Import Keys and Certificates

To setup a cloned subsystem, the master subsystem's keys and certificates (with the exception of the SSL server key and certificate) need to be imported. For a software token, all of these keys and certificates are stored in a single file in the PKCS #12 format which is protected by the password provided during the creation of this file. To import this PKCS #12 file, first copy the PKCS #12 file to the alias directory for the cloned subsystem. Then enter an appropriate filename and password in the form specified below.

If these keys and certificates are stored in a hardware token, the hardware token vendor needs to be consulted for information on how to import them.

For keys and certificates stored in an external software token, please refer to the Dogtag documentation for instructions.

By default, if the path is left blank, no PKCS #12 file will be imported.
#if ($errorString != "")  $errorString #end
PKCS #12 filename:
PKCS #12 Password: