Two lists of security modules are provided below. The Supported Security Modules list consists of both software-based and hardware-based security modules that this PKI solution supports, while the Other Security Modules list consists of any other security modules found by this PKI subsystem that are not recognized as one of the supported security modules. [Details]

Supported Security Modules

#foreach ($module in $sms) #foreach ($token in $module.getTokens()) #end #end
Module/Token Status Default Operations

#if ($module.isFound()) Found #else Not Found #end
- $token.getNickName() #if ($token.isPresent() && $token.isLoggedIn()) Logged In #else Not logged In #end #if ($token.isPresent() && $token.isLoggedIn()) #if ($defTok == $token.getNickName()) #else #end #end #if ($token.isPresent() && !$token.isLoggedIn()) Login #end

Other Security Modules

The security modules listed below are modules found by the server but not recognized as one of the supported modules. If the user believes that any listed modules below should have been supported, please check the "CS.cfg" configuration file to see if there is a name mismatch and adjust this accordingly.

#foreach ($module in $oms) #foreach ($token in $module.getTokens()) #end #end
Module/Token Status Default Operations
$module.getUserFriendlyName() #if ($module.isFound()) Found #else Not Found #end
- $token.getNickName() #if ($token.isPresent() && $token.isLoggedIn()) Logged In #else Not logged In #end #if ($defTok == $token.getNickName()) #else #end #if ($token.isPresent() && !$token.isLoggedIn()) Login #end