS_BASE_LOGIN_FAILED=Failed to login to the token: incorrect password CMS_BASE_INVALID_KEYSIZE_PARAMS=The key size {0} is outside the bounds described by the DSA key pair generation algorithm. CMS_BASE_PQG_GEN_FAILED=Failed to generate the PQG parameters CMS_BASE_ALG_NOT_SUPPORTED=The algorithm {0} is not supported CMS_BASE_KEY_GEN_FAILED=Failed to generate the key pair CMS_BASE_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND=Token {0} not found CMS_BASE_INVALID_X500_NAME={0} does not conform to X500 CMS_BASE_PROVIDER_NOT_SUPPORTED=The provider is not supported CMS_BASE_INVALID_KEY=Invalid key CMS_BASE_INVALID_KEY_1=Invalid key: {0} CMS_BASE_CERT_REQ_FAILED=Failed to generate a certificate request CMS_BASE_INVALID_CERT=Invalid certificate information: {0} CMS_BASE_INVALID_SIGNATURE=Invalid signature CMS_BASE_DECODE_CERT_FAILED=Failed to decode certificate CMS_BASE_CRYPTOMANAGER_UNINITIALIZED=Crypto manager has not been initialized CMS_BASE_USERCERT_CONFLICT=Certificate conflicts with an existing certificate on the token. If it is a Subject DN conflict, go back to the Subject Name panel to re-enter the DN. If this is a clone CA, make sure its serial number range begins with a number greater than that of all the certificates existing on the master's DB. CMS_BASE_NICKNAME_CONFLICT=Nickname has a conflict CMS_BASE_ITEM_NOT_FOUND_ON_TOKEN=Item was not found on the token CMS_BASE_SIGNED_FAILED=Signed Error: {0} CMS_BASE_TOKEN_ERROR=Token Error CMS_BASE_TOKEN_ERROR_1=Token Error: {0} CMS_BASE_REVOCATION_CHALLENGE_QUEUE_FAILED=Failed to get the queue for challenge phrase authentication CMS_BASE_GET_QUEUE_FAILED=Failed to get the request queue CMS_BASE_REQUIRED_PARAMETER={0} is a required parameter CMS_BASE_LOAD_CLASS_FAILED=Failed to load class {0}. Error: {1} CMS_BASE_INVALID_VALUE_FOR_TYPE=Invalid value for type {0}. Error: {1} CMS_BASE_INVALID_IP_ADDR=Invalid IP Address {0}. CMS_BASE_IMPORT_CERT_FAILED=Failed to import the certificate. CMS_BASE_INVALID_ISSUER_NAME=The client certificate was not issued from this CA CMS_BASE_INVALID_CERT_STATUS=Invalid certificate status: {0} CMS_BASE_DUPLICATE_ROLES=User {0} cannot be added to this group because he/she already belonged to some other groups CMS_BASE_NO_SUCH_ALGORITHM=No such algorithm ####################################################### # CS gateway # Servlets which display these messages # # CMCRevReqServlet # ImportCertsTemplateFiller servlet # DisableEnrollResult servlet # DisplayCRL servlet # DisplayHashUserEnroll servlet # DoUnrevoke servlet # EnableEnrollResult servlet # EnrollServlet # GetBySerial servlet # GetCAChain servlet # GetCRL servlet # GetUserCertFromRequest servlet # GetEnableStatus servlet # GetInfo servlet # GetOCSPInfo servlet # HashEnrolServlet # ListCerts servlet # Monitor servlet # ReasonToRevoke servlet # RemotAuthConfig servlet # RenewalServlet # RevocationServlet # SrchCerts servlet # UpdateCRL servlet # UpdateDir servlet # DisplayBySerialForRecovery servlet # ConfirmRecoverBySerial servlet # DisaplayBySerial servlet # DisplayTransport servlet # ExamineRecovery servlet # GetApprovalStatus servlet # GetPk12 servlet # GrantRecovery servlet # RecoverBySerial servlet # SrchKey servlet # SrchKeyForRecovery servlet # AddCAServlet # AddCRLServlet # CheckCertServlet # ListCAServlet # CheckRequest servlet # ProcessCertReq servlet # ProcessReq servlet # QueryReq servlet ####################################################### CMS_GW_MISSING_KEYGEN_INFO=Missing or malformed KeyGen, PKCS #10 or CRMF request. CMS_GW_MISSING_CERTINFO=Missing CertInfo in AuthToken of authenticated enrollment request. CMS_GW_MISSING_CA_CERT=Missing CA Certificate. CMS_GW_MISSING_CERT_HEADER=Missing Certificate Header. CMS_GW_MISSING_CERT_FOOTER=Missing Certificate Footer. CMS_GW_MISSING_CRL_=Missing CRL. CMS_GW_MISSING_CRL_HEADER=Missing CRL Header. CMS_GW_MISSING_CRL_FOOTER=Missing CRL Footer. CMS_GW_MISSING_KEY_IN_KEYGENINFO=Missing or malformed key in KeyGenInfo. CMS_GW_MISSING_KEY_IN_P10=PKCS #10 request is missing subject public key info. CMS_GW_MISSING_SUBJECT_IN_P10=PKCS #10 request is missing a subject name. CMS_GW_SET_KEY_FROM_KEYGEN_FAILED=Error setting key into certificate info from KeyGen. Error {0}. CMS_GW_NOT_A_CA=Feature available only for CA CMS_GW_SET_KEY_FROM_CERT_AUTH_ENROLL_FAILED=Error setting key into certificate info from certificate based enrollment. Error {0}. CMS_GW_INVALID_CERT_TYPE=SSL client certificate presented for this cert-based enrollment is not a signing only cert. CMS_GW_ENCRYPTION_CERT_NOT_FOUND=Pairing encryption certificate for cert-based dual certificate enrollment was not found in DB CMS_GW_MISSING_SSL_CLIENT_CERT=Missing SSL Client Certificate for certificate based enrollment CMS_GW_INVALID_CERTAUTH_ENROLL_TYPE=Invalid certAuthEnrollType CMS_GW_MISSING_CERTAUTH_ENROLL_TYPE=Missing certAuthEnrollType CMS_GW_SET_SUBJECT_FROM_P10_FAILED=Error setting subject name from PKCS #10 into certificate info . Error {0}. CMS_GW_CMC_TO_CERTINFO_ERROR=An Error was encountered while filling the certificate with the contents of the CMC message. CMS_GW_CRMF_TO_CERTINFO_ERROR=An Error was encountered while filling the certificate with the contents of the CRMF message. CMS_GW_MISSING_SUBJECT_NAME_FROM_AUTHTOKEN=Missing subject name from authentication. CMS_GW_SET_KEY_FROM_P10_FAILED=Error setting key from PKCS #10 into certificate info . Error {0}. CMS_GW_DECODING_CRL_ERROR=Error encountered while decoding CRL. CMS_GW_DECODING_CERT_ERROR=Error encountered while decoding certificate. CMS_GW_OLD_CRL_ERROR=CRL sent is older than the current CRL. CMS_GW_ENCODING_ISSUED_CERT_ERROR=Error encountered while encoding a certificate. CMS_GW_RETURNING_RESULT_ERROR=I/O Error encountered while outputting results. CMS_GW_DISPLAY_TEMPLATE_ERROR=Error encountered while rendering a response. CMS_GW_SET_SUBJECT_NAME_ERROR=Cannot convert the subject name from a string to an X500 Name. CMS_GW_SET_VALIDITY_ERROR=An Error was encountered while setting the validity in a cert. CMS_GW_SET_EXTENSIONS_ERROR=An Error was encountered while setting the extensions in a cert. CMS_GW_MISSING_CERTS_RENEW_FROM_AUTHMGR=You have no certificates to be renewed or the certificates are malformed. CMS_GW_MISSING_SERIALNO_FOR_RENEW=Missing or malformed serial number of certificate to renew. CMS_GW_INVALID_CERT_FOR_RENEWAL=The certificate(s) selected to be renewed is not from this CA. CMS_GW_SETTING_RENEWAL_VALIDITY_ERROR=An error was encountered while setting the certificate validity. CMS_GW_MISSING_SUBJECT_FROM_FORM=Missing subject name from the form. CMS_GW_MISSING_CERTS_REVOKE_FROM_AUTHMGR=You have no certificates to be revoked or the certificates are malformed. CMS_GW_MISSING_CERTS_REVOKE_FROM_SSL=You did not select a certificate to revoke or the certificate you selected is malformed. CMS_GW_MISSING_SERIALNO_FOR_REVOKE=Missing or malformed serial number of certificate to revoke. CMS_GW_CERT_ALREADY_REVOKED=The certificate has already been revoked. CMS_GW_INVALID_CERT_FOR_REVOCATION=The certificate(s) selected to be revoked is not from this CA. CMS_GW_NO_OPTIONS_SELECTED=You must select an option from the form. CMS_GW_INVALID_OPTIONS_SELECTED=The option(s) you selected is invalid. This could indicate a flaw in the form you are using. CMS_GW_GETTING_CA_CERT_ERROR=An error was encountered while getting the CA chain. CMS_GW_CA_CHAIN_EMPTY=The CA chain is missing or could not be obtained from the remote Certificate Manager or Registration Manager. The remote server could be down. CMS_GW_ENCODING_CA_CHAIN_ERROR=An error was encountered while encoding the CA chain. CMS_GW_CA_CHAIN_NOT_AVAILABLE=The CA chain is missing or could not be obtained from the remote Certificate Manager or Registration Manager. The remote server could be down. CMS_GW_DISPLAYING_CACHAIN_ERROR=An I/O error was encountered while outputting the CA chain. CMS_GW_NO_CRL_SELECTED=You must specify the CRL issuing point. CMS_GW_CRL_NOT_FOUND=The CRL you selected for download was not found. CMS_GW_CRL_NOT_UPDATED=The CRL you selected for download has not been updated. CMS_GW_NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED=The operation you requested has not yet been implemented. CMS_GW_DISPLAYING_CRLINFO_ERROR=An I/O error was encountered while outputting the CRL result. CMS_GW_REQUEST_ID_NOT_FOUND=Request ID {0} was not found in the request queue. CMS_GW_INVALID_SERIAL_NUMBER=Certificate Serial number is not set or invalid. CMS_GW_FORMING_PKCS7_ERROR=Error Forming PKCS #7 CMS_GW_INVALID_REQUEST_ID=Invalid Request ID {0}. CMS_GW_CRL_NOT_YET_UPDATED=The Certificate Revocation List has not been updated. CMS_GW_DECODE_CRL_FAILED=Failed to DER decode the Certificate Revocation List. CMS_GW_CERT_SERIAL_NOT_FOUND=Certificate Serial Number {0} not found CMS_GW_NO_RECOVERY_TOKEN_FOUND=No Recovery Token Found for recovery reference number {0}. CMS_GW_INVALID_AGENT=Agent: {0} cannot retrieve PKCS #12 for recovery reference number {2}. Agent: {1} initialized the request. CMS_GW_REDIRECTING_ADMINENROLL_ERROR=Error encountered while accessing the adminEnroll page.{0} CMS_GW_NO_PUB_MODULE=Publishing module is disabled. CMS_GW_CONVERT_DN_TO_X500NAME_ERROR=Cannot convert the subject name from a String to an X500 Name form. \nCheck to make sure valid characters are in the subject name. \nFor example, the email address should only have IA5String characters\nand the country should only have PrintableString characters and have 2 characters exactly. CMS_GW_ADDING_ADMIN_CERT_ERROR=An error was encountered while adding the administrator's certificate to its entry in the user group database. Error {0} CMS_GW_ADDING_ADMIN_ERROR=An error was encountered while adding the administrator to the Certificate Manager Agent Group - the Group does not exist. CMS_GW_MISSING_GRANT_UID=You must specify a user ID for the trusted manager or agent. CMS_GW_FIND_GROUP_ERROR=Could not grant privilege. Could not find group {0}. CMS_GW_ADDING_USER_ERROR=Could not grant privilege. Error adding user {0}. CMS_GW_ADDING_CERT_ERROR=Could not grant privilege. Error adding the certificate to user {0}. CMS_GW_ADDING_MEMBER=Could not grant privilege. Error adding user {0} to group {1}. CMS_GW_ADDING_MEMBER_1=Could not grant privilege. Error adding user {0} to group {1} or group {2}. CMS_GW_REQUEST_HAD_NO_CERTS=Request ID {0} had no certificates issued as a result. CMS_GW_REQUEST_NOT_COMPLETED=Request ID {0} was not completed. CMS_GW_REQUEST_HAD_ERROR=Request ID {0} resulted in an error. No certificates were issued. CMS_GW_REQUEST_NOT_ENROLLMENT=Request ID {0} is not a certificate enrollment request. CMS_GW_NO_REQUEST_ID_PROVIDED=A Request ID must be provided for this operation. CMS_GW_NO_PKIDATA=No PKIData in the CMC full enrollment request. CMS_GW_PKCS10_ERROR=Error processing PKCS #10 in CMC full enrollment request: {0} CMS_GW_NO_CMC_CONTENT=No PKCS #10 nor CRMF in the CMC full enrollment request. CMS_GW_CMC_ERROR=Unexpected error processing the CMC full enrollment request: {0} CMS_GW_UNAUTHORIZED_CREATE_GROUP=Unauthorized to create group: {0} CMS_GW_CRL_CACHE_IS_NOT_ENABLED=CRL cache is not enabled for {0} issuing point. CMS_GW_CRL_CACHE_IS_EMPTY=CRL cache for {0} issuing point is empty. ####################################################### # Admin Servlets # # Servlets which display these messages # # ACLAdminServlet # AuthAdminServlet # CAAdminServlet # CMSAdminServlet # JobsAdminServlet # KRAAdminServlet # LogAdminServlet # OCSPAdminServlet # PolicyAdminServlet # ProfileAdminServlet # PublisherAdminServlet # RAAdminServlet # RegistryAdminServlet # UsrGrpAdminServlet ####################################################### CMS_ADMIN_SRVLT_AUTHS_FAILED=Authentication failed CMS_ADMIN_SRVLT_AUTHZ_FAILED=You are not authorized to perform this operation. CMS_ADMIN_SRVLT_INVALID_OP_TYPE=Invalid OP_TYPE {0} CMS_ADMIN_SRVLT_INVALID_OP_SCOPE=Invalid OP_SCOPE CMS_ADMIN_SRVLT_INVALID_PROTOCOL=Invalid protocol: OP_TYPE must be specified CMS_ADMIN_SRVLT_INVALID_PATH=Invalid Content Template path CMS_ADMIN_SRVLT_NULL_RS_ID=Resource ID (RS_ID) can not be null CMS_ADMIN_SRVLT_RS_ID_BS=Resource ID (RS_ID) can not contain backslashes CMS_ADMIN_SRVLT_SPECIAL_ID=Not allowed to create this special user: {0} CMS_ADMIN_SRVLT_COMMIT_FAILED=Failed to save changes to the configuration file CMS_ADMIN_SRVLT_PERFORM_FAILED=Failed to perform ####################################################### # Authentication # # Servlets which display these messages # # AuthAdminServlet # ProfileApproveServlet # ProfileProcessServlet # ProfileReviewServlet # ProfileSelectServlet # ProfileSubmitServlet ####################################################### CMS_POP_VERIFICATION_ERROR=Proof-of-Possession Verification Failed CMS_AUTHENTICATION_NIS_NAME=NIS Authentication CMS_AUTHENTICATION_NIS_TEXT=This plugin authenticates a user using NIS. CMS_AUTHENTICATION_AGENT_NAME=Agent Authentication CMS_AUTHENTICATION_AGENT_TEXT=This plugin authenticates agents using a certificate. CMS_AUTHENTICATION_CMC_SIGN_NAME=CMC Agent Signature Authentication CMS_AUTHENTICATION_CMC_SIGN_TEXT=This plugin authenticates the signature in the CMC request against the CS internal database. CMS_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_UID_PIN_NAME=LDAP UID & Password & Pin Authentication CMS_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_UID_PIN_TEXT=This plugin authenticates the username and password provided by the user against an LDAP directory. It works with the Dir-Based Enrollment HTML form. CMS_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_UID_NAME=LDAP UID & Password Authentication CMS_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_UID_TEXT=This plugin authenticates the username and password provided by the user against an LDAP directory. It works with the Dir-Based Enrollment HTML form. CMS_AUTHENTICATION_CMS_SIGN_NAME=CMC Authentication CMS_AUTHENTICATION_CMS_SIGN_TEXT=This plugin does the authentication by checking the signature of the signed CMC request. CMS_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_UID=LDAP User ID CMS_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_PWD=LDAP User Password CMS_AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_PIN=LDAP Pin CMS_AUTHENTICATION_NULL_CREDENTIAL=Authentication credential for {0} is null. CMS_AUTHENTICATION_NO_CERT=No Client Certificate Found CMS_AUTHENTICATION_INVALID_CREDENTIAL=Invalid Credential. CMS_AUTHENTICATION_INTERNAL_ERROR=Authentication encountered an internal error. Detailed msg: {0}. CMS_AUTHENTICATION_AUTHMGR_NOT_FOUND=Authentication {0} not found. CMS_AUTHENTICATION_FORM_SUBJECTDN_ERROR=Error formulating the Subject Name. See logs for more details. CMS_AUTHENTICATION_COMPONENT_SYNTAX=DN pattern syntax error: {0}. CMS_AUTHENTICATION_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE=Invalid attribute error: {0} CMS_AUTHENTICATION_LDAPATTRIBUTES_NOT_FOUND=No LDAP attributes found. CMS_AUTHENTICATION_EMPTY_DN_FORMED=Empty DN formed in Authentication Manager {0}. CMS_AUTHENTICATION_DUP_MGR_PLUGIN_ID=Another Auth manager plugin ID already exists: {0} CMS_AUTHENTICATION_NULL_AUTHMGR_CLASSNAME=Authentication manager plugin classname is null CMS_AUTHENTICATION_AUTHMGR_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND=Authentication manager plugin class not found CMS_AUTHENTICATION_ILL_CLASS=Auth manager plugin class is not an instance of IAuthManager CMS_AUTHENTICATION_ILL_MGR_INST_ID=An Authentication Instance with this ID already exists. Please choose a different ID. CMS_AUTHENTICATION_MISSING_PARAMS=Auth manager instance is missing implementation parameters CMS_AUTHENTICATION_LOAD_CLASS_FAIL=Could not load authentication manager class {0} CMS_AUTHENTICATION_MGR_IN_USE=An authentication manager of this implementation is still in use. CMS_AUTHENTICATION_MGR_IMPL_NOT_FOUND=Cannot modify the auth manager plugin. Cannot locate the Auth Manager Implementation. ####################################################### # Authorization # # Servlets which display these messages # ProfileApproveServlet # ProfileListServlet # ProfileProcessServlet # ProfileReviewServlet # ProfileSelectServlet # ####################################################### CMS_AUTHORIZATION_INTERNAL_ERROR=Authorization encountered an internal error. Detailed msg: {0} CMS_AUTHORIZATION_AUTHZMGR_NOT_FOUND=Authorization {0} not found CMS_AUTHORIZATION_AUTHZMGR_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND=Authorization manager plugin name {0} not found CMS_AUTHORIZATION_UNKNOWN_PROTECTED_RESOURCE=Unknown protected resource specified: {0} CMS_AUTHORIZATION_UNKNOWN_OPERATION=Unknown operation specified: {0} CMS_AUTHORIZATION_AUTHZ_ACCESS_DENIED=Authorization failed on resource: {0}, operation: {1} CMS_AUTHORIZATION_LOAD_CLASS_FAIL=Could not load authorization manager class {0} ####################################################### # CA # # Servlets which display these messages # # None ####################################################### CMS_CA_ERROR_PUBLISH_CRL=Error publishing CRL {0}: {1} CMS_CA_FAILED_CONSTRUCTING_CRL=Failed constructing CRL : {0} CMS_CA_CRL_ISSUING_POINT_INIT_FAILED=Initialization of CRL issuing point {0} failed : {1} CMS_CA_SEND_KRA_REQUEST=Sending DRM request failed CMS_CA_SEND_CLA_REQUEST=Sending CLA request failed CMS_CA_SIGNING_ALGOR_NOT_SUPPORTED=Signing Algorithm {0} is not supported for the CA signing token CMS_CA_SIGNING_ALGOR_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_KEY=Algorithm {0} is not supported for the signing token and key CMS_CA_INIT_PUBLISH_MODULE_FAILED=Failed initializing the publishing module CMS_CA_CERT_ALREADY_REVOKED=Certificate Serial Number {0} is already revoked CMS_CA_MISSING_REQD_FIELDS_IN_CERTISSUE=Missing required fields in certificate info of certificate issuing request CMS_CA_UNRECOGNIZED_REQUEST_TYPE=Unrecogized request type {0} CMS_CA_ERROR_GETTING_FIELDS_IN_ISSUE=Error Getting certificate info fields in issuing request CMS_CA_CRL_ISSUEPT_NOT_FOUND=CRL Issuing Point {0} not found in CRL repository CMS_CA_CRL_ISSUEPT_NOGOOD=CRL in CRL Issuing Point {0} is malformed. Cannot instantiate CRL CMS_CA_CRL_ISSUEPT_EXT_NOGOOD=CRL in CRL Issuing Point {0} has malformed extensions. Cannot instantiate CRL CMS_CA_SET_ISSUER_FAILED=Request {0} was completed with errors.\nError setting certificate issuer name CMS_CA_SET_SERIALNO_FAILED=Request {0} was completed with errors.\nError setting certificate serial number CMS_CA_NOSERIALNO=Request {0} was completed with errors.\nCA has exausted all available serial numbers CMS_CA_SIGNING_CRL_FAILED=Failed signing CRL. Error {0} CMS_CA_SIGNING_CERT_FAILED=Failed signing certificate. Error {0} CMS_CA_MISSING_INFO_IN_ISSUEREQ=Missing certificate info in issuing request CMS_CA_MISSING_INFO_IN_REVREQ=Missing revocation info in revocation request CMS_CA_MISSING_INFO_IN_CLAREQ=Missing CLA certificate info in cert4crl request CMS_CA_MISSING_INFO_IN_RENEWREQ=Missing certificate info in renewal request CMS_CA_REVOKE_FAILED=One or more certificates could not be revoked CMS_CA_UNREVOKE_FAILED=One or more certificates could not be unrevoked CMS_CA_CERT4CRL_FAILED=One or more revoked certificates could not be recorded by the CLA CMS_CA_UNCERT4CRL_FAILED=One or more revoked certificates could not be removed by the CLA CMS_CA_RENEW_FAILED=One or more certificates could not be renewed CMS_CA_CANT_FIND_CERT_SERIAL=Cannot find certificate with serial number {0} CMS_CA_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND=Token {0} not found CMS_CA_CERT_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND=Certificate object not found CMS_CA_TOKEN_ERROR=Token Error CMS_CA_CRYPTO_NOT_INITIALIZED=Crypto Layer has not been initialized CMS_CA_INVALID_PASSWORD=Invalid Password CMS_CA_BUILD_CA_CHAIN_FAILED=Could not get or build CA chain. Error {0} CMS_CA_X509CERT_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED=Certificate Version in the configuration is not supported CMS_CA_CERT_BEGIN_AFTER_CA_VALIDITY=Certificate validity cannot begin past the CA certificate's validity CMS_CA_MISSING_SERIAL_NUMBER=Missing or invalid serial number CMS_CA_IS_NOT_ON_HOLD=Certificate {0} has to be on-hold to perform this operation CMS_CA_CANNOT_RENEW_REVOKED_CERT=Certificate serial number {0} to be renewed is revoked. Cannot renew a revoked certificate CMS_CA_ERROR_GETTING_RENEWED_CERT=Error getting renewed certificate {0} for certificate {1} ####################################################### # KRA # # Servlets which display these messages # # None ####################################################### CMS_KRA_PUBLIC_KEY_NOT_MATCHED=Public Key does not match CMS_KRA_INVALID_KEYRECORD=Invalid Key record CMS_KRA_INVALID_OWNER_NAME=Invalid Owner Name CMS_KRA_INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY=Invalid Public Key CMS_KRA_INVALID_PRIVATE_KEY=Invalid Private Key CMS_KRA_INVALID_STATE=Invalid State CMS_KRA_INVALID_M=Invalid M CMS_KRA_INVALID_N=Invalid N CMS_KRA_INVALID_PASSWORD=Invalid Password CMS_KRA_CREDENTIALS_EXIST=Credentials Exist CMS_KRA_CREDENTIALS_NOT_EXIST=Credentials Not Exist CMS_KRA_POA_DECODE_FAILED_1=Failed to decode Proof-of-Archival {0} CMS_KRA_POA_ENCODE_FAILED_1=Failed to encode Proof-of-Archival {0} CMS_KRA_INVALID_KRA_NAME=Invalid KRA Name CMS_KRA_RECOVERY_FAILED_1=Recovery Failed {0} CMS_KRA_PKCS12_FAILED_1=PKCS #12 Creation Failed {0} CMS_KRA_KEYID_FAILED_1=Key Identifier Creation Failed {0} CMS_KRA_KEYBAG_FAILED_1=Key Bag Creation Failed {0} ####################################################### # DBS # # Servlets which display these messages # # None # ####################################################### CMS_DBS_INTERNAL_DIR_UNAVAILABLE=Internal database is unavailable CMS_DBS_CONNECT_LDAP_FAILED=Failed to connect LDAP server {0} CMS_DBS_SERIALIZE_FAILED=Failed to serialize attribute {0} CMS_DBS_DESERIALIZE_FAILED=Failed to de-serialize attribute {0} CMS_DBS_INVALID_ATTRS=Invalid attributes CMS_DBS_INVALID_CLASS_NAME=Invalid class name {0} CMS_DBS_INVALID_FILTER_ITEM=Invalid filter item {0} CMS_DBS_LDAP_OP_FAILURE=LDAP operation failure - {0} CMS_DBS_NO_MAPPER_FOUND=No mapper found for {0} CMS_DBS_INTERNAL_DIR_ERROR=Internal Database Error encountered: {0} CMS_DBS_ADD_ENTRY_FAILED=Failed to add the schema entry: {0} CMS_DBS_LIMIT_REACHED=All serial numbers are used. The max serial number is 0x{0} CMS_DBS_SETBACK_SERIAL=The serial number is already in use.\nYou can only set the serial number greater than 0x{0} CMS_DBS_SETBACK_MAXSERIAL=The serial number is already in use.\nYou can only set the end serial number greater than 0x{0} CMS_DBS_LDIF_FAILED=Failed to create ldif file: {0} CMS_DBS_COPY_LDIF_FAILED=Failed to copy ldif file: {0} ####################################################### # Jobs # # Servlets which display these messages # # JobsAdminServlet # ####################################################### CMS_JOB_LOAD_CLASS_FAILED=Could not load Job class {0} for the Jobs Scheduler CMS_JOB_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND=Could not find plugin {0} for the Jobs Scheduler CMS_JOB_SRVLT_ILL_JOB_PLUGIN_ID=Another job plugin ID already exists {0} CMS_JOB_SRVLT_JOB_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND=Job plugin {0} not found CMS_JOB_SRVLT_JOB_NOT_FOUND=Job {0} not found CMS_JOB_SRVLT_NULL_CLASS=Job plugin classname is null CMS_JOB_SRVLT_NO_CLASS=Job plugin class not found CMS_JOB_SRVLT_ILL_CLASS=Job plugin class is not an instance of IJob CMS_JOB_SRVLT_ILL_JOB_INST_ID=Job plugin ID already exists CMS_JOB_SRVLT_ADD_MISSING_PARAMS=Job instance is missing an implementation parameter CMS_JOB_SRVLT_MISSING_INST_PARAM_VAL=Job instance is missing a value for this parameter: {0} CMS_JOB_SRVLT_JOB_IN_USE=A job of this implementation is still in use ####################################################### # Logging # # Servlets which display these messages # # LogAdminServlet # ####################################################### CMS_LOG_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND=Log instance not found named: {0) CMS_LOG_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND=Log plugin not found named: {0} CMS_LOG_THREAD_INTERRUPT=Log {0} thread interrupted CMS_LOG_ROTATE_LOG_FAILED=Failed to rotate log \"{0}\", error: {1} CMS_LOG_WRITE_FAILED=Failed to write in file: \"{0}\", entry: {1}, error: {2} CMS_LOG_FLUSH_LOG_FAILED=Failed to flush log \"{0}\", error: {1} CMS_LOG_EXPIRE_LOG_FAILED=Can't expire log files, error:{0} CMS_LOG_EVENT_FAILED=Failed to log event \"{0}\", error: {1} CMS_LOG_LOGFILE_CLOSED=Attempt to log message \"{0}\" to closed log file {1} CMS_LOG_EXPIRATION_TIME_ZERO=Log expiration time must be greater than 0 CMS_LOG_DIRECTORY_LIST_FAILED=Unable to list directory {0} with filter {1} CMS_LOG_NO_SUCH_ALGORITHM=Can't find MessageDigest algorithm for {0}. Tamper evident log disabled CMS_LOG_INVALID_FILE_NAME=Attempt to initialize log with an invalid filename: \"{0}\" CMS_LOG_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION=Caught unexpected exception: {0} CMS_LOG_ILLEGALARGUMENT=Illegal argument when opening: {0} CMS_LOG_CLOSE_FAILED=Failed to close file \"{0}\", error: {1} CMS_LOG_INVALID_LOG_TYPE=Attempt to initialize log with an invalid log type: \"{0}\" CMS_LOG_SRVLT_ILL_PLUGIN_ID=Another plugin ID already exists {0} CMS_LOG_SRVLT_NULL_CLASS=Plugin classname is null CMS_LOG_SRVLT_NO_CLASS=Plugin class not found CMS_LOG_SRVLT_ILL_CLASS=Plugin class is not an instance of {0} CMS_LOG_SRVLT_ILL_INST_ID=Plugin instance ID already exists CMS_LOG_SRVLT_ADD_MISSING_PARAMS=Instance is missing an implementation parameter CMS_LOG_SRVLT_IN_USE=An instance of this implementation is still in use CMS_LOG_LOAD_CLASS_FAIL=Failed to load class {0} ####################################################### # Notification # # Servlets which display these messages # # None # ####################################################### CMS_NOTIFICATION_SMTP_SEND_FAILED=Failed to send mail to {0} CMS_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_RESOLVE_FAILED=Failed to resolve email for {0} CMS_NOTIFICATION_NO_SMTP_SENDER=Email sender not found CMS_NOTIFICATION_NO_SMTP_RECEIVER=Email receiver not found ####################################################### # Extensions # # Servlets which display these messages # # None # ####################################################### CMS_EXTENSION_CLASS_NOT_FOUND=Class {0} was not found CMS_EXTENSION_INSTANTIATE_ERROR=Could not create an instance of {0}. Error {1} CMS_EXTENSION_INVALID_IMPL=Class {0} does not implement the ICMSTemplate interface CMS_EXTENSION_INCORRECT_IMPL=Class {0} must return non-null for the extension name and OID CMS_EXTENSION_CREATING_EXT_ERROR=Error creating a {0} extension ####################################################### # Users and Groups # # Servlets which display these messages # # UsrGrpAdminServlet # ####################################################### CMS_USRGRP_SRVLT_GROUP_NOT_EXIST=Group Not Found CMS_USRGRP_SRVLT_USER_NOT_EXIST=User Not Found CMS_USRGRP_SRVLT_CERT_ERROR=Certificate exception CMS_USRGRP_SRVLT_CERT_EXPIRED=Certificate expired CMS_USRGRP_SRVLT_CERT_NOT_YET_VALID=Certificate not yet valid CMS_USRGRP_SRVLT_CERT_O_ERROR=Certificate related error CMS_USRGRP_USER_ADD_FAILED=Failed to add user CMS_USRGRP_USER_ADD_FAILED_1=Failed to add user. Missing \"{0}\" CMS_USRGRP_USER_MOD_FAILED=Failed to modify user. CMS_USRGRP_USER_MOD_FAILED_1=Failed to modify user. Missing \"{0}\" CMS_USRGRP_SRVLT_USER_CERT_EXISTS=Failed to add cert: The certificate you tried to add already exists CMS_USRGRP_SRVLT_FAIL_USER_RMV=Failed to remove user CMS_USRGRP_SRVLT_FAIL_USER_RMV_G=The user you tryed to delete belongs to one or more groups.\nIf you click yes to continue, then the user will also be deleted\nfrom all the groups that it belongs to. CMS_USRGRP_GROUP_ADD_FAILED=Failed to add group CMS_USRGRP_GROUP_MODIFY_FAILED=Failed to modify group ####################################################### # Password checker # # Servlets which display these messages # # None # ####################################################### CMS_PASSWORD_EMPTY_PASSWORD=The password is empty CMS_PASSWORD_INVALID_LEN=The password must be at least {0} characters CMS_PASSWORD_INVALID_LEN_1=The password must be at least {0} characters CMS_PASSWORD_NON_ALPHANUMERIC=The password contains non-alphanumeric characters CMS_PASSWORD_MISSING_NUMERIC_1=The password requires at least {0} numeric digit(s) CMS_PASSWORD_MISSING_UPPER_CASE_1=The password requires at least {0} upper case letter(s) CMS_PASSWORD_MISSING_LOWER_CASE_1=The password requires at least {0} lower case letter(s) ####################################################### # Policy # # Servlets which display these messages # # None # ####################################################### CMS_POLICY_NO_SUBJECT_NAME=Policy Rule: {0} - Internal Error: No Subject Name Found CMS_POLICY_SUBJECT_NAME_EXIST=Policy Rule: {0} - Subject Name Exists CMS_POLICY_NO_CERT_INFO=Policy Rule: {0} - Internal Error: No Certificate info set on the request CMS_POLICY_NO_OLD_CERT=Policy Rule: {0} - Internal Error: The certificate(s) being renewed are not set on the request CMS_POLICY_LONG_RENEWAL_LEAD_TIME=Policy Rule: {0} - Certificate(s) can be renewed only within {1} days before expiry CMS_POLICY_MISMATCHED_CERTINFO=Policy Rule: {0} - Internal Error: The number of certificates input for renewal are incorrect CMS_POLICY_KEY_SIZE_VIOLATION=Policy Rule: {0} - Key Size Violation occurred: Actual: {1}, Constraints (Min: {2}, Max: {3}) CMS_POLICY_KEY_SIZE_VIOLATION_1=Policy Rule: {0} - Key Size Violation occurred: Actual: {1}, Constraints (Min: {2}, Max: {3}, Increment: {4}) CMS_POLICY_EXPONENT_VIOLATION=Policy Rule: {0} - The given exponent: {1} was not in the configured list: {2} CMS_POLICY_NO_KEY_PARAMS=Policy Rule: {0} - Could not parse key parameters in key number {1} CMS_POLICY_KEY_ALG_VIOLATION=Policy Rule: {0} - Key algorithm: {1} is not allowed by the policy CMS_POLICY_INVALID_BEGIN_TIME=Policy Rule: {0} - Begin time cannot be after current time CMS_POLICY_MORE_THAN_MAX_VALIDITY=Requested validity ({1} day(s)) is longer than the maximum allowed ({2} day(s)) in the {0} policy CMS_POLICY_LESS_THAN_MIN_VALIDITY=Requested validity ({1} day(s)) is shorter than the minimum allowed ({2} days) in the {0} policy CMS_POLICY_SIGNING_ALG_VIOLATION=Policy Rule: {0} - Signing algorithm: {1} is not allowed by the policy CMS_POLICY_EXISTING_CERT_DETAILS=Policy Rule: {0} - Your most recent certificate details are : {1} CMS_POLICY_UNEXPECTED_POLICY_ERROR=Policy Rule: {0} - Unexpected error: {1} CMS_POLICY_INVALID_ISSUER=Invalid Issuer DN CMS_POLICY_CLIENT_ISSUER_NOT_FOUND=Issuer of client certificate not found CMS_POLICY_INVALID_POLICY_CLASS=Policy rule: {0} - Invalid policy class: {1} CMS_POLICY_LOADING_POLICY_ERROR=Policy rule: {0} - Error loading policy class: {1} CMS_POLICY_UNSUPPORTED_KEY_ALG=Policy rule: {0} - Key algorithm: {1} is not supported CMS_POLICY_INVALID_CONFIG_PARAM=Policy rule: {0} - Invalid configuration value: {1} for parameter: {2} CMS_POLICY_MISSING_POLICY_CONFIG=Policy rule: {0} - Missing configuration info CMS_POLICY_INVALID_POLICY_CONFIG=Policy rule: {0} - Error in configuration: {1} CMS_POLICY_PARAM_CONFIG_ERROR=Policy rule: {0} - Unexpected error: {1} in configuring parameter: {2} CMS_POLICY_BAD_POLICY_EXPRESSION=Malformed Policy Expression: {0} CMS_POLICY_INVALID_ATTR_VALUE=Invalid value type: {0} for policy attribute CMS_POLICY_PERSISTENT_RULE_MISCONFIG=Persistent rule: {0} is configured with a different predicate: default: {1}, actual: {2} CMS_POLICY_MISSING_PERSISTENT_RULE=Persistent rule: {0} is missing in the configuration. CMS_POLICY_CANT_DELETE_PERSISTENT_POLICY=Persistent rule: {0} can't be deleted. CMS_POLICY_PERSISTENT_RULE_INACTIVE=Persistent rule: {0} should not be disabled. CMS_POLICY_NO_POLICY_CONFIG=No policy rule configuration for rule: {0} CMS_POLICY_NO_POLICY_IMPL=No policy implementation exists for: {0} CMS_POLICY_INVALID_POLICY_INSTANCE=No policy instance exists for: {0} CMS_POLICY_ACTIVE_POLICY_RULES_EXIST=Active policy rule instances exist for implementation: {0} CMS_POLICY_DELETING_POLICY_ERROR=Error deleting policy {0}: {1} CMS_POLICY_DUPLICATE_IMPL_ID=A Policy implementation with ID: {0} already exists CMS_POLICY_ADDING_POLICY_ERROR=Error adding policy {0}: {1} CMS_POLICY_INVALID_POLICY_IMPL=Invalid policy implementation: {0}. Policy class must implement one or more of IEnrollmentPolicy, IRenewalPolicy, IRevocationPolicy, IKeyRecoveryPolicy or IKeyArchivalPolicy CMS_POLICY_DUPLICATE_INST_ID=A Policy rule with ID: {0} already exists CMS_POLICY_ORDER_ERROR=Error changing policy ordering: {0} CMS_POLICY_IMPLCHANGE_ERROR=Can't change the implementation while modifying the policy instance: {0} CMS_POLICY_SYSTEM_POLICY_CONFIG_ERROR=System policy: {0} is not configurable CMS_POLICY_IMPL_NOT_FOUND=Policy implementation {0} configured for instance {1} was not found CMS_POLICY_INVALID_RENEWAL_INTERVAL=Policy Rule: {0} - Renewal interval: {1} days cannot be more than maximum validity: {2} days CMS_POLICY_INVALID_RENEWAL_MIN_MAX=Policy Rule: {0} - Renewal minimum validity: {1} days cannot be bigger than maximum validity: {2} days CMS_POLICY_MAXPATHLEN_TOO_BIG=In policy rule {0}, the subordinate CA basic constraints extension path length ({1}) cannot be greater than or equal to the maxPathLen configuration value ({2}) CMS_POLICY_MAXPATHLEN_TOO_BIG_1=In policy rule {0}, the maxPathLen configuration value ({1}) cannot be greater than or equal to the maxPathLen of the CA certificate ({2}) CMS_POLICY_INVALID_MAXPATHLEN=In policy rule {0}, the maxPathLen configuration value ({1}) must be 0 if the CA's basic constraints extension path length is 0 CMS_POLICY_INVALID_MAXPATHLEN_1=In policy rule {0}, the maxPathLen configuration value ({1}) must be greater than or equal to 0 or left empty CMS_POLICY_PATHLEN_TOO_BIG=In policy rule {0}, the requested basic constraints extension path length ({1}) cannot be greater than the maximum path length allowed ({2}) CMS_POLICY_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS_ERROR=In policy rule {0}, could not create a basic constraints extension for the certificate CMS_POLICY_INVALID_PATHLEN_FORMAT=In policy rule {0}, the requested basic constraints extension path length ({1}) must be an integer CMS_POLICY_NO_SUB_CA_CERTS_ALLOWED=In policy rule {0}, no subordinate CA certificates are allowed since the CA's basic constraints path length is 0 CMS_POLICY_MISSING_KEY=In policy rule {0}, missing public key in certificate request CMS_POLICY_SUBJECT_KEY_ID_ERROR=In policy rule {0}, failed to create subject key identifier extension for certificate request CMS_POLICY_CANNOT_RENEW_EXPIRED_CERTS=In policy rule {0}, one or more certificates to be renewed has expired. Cannot renew an expired certificate CMS_POLICY_CANNOT_RENEW_EXPIRED_CERTS_AFTER_ALLOWED_PERIOD=In policy rule {0}, one or more certificates to be renewed has been expired for more than {1} days. Cannot renew an expired certificate CMS_POLICY_CANNOT_REVOKE_EXPIRED_CERTS=In policy rule {0}, one or more certificates to be revoked has expired. Cannot revoke an expired certificate CMS_POLICY_PIN_UNAUTHORIZED=You are not authorized to make this transaction CMS_POLICY_CERTIFICATE_POLICIES_ERROR=In policy rule {0}, could not create a certificate policies extension for the certificate CMS_POLICY_UNKNOWN_SIGNING_ALG=In policy rule {0}, signing algorithm {1} is unknown to CS CMS_POLICY_SIGNALG_NOT_MATCH_CAKEY_1=In policy rule {0}, signing algorithm {1} is unknown to CS. CMS_POLICY_SIGNALG_NOT_MATCH_CAKEY=In policy rule {0}, allowed algorithms do not match the CA's private key. The parameters of this rule need to be updated in the CS.cfg. CMS_POLICY_NO_KEYUSAGE_EXTENSION_BITS_SET=In policy rule {0}, no extension bits are set. CMS_POLICY_NO_ON_HOLD_ALLOWED=Policy Rule: {0} - On-Hold is not allowed. ####################################################### # LDAP # # Servlets which display these messages # # PublisherAdminServlet # ####################################################### CMS_LDAP_BAD_LDAP_EXPRESSION=Malformed publishing rule predicate expression: {0} CMS_LDAP_INTERNAL_ERROR=Publishing encountered an internal error. Detailed msg: {0} CMS_LDAP_COMPONENT_SYNTAX_ERROR=DN pattern syntax error: {0} CMS_LDAP_PUBLISH_FAILED=Failed to publish using rule: {0} CMS_LDAP_UNPUBLISH_FAILED=Failed to unpublish using rule: {0} CMS_LDAP_INVALID_ATTR_VALUE=Attribute: {0} is not supported in dnPattern CMS_LDAP_SRVLT_ILL_PLUGIN_ID=Another plugin ID already exists {0} CMS_LDAP_SRVLT_NULL_CLASS=Plugin classname is null CMS_LDAP_SRVLT_NO_CLASS=Plugin class not found CMS_LDAP_SRVLT_ILL_CLASS=Plugin class is not an instance of {0} CMS_LDAP_SRVLT_ILL_INST_ID=Plugin instance ID already exists {0} CMS_LDAP_SRVLT_ADD_MISSING_PARAMS=Instance missing implementation parameter CMS_LDAP_SRVLT_IN_USE=An instance of this implementation is still in use CMS_LDAP_INIT_LDAP_PUBLISH_MODULE_FAILED=Failed initializing LDAP publishing module CMS_LDAP_NO_LDAP_PUBLISH_CONFIG_FOUND=No LDAP Publishing configuration found CMS_LDAP_CONNECT_TO_LDAP_SERVER_FAILED=Could not connect to LDAP server host {0} port {1} Error {2} CMS_LDAP_UNKNOWN_ATTR_IN_DN_FILTER_COMPS=Unrecognized attribute {0} in DN or Filter comps CMS_LDAP_GET_ISSUER_FROM_CRL_FAILED=Cannot get Issuer name from Crl {0} CMS_LDAP_DECODING_CERT_FAILED=Could not parse a DER encoded certificate from the LDAP server. {0} CMS_LDAP_GET_DER_ENCODED_CERT_FAILED=Error getting DER encoding of certificate for {0} CMS_LDAP_GET_DER_ENCODED_CRL_FAILED=Error getting DER encoding of CRL. {0} CMS_LDAP_PUBLISH_CACERT_ERROR=Error publishing CA Certificate {0} CMS_LDAP_PUBLISH_CRL_ERROR=Error publishing CRL {0} CMS_LDAP_UNPUBLISH_CRL_ERROR=Error unpublishing CRL {0} CMS_LDAP_PUBLISH_USERCERT_ERROR=Error publishing User Certificate {0} CMS_LDAP_UNPUBLISH_USERCERT_ERROR=Error unpublishing User Certificate {0} CMS_LDAP_UNPUBLISH_CACERT_ERROR=Error unpublishing CA Certificate {0} CMS_LDAP_NO_MATCH_FOUND=Cannot find a match in the LDAP server for certificate. {0} CMS_LDAP_OTHER_LDAP_EXCEPTION=LDAPException caught from operation. {0} CMS_LDAP_NO_DN_MATCH=No DN matched for {0} CMS_LDAP_NO_DN_COMPS_AND_BASEDN=No base DN and no components to form DN for {0} CMS_LDAP_MORE_THAN_ONE_ENTRY=Certificate {0} mapped to more than one entry CMS_LDAP_CANNOT_RESET_CONNFAC=Cannot reset LDAP connection factory because some connections are still outstanding. CMS_LDAP_MAPPER_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND=Mapper plugin not found named: {0} CMS_LDAP_PUBLISHER_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND=Publisher plugin not found named: {0} CMS_LDAP_RULE_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND=Rule plugin not found named: {0} CMS_LDAP_NO_RULE_INSTANCE=No Rule instance is found. CMS_LDAP_NO_RULE_MATCHED=No Rule instance is matched for request {0}. CMS_LDAP_CLASS_NOT_FOUND=Class not found for {0} CMS_LDAP_FAIL_LOAD_CLASS=Failed to load class {0} CMS_LDAP_INSTANTIATING_CLASS_FAILED=Cannot instantiate class {0} CMS_LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_CREDENTIALS=Insufficient credentials to instantiate class for {0} CMS_LDAP_NO_MATCH=certificate or CRL {0} did not map to an entry in the directory CMS_LDAP_FORM_DN_COMPS_FAILED=Failed to form DN components from the subject name CMS_LDAP_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE=LDAP server on host {0} port {1} is unavailable CMS_LDAP_UNKNOWN_RETURNED_CONN=Connection returned is not from this factory CMS_LDAP_BAD_RETURNED_CONN=Connection returned has already been returned CMS_LDAP_INVALID_NUMCONN_PARAMETERS=Invalid value for minConn or maxConn parameters. minConn and maxConn must be greater than 0 and minConn must be less than maxConn. CMS_LDAP_NO_REQUEST=No request associated with the cert. Can not get request {0} to form LDAP DN component {1}. CMS_LDAP_CREATE_CA_FAILED=Failed to create CA entry with DN: {0}. There may be entries in the directory hierarchy which do not exist. Please create them manually. CMS_LDAP_CREATE_ENTRY=Failed to create entry with DN: {0}. There may be entries in the directory hierarchy which do not exist. Please create them manually. CMS_LDAP_MAPPER_NOT_FOUND=Mapper not found {0} CMS_LDAP_PUBLISHER_NOT_FOUND=Publisher not found {0} CMS_LDAP_RULE_NOT_FOUND=Missing rule which links a publisher and mapper {0} ####################################################### # OCSP Store Plugins # # Servlets which display these messages # # None # ####################################################### CMS_OCSP_DEFSTORE_PROP_NOT_FOUND_GOOD=Return GOOD if the requested serial number was not found. CMS_OCSP_DEFSTORE_PROP_BY_NAME=Use the OCSP authority subject name as the responder ID or not. If false, the OCSP authority signing signing key hash will be used. CMS_OCSP_DEFSTORE_PROP_INCLUDE_NEXT_UPDATE=Include the next update of the CRL in the OCSP response. CMS_OCSP_DEFSTORE_DESC=Default OCSP Store where revocation information is stored CMS_OCSP_LDAPSTORE_PROP_NOT_FOUND_GOOD=Return GOOD if the requested serial number was not found. CMS_OCSP_LDAPSTORE_PROP_BY_NAME=Use the OCSP authority subject name as the responder ID or not. If false, the OCSP authority signing signing key hash will be used. CMS_OCSP_LDAPSTORE_PROP_INCLUDE_NEXT_UPDATE=Include the next update of the CRL in the OCSP response. CMS_OCSP_LDAPSTORE_PROP_NUM_CONNS=The total number of LDAP connections. CMS_OCSP_LDAPSTORE_PROP_CRL_ATTR=CRL attribute name. CMS_OCSP_LDAPSTORE_PROP_CA_CERT_ATTR=CA Certificate attribute name. CMS_OCSP_LDAPSTORE_DESC=LDAP-based OCSP store. The OCSP server makes a validation decision based upon the CRL information on the LDAP server. ####################################################### # Profile # # Servlets which display these messages # # ProfileAdminServlet # ProfileApproveServlet # ProfileProcessServlet # ProfileReviewServlet # ProfileSelectServlet # ProfileSubmitServlet # ####################################################### CMS_PROFILE_DUPLICATE_KEY=Public key duplication detected CMS_PROFILE_ENCODING_ERROR=Error in BER encoding CMS_PROFILE_REVOKE_DUPKEY_CERT=Revoke certificate with duplicate key CMS_PROFILE_CONFIG_ALLOW_SAME_KEY_RENEWAL=Allow renewal of certification with same keys CMS_PROFILE_CONFIG_KEY_USAGE_EXTENSION_CHECKING=Allow duplicate subject names with different key usage for agent approved requests CMS_PROFILE_INTERNAL_ERROR=Profile internal error: {0} CMS_PROFILE_DENY_OPERATION=Not authorized to do this operation. CMS_PROFILE_DELETE_ENABLEPROFILE=Cannot delete enabled profile: {0} CMS_PROFILE_INVALID_REQUEST=Invalid Request CMS_PROFILE_EMPTY_REQUEST_TYPE=Request type is not specified. Check your profile input. CMS_PROFILE_CREATE_POLICY_FAILED=Failed to create profile policy: {0} CMS_PROFILE_CREATE_INPUT_FAILED=Failed to create profile input: {0} CMS_PROFILE_CREATE_OUTPUT_FAILED=Failed to create profile output: {0} CMS_PROFILE_EMPTY_KEY=Key is missing in the request. Check your profile policy. CMS_PROFILE_POINT_TYPE=Point Type CMS_PROFILE_POINT_NAME=Point Name CMS_PROFILE_REASONS=Reasons CMS_PROFILE_ISSUER_TYPE=Issuer Type CMS_PROFILE_ISSUER_NAME=Issuer Name CMS_PROFILE_PERMITTED_MIN_VAL=Permitted Min Value CMS_PROFILE_PERMITTED_MAX_VAL=Permitted Max Value CMS_PROFILE_PERMITTED_NAME_CHOICE=Permitted Name Choice CMS_PROFILE_PERMITTED_NAME_VAL=Permitted Name Value CMS_PROFILE_EXCLUDED_MIN_VAL=Excluded Min Value CMS_PROFILE_EXCLUDED_MAX_VAL=Excluded Max Value CMS_PROFILE_EXCLUDED_NAME_CHOICE=Excluded Name Choice CMS_PROFILE_EXCLUDED_NAME_VAL=Excluded Name Value CMS_PROFILE_ENABLE=Enable CMS_PROFILE_ISSUER_DOMAIN_POLICY=Issuer Domain Policy CMS_PROFILE_SUBJECT_DOMAIN_POLICY=Subject Domain Policy CMS_PROFILE_DOMAINS=Domains CMS_PROFILE_REQUIRED_EXPLICIT_POLICY=Required Explicit Policy CMS_PROFILE_INHIBIT_POLICY_MAPPING=Inhibit Policy Mapping CMS_PROFILE_PERMITTED_SUBTREES=Permitted Subtrees CMS_PROFILE_EXCLUDED_SUBTREES=Excluded Subtrees CMS_PROFILE_COMMENT=Comment CMS_PROFILE_DURATION=Duration CMS_PROFILE_VERSION=Version CMS_PROFILE_PROPERTY_ERROR=Property Error - {0} CMS_PROFILE_NUM_ATTRS=Number of Attributes CMS_PROFILE_ATTR_NAME=Attribute Name CMS_PROFILE_ATTR_VALUE=Attribute Value CMS_PROFILE_SUBJDIR_ATTRS=Subject Directory Attributes CMS_PROFILE_SUBJDIR_EMPTY_ATTRNAME=Attribute name should not be empty CMS_PROFILE_SUBJDIR_EMPTY_ATTRVAL=Attribute value should not be empty CMS_PROFILE_CRL_DISTRIBUTION_POINTS=CRL Distribution Points CMS_PROFILE_REJECTED=Request Rejected - {0} CMS_PROFILE_DEFERRED=Request Deferred - {0} CMS_PROFILE_KEY_ID=Key ID CMS_PROFILE_NOT_OWNER=Not Profile Owner CMS_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND=Profile {0} Not Found CMS_PROFILE_SIGNING_ALGORITHM=Signing Algorithm CMS_PROFILE_SIGNING_ALGORITHM_LIST=Signing Algorithm List CMS_PROFILE_ISSUER_ALT_NAME_TYPE=Name Type CMS_PROFILE_ISSUER_ALT_NAME_PATTERN=Name Pattern CMS_PROFILE_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME_TYPE=Name Type CMS_PROFILE_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME_PATTERN=Name Pattern CMS_PROFILE_SKIP_CERTS=Skip Certificates CMS_PROFILE_GN_ENABLE=Enable CMS_PROFILE_POLICY_ID_NOT_FOUND=Profile ID Not Found CMS_PROFILE_NUM_ADS=Number of Access Descriptors CMS_PROFILE_AD_METHOD=Access Method CMS_PROFILE_AD_LOCATIONTYPE=Location Type CMS_PROFILE_AD_LOCATION=Location CMS_PROFILE_AD_ENABLE=Enable CMS_PROFILE_AD_METHOD_0=Access Method (0) CMS_PROFILE_AD_LOCATIONTYPE_0=Location Type (0) CMS_PROFILE_AD_LOCATION_0=Location (0) CMS_PROFILE_AD_METHOD_1=Access Method (1) CMS_PROFILE_AD_LOCATIONTYPE_1=Location Type (1) CMS_PROFILE_AD_LOCATION_1=Location (1) CMS_PROFILE_AD_METHOD_2=Access Method (2) CMS_PROFILE_AD_LOCATIONTYPE_2=Location Type (2) CMS_PROFILE_AD_LOCATION_2=Location (2) CMS_PROFILE_CRITICAL=Criticality CMS_PROFILE_INVALID_GENERAL_NAME=Invalid General Name CMS_PROFILE_GENERAL_NAME_NOT_FOUND=General Name Not Found CMS_PROFILE_GENERAL_NAMES=General Names CMS_PROFILE_VALIDITY_CHECK_NOT_BEFORE=Check Not Before against current time CMS_PROFILE_VALIDITY_CHECK_NOT_AFTER=Check Not After against Not Before CMS_PROFILE_VALIDITY_RANGE=Validity Range (in days) CMS_PROFILE_VALIDITY_START_TIME=Relative Start Time (in seconds) CMS_PROFILE_VALIDITY_OUT_OF_RANGE=Validity Out of Range {0} days CMS_PROFILE_INVALID_VALIDITY=Invalid Validity CMS_PROFILE_NOT_BEFORE_BEFORE_CURRENT=Not Before is earlier than current time CMS_PROFILE_NOT_AFTER_BEFORE_NOT_BEFORE=Not After is earlier than Not Before CMS_PROFILE_TOKENKEY_LDAP_ENABLE=Enable/Disable ldap data feed CMS_PROFILE_TOKENKEY_LDAP_SEARCH_NAME=LDAP attribute name used for searching CMS_PROFILE_TOKENKEY_LDAP_STRING_ATTRS=LDAP String Attributes to be retrieved CMS_PROFILE_TOKENKEY_LDAP_MIN_CONN=LDAP Minimum Number Connections CMS_PROFILE_TOKENKEY_LDAP_MAX_CONN=LDAP Maximum Number Connections CMS_PROFILE_TOKENKEY_LDAP_HOST_NAME=Host Name CMS_PROFILE_TOKENKEY_LDAP_PORT_NUMBER=Port Number CMS_PROFILE_TOKENKEY_LDAP_VERSION=LDAP Version CMS_PROFILE_TOKENKEY_LDAP_BASEDN=BaseDN CMS_PROFILE_TOKENKEY_LDAP_SECURE_CONN=Secure Connection CMS_PROFILE_SUBJECT_NAME=Subject Name CMS_PROFILE_SUBJECT_NAME_PATTERN=Subject Name Pattern CMS_PROFILE_INVALID_SUBJECT_NAME=Invalid Subject Name {0} CMS_PROFILE_SUBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND=Subject Name Not Found CMS_PROFILE_SUBJECT_NAME_NOT_MATCHED=Subject Name Not Matched {0} CMS_PROFILE_SUBJECT_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE=Subject Name Not Unique {0} CMS_PROFILE_SIGNING_ALGORITHMS_ALLOWED=Allowed Signing Algorithms CMS_PROFILE_SIGNING_ALGORITHM_NOT_MATCHED=Signing Algorithm Not Matched {0} CMS_PROFILE_SIGNING_ALGORITHM_NOT_FOUND=Signing Algorithm Not Found CMS_PROFILE_OIDS=Comma-Separated list of Object Identifiers CMS_PROFILE_SSL_CLIENT=SSL Client CMS_PROFILE_SSL_SERVER=SSL Server CMS_PROFILE_EMAIL=Email CMS_PROFILE_OBJECT_SIGNING=Object Signing CMS_PROFILE_SSL_CA=SSL CA CMS_PROFILE_EMAIL_CA=Email CA CMS_PROFILE_OBJECT_SIGNING_CA=Object Signing CA CMS_PROFILE_SSL_CLIENT_NOT_MATCHED=SSL Client Not Matched {0} CMS_PROFILE_SSL_SERVER_NOT_MATCHED=SSL Server Not Matched {0} CMS_PROFILE_EMAIL_NOT_MATCHED=Email Not Matched {0} CMS_PROFILE_OBJECT_SIGNING_NOT_MATCHED=Object Signing Not Matched {0} CMS_PROFILE_SSL_CA_NOT_MATCHED=SSL CA Not Matched {0} CMS_PROFILE_EMAIL_CA_NOT_MATCHED=Email CA Not Matched {0} CMS_PROFILE_OBJECT_SIGNING_CA_NOT_MATCHED=Object Signing CA Not Matched {0} CMS_PROFILE_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE=Digital Signature CMS_PROFILE_NON_REPUDIATION=Non-Repudiation CMS_PROFILE_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT=Key Encipherment CMS_PROFILE_DATA_ENCIPHERMENT=Data Encipherment CMS_PROFILE_KEY_AGREEMENT=Key Agreement CMS_PROFILE_KEY_CERTSIGN=Key CertSign CMS_PROFILE_CRL_SIGN=CRL Sign CMS_PROFILE_ENCIPHER_ONLY=Encipher Only CMS_PROFILE_DECIPHER_ONLY=Decipher Only CMS_PROFILE_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_NOT_MATCHED=Digital Signature Not Matched {0} CMS_PROFILE_NON_REPUDIATION_NOT_MATCHED=Non-Repudiation Not Matched {0} CMS_PROFILE_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT_NOT_MATCHED=Key Encipherment Not Matched {0} CMS_PROFILE_DATA_ENCIPHERMENT_NOT_MATCHED=Data Encipherment Not Matched {0} CMS_PROFILE_KEY_AGREEMENT_NOT_MATCHED=Key Agreement Not Matched {0} CMS_PROFILE_KEY_CERTSIGN_NOT_MATCHED=Key CertSign Not Matched {0} CMS_PROFILE_CRL_SIGN_NOT_MATCHED=CRL Sign Not Matched {0} CMS_PROFILE_ENCIPHER_ONLY_NOT_MATCHED=Encipher Only Not Matched {0} CMS_PROFILE_DECIPHER_ONLY_NOT_MATCHED=Decipher Only Not Matched {0} CMS_PROFILE_OID=Object Identifier CMS_PROFILE_EXT_VALUE=Extension Value CMS_PROFILE_KEY=Key CMS_PROFILE_KEY_LEN=Key Length CMS_PROFILE_KEY_TYPE=Key Type CMS_PROFILE_KEY_MIN_LEN=Min Key Length CMS_PROFILE_KEY_MAX_LEN=Max Key Length CMS_PROFILE_IS_CA=Is CA CMS_PROFILE_PATH_LEN=Path Length CMS_PROFILE_MIN_PATH_LEN=Min Path Length CMS_PROFILE_MAX_PATH_LEN=Max Path Length CMS_PROFILE_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND=Extension {0} Not Found CMS_PROFILE_VALIDITY_NOT_FOUND=Validity Not Found CMS_PROFILE_KEY_NOT_FOUND=Key Not Found CMS_PROFILE_NOT_BEFORE=Not Before CMS_PROFILE_NOT_AFTER=Not After CMS_PROFILE_NO_POLICY_SET_FOUND=Policy Set Not Found CMS_PROFILE_INVALID_NOT_BEFORE=Not Before Invalid CMS_PROFILE_INVALID_NOT_AFTER=Not After Invalid CMS_PROFILE_INVALID_KEY_TYPE=Invalid Key Type {0} CMS_PROFILE_KEY_TYPE_NOT_MATCHED=Key Type {0} Not Matched CMS_PROFILE_KEY_MIN_LEN_NOT_MATCHED=Key Min Length {0} Not Matched CMS_PROFILE_KEY_MAX_LEN_NOT_MATCHED=Key Max Length {0} Not Matched CMS_PROFILE_OID_NOT_MATCHED=OID {0} Not Matched CMS_PROFILE_CRITICAL_NOT_MATCHED=Criticality Not Matched CMS_PROFILE_CONSTRAINT_NO_CONSTRAINT=No Constraint CMS_PROFILE_CONSTRAINT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS_EXT_TEXT=This constraint accepts the Basic Constraint extension, if present, only when Criticality={0}, Is CA={1}, Min Path Length={2}, Max Path Length={3} CMS_PROFILE_CONSTRAINT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS_EXT_IS_CA=Is CA Not Matched CMS_PROFILE_CONSTRAINT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS_EXT_MIN_PATH=Min Path Length not matched CMS_PROFILE_CONSTRAINT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS_EXT_MAX_PATH=Max Path Length not matched CMS_PROFILE_CONSTRAINT_CA_VALIDITY_CONSTRAINT_TEXT=This constraint rejects the validity that is not between {0} (now) and {1} (Certificate Authority's notAfter) CMS_PROFILE_CONSTRAINT_EXTENDED_KEY_EXT_TEXT=This constraint accepts the Extended Key Usage extension, if present, only when Criticality={0}, OIDs={1} CMS_PROFILE_CONSTRAINT_EXTENSION_TEXT=This constraint accepts the extension only when Criticality={0}, OID={1} CMS_PROFILE_CONSTRAINT_KEY_TEXT=This constraint accepts the key only if Key Type={0}, Key Min Length={1}, Key Max Length={2} CMS_PROFILE_CONSTRAINT_ALLOW_SAME_KEY_RENEWAL_TEXT = This constraint allows certificate requests with same keys when key uniqueness is enforced CMS_PROFILE_CONSTRAINT_KEY_USAGE_EXT_TEXT=This constraint accepts the Key Usage extension, if present, only when Criticality={0}, Digital Signature={1}, Non-Repudiation={2}, Key Encipherment={3}, Data Encipherment={4}, Key Agreement={5}, Key Certificate Sign={6}, Key CRL Sign={7}, Encipher Only={8}, Decipher Only={9} CMS_PROFILE_CONSTRAINT_NS_CERT_EXT_TEXT=This constraint accepts the NS Certificate Type extension, if present, only when Criticality={0}, SSL Client={1}, SSL Server={2}, Email={3}, Object Signing={4}, SSL CA={5}, Email CA={6}, Object Signing CA={7} CMS_PROFILE_CONSTRAINT_NO_CONSTRAINT_TEXT=No Constraint CMS_PROFILE_CONSTRAINT_SIGNING_ALG_TEXT=This constraint accepts only the Signing Algorithms of {0} CMS_PROFILE_CONSTRAINT_SUBJECT_NAME_TEXT=This constraint accepts the subject name that matches {0} CMS_PROFILE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE_SUBJECT_NAME_TEXT=This constraint accepts unique subject name only CMS_PROFILE_CONSTRAINT_VALIDITY_TEXT=This constraint rejects the validity that is not between {0} days CMS_PROFILE_DEF_SIA_TEXT=This default populates a Subject Info Access Extension ( to the request. The default values are Criticality={0}, {1} CMS_PROFILE_DEF_AIA_TEXT=This default populates a Authority Info Access Extension ( to the request. The default values are Criticality={0}, {1} CMS_PROFILE_DEF_IMAGE=This default populates the image from the user. CMS_PROFILE_DEF_AUTHTOKEN_SUBJECT_NAME=This default populates the authenticated name in the authentication token to the Certificate Subject Name of the request. CMS_PROFILE_DEF_AKI_EXT=This default populates an Authority Key Identifier Extension ( to the request. CMS_PROFILE_DEF_SIA_OID=Invalid input parameter for method: {0}. The value should be in OID format, for OCSP and for CA Issuers CMS_PROFILE_DEF_AIA_OID=Invalid input parameter for method: {0}. The value should be in OID format, for OCSP and for CA Issuers CMS_PROFILE_DEF_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS_EXT=This default populates a Basic Constraints Extension ( to the request. The default values are Criticality={0}, Is CA={1}, Path Length={2} CMS_PROFILE_DEF_FRESHEST_CRL_EXT=This default populates a Freshest CRL Extension ( to the request. The default values are Criticality={0}, {1} CMS_PROFILE_DEF_CRL_DIST_POINTS_EXT=This default populates a CRL Distribution Points Extension ( to the request. The default values are Criticality={0}, {1} CMS_PROFILE_DEF_SUBJECT_DIR_ATTR_EXT=This default populates a Subject Directory Attributes Extension () to the request. The default values are Criticality={0}, {1} CMS_PROFILE_DEF_EXTENDED_KEY_EXT=This default populates an Extended Key Usage Extension () to the request. The default values are Criticality={0}, OIDs={1} CMS_PROFILE_DEF_KEY_USAGE_EXT=This default populates a Key Usage Extension ( to the request. The default values are Criticality={0}, Digital Signature={1}, Non-Repudiation={2}, Key Encipherment={3}, Data Encipherment={4}, Key Agreement={5}, Key Certificate Sign={6}, Key CRL Sign={7}, Encipher Only={8}, Decipher Only={9} CMS_PROFILE_DEF_PRIVATE_KEY_EXT=This default populates a Private Key Usage Period Extension ( to the request. The default values are Criticality={0}, Start Time={1}, Duration={2} CMS_PROFILE_DEF_GENERIC_EXT=This default populates a Generic Extension to the request. The default values are Criticality={0}, OID={1}, Value={2} CMS_PROFILE_DEF_NS_COMMENT_EXT=This default populates a Netscape Comment Extension (2.16.840.1.113730.1.13) to the request. The default values are Criticality={0}, Comment={1} CMS_PROFILE_DEF_CERT_VERSION=This default populates a Certificate Version to the request. The default value is Version={0} CMS_PROFILE_DEF_NS_CERT_TYPE_EXT=This default populates a Netscape Certificate Type Extension (2.16.840.1.113730.1.1) to the request. The default values are Criticality={0}, SSL Client={1}, SSL Server={2}, Email={3}, Object Signing={4}, SSL CA={5}, Email CA={6}, Object Signing CA={7} CMS_PROFILE_DEF_NAME_CONSTRAINTS_EXT=This default populates a Name Constraints Extension ( to the request. The default values are Criticality={0}, {1} CMS_PROFILE_DEF_NO_DEFAULT=No Default CMS_PROFILE_DEF_OCSP_NO_CHECK_EXT=This default populates an OCSP No Check Extension ( to the request. The default values are Criticality={0} CMS_PROFILE_DEF_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS_EXT=This default populates a Policy Constraints Extension () to the request. The default values are Criticality={0}, Required Explicit Policy={1}, Inhibit Policy Mapping={2} CMS_PROFILE_DEF_CERTIFICATE_POLICIES_EXT=This default populates a Certificate Policies Extension to the request. The default values are Criticality={0}, {1} CMS_PROFILE_DEF_POLICY_MAPPINGS_EXT=This default populates a Policy Mappings Extension () to the request. The default values are Criticality={0}, {1} CMS_PROFILE_DEF_SIGNING_ALGORITHM=This default populates the Certificate Signing Algorithm. The default values are Algorithm={0} CMS_PROFILE_DEF_ISSUER_ALT_NAME_EXT=This default populates a Issuer Alternative Name Extension ( to the request. The default values are Criticality={0}, Pattern={1}, Pattern Type={2} CMS_PROFILE_DEF_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME_EXT=This default populates a Subject Alternative Name Extension ( to the request. The default values are Criticality={0}, {1} CMS_PROFILE_DEF_SUBJECT_KEY_ID_EXT=This default populates a Subject Key Identifier Extension ( to the request. CMS_PROFILE_AUTO_ASSIGN=Agent UID CMS_PROFILE_DEF_AUTO_ASSIGN=This default assigns this request to Agent={0} automatically CMS_PROFILE_DEF_SUBJECT_NAME=This default populates a Certificate Subject Name to the request. The default values are Subject Name={0} CMS_PROFILE_DEF_INHIBIT_ANY_POLICY_EXT=This default populates an Inhibit Any-Policy Extension ( to the request. The default values are Critically={0}, {1} CMS_PROFILE_INHIBIT_ANY_POLICY_WRONG_SKIP_CERTS=The value for skipped certificates must be an integer. CMS_PROFILE_DEF_USER_EXT=This default populates a User-Supplied Extension ({0}) to the request. CMS_PROFILE_DEF_USER_KEY=This default populates a User-Supplied Certificate Key to the request. CMS_PROFILE_DEF_USER_SIGNING_ALGORITHM=This default populates a User-Supplied Certificate Signing Algorithm to the request. CMS_PROFILE_DEF_USER_SUBJECT_NAME=This default populates a User-Supplied Certificate Subject Name to the request. CMS_PROFILE_DEF_USER_VALIDITY=This default populates a User-Supplied Certificate Validity to the request. CMS_PROFILE_DEF_VALIDITY=This default populates a Certificate Validity to the request. The default values are Range={0} in days CMS_PROFILE_CERTIFICATE_POLICIES_ID=Certificate Policies ID CMS_PROFILE_CERTIFICATE_POLICY_ENABLE=True if this certificate policy qualifier is enabled; false otherwise CMS_PROFILE_POLICY_ID=Policy ID CMS_PROFILE_POLICY_QUALIFIER_CPSURI_ENABLE=True if this certificate policy qualifier type is CPSuri; false otherwise CMS_PROFILE_POLICY_QUALIFIER_USERNOTICE_ENABLE=True if this certificate policy qualifier type is UserNotice; false otherwise CMS_PROFILE_POLICY_USERNOTICE_REF_ORG=Organization for notice reference CMS_PROFILE_POLICY_USERNOTICE_REF_NUMBERS=Notice numbers for notice reference CMS_PROFILE_POLICY_USERNOTICE_EXPLICIT_TEXT=Explicit Text for user notice CMS_PROFILE_POLICY_CPSURI=CPSUri CMS_PROFILE_POLICY_QUALIFIERS=Certificate Policy Qualifier CMS_PROFILE_POLICY_QUALIFIER_NUM=Number of Certificate Policy Qualifiers CMS_PROFILE_CERTIFICATE_POLICIES_POLICYID_ERROR=Wrong format policy ID: {0} CMS_PROFILE_CERTIFICATE_POLICIES_EMPTY_POLICYID=Empty certificate policies ID CMS_PROFILE_CERTIFICATE_POLICIES_EMPTY_CPSURI=Empty CPSuri ####################################################### # Profile Inputs and outputs # The same servlets as last section display these messages # ####################################################### CMS_PROFILE_REQUESTOR_NAME=Requestor Name CMS_PROFILE_REQUESTOR_EMAIL=Requestor Email CMS_PROFILE_REQUESTOR_PHONE=Requestor Phone CMS_PROFILE_SN_UID=UID CMS_PROFILE_SN_EMAIL=Email CMS_PROFILE_SN_CN=Common Name CMS_PROFILE_SN_OU=Organizational Unit CMS_PROFILE_SN_O=Organization CMS_PROFILE_SN_C=Country CMS_PROFILE_NO_CERT_REQ=Certificate Request Not Found CMS_PROFILE_UNKNOWN_SEQ_NUM=Unknown Sequence Number CMS_PROFILE_UNKNOWN_CERT_REQ_TYPE=Unknown Certificate Request Type {0} CMS_PROFILE_FILE_NOT_FOUND=Cannot locate file CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_CERT_REQ_TYPE=Certificate Request Type CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_CERT_REQ=Certificate Request CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_KEYGEN_REQ=Key Generation Request CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_KEYGEN_REQ_TYPE=Key Generation Request Type CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_FILE_SIGNING_NAME=File Signing Input CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_FILE_SIGNING_TEXT=File Signing Input CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_FILE_SIGNING_URL=URL Of File Being Signed CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_FILE_SIGNING_TEXT=Text Being Signed CMS_PROFILE_IMAGE=Image CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_IMAGE_NAME=Image CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_IMAGE_TEXT=Image CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_IMAGE_URL=Image URL CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_SUBMITTER_NAME=Requestor Information CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_SUBMITTER_TEXT=Requestor Information CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_GENERIC_NAME_NAME=Generic Input CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_GENERIC_NAME_TEXT=Generic Input CMS_PROFILE_GI_PARAM_NAME=Parameter Name CMS_PROFILE_GI_SYNTAX=Syntax CMS_PROFILE_GI_DISPLAY_NAME=Display Name CMS_PROFILE_GI_ENABLE=Enable CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_SUBJECT_NAME_NAME=Subject Name CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_SUBJECT_NAME_TEXT=Subject Name CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_KEY_GEN_NAME=Key Generation CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_KEY_GEN_TEXT=Key Generation CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_DUAL_KEY_NAME=Dual Key Generation CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_DUAL_KEY_TEXT=Dual Key Generation CMS_PROFILE_UPDATER_SUBSYSTEM_NAME=Updater for Subsystem Group CMS_PROFILE_UPDATER_SUBSYSTEM_TEXT=Updater for Subsystem Group CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_CERT_REQ_NAME=Certificate Request Input CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_CERT_REQ_TEXT=Certificate Request Input CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_TOKENKEY_CERT_REQ_NAME=Token Key Certificate Request Input CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_TOKENKEY_CERT_REQ_TEXT=Token Key Certificate Request Input CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_TOKENKEY_CERT_REQ_UID=Token Key User ID CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_TOKENKEY_CERT_REQ_PK=Token Key User Public Key CMS_PROFILE_INPUT_TOKENKEY_CERT_REQ_TOKEN_CUID=Token Key CUID CMS_PROFILE_TOKENKEY_NO_TOKENCUID=Missing valid token CUID CMS_PROFILE_TOKENKEY_NO_ID=Token Key input ID not found CMS_PROFILE_TOKENKEY_NO_PUBLIC_KEY=Token Key input publickey not found CMS_PROFILE_OUTPUT_CERT_TOKENKEY_NAME=Token Key Certificate Output CMS_PROFILE_OUTPUT_CERT_TOKENKEY_TEXT=Token Key Certificate Output CMS_PROFILE_OUTPUT_CERT_NAME=Certificate Output CMS_PROFILE_OUTPUT_FINGER_PRINTS=Finger Prints CMS_PROFILE_OUTPUT_CERT_TEXT=Certificate Output CMS_PROFILE_OUTPUT_CERT_PP=Certificate Pretty Print CMS_PROFILE_OUTPUT_CERT_B64=Certificate Base-64 Encoded CMS_PROFILE_OUTPUT_CMMF_B64=CMMF Base-64 Encoded CMS_PROFILE_OUTPUT_PKCS7_B64=PKCS #7 Base-64 Encoded CMS_PROFILE_OUTPUT_DER_B64=DER Base 64 Encoded ####################################################### # Self Tests # # Servlets which display these messages # # None # ####################################################### CMS_SELFTESTS_CA_PRESENCE_DESCRIPTION=This self test is used to check whether or not the CA is present. CMS_SELFTESTS_CA_VALIDITY_DESCRIPTION=This self test is used to check whether or not the CA is valid. CMS_SELFTESTS_OCSP_PRESENCE_DESCRIPTION=This self test is used to check whether or not the OCSP is present. CMS_SELFTESTS_OCSP_VALIDITY_DESCRIPTION=This self test is used to check whether or not the OCSP is valid. CMS_SELFTESTS_RA_PRESENCE_DESCRIPTION=This self test is used to check whether or not the RA is present. CMS_SELFTESTS_KRA_PRESENCE_DESCRIPTION=This self test is used to check whether or not the KRA is present. ####################################################### # ACL # # Servlets which display these messages # # ACLAdminServlet # ####################################################### CMS_ACL_NULL_VALUE={0} value can not be null CMS_ACL_PARSING_ERROR=ACL parsing error for {0}: {1} CMS_ACL_CLASS_LOAD_FAIL=Failed to load class: {0} CMS_ACL_PERMISSION_DENIED=Permission denied CMS_ACL_NO_PERMISSION={0} does not have permission to {1} CMS_ACL_PARSING_ERROR_0=Failed to parse ACLs CMS_ACL_UPDATE_FAIL=Failed to update ACLs. CMS_ACL_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED=ACL method not implemented CMS_ACL_CONNECT_LDAP_FAIL=Failed to connect LDAP server: {0} CMS_ACL_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND=ACLs resource not found CMS_ACL_ILL_CLASS=Class must extend IAccessEvaluator CMS_ACL_COMMIT_FAIL=Failed to save changes to the configuration file CMS_ACL_INST_CLASS_FAIL=Failed to instantiate class CMS_ACL_EVAL_NOT_FOUND=Evaluator not found ####################################################### # User/group # # Servlets which display these messages # # UserGrpAdminServlet # ####################################################### CMS_USRGRP_USER_NOT_FOUND=User not found CMS_USRGRP_ADD_USER_FAIL=Failed to add user CMS_USRGRP_ADD_USER_FAIL_NO_UID=Failed to add user: UID required CMS_USRGRP_MOD_USER_FAIL=Failed to modify user CMS_USRGRP_CERT_NOT_FOUND=Certificate not found CMS_USRGRP_REMOVE_USER_FAIL=Failed to remove user CMS_USRGRP_ADD_GROUP_FAIL=Failed to add group CMS_USRGRP_REMOVE_GROUP_FAIL=Failed to remove group CMS_USRGRP_ILL_GRP_MOD=Certificate Server administrators group must not be empty CMS_USRGRP_MOD_GROUP_FAIL=Failed to modify group CMS_USRGRP_USR_CERT_ERROR=User certificate related error ####################################################### # # DBSubsystem # ####################################################### CMS_DB_ADD_ATTRIBUTE_FAILED=Failed to add attribute. CMS_DB_ADD_OBJECTCLASS_FAILED=Failed to add objectclass.